How to restore hair after stress in women

Hair loss due to stress

Stress is an integral part of the life of any person. Everyone, sooner or later, finds themselves in a stressful situation. In both men and women, stress can cause severe hair loss. Moreover, this loss can be associated either simply with stress, a strong short-term experience, or with a disruption of metabolic processes in the body, which occurs due to long-term experiences. In this case, both partial and complete alopecia may occur.

Why can stress cause hair loss? How to cope with this problem, stop hair loss before it leads to complete baldness? How to treat weak hair? This article aims to answer these and many other questions.


It is very simple to understand that alopecia began due to stress.
There will be a lot of hair left on your comb or in the bathroom after washing your hair. Remember! The norm is when up to 100 hairs fall out during the day. When they come out in bunches under any mechanical influence, we can talk about a problem.

Note! Some people may develop trichotillomania due to stress. This is a neuralgic disease, the symptom of which is a constant desire to tear out one's own hair. Only a specialist psychologist can cope with it.

Stress and hair loss

More than 90% of patients suffering from hair loss and scalp diseases have psychological disorders of varying severity. However, the severity of psycho-emotional problems with the severity of hair loss usually does not have a direct relationship; often patients who are convinced that they may go bald do not have pronounced signs of hair thinning. The subjectivity of assessing one’s own hair condition and the intensity of hair loss is very high.

The role of stress on hair loss can be realized in two ways: on the one hand, the stress factor suffered, chronic depression, and prolonged neurotic conditions are in themselves a valid and sufficient cause of hair loss. On the other hand, increased emphasis on the fact of hair loss, the fear of losing the “last” hair is a reason that aggravates the course of the underlying disease (androgenetic alopecia, alopecia areata). There are known forms of chronic diffuse hair loss, when the main cause of long-term hair loss is the patient’s experience of the loss itself. The girl suffered from an illness accompanied by a high fever. After 3 months, she notices a sudden onset and intense hair loss - we are talking about reactive alopecia, a hair reaction to a fever, which begins, based on the duration of the hair loss stage, after 3 months. But since the causative factor was short-term, the loss would have ended after 2-3 months, when the hairs that had prematurely stopped the growth stage simply fell asleep, left the head, and a new generation grew up in their place. However, the patient, having long forgotten about the temperature she suffered, or generally not connecting hair loss with this factor, constantly sees hair falling out - they remain in huge tufts on the comb, clog the mesh of the bathroom, remain on the pillow, and this continues day after day, and, without knowing about the limited time of the process and the high probability of complete hair restoration after the loss stops, begins to panic, suspecting that this is the beginning of baldness.

The degree of worry about their hair can be so high that women stop combing their hair, carefully wash their hair (trying to do this as rarely as possible), fearing that they will disturb these loose, weak hairs.

But in reality, such a gentle attitude towards your own hair is not beneficial; you still have to wash your hair (at least once a week), and during this wash all the hair that has not fallen out during the week falls out - a large amount of “accumulated”, “dead” hair. During one such wash, up to 800-900 hairs can fall out, and theoretically even more. How can a woman feel who feels like she has washed half her hair? Stress is already a rather mild word to describe the sensations. And this situation repeats itself from week to week, forming a chronic neurosis. And it is precisely psycho-emotional disorders that begin to “manage” the loss; protracted hair loss forms, which is no longer associated with the temperature once suffered, but with worries about the loss itself.

This is just one example of the interaction between the nervous system and hair loss.

Stress also aggravates hair loss in androgenetic alopecia, the most common cause of hair thinning in women and men.

Although the main mechanism for the occurrence of androgenetic alopecia is the interaction of androgens and the hair follicle, nevertheless, psycho-emotional disorders occupy a special place in the course of this problem. Increased emphasis on the fact of hair loss, fear of losing the “last” hair in an already existing process are factors that aggravate hair loss in androgenetic alopecia, and often reduce the effectiveness of the treatment. In addition, there are often cases when the debut of androgenetic alopecia occurred after a prolonged and severe stressful situation.

The nervous system is inextricably linked with the hormonal system. Under stress, a large number of neuropeptides (biologically active substances) are released, the key of which is substance P; these regulatory molecules contribute to the premature completion of the hair growth stage and the entry of the follicle into the hair loss stage. In addition, adrenaline and norepinephrine are released, the hypothalamus, pituitary gland and adrenal glands are activated with the release of stress hormones - ACTH, prolactin, glucocorticoids, which in turn leads to an increase in the level of free testosterone (male hormone).

The mechanism of loss due to stress tension

Hair loss caused by nervousness can be stopped. The main thing is to notice the symptoms in time.

Hair falls out due to stress, what to do about it and how to treat it? First of all, determine whether this condition is chronic or a one-time short-term emotional outburst. After short-term emotional turmoil, treatment for hair loss comes down to:

  • restoration of emotional balance;
  • avoiding stressful situations;
  • maintaining a healthy lifestyle;
  • hair restoration.

Excellent products that restore the former beauty and strength of hair are:

  • shampoos and serums that activate the follicles;
  • masks (for example, mustard-based);
  • rinses (based on herbal decoctions, lemon juice, apple cider vinegar, whey).

Hair loss caused by stress over a long period of time is much more difficult to stop. Home remedies will not help here or will only play a supporting role. It is necessary to contact trichologists who can determine the nature of stress and find a solution to the problem.

Doctors act according to the following algorithm:

  1. The patient is interviewed to determine the causes of hair loss. Find out the following information:
  • working conditions;
  • rest mode;
  • general emotional state (presence of stress);
  • the presence or absence of bad habits;
  • presence or absence of chronic diseases;
  • diet;
  • basic hair care methods;
  • the presence of blood relatives with similar problems or with diagnosed alopecia.
  1. An initial examination is carried out to exclude dermatological diseases, fungus and to understand the level of intensity of hair loss;
  2. Tests are prescribed to determine the state of the main functional systems of the body. Most often it is recommended to undergo tests such as:
  • general blood analysis;
  • blood tests to detect the presence or absence of infections;
  • blood chemistry;
  • analysis of thyroid hormone levels;
  • general analysis of hormones.

A hair structure analysis and a general scalp biopsy may also be ordered. But this is only in extreme cases.

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Treatment directly depends on the results of the data obtained. Doctors can:

  • carry out or prescribe anti-stress measures (restructure the work-rest schedule; prohibit the consumption of alcohol, nicotine, prescribe a diet, antidepressants or sedatives for nerves);
  • prescribe specialized treatment or send to a specialist;
  • prescribe vitamins (first of all, regulate the system of taking vitamins A, B, C, as well as microelements: selenium, zinc, magnesium; one of the best vitamin complexes is Pantovigar);
  • prescribe procedures (you may have to do several sessions of cryotherapy, vacuum treatment of the scalp, massages);
  • It is recommended to consult a psychologist if you are unable to cope with severe nervous tension on your own.

Hair treatment: cryotherapy
For some women, doctors may recommend changing their haircut or getting a shorter hairstyle. This is a very correct recommendation. Hair will spend less energy on restoration and more on new growth.

Hair loss due to stress can be caused by the following types of stress:

  • short-term experience with strong emotional fright;
  • long-term debilitating stress.

Any strong impact on an emotional level affects the hair roots. When there is excitement, fright, or fear, the muscle that holds the root in the follicle contracts. As a result of squeezing, the hair is damaged and cannot be held in place. If you managed to overcome a stressful situation, then after getting out of the crisis you can restore the structure of the hair follicle.

Hair loss due to stress that continues for a long time leads to more unpleasant consequences. Chronic stress becomes a source of inhibition of most physiological processes, including digestion. The body stops receiving essential minerals and nutrients.

Chronic stress does not immediately affect the condition of the hair. The fading of the hair follicle occurs gradually, sometimes the period can take several months. How can you tell if your hair is falling out due to stress?

  1. The initial stage – nervousness and irritation lead to hormonal imbalance.
  2. An imbalance in the body affects the functioning of the hair follicles and damages the shaft. As a result, the hair becomes weak, grows poorly, breaks, splits, and loses its shine.
  3. Final suppression of the hair follicle. The result is hair loss and the inability to reproduce new hair elements.

At the first signs of loss, it is necessary to seek psychological and neurological help. After consultation, a trichologist is involved in the treatment.

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What to do

There is no absolute cure for follicular sensitivity. The best ways to combat stress-related hair loss are through preventive measures. Psychological counseling, the least invasive approach to psychosocial intervention, is considered the best and safest treatment. Helps reduce stress levels:

  • massage and meditation;
  • moderate exercise, Pilates;
  • aromatherapy;
  • sleep and a healthy balanced diet.

Consider alternative treatment options: acupuncture or herbal remedies.

Replacement therapy can also be initiated to identify collagen defects (iron, zinc, estradiol, proteins). Adequate food intake and oral administration of ferrous sulfate, 300 mg 3-4 times a day for 3-6 months are effective.

The important point is that people often don't take care of themselves properly. Poor nutrition, including vitamin imbalances, iron deficiency, insufficient protein and calorie intake, is the main cause of hair loss in women.

Stress affects the digestion and absorption of vital nutrients, reducing their effectiveness. In addition, it affects the immune system, accordingly making the body more susceptible to disease.

Reason for loss

Hair loss due to short-term stress is associated primarily with the structure of the hair and the body’s natural reaction to stress.

The structure of the hair and the action of the involuntary muscle

Under short-term stress, the hair shaft rises due to the action of an involuntary muscle. With a sharp contraction of this muscle, the follicle is compressed and damages the hair root. It may crack or break, and then, naturally, fall out. And even if it does not fall out immediately or within several hours, the process of normal nutrition of the hair is still disrupted. The hair weakens, becomes dull, becomes brittle and not alive.

Note! If the hair falls out immediately, then that’s even good. Otherwise, due to the damaged hair follicle, the hair continues to remain weak, preventing new ones from growing freely.

With prolonged stress, hair loss occurs due to inhibition of leading physiological processes: digestion, blood circulation, endocrine metabolism and others. The body does not receive the vitamins and minerals it needs, the hair follicles do not receive the required amount of blood, and the hair follicles suffer from a lack of estrogen. As a result of all this, the hair weakens, becomes dull, begins to break and fall out.

Note! With prolonged nervous overload, an imbalance of hormones is observed. This can lead to complete baldness.

It is very difficult to restore hair after stress that has a long history. It is necessary to first eliminate disturbances in the functioning of the internal systems of the body, and then begin hair restoration.

The mechanism of the effect of a stressful situation on hair

Psycho-emotional stress does alter the actual cycle of the hair follicle, in other words, it prematurely stops the normal duration of active hair growth.

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The hair follicle is an appendage of the skin that exhibits cyclic activity in the postnatal period of life with periods of:

  • active growth and formation of hair (anagen);
  • rapid involution with apoptosis (catagen);
  • relative rest (telogen).

The anagen phase can last from 2 to 8 years, the catagen phase lasts from 4 to 6 weeks, and the telogen phase lasts from 2 to 3 months. In a normal scalp, 90-95% of hair follicles are in the anagen phase, the rest (5-10%) in the telogen phase with about 100-150 hairs lost daily.

Only a few follicles are in the transition or catagen phase. The biological clock that determines the end of anagen and the beginning of catagen/telogen is a complex phenomenon (with an investigated molecular basis).

Metabolic changes (pregnancy, malnutrition and other stressful conditions) can affect the biological clock in hair follicles, and it is possible that an abnormally large number of hair follicles enter the telogen phase at the same time.

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One of the main reasons is that stress increases the production of adrenaline in the body. It is converted to cholesterol, which can increase testosterone levels. This male hormone (androgen) has consequences for hair growth, often causing hair loss or thinning in people with follicles sensitive to circulating levels.

Three types of stress-related hair loss:

  1. Telogen effluvia (telogen effluvium (hair bud alopecia);
  2. Alopecia areata;
  3. Trichotillomania.

Telogen effluvium occurs due to sudden or severe stress. A significant amount of hair in the anagen phase stops growing and prematurely enters the catagen phase, then the telogen phase. The condition is usually temporary and hair usually grows back within 6-9 months.

The development of alopecia areata is associated with innate and adaptive activation of immune cells, migration to intrafollicular zones and destruction of the hair follicle. White blood cells attack the hair follicle, which stops hair growth. Hair loss resolves quickly, in patches, with patches of balding, and within a few weeks of the stressful event.

Trichotillomania is a chronic impulse control disorder in which people are unable to resist the urge to pull out their own hair. Associated with significant functional impairment and psychiatric comorbidity across the developmental spectrum (substance-induced mood disorders, eating disorders).

How to treat?

  1. If the situation was one-time in nature, then treatment is not required. It is advisable to avoid further excitement and the hair will return to normal.
  2. To quickly restore the functioning of hair follicles, you can use shampoos that stimulate their functioning. It is not forbidden to use folk remedies - chamomile decoction, mustard and burdock oil.

Treatment after chronic experiences takes much longer. The most important thing is to get out of nervous tension. In some cases, it is impossible to do without qualified psychological support.

The second stage is medical monitoring of the condition of organs and body systems. Chronic stress affects the cardiovascular system, digestion, and circulation. Health problems also affect the condition of your hair. The doctor will prescribe medications that will bring the body back to normal.

The final stage includes taking vitamins to prevent hair loss. Procedures are carried out to strengthen the hair. This includes head massage, vacuum treatment and others. Preparations with natural stimulants are selected, for example, castor oil, natural tar.

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Treatment will be incomplete without the use of restorative shampoos. They are usually recommended by a trichologist. After diagnosis, the specialist indicates the timing of administration and the required amount.

Treatment methods

Once the stress is under control, treatment is started to help restore the hair growth cycle to its optimal state. Safe and effective products for the treatment of telogen effluvium: minoxidil and finasteride. Minoxidil treatments can be tailored to each individual (men and women) along with the right combination of hair growth accelerators. For stress-related baldness in men (over 18 years of age), take 1 mg of finasteride once a day.

Treatment of alopecia areata involves the use of corticosteroids. Corticosteroid creams are applied to bald areas, although this method is only successful in mild cases. A more effective approach is to inject corticosteroid solutions into the bald patches.

However, careful monitoring is necessary to avoid side effects such as thinning of the skin at the injection site. In general, systemic corticosteroids are used, but not on a regular basis, as bone thinning is a potential side effect.

Preventative techniques

If hair falls out due to stress, then preventive measures will be useful.

The first is restoration of the nervous system. Only after this can you begin actions to strengthen your hair.

Secondly, do not refuse the help of professionals. An experienced trichologist will determine the real cause of hair loss. Do-it-yourself methods can be harmful.

Don't forget about physical activity and healthy eating. Yoga, exercise, a walk in the fresh air reduce the effects of stress, and healthy food enriches it with vitamins. In addition, it is advisable to avoid smoking and alcohol.

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