How to restore sleep after stress?

What is sleep mode?

Sleep patterns are the times people naturally wake up and go to sleep each day, and the circadian rhythm regulates this. Circadian rhythms last 24 hours. The 24-hour sleep-wake cycle is one obvious rhythm, but there are other circadian functions in the body, including digestion, hormonal activity and body temperature.

The hypothalamus in the brain contains the “master clock” that dictates the sleep-wake cycle. The watch responds to external signals such as light levels. Humans are diurnal, which means they naturally sleep when it's dark and wake up when it's light. A person's sleep-wake cycle and how much sleep they need can change naturally as they age. However, certain aspects of modern life also influence a person's sleep and wake patterns. It includes:

  • work or study
  • travel and jet lag
  • shift work
  • certain medications
  • artificial light

If a person consistently ignores their body's sleep signals, they may have difficulty maintaining their sleep patterns.

How to improve sleep with folk remedies

Before using folk remedies against insomnia, you should study its causes. Perhaps it:

  • uncomfortable sleeping place;
  • extraneous noise in the room;
  • bright light;
  • stuffiness or cold;
  • stressful situation;
  • depression;
  • a disease that is accompanied by pain.

If the above factors are absent, and you still cannot fall asleep, you should turn to various methods to help overcome insomnia.

Sleep can return to normal if you follow some simple rules: don’t eat chocolate or high-calorie foods at night, don’t drink coffee, and don’t overeat. An early, full dinner is desirable, and warm milk can be an excellent option for a late dinner. Before going to bed, it is advisable to ventilate the room and take a walk. Known recipes for sleep problems include what you have on hand.


If you suffer from insomnia, mix sea salt (10 g) or table salt (5 g), brown sugar (50 g) or ordinary white sugar (25 g). Take the medicine once a day before going to bed: dissolve half a teaspoon under your tongue.

Tie a handful of salt in a handkerchief and place it under your pillow or nearby. Those who have tried this remedy testify that on the very first night they are overcome by sound sleep.


Honey, often included in folk remedies for insomnia at home, perfectly calms the nervous system and promotes peace and sleep.

  1. For deep sleep, cut a small lemon fruit, add mineral water, mainly Borjomi, and honey (20 g each). Take the syrup every morning until the insomnia subsides.
  2. Dilute honey (from 10 to 20 g) in water or mint, lemon balm, chamomile decoction (200 ml) and drink in sips (the tea cannot be hotter than 60 degrees).
  3. Just 100 grams of honey mixed with lemon juice (10 g) and crushed walnut kernels (the same amount) can eliminate “sleeping problems” forever in a couple of days. Take a couple of tablespoons of the mixture directly at night. It is stored refrigerated for 2-3 days.
  4. Milk with honey is considered a traditional recipe for sleep disorders. It is dissolved in a cup of warm milk in the amount of 10 g. Having drunk the drug before bed, rest assured that insomnia will recede.


Many traditional methods of treating insomnia cannot be done without chamomile flowers. It contains apigenin, an antioxidant with anti-inflammatory and soothing effects. There are several options for its use:

  1. Flowers (20 g) are steamed with a cup of boiling water and left for half an hour. Take half a cup before meals.
  2. Add 2 shares of chamomile to 2 shares of cumin and 1 share of valerian roots and steam with water (1 l). Drink it as tea a couple of times daily.
  3. Herbal pillow: Fill a pillowcase with fragrant meadow hay, including dry chamomile. On such an aroma pillow, sleep will not take long to come.

Wine-dill decoction

Dill wine normalizes poor sleep at night for an adult: add dill seed (50 g) to half a liter of strong red wine and cook for a quarter of an hour over a low flame. Cover and leave for an hour. Drink a glass shortly before falling asleep.

Hop tincture

Hop tincture, which has a slight sedative effect, is known as a sleeping pill. In terms of its qualities, hops are close to valerian, but its effect is softened and accessible to everyone.

Powder from hop cones is used as a soothing product for sleep. The pillowcase is filled with cones. Use it only when sleep does not come. At other times, the pillow is kept in the closet, wrapped in cloth.

If sleep patterns are disturbed, the “grandmother’s” method is used: hop cones (20 g) are placed in boiling water (250 ml), wrapped and left for four hours, then the tincture should be strained. Drink the decoction after dinner.

100 milliliters of alcohol are poured into 25 g of hops and kept for about a week in a dark place. Use a spoon twice or thrice a day, the final dose is at night.

Some chopped hop cones are poured with four parts of vodka. The mixture is kept for a couple of weeks. Drink 5 drops diluted with water (20 ml) twice daily before meals.


Wormwood will help cure insomnia and promote sound sleep. Grind the seeds (20 g) to a powder, pour into a glass container and add 100 milliliters of olive or any vegetable oil. Leave for 8 hours in a dry, dark place. The strained tincture is used to combat difficulty falling asleep, fainting, shortness of breath, by dropping a couple of drops on a piece of sugar and holding it under the tongue.

It is useful to drink wormwood infusion: pour 1-2 tablespoons of chopped grass or wormwood root with boiling water (0.5 l) and leave for a couple of hours. Drink the infusion immediately before going to bed.

Fragrant pillow

In Russian villages, the habit of filling feather beds and pillows with a mixture of herbs remains. The more fragrant and active they are (hops, rosemary, sage), the narrower the pillowcase is sewn.

For it, use fairly dense non-synthetic fabrics (cotton, teak, linen) so that the contents do not spill out and tear the body.

To treat insomnia with folk remedies, it is best to use the following herbs:

  1. Chamomile – promotes restful sleep.
  2. Hops (cones) – eliminates lack of sleep, relieves migraines.
  3. Lavender has a calming effect.
  4. Valerian – eliminates tension.
  5. Rosemary – tones, eliminates headaches (use in small quantities due to the pungent odor), relieves nightmares, clears consciousness.
  6. Oregano, strawberries, mimosa, jasmine - accelerate the effect of herbs.

Remember that herbal pillows are not durable enough and share their healing qualities for up to 2-3 months.


Magnesium is involved in the work and synthesis of nerve cells responsible for sleep impulses.

The famous romaine lettuce tea is considered a folk method for treating insomnia. Its leaves contain sedatives that help the body relax, vitamins A, B1, B3, D and E, and minerals such as potassium, iron, magnesium, sodium and calcium.

Pour chopped leaves (100 g) into a liter of water and boil slowly for a quarter of an hour, pour into a glass container. Drink a glass of tea throughout the day and before bed.

Essential oils

Aroma oils - ylang-ylang, sandalwood, juniper - will cope with sleep problems. If insomnia has become chronic, use rosemary, lemon balm, orange, fennel, bay, basil, rose, sandalwood, cypress, and peppermint oils in any combination.

They massage with essential compositions, take baths, scent the air, apply to the temples and forehead before bed, drip onto the corners of the pillow or place a cotton wool soaked in the mixture at the head of the head.

A folk remedy for insomnia is massage with oils, which has a good effect, provides relaxation of the soul and body, and healthy sleep. After a quality massage you usually want to sleep.


This is a worthy alternative to synthetic medications that can produce unnecessary effects. After taking this natural product, there is no fatigue, no addiction, concentration is not impaired, performance is not reduced, that is, there are no negative effects characteristic of sedatives.

Valerian is especially effective for persistent chronic asomnia.

Used as a decoction and infusion:

  1. Infusion: dried chopped valerian roots (20 g), boiling water (200 ml). Leave overnight, drink 20 g three times a day.
  2. A mixture of herbal tinctures: a jar of ready-made tinctures - hawthorn, valerian, motherwort, Corvalol - mixed in one bowl and half an hour before bedtime, use 20 drops per glass of water.

A few drops of valerian applied to the aroma lamp help you fall asleep quickly.

Fixing a sleep schedule for school and work

Getting ready for school or work often means waking up early. After switching to a new schedule, people have difficulty regulating their circadian rhythm. Here are some ways to get your sleep schedule back on track.

Setting the serial mode

A person adjusting to a new routine may feel tired and want to sleep longer on weekends or take naps during the day. However, a 2020 study concludes that "restorative sleep" may worsen irregular sleep cycles. Most adults need 7-8 hours of sleep per night, while most teenagers need 8-10 hours. Try to establish a regular schedule of waking and sleeping at the same time every day. If a person is having difficulty achieving this, they can try gradually changing their bedtime by 15 to 30 minutes until they reach their goal.

Use light and darkness

Light levels have a significant impact on the circadian rhythm. People often feel sleepy in low light or darkness and feel more alert when there is light. A person can use this to their advantage by:

  • exposure to natural daylight upon waking
  • using bright light during the day and soft lighting in the evening
  • using blue filters on phones and other devices
  • ensuring complete darkness while sleeping using blackout curtains or blinds

Exercise during the day

Regular exercise is important for overall health, but with busy schedules, people often exercise in the evening. This may disturb your sleep. If possible, try rescheduling your workouts to a different time of day, such as the morning.


Eating large meals late at night can also make it difficult to fall asleep. Try eating dinner a few hours before bed. Similarly, avoid caffeine and alcohol in the afternoon and evening as they reduce the quality of sleep.

Routine in the evening

Evening work or stress can make it difficult to fall asleep at a suitable time. Doctors recommend:

  • Spend 15 minutes completing unfinished tasks to avoid obsessing over them at night.
  • make a to-do list for the next day
  • Practice meditation or journaling to calm your mind
  • try relaxing activities such as reading before trying to fall asleep
  • avoid watching TV before bed

Change the environment

Air temperature also affects sleep. If the room is too hot, it can make it difficult to fall asleep and reduce the quality of your sleep. Set your heating system to a slightly cooler temperature before bed. Try to make your sleep environment quiet and soothing. To do this you can try:

  • put away electronic devices in the evening or keep them outside the bedroom
  • use soft, comfortable bedding
  • use carpets or curtains to muffle outside sounds or wear earplugs

Does insomnia differ in women?

Sometimes the physiological characteristics of a woman’s body contribute to difficulties falling asleep.

  • What periods of a woman’s life are most problematic in terms of sleep quality?
  • How can a woman restore sleep at a given age?

Let's look at each age in a little more detail.


At this age, poor sleep can, of course, be associated with love experiences.

But most often the cause is hormonal changes in the body.

During this period, menstruation begins, breasts grow - these factors are often accompanied by painful sensations. Add to this the emotional lability characteristic of such a tender age - and I think there is no need to explain further about the causes of sleep disturbance. Everything is clear.

Insomnia before menstruation

During this period, in most women, sleep disorder is expressed in frequent awakenings at night, the inability to take a comfortable position for sleeping, and daytime sleepiness.

It is possible to alleviate the condition called premenstrual syndrome; this will indirectly affect the quality of sleep.

To do this you need:

  • Enrich your diet with foods containing fiber, B vitamins, magnesium and iron;
  • Avoid stressful situations as much as possible;
  • Organize regular reasonable physical activity;
  • Drink herbal infusions that have a calming and anti-inflammatory effect (chamomile, motherwort, mint, lemon balm, etc.);
  • Regularly spend at least a small amount of time outdoors.

What affects sleep disturbances during pregnancy?

In the first trimester, most women complain of constant sleepiness.

They do not experience insomnia, but they experience difficulty concentrating, there may be “lapses” in memory and manifestations of completely illogical thinking.

In the first trimester, a pregnant woman is recommended to sleep whenever she wants.

During this period, all the main organs of the fetus are formed, and the neural tube is formed. The calmer the expectant mother is during this period, the more benefit she will bring to her child.

So sleep, sleep, sleep.

But the last trimester of pregnancy is usually accompanied by anxiety, painful anticipation of the birth of the baby. The time of childbirth is getting closer, and the physical “inconveniences” of pregnancy are becoming more and more noticeable.

Pregnant women are often limited when choosing a sleeping position. The choice leans in two directions: on the right side or on the left. For obvious reasons, it is impossible to sleep on the stomach, but on the back is very harmful for the baby.

Pregnant women often suffer from edema and restless legs syndrome.

To alleviate your condition at least a little during this period, before going to bed, place your feet on a slight elevation, ask for a massage of your calves or feet. These manipulations will help you relieve some of the swelling.

A pregnant woman's sleep often becomes disrupted for another reason - frequent urination. The fetus, which becomes larger each time, puts pressure on the bladder.

Because of this, the urge to urinate becomes more frequent, and even if the pregnant woman is sound asleep, she has to get up to go to the toilet.

Recommendations for improving the sleep of pregnant women come down more to the behavior of their environment.

A pregnant woman must be taken care of, provided with comfort and tolerated all her whims!

Even if you find it difficult to force yourself to do this, remember that she will soon have the hard work of giving birth to a baby.

The thought of this will make all your efforts worth it.

Why does insomnia occur during maternity leave?

Many mothers, remembering their sleepless maternity leave, may be surprised. But practice shows that insomnia is the lot of many women on maternity leave.

Why is this happening?

The main reason is the emotional burnout of the mother, the inability to sleep when she wants and the feeling called “Groundhog Day”.

Indeed, despite the apparent abundance of free time a young mother has, she is unlikely to be able to get enough sleep.

Constantly interrupted sleep, the inability to build a routine according to one’s own biological needs, great emotional and physical stress - all this leads to the fact that a young mother develops sleep disorders.

This usually manifests itself in difficulties falling asleep, chaotic movements during sleep, and frequent awakenings at night. Fatigue accumulates, apathy and indifference to what is happening appears.

To get rid of this depressing state, young mothers need a certain amount of rest, time that she can devote to herself.

It won't necessarily be spent sleeping. This could be a shopping trip, meeting with friends, working out at the fitness center and much more. Let each choose what she likes.

The main task is to relax, gain positive emotions, and dilute the “Groundhog Day” with good impressions. Then, in most cases, problems with sleep will become a little less.

They will not disappear completely, because a lot depends on the baby’s regime. But those of them that appeared due to the mother’s emotional lability will begin to decline.

Insomnia during menopause: what to pay attention to?

Menopause is another serious test in a woman’s life. The menstrual cycle fades, diseases associated with low estrogen levels appear (for example, diseases of the cardiovascular system).

Sleep disturbances during this age period are expressed in unexpected attacks of palpitations, a sudden feeling of lack of air at night, difficulties falling asleep, sudden “lapses” in sleep during daytime wakefulness.

At this time, hormonal therapy helps the woman best. It improves the general physiological and emotional state, improves well-being.

In addition, women at this age may be advised to take medications containing melatonin.

Although these drugs are classified as sleeping pills, they are not actually sleep aids.

They contain a synthetic analogue of the sleep hormone. This hormone is naturally produced by the pineal gland, primarily at night.

The action of the sleep hormone, melatonin, is not limited to ensuring the quality of sleep. The spectrum of its action is very wide.

This includes strengthening the immune system, destroying pathological damaged cells, and ensuring daytime wakefulness and performance. I will not describe all areas of action of melatonin; this requires a separate article.

I will only say that without a sufficient amount of this hormone, the human body ages faster.

With age, melatonin production naturally declines, which certainly affects the quality of sleep.

Recommendations to increase melatonin production using natural methods during menopause will not be effective.

And, although you shouldn’t forget about them (proper nutrition, physical activity, sleeping in complete darkness), still support your body additionally. Take a course of a drug containing melatonin.

How to Fix Your Sleep Schedule After Traveling

After a long trip, people may experience jet lag until they adjust to the new time zone. Many strategies can help people with jet lag.

Forward planning

If possible, start changing your sleep-wake cycle before long trips. A person may start sleeping or waking up an hour earlier or later each night, depending on the time zone they are visiting.

Caffeine consumption

Drinking caffeinated drinks at specific times will also help you adjust to your new time zone. This can help a person wake up earlier when they are in a time zone that is ahead of their own. However, avoid caffeine in the evening to avoid disrupting your sleep.

Using lighting devices

The light therapy device can also help people plan long trips. These devices simulate daylight, which will help you wake up earlier if it's dark.

Try melatonin

Melatonin is a hormone that the body releases when you feel sleepy. Taking melatonin at the right time will help you adjust to your new bedtime. A person should talk to a doctor if they want to try melatonin.

How to fix your sleep schedule after a sleepless night

People who sometimes stay up all night can try the same strategies as those adjusting to a new schedule.

However, if a person frequently stays up all night or works night shifts, they may have long-term impairment. Researchers recommend:

  • adhere to the agreed schedule when working evening or night shifts
  • waking up close to the start of the night shift and not going to sleep as soon as it ends
  • take a short nap after returning home from work, and then take a long nap before work
  • use caffeine at the beginning of your shift
  • make your sleeping conditions as comfortable as possible
  • avoid using alcohol to fall asleep as it reduces sleep quality
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