5 types of questions that will help you win over your interlocutor

42. What would I not believe about you?

43. If you were a chair, who would you want to sit on?

44. Would you rather be able to play all musical instruments or speak all languages ​​fluently?

45. Would you rather be buried or cremated?

46. ​​​​What do you believe that most people don't believe?

47. If you could choose a day to relive over and over again, what day would it be and why?

48. If you could ask one question and get a completely honest answer, what would you ask?

49. How dare you?

50. If you were a kitchen appliance, what would it be and why?

51. Would you rather lose an arm or a leg?

52. If you were given a million dollars today, how would you spend it?

53. What places do you visit, but don’t want anyone to know about it?

54. Who is number one on your hit list?

55. Do you sleep with your eyes open or closed?

56. If someone were to film your life up to this point, what would be on the soundtrack?

57. If you could play a song every time you walked into a room, what would it be?

58. Let's say the Genie gave you three wishes, what would you wish for (no infinite wishes or anything like that)?

59. What method of execution do you consider the most interesting in history?

60. Have you already pooped today?

61. If you had the opportunity to travel in time, where would you go, to the past or the future?

62. If you could shoot something out of your belly button (like a superhero), what would it be and why?

63. If you had to eat a crayon from a box, what color would it be?

64. What would you tell your 10-year-old self?

65. What's the biggest lie you've ever told?

66. If you were the opposite sex all day, what would you do?

67. When was the last time you took a shower?

68. If you could get away with it, how would you kill someone?

69. Cats or dogs? I mean, if there was a need for food, who would you eat?

70. What's the strangest question you've asked someone to get to know them better?

71. What is the strangest or most inexplicable thing that has ever happened to you?

72. What song should be played at your funeral?

73. If you had a choice, what animal would you be and why?

74. What crime do you think you would be arrested for?

75. If you had to stand in the middle of a human centipede, who would be in front and behind you?

76. If you were a convertible, would you need car or life insurance?

77. What breakfast cereal has impacted your life the most?

78. Would you rather eat poop-flavored ice cream or poop-flavored ice cream?

79. If you could have any mythical creature as a pet, what would it be?

80. If you had the ability to read my thoughts, provided I could read yours too, would you want that?

81. Where did you hide the body?

82. Where do you want to be in an hour?

83. How would your worst enemy describe you in one word?

84. If we were playing hide and seek now, where would you hide?

85. What vegetable would you choose to fight with a 10 year old?

86. Would you rather fight 1 cow-sized duck or 50 duck-sized cows?

87. What would make you valuable in a “doomsday” scenario?

88. What do you think about the human species? I need an outsider's opinion.

89. Do you want to build a snowman?

90. Would you rather have a dog or be a dog?

91. What are you proud of, but never had a chance to talk about?

92. Who do you want to be as your famous deathmatch opponent?

93. Where would you go in the event of a zombie apocalypse?

94. Do you think it's normal for couples to fart in front of each other?

95. What's the strangest thing you do in everyday life?

96. Have you ever touched human remains?

97. What question do you want to answer, but no one asks?

98. If you were invisible for ten minutes starting right now, what would you do?

99. You're not going to kill me, are you?

100. What are your cool pajamas?

110. If you could build anything you wanted, what would it be?

111. Would you eat a person if you really had to?

112. If you could live forever, what would you do?

113. What is your favorite color on a scale of one to ten?

114. If a strip of spaghetti accidentally came out of your nose, would you sniff it or pull it out with your fingers?

115. What is the most weight you have gained in your life?

116. Do you squeeze a tube of toothpaste from the top or bottom?

117. Milk before cereal or cereal before milk?

118. What did your parents or friends tell you about me?

119. What gives you the right?

120. Can I see your browser history?

Why do you need relationship questions?

In any relationship, communication is the key. You and your significant other should be able to share your past, present and future with each other.

Your conversation should be filled with your dreams and plans, as well as your fears and sad memories. Conversation is everything. However, sometimes it can be difficult to find the right words.

We've rounded up 70 of the best relationship questions to get you and your partner into the conversation. Some of these conversations are deep and meaningful, some are serious and important, and some are just for fun.

We've also compiled 10 relationship questions to ask a girl and 10 relationship questions to ask a guy.

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