Top 10 Best NLP Books for Beginners

NLP concept

If you try to explain what NLP is in a few minutes, then NLP is:

  • The ability to clearly set a goal: to know clearly what you want, when, where, as well as the ability to understand the degree of personal responsibility, to be aware of obstacles and ways to overcome them.
  • A high level of sensitivity and attentiveness to events in the external and internal world, to control the correctness of one’s own actions to achieve results.
  • A sufficient level of flexibility that allows you to change the nature of your actions until the result is achieved.

The very first name of NLP was “Metaknowledge”, that is, the science of how our knowledge and experience are structured.

In the name “NLP”, the “Neuro” part indicates that in order to describe human experience, it is necessary to know and understand “brain languages” - those neurological processes that are responsible for storing, processing and transmitting information.

“Linguistic” emphasizes the importance of language in describing the characteristics of the mechanisms of thinking and behavior, as well as in organizing communication processes.

“Programming” defines the systematicity of mental and behavioral processes: “program” translated from Greek means “a clear sequence of steps aimed at achieving a result.”

NLP can be considered both as a scientific field and as an art, since it can be presented both at the level of practical tools and technologies, and at the level of spirituality. NLP is based on a holistic approach to viewing the human experience based on the concept of the unity of mind, body and spirit.


Neurolinguistic programming is a set of techniques that allow you to make rapid changes in people’s thinking, influencing them unconsciously (manipulating them) in order to cure them of psychological diseases, get rid of problems, and also for the purpose of development.

The basis of neurolinguistic programming is working with the human consciousness. NLP uses the psychoanalytic principle of putting the conscious to sleep to release the unconscious.

Neurolinguistic programming - what is it?

Neurolinguistic programming (NLP) is a system of techniques and practices of a psychological nature aimed at modeling the necessary subjective human reactions to external (objective) factors.

The name of the technique indicates the methods of influencing and perceiving information (signals): neuro - nerves and the transmission of signals through them from the sense organs to the brain; linguistic – linguistic, verbal; programming – setting a program (reaction and behavior).

The creators of this system, Americans John Grinder and Richard Bandler, were based on the fact that each person, receiving signals from the external environment, reproduces within himself the subjective reactions inherent only to him (visual and auditory images, bodily and taste sensations, etc.), prompting him to certain something to action.

External stimuli seem to pass through the prism of a person’s knowledge and views, his convictions and beliefs. And refracted under their influence, they create their own unique picture of reality.

The main idea of ​​the creators was to come up with an effective technique that allows you to copy the patterns (schemes) of behavior of famous people who are successful in any field. Their study and analysis of the interactions with clients of successful psychotherapists, for example, Milton Erickson (opens in a new tab), played a major role.

D. Grinder and R. Bandler carefully examined the influence of Erickson's words, intonations, facial expressions and gestures (touches) on his patients and the nature of their changes (healing).

History of the creation of NLP

Neurolinguistic programming is considered a very young science, although it is only ten years younger than humanistic psychology. The term NLP appeared in the 70s in the USA and is still popular both in its homeland and in Europe, on the other side of the ocean. The founders of NLP positioned themselves in opposition to academic psychology from the very beginning, immediately gaining a controversial reputation - but, nevertheless, this field has continued to grow and develop for more than 30 years.

The birthplace of NLP is the city of Santa Cruz in California. It was there that the department of the University of California was located, where one of the founders of NLP, John Grinder, worked as a professor in the linguistics department, and Richard Bandler, the second founder of NLP, studied mathematics and programming. Bandler was fascinated by the work of Fritz Perls, one of the pillars of Gestalt therapy. He edited his books, watched his videos, and, very successfully copying his working methods, conducted seminars with clients. John Grinder, a psychologist passionate about linguistics and former assistant to George Miller, the father of cognitive psychology, was invited to one of these seminars in 1972. His goal in coming was simple: to understand how Bandler does what he does and try to replicate it.

Grinder tried to explain Bandler's work in terms of transformational grammar and general semantics. And Gregory Bateson, a world-famous anthropologist, cyberneticist and linguist who lived next door, helped him in this. Together they created a discipline, the main focus of which was modeling - the study and reproduction of the behavior of “geniuses”, people with unique abilities.

Around 1980, a “divorce” occurred between the founders of NLP, as a result of which each of them began to move in their own direction. At the end of the 1980s, several groups emerged from NLP with their own, original approaches.

Around the same time, in the late 1980s, NLP came to Russia. The first Russian NLP Practitioners from Novosibirsk were trained by John Grinder in California. They created a basis - a platform for “visiting stars” and the subsequent generation of Russian coaches studied in Russia. Perhaps the most famous and frequent guests are Anne Entus and Marilyn Atkinson. Accordingly, most of Russian NLP is “System NLP”. In addition, John Grinder conducted seminars in our country twice: in 1997 and 2004. Almost all Russian trainers of the New NLP Code studied with him

Basic NLP techniques

Our brain knows exactly how to feel and how to act in certain situations. Since situations for the most part are typical (more or less standard) for us, the habits of reacting to them, by adulthood, are also developed as standard.

At the same time, each time we unconsciously act in a certain way, we always get the same result. How else?! And we don’t always like this result.

Therefore, in order to change our reality, we need to change or adjust our internal reactions to external factors. And in NLP there are many different techniques that allow you to successfully do this. Here we will look at just a few of them.

1. Editing submodalities

Above we have already discussed what submodalities are. This technique involves arbitrary changes in submodalities in order to obtain the desired quality (the desired image).

For example: some unpleasant situation evokes an internal image, characterized by a small, dim black and white picture. By “adding” brightness, color to the image or bringing it closer, the same situation ceases to seem so unpleasant.

2. Swing

This technique allows you to very quickly change your attitude towards a situation (reaction to it) with the help of repeated sharp changes in your mental image.

For example: an image characterized by negative (for a given situation) submodalities is replaced “with one stroke” by an image with positive submodalities. This is done several times in a row at short intervals to achieve a better effect.

3. Quick treatment of phobias

A technique in which one observes a situation that causes fear (phobia) and oneself, first as if from the outside (dissociative), and then scrolls the same situation in the opposite direction, only with a feeling of one’s personal presence in it (associative participation ).

For example: a person has claustrophobia (afraid to ride in an elevator). He needs, as if from the outside, to see himself entering the elevator and rising to the top floor of a tall building.

Then imagine (feel) yourself being on the top floor of this house and going down in the elevator - as if watching a film in rewind.

4. Timeline

This technique uses the possibility of changing (transferring) events or situations along a person’s timeline - his subjective idea of ​​​​the spatial location of the past, present and future. It is also possible to change the timeline itself.

For example: a person remembers some joyful event and sees its image only in that part of his time line where his past “is located”. Such a person is not able to experience joy in the present.

If you “move” the time line, then joyful events will begin to occur in the present and be seen in the future.

5. Anchor technique (anchoring)

If a person experiencing a certain state is shown several times some unusual, but not conspicuous, gesture (signal, touch, etc.), then in the future, when this gesture is demonstrated to him, the person can enter the same state.

This can be kinesthetic, visual, auditory or any other signal, depending on the situation.

So, for example, music affects us - we hear the melody and seem to “fly away” into the state or situation where we heard it, experiencing some vivid emotions. In this case, the melody is our “anchor”.

Where to start learning NLP?

If you are interested in communication skills and consulting, then the best choice is the basic, standard NLP Practitioner course. It can last up to 20 days. Expect a lot of conversations - linguistics, a lot of work in threes: client-consultant-supervisor. If you like it and are interested in working with beliefs and modeling, go to the “NLP Master” course. If you want to quickly help yourself and learn to communicate with yourself, the New NLP Code is suitable for you.

Once you start practicing NLP, you can get many positive results. But NLP is not a magic pill. This is not to say that NLP is for everyone. This is a rather specific approach, where much is based not on strict scientific calculations, but on brilliant guesses and the feeling that “it works.”

NLP. Techniques in bulk. S. Gorin

This book is unique in its kind, because... it is a collection of fragments from various NLP seminars that were held over the period from 1993 to 1995 in different cities of Russia. It contains information on methods for effective interaction between psychotherapists and their patients and often contains professional jargon. But this is not an obstacle to studying this material and NOT by specialists in the field of NLP, and the only condition for its complete understanding is knowledge of the basic terms and concepts of NLP. Many ideas and techniques from this book belong to one of the pillars of Russian NLP - Valery Khmelevsky. The uniqueness of the book, among other things, lies in the fact that it is written in such a way that it can be read from absolutely anywhere.

You can find out more, as well as download and read the book on this page.

Application of NLP

We can say that NLP is the rules for achieving mastery in any matter. This is probably why NLP has found application in a wide variety of areas of human activity:

  • NLP is studied in intelligence agencies
  • NLP is used in advertising and PR.
  • NLP is studied and applied in management
  • NLP is studied and applied in psychology and psychotherapy
  • NLP is used in education

There is no area of ​​human activity where NLP would not find application.

Angels are afraid. G. Bateson

This book is devoted to the study of issues related to human development based on the author's concept. Its unusualness lies in the fact that it describes those key milestones that the consciousness of humanity passes in terms of its relationship to the world in general, as well as those that are guiding principles for each individual person in the process of his knowledge of the secrets of existence, one of which he represents myself. It is worth noting that Gregory Bateson received invaluable assistance in writing this book from his daughter Mary Catherine Bateson, who is a writer and cultural anthropologist.

You can find out more, as well as download and read the book on this page.

NLP in business

  • The use of NLP technologies in various marketing communications (sales, negotiations, PR, advertising, etc.), as well as in various areas of management
  • In fact, any training in the field of sales and communications is based to one degree or another on NLP
  • NLP technologies are widely used in video, audio advertising, when creating advertising texts, and merchandising. In fact, not a single popular video is complete without NLP techniques and the induction of a light hypnotic trance to influence the subconscious in order to induce the effect of impulsive buying.
  • NLP technologies are reflected in such areas of management and business consulting as coaching and empowerment. A special place is given to the technology of constructing goals, plans, methods of their implementation, as well as a system of logical levels. Concepts such as “corporate culture” and “organizational mission” came from NLP.

Thus, the purpose of using NLP in business is to increase personal effectiveness, as well as the effectiveness of various types of internal and external communications in the company, improve the planning process, and increase the speed and quality of business decisions.

How to learn NLP?

First, it should be understood that each of us, more or less unconsciously, directly or indirectly, encounters NLP on a daily basis in everyday life. People are always trying to manipulate each other to get what they want or to force others to do something.

Some people do it easily and naturally, while others senselessly “hit the wall.”

Our habits and phobias are a typical example of unconscious neurolinguistic programming. We have programmed (taught) ourselves to be afraid of something or to do something useless.

You can learn neurolinguistic programming on your own by reading numerous books by the founders of the NLP technique or other authors, and mastering basic simple techniques. You can also go to training courses, of which there are also many, especially in large cities.

As with everything else, the outcome of learning is highly dependent on motivation and confidence in the effectiveness of the subject of study. Many people begin to learn after they try the method on themselves and get the necessary changes.

For example, I came to this in exactly this way.

NLP in psychology and psychotherapy

Initially, NLP specialized in modeling the work methods of outstanding psychotherapists F. Perls, M. Ericson, V. Satir. The first NLP techniques and models represented formalized methods of their work. This led many people involved in NLP to psychology and psychotherapy, and many psychologists and psychotherapists to NLP.

NLP is based on many useful principles that support an attitude of change as inevitable. One of the most important: NLP is about what actually works, not what “should” work. In other words, if what you do doesn't work, try something else, anything else, even if what you did should have worked.

Innovators try new approaches without paying attention to “truth” or “reality.” NLP is much more interested in results and giving people what they want in life.

NLP: rules for beginners

In neurolinguistic programming, special importance is attached to the habit developed or learned by the human brain to react in a certain way to certain phenomena.

We all develop these habits from birth. We are influenced by parental attitudes, as well as acquired life experiences and beliefs.

To be able to implement effective changes, it is first necessary to establish in detail the mechanism by which the brain triggers certain reactions to a specific situation.

In other words, you need to understand what a person feels - sees, hears, smells or touches at the moment the situation of interest occurs. Just before you react to it in a certain way.

In psychology, external stimuli are associated with sensory systems of their perception - modalities.

In total, there are five main ones: visual, auditory, tactile (kinesthetic), olfactory and gustatory. According to human senses. Each modality has its own submodalities.

For example, a visual modality may have the following submodalities : bright, pale, distant, close, colorful, monochrome.

95% When working with a client, an NLP practitioner spends most of his time studying a picture or image that pops up in a person’s mind when he is mentally immersed in a “working” situation. It is believed that in order to change something, you need to know exactly how “it looks” in a person’s head.

And only 5% of the time is required to change this. After all, the brain learns quickly!

But the most important thing that practitioners of neurolinguistic programming need to learn is the need to check the desired changes for environmental friendliness (safety) for humans.

Before changing a person’s beliefs and his systems of reactions to situations, one must make sure that the changes will not harm his personality and will only bring benefits.

Psychology of advertising. Advertising, NLP and the 25th frame – Vit Tsenev

Buy in Bukvoed

No matter how hard we try to get rid of intrusive advertising, we fail. It is everywhere: on TV, on the Internet, on posters that are hung around the city. A person who has not learned to defend himself falls under the hypnotic influence of advertising. Those who take the entrepreneurial path willingly take advantage of this. Are you one of them too? Then the book will be useful to you.

In “ Psychology of Advertising.” Advertising, NLP and the 25th frame » Vit Tsenev talks in detail about the psychology of advertising perception, sharing secrets on how to make a buyer want to buy certain products. This is an excellent guide for advertisers.

Healing with NLP – Sergey Kovalev

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Who among us has not thought about healing at least once? Each of us would like to be healed, “reborn”, gain strength and start all over again. Sergey Kovalev in his book “ Healing with NLP ” tells how to improve your physical condition with the help of NLP. Even if you don't become rich, at least you will be healthy.

The author tells how you can be cured in simple ways, without spending money on going to the doctor, and at the same time become a happy person in any area of ​​life.

NLP Basics. Success in your professional, social and personal life - Steve Bavister, Amanda Vickers

Buy in Bukvoed

Many people strive to achieve success, but they just don’t know how to do it. You can, of course, wait until inspiration or a lucky break comes, but we advise you to speed up the process by reading the book “ Basics of NLP. Success in professional, social and personal life ." This book is aimed at people who want to succeed in business, but if you want to learn useful tips in order to “take off” in other areas, then read it.

Here we outline methods through which you will learn to quickly master any knowledge and discover your creative abilities. Steve Bavister and Amanda Vickers have written the book in simple language that makes it easy to read.

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