list of the best psychology websites

Self-development triangle of happiness psychologist

If you have been subscribed to this blog for a long time , then you probably noticed that I really love triangles.

On this blog there is the Happiness Triangle, the Drama Triangle, the Problem Triangle, the Work Triangle and...

3 pillars of the self-development system of a happiness psychologist.

the Triangle of Self-Development also appeared - everything is for your benefit and happiness.

3 pillars of self-development - tools of the self-development triangle

The picture below shows in detail the self-development tools related to each vertex of the Triangle of Happiness.

3 pillars of self-development system of a happiness psychologist.

Contents of the blog of the Psychologist of Happiness >>>

As you can see in the picture (above), each of the 3 pillars of self-development (the vertices of the Triangle of Happiness): self-knowledge, self-therapy and self-hypnosis includes several subsections, some of which form entire blog categories (see in the sidebar on the right) or, for now, separate articles .

3 peaks of the Triangle of Self-Development


Everything ideally begins with the awareness of the fact that something does not suit you in life.

Self-knowledge tools presented on the blog:

  • Tests and questionnaires are a constantly growing section of the blog that contains methods for assessing personality, behavior and soul.

  • The tools of Scenario and Transactional Analysis (Psychology of Fate) are presented in the New Scenario section of my blog.

  • Various energy practices and drawing techniques for self-knowledge are described as a starting point for self-development.

Start your self-development from this top of the Triangle.


It is not always possible to skip this step, since it is problems and misfortunes that often push us onto the path of self-knowledge and self-development.

The self-therapy tools presented on the blog are extensive:

  • Anti-stress therapy

  • Cognitive therapy

  • Micropractices

  • AntiDepression

  • AntiPanic

  • Gestalt therapy

  • Fairy tale therapy

  • Simoron practices

  • Articles on request and the formula for happiness

  • Soul healing

  • Script therapy

You can’t count everything - go to the blog Contents - it now has active links to articles and read, comment - not a single comment will be left without my answer.

Several information products on the topic of self-therapy have been created, about 30 webinars and online meetings have been held. Over 300 visitors to this blog have been healed over the years of its existence.


Well, it seems that at the previous step all the problems were solved, the soul was healed, is the process of self-development really completed at this point?

Nothing like this! There is still room for improvement and there are techniques for working with the subconscious to model a new self and a happy life.

Self-therapy tools:

  • Methods and techniques of self-hypnosis

  • Meditations and group visualization sessions

  • How to make self-hypnosis formulas

  • How to make affirmations

  • How to use the power of the subconscious for self-improvement

This section of my blog Self-hypnosis (7) is just beginning to expand - you made it to the very beginning of the distribution of hot cakes.

list of the best psychology websites

Fitness for the brain → – stories that will teach you to appreciate life a little more.

All psychologists → – online consultations with Russian-speaking psychologists from all countries. → – sharing the experience of conscious life. – psychological portal of the training center “1000 ideas”

Self-development and self-improvement → – Nikolai Perov’s blog.

Syntone → is a center for psychological and personal training.

Psi-Factor → – center for scientific and practical psychology.

A site about self-improvement and self-development - Life Motivation.
Three criteria for knowing the truth - the channel of Vedic culture.
Lotus website → – systems of human development, esotericism, psychology, philosophy. is an information portal on psychology.

Psychological Encyclopedia → – all terms in psychology: explanations and examples.

Advice from a psychologist → – free advice from a psychologist online.

Psychological tests → – online psychology tests.

Akvilon → – center of esoteric knowledge.

Quadra Club → – forum on psychology, consultations, trainings.

Man-Woman → – psychology of relationships between men and women, tests, books.

The psychologist → – psychology specialists from all over Ukraine.

Psychology of a happy life → – the site was created specifically for those who care how their life turns out.

Advice from a psychologist → - the site was created for those who want to improve themselves and their lives. is a site about a healthy lifestyle and spiritual development.

Depth psychology → – the study of subconscious mental processes.

House of Sun. Psychology → – selected publications in various areas and practical methods of psychology. – psychological help. is the best site to find a psychologist.

Child psychology → is an Internet portal for specialists in the field of child psychology and is an information and interactive environment for psychologists and students.

Self-knowledge → – Guide to trainings. Psychodiagnostics, psychoecology, developmental psychology.

Rodosvet → – a site about self-knowledge and spiritual development of a person.

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Levels of self-development

Self-development to achieve any goal should ideally affect all four levels of the psyche: soul, mentality, body and behavior patterns.

4 levels of problem and 4 levels of solution

Because almost any problem is presented at all these 4 levels, affecting the spirit.

4 levels of existence and problem solving

I have already described in detail in the article about the Anatomy of Depression each of these 4 levels of the problem.

  • MENTAL. The problem and goal of self-development always lies in the area of ​​thought patterns, subconscious attitudes and affects the imagination.
  • EMOTIONAL. This is the soul level. Emotions, feelings and states that need to be changed in the process of self-development.
  • BODILY. Level of physical sensations, body symptoms and dreams.
  • BEHAVIORAL. These behavioral habits and stereotypes. This is the level of manifestation of the problem in society: at work, at home, in relationships

Advice from a psychologist on self-development.

Advice from a psychologist on self-development.

  1. Sleep less. This is one of the most important contributions you can make to making your life more productive and rewarding. Most people require no more than 6 hours of sleep to maintain excellent health. Try getting up just an hour earlier for 21 days, and it will turn into a lasting and powerful habit. Remember that it is not the quantity, but the quality of sleep that matters. Now imagine that you have an extra 30 hours a month to do things that are much more important to you.
  1. Set aside one hour each morning to think about personal development issues. Mentally and visually imagine the day ahead, listen to music that motivates you, or read some classic literature. Use this period of calm to uplift and revitalize your spirit for a productive day ahead.
  1. Don't let the things that matter most to you get overshadowed by the things that aren't as important. Take time every day to check in with yourself: “Was this the best use of my time and my energy?” Time management is life management, so manage your time as best you can.
  1. You can use a piece of elastic as a training tool for your mind, forcing it to focus only on positive thoughts and elements in your life. Place the elastic band around your wrist. Whenever a negative or weak thought tries to enter your brain, slap yourself on the wrist with a rubber band. Through effort in training, your brain will associate pain with negative thinking and you will soon develop a strong positive mental attitude.
  1. Always answer the phone with enthusiasm in your voice and immediately show your respect for the caller. Good manners are very important. To convey your confidence over the phone line, stand up. This will give your voice even more strength and persuasiveness.
  1. Throughout the day, any of us sometimes gets inspired and comes up with brilliant ideas. You should always have a stack of small cards on hand (even the size of a business card; such cards are sold in any stationery store) and a pen to immediately record the essence of the insight. When you get home, write down your ideas in a convenient place, such as a notepad, so you can review them from time to time. As Oliver Wendell Holmes observed: “The mind of man, when stretched by a new idea, is no longer compressed to its former size.”

7. Dedicate every Sunday evening to yourself and make it a regular habit. Plan your upcoming week carefully, visualize all your meetings and what you want to achieve from them, read new materials and inspiring books, listen to quiet soothing music and just relax.

8. Always remember the important rule that the quality of your life is the quality of your communication. It's not just how you communicate with others that matters. What's even more important is how you communicate with yourself. What you focus on is what you will get. If you're looking for a positive outcome, that's what it will be. This is a fundamental law of nature.

9 . Focus on the goal, not the results. In other words, do the work because you enjoy it or because it will help someone or provide a rewarding experience. Don't do anything just for money or recognition. They will come by themselves. This is exactly how the world works.

10. Laugh for five minutes in front of the mirror every morning. Steve Martin does just that. Laughter triggers many beneficial chemical reactions in our body that put us in a wonderful and joyful state. Laughter also brings the body into a state of balance.

Self-Development System - afterword...

If you are reading these lines, it means you are about to embark on the path of self-improvement or are already moving along the road to happiness by leaps and bounds.

This means that the time has come to realize and decide whether you will move with me, on the pages of this blog, using my self-development system.

For my part, I offer a helping hand and support along this entire path, don’t you agree?

Write in the comments how clear my system of self-development is for you, what blind spots remain in your mind after reading this article, and what support and help from a happiness psychologist do you need on the path of self-development right now?

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It is a wonderfull day!

VKontakte publics play a very important role in the lives of many teenagers, and many of them have their own communities. Public pages exist on absolutely any topic: cooking, self-development, sports, beauty, style, quotes, animals, plants, painting, writing, photography, blogs, communities dedicated to certain personalities, music, the Internet and SEO. These are just some of the topics you can find blogs on!

Publics about self-development usually contain pictures of notebooks, notes, a workplace, books, quotes and articles about achieving goals, studying subjects, tips on how to find friends and get comfortable in a team. Today I will share with you my favorite posts about studying and self-development.

1. study blog. This is a unique community where you can ask any question regarding your studies: advice on subjects, learn about educational areas and where to study, find friends and a tutor. I often go to this community and read questions, and sometimes I ask them myself.

2. study motivation. Here you can find not only many interesting pictures on the topic of study, but also many posts with advice, questions for visitors to the public, collections of videos and answers to all questions related to the study topic.

3. HEY SISTER BOARD. This is a unique place where you can find articles on any topic about self-development, study, reading, sports, proper nutrition, travel, cooking, style and fashion, beauty. Each article is accompanied by beautiful images.

4. studyblr. This is a community where you can find only pictures found on the Internet. Usually they depict notes, spreads of diaries, workplaces, books and textbooks, pencil cases and backpacks, their contents, notes, bookshelves and stores, a selection of photographs from tumblr.

5. Sparkle Binder. Here you can find not only articles on the topic of study, but also interesting photographs, quotes, excerpts from books, reposts from other communities, small author’s texts, infographics, and lists.

6. Motivation| Study. Articles, pictures, collections of videos and posts, posts from tumblr - this is what can be found in this public. Each post is accompanied by a hashtag, so you can easily find any post.

7. AWSM. In this community you can get inspired by pictures, quotes, read interesting articles, answer questions and take part in discussions, where you can find a partner and much more. A characteristic feature of the public are self-development marathons, during which you can achieve your goals and become better.

Do you like public pages about self-development and study? Do you trust the advice you can find in them? Be sure to share your opinion in the comments, because it is very important to me. Your opinion will help me make our site better, more interesting and more informative for each of you.

Self-development system for happiness psychologist

The mission of the blog of the Psychologist of Happiness >>>

, the self-development system of a happiness psychologist was presented on this blog separately and scattered across all sections of the resource.

Today you will see that this system exists and is now not only in the head of a happiness psychologist, but can also be expressed and presented to your attention schematically.

The main goal of the happiness psychologist’s self-development system

The main goal of the self-development system of a happiness psychologist is to give you all the tools to move from the point of awareness of your problem (the point of unhappiness) to its field of solution (the field of happiness), if possible affecting all levels of the psyche.

In the language of Script Therapy (the psychology of fate), for example, this is the path from the Triangle of Misfortune (Dramatic Triangle) to the Triangle of Happiness (Triangle of Love).

In the language of Anti-Stress Therapy, this is the road to escape stress into an energetic and meaningful life.

In the language of Psychology, Happiness is the search for an individual formula of happiness and implanting it into your being.

Whatever language you speak, you need to understand that self-development should affect all levels of your psyche.

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