Changes in life: how to treat them and whether we need them

Every person faces various difficulties throughout his life. This is an integral part of our life. But what is the right thing to do? If problems literally dominate you. They don't leave you alone for a second? How to solve life problems?

The first thing to do is calm down. In an anxious state, it becomes much more difficult to make the right decisions. For example, this could be listening to calm melodies, walking through the forest, spending time with loved ones.

After this, you need to look at your problem from the outside and assess its seriousness . You need to realize that if the problem is quite big, then you should not be disappointed in yourself.

This doesn't mean you've lost. How you deal with your problems defines you. You shouldn’t tell yourself “I’m a failure”, “I won’t succeed”, etc.

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Instead, change your thoughts about who you are and say, “I believe in myself, I can solve this problem.” The subconscious is a very interesting thing and it can work wonders.

No need to look for the guilty

Never look for someone to blame. Many people try to blame someone else for their problems. This is not the right approach. Nobody needs your problems.

Take responsibility for your life. You cannot solve your life problem by constantly blaming others, it is a waste of time.

Every problem has positive effects. At the very least, this is a life experience. Unfortunately, very few people realize this, and in the future they repeat their mistakes again and again.

Thanks to problems, we gain invaluable experience from which we always learn. Take it out of every problem and learn from it. It could be something else.

Try to find any positive consequences resulting from the problem and you will feel much better. It’s not for nothing that they say: “Every cloud has a silver lining.”

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Taking care of your health

Alexander Petrovich, what problems in the field of drug supply has the pandemic revealed?

Alexander Petrov: The pandemic clearly highlighted those sharp corners that were visible, but they said about them: this is not urgent, we’ll figure it out later. For example, our law on biological safety is not ready. Now this danger has come in reality, in fact, the microworld is waging a biological war on humanity - both economic and human losses are simply gigantic. Russia turned out to be more prepared in many issues than many countries, but it is clear that changes are needed in healthcare. For example, it is necessary to create a state drug safety system.

What should it contain first?

Alexander Petrov: We need a single control center in this area, because now it is fragmented into 5 decision-making centers. An elementary question: it was necessary to increase the production of medical masks and the availability of medicines during the pandemic. The Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Industry and Trade, Rospotrebnadzor, Roszdravnadzor, and FMBA are responsible for different areas of this work. And each department acts independently. Many countries do not want to talk to us about mutual harmonization of legislation in the field of drug supply, because they have such single centers. They say: who do you talk to about these issues? This is a strange situation that we have been talking about for three years now. At the last government hour, I raised this issue again, and finally heard: yes, the problem exists, let's form a working group and consider all proposals on the topic.

What other unresolved problems have become more visible during the pandemic?

Alexander Petrov: When it came to the fact that special precautions should be taken for people over 65 years of age, this was clear to everyone. And when those with chronic diseases needed the same, each region began to come up with something of its own - make lists of who is in isolation and who is not in isolation. We have been saying for a long time that a federal register of patients should be created as a law. After all, federal funding for these purposes is accepted blindly; we simply do not have lists of patients with which to manage finances, treatment, and drug purchases. Officials say: let's allocate 10 billion rubles to prevent recurrent cardiovascular events - heart attacks and strokes. It’s a good solution, but why exactly so much, a lot of these funds or a little - no one can answer. A budget is mathematics; everything in it should be clear and transparent. Recently they passed a law on the interchangeability of drugs. Before that, everyone said: this cures, but this does not cure, but there were no clear criteria. Now - good or bad, practice will show - but they exist! We have begun to fill some holes in the unified matrix of healthcare legislation.

The situation showed that the registration system for new drugs in our country does not meet the real needs in emergency situations. What changes do you think are needed in it?

Alexander Petrov: When the question arose about how to fight the new virus, it turned out that many drugs used in the world were simply not registered with us. Recently, one serious company with a good reputation offered its drug, which showed good results during the pandemic in Italy. They were ready to bring it to all regions for free for hundreds of millions of rubles. But we couldn’t accept it because the drug’s marketing authorization had expired! And the registration rules are such that the process requires six months to a year. We need to complete the section of legislation on the use of unregistered drugs and simplify the registration system in principle. Recently, we solved the problem with the lack of anticonvulsant drugs for children in manual mode, then with oncological drugs - in manual mode. We left a thousand children without medicine, and there were dozens of complaints from parents. We register even the next sodium salt, even the most complex innovative drug - the rules are the same. It shouldn't be this way. Now it will be necessary to register coronavirus vaccines; they are needed now, but in a year and a half, no one will need them anymore. It is necessary to determine the safety and clinical effectiveness of the drug and register it. And the subsequent phases of clinical trials should be carried out in the post-registration period, of course, with all documentation being maintained, each side effect being recorded, doctors being paid for this work, etc. We are quite capable of doing this. That’s when, in practice, during a pandemic, it was necessary to quickly register the use of already known off-label drugs - that is, not for their intended purpose, not according to the instructions, this was done instantly. And such experience should also be included in the legislative framework, so that doctors do not be afraid if they use the drug in the interests of the patient, but not according to the instructions. And now they face criminal liability for this. We need to give the doctor more power to make decisions. For some reason, we give the judge the authority to sign the verdict, but we order the doctor to treat according to the rules, not a step left or right. And he, by the way, studied, prepared, specialized for 8 years, a huge amount of money was spent on him - but he cannot solve anything on his own! This needs to be changed and not be afraid of change. Otherwise, the pandemic will end - and again everyone will start blowing water, returning to the most conservative mode of operation, instead of moving forward, and moving quickly.

One of the most pressing issues in the pharmaceutical market is pricing. Medicines are becoming more and more expensive, and there are fewer and fewer cheap drugs on the market. How can I solve this problem?

Alexander Petrov: Our pricing rules are such that cheap drugs leave the market. We warned about this, but no one believed it. As a result, they are no longer produced. You need to stop trying to control everything. It is necessary to control expensive, complex drugs with toxic effects that require special control, and when prices can jump by tens of thousands of rubles. And now the price of a cheap medicine has increased by fifty dollars - and that’s it, it can no longer be supplied to the market. We spend enormous amounts of effort on registering the prices of drugs; due to the increase in the price of the ruble, we stop entire production facilities, labor collectives suffer, and patients are left without these cheap drugs. And then we state: there are a lot of complaints, let’s redo it - and each time again in manual mode. Medicines are not shoes. If there are no green shoes on sale, you can buy red ones. You can’t joke like that with medicines; they should all be on the market. And this is another issue that should be regulated by law.

The discussion is currently ongoing about whether it is necessary to start labeling all drugs, as was decided, on July 1, or not to start - due to the pandemic, many market participants did not have time to prepare. Your opinion?

Alexander Petrov: Labeling is a strategy to combat counterfeiting, and, of course, an important issue. There are many pros and cons of starting on July 1. But again, we must understand: if at least one drug is not on the market, thousands of people will suffer. Yes, many pharmaceutical companies are ready to start from this date. But what is the fault of those who purchased the equipment, but the foreigners did not come and train them to operate it, did not complete the installation supervision - and will not arrive at least until the fall? We have 40 such factories. And many pharmacies have not yet received disposal registration devices, which should complete monitoring of the movement of drugs. We must face reality. The system operator says that losses will amount to one billion 800 million. Wait, how many lives will we lose? I believe that those who are ready should be allowed to mark and preferences should be thought out for them, and those who are not ready should not be fined or punished, but the system should be brought to a point-by-point basis until it is fully ready. Of course, everyone wants to report that everything has been done, but, excuse me, Germany has been launching this system for 10 years. In addition, labeling will raise drug prices. Do we need this now? Everyone should understand that after the pandemic period, inflation will accelerate.

Every year more and more innovative drugs appear on the global pharmaceutical market, but they are all very expensive. What can be done to make them more accessible to Russians?

Alexander Petrov: We need to create our own innovative medicines. It is necessary to give government instructions to scientists about what kind of medicines need to be developed. Now in state institutions they are coming up with state money, but for some reason they are not what healthcare and people need. Where are the drugs that are guaranteed to destroy the RNA structure of the virus? We have them - three are registered, but they are not even on the list recommended by the Ministry of Health for the treatment of coronavirus infection. No one understood what approaches to the formation of temporary recommendations were used.

Over the past 20 years, we have created only 10 innovative drugs, and how much money has been invested! Where is the government order for the development of new gene therapeutic drugs, one injection of which in the USA costs 170 million rubles? Our geneticists say: we can do this too. But then why doesn’t the state invest money in this direction? Are medications available to us at these prices? And how much we have already lost due to the pandemic - trillions of rubles. But in any case, medicine is cheaper than the lives of the people we lost; we lost hundreds of doctors. If we had innovative drugs, we would get rid of this virus in 2 days. In emergency situations, we must mobilize everything, as in war, gather the country into a fist and fight. But in the war against the virus, you have to be smart, not brave. We need a system of unified mobilization of all manufacturers of medicines and medical devices so that they can quickly adapt. What good is this? There were no medical masks in the country for two months! Couldn't we handle it? Why do we have only one manufacturer of basic elastic for masks? China banned its export to Russia - that’s all. And our factory dictates such prices as a monopoly - it’s hard to hear. Where is FAS?

Now scientists are urgently creating vaccines against coronavirus. Will they be available to the public?

Alexander Petrov: Of course, both tests and vaccines should be accessible and partially or fully reimbursed through insurance organizations. An insurance policy should cover medical expenses in most cases. Now we need to try different approaches and prepare a system of drug reimbursement for prescription drugs. Partial compensation is available from January 1 through a tax deduction - up to 15,600 rubles from personal income tax can be received by anyone working for themselves or non-working members of their family. Yes, this is only the first step to work out the compensation system, but it may already affect 65-70 million workers. Now we need to think about how to develop the system further.

The pandemic has shown that there are both advantages and obvious gaps in the organization of medical care in our country. What changes, in your opinion, need to be made to the structure of medical care and its management?

Alexander Petrov: Our healthcare system showed itself in this test as one of the best in the world. We did not allow sharp peaks in the development of the pandemic. Secondly, the pandemic has shown what a new system for the construction of medical institutions should be. These should be prefabricated buildings for a period of 20 years, no more. They built it quickly - construction technologies changed - but 20 years later they dismantled it. There is no need to build these buildings to last forever. The third lesson: the pandemic has shown that we have properly trained medical personnel. They worked without sparing themselves, many accomplished simple feats, hundreds sacrificed their health and even their lives to fulfill their duty. Yes, there were those who quit, but there were much fewer of them. And we must perpetuate the memory of those who died at the post and present our heroes for the highest state awards. Finally, we saw that our medical institutions, in terms of equipment and management, worked from 5 points to a solid four, even with a plus. Yes, there are complaints, there are glitches, some things need to be refined and improved, but overall the system worked effectively. But we all need to learn the lessons of the pandemic—medicine, society, and government.

Life problems how to solve or get rid of

For example, I have learned well that if something doesn’t work out no matter how hard I try. I convince myself: “This is not mine, a better proposal on this topic awaits me.” And I calmly let go of the situation. No matter how attractive she was at that moment. And I don’t think about the fear that it won’t work out (more details).

When it's hard for you, it means you're climbing a mountain, and when it's easy, it means you're flying into the abyss. Life presents us with problems for a better future.

And it depends only on us whether we can overcome them or not. You should never give up or despair. Everything that happens is for the better.

  • Life experience: how does personal experience hinder a person?

Exchange positive emotions on the article: How to solve life problems. I give you a blessing, and you go through the stars!

The past cannot be changed

Panic is a terrible thing that will not allow you to assess the current situation, will not allow your brain to analyze and control it, but will instill painful anxiety, expecting the worst. Do you need it? In any difficult situation, the most important thing is a state of calm, which will allow you to concentrate and find a way out. Talk to yourself, explain to yourself all the pros and cons of the current situation. Life's difficulties will become less significant, your problem will not seem so huge and scary.

If an event has happened, it is the past that cannot be changed. It can only be corrected in the present or future. Your excitement and despair will achieve nothing. Remember the wisdom of the Gospels. Despair is the greatest sin. A person, in principle, is always alone among people. But there is a higher power that will give you hope, faith and love, as well as patience - the grace of the Gospel, which is priceless. Remember that the Lord gives a test of your strength. You need to remember this and know that you will survive.

Where to look for a solution to the problem

You won’t be able to become a better person, no matter how hard you try. But in fact, this is good. After all, in reality, you are not as simple as you seem. You don’t need to become simpler, but wider, loftier and deeper. It is not to develop intelligence and logic, but other abilities, models and skills.

To solve problems more easily, you should learn to listen to yourself - the voice coming from your heart.

For example, judge not only based on your existing knowledge of the world you know, but also listen to signs and intuition, master the hitherto unknown language of the sensations that overtake you, and accept the fact that you may be limited and not smart enough to make a decision on how to get out of the current unpleasant situation.

And then it will be easier to accept other people’s stupidity, because through the manifestations of strangers you get to know yourself and begin to truly appreciate your exclusivity and unusualness, not only for your developed intellect.

How is it possible, why did difficulties overtake me?

But then a crisis arrived, and discontent accumulated on all sides. You wonder: how is it possible, why should I suffer so much, if I did the right thing, did not break any commandments, did not harm anyone.

Friends will advise you to relax and be simpler.

Such advice encroaches on the protective bastions you have built around yourself. After all, you don’t yet know what it’s like to become simpler. But the fact is that you have not yet understood what it means to abandon your biased way of assessing the world with your limited intellectual standard.

But then how can you measure the situation so that it can be adequately assessed. Why is life so unfair and only the smartest come to success? Why are they richer and more prosperous than me, because I am much cleaner and more decent than them, and much more worthy of happiness. How to live now, and what and who you can rely on.

Problems deserve our gratitude

It’s a paradox, but our problems deserve to be thanked for their occurrence, since moments of crisis, troubles and other problematic situations are given to us in order to teach us something new and become different people.

But the trick is that most of us do not know how to use life’s difficulties for our development.

People are afraid of difficulties and spend a huge amount of vital energy trying to avoid them. As a result, a person misses the opportunity to change and improve himself.

What can they lead to?

What do changes in life lead to? Change is an experience. Changes reveal a person from some side. Sometimes what seems like a tragedy can lead to positive results. For example, a person was fired, and then he found his true calling. However, even positive changes carry a certain charge of destructive energy. Let's look at the negative impact of changes in life.

Negative impact of change

Change is scary. Any changes in yourself are a rejection of part of yourself. That is, first you take something away from yourself, find yourself in a vacuum for a while, and then gain it. For example, you give up a toxic social circle, bad habits, dead-end jobs, destructive love relationships, etc.

Changes in life are a strong emotional shock. A person finds himself in a state of anxiety, because of this there is a high risk of making incorrect, rash, emotional decisions. Try to look at recent changes with fresh, new eyes, as if they were not happening to you. Take the role of observer.

Changes in life always drive a person into a state of stress and instability. The longer he stays in this state, that is, the slower he adapts and makes decisions, acts, the higher the risks and danger. Living in conditions of constant uncertainty and instability is fraught with the development of neuroses and psychosomatic diseases.

What do our problems tell us?

Emotional pain gives us a signal that previous attitudes, life views, and methods of interaction have lost their effectiveness and can no longer help us get out of the current situation. Now this doesn't work.

The more rigid your upbringing was, the firmer the life principles on which you relied, the narrower your worldview and idea of ​​how this world works will be.

For the period of childhood and adolescence, the models that you used were suitable, because they ensured your safety. But when growing up comes, it's time to learn to look at things more broadly. And it is extremely difficult to do this without the intervention of outsiders, since you are confident that everything in the world is exactly as you are used to seeing.

What if you are good, help everyone, depriving yourself of some benefits in the name of someone else’s well-being, you will find happiness. I will be obedient, positive, sacrifice everything for the sake of others, and then I will receive a well-deserved reward.

My experience

I know for sure that in life there are black, gray and white stripes, I noticed a cyclical pattern in myself. For example, this is clearly noticeable in the labor sphere. Working as a freelance copywriter cannot be called stable. In short, it looks like this: you find several regular customers for a while, you can roughly plan your work schedule and daily routine, you have at least some guidelines for a certain period of time.

At the same time, you know that these projects will end, and then you will have to look for new ones. Accordingly, for some time (no one knows how long) income will fall, the rhythm of life and internal state will change. The type of activity will also change. Patrolling various sources of vacancies and communicating with different people is not the same as the usual rhythm of cooperation with those with whom you have already worked well.

And there is also an unexpected interruption in work. For example, amid the 2020 pandemic, I lost two customers, but after a while I found a replacement.

These are the changes that you can prepare for and that you just have to accept if you want to work from home as a freelancer. At first this was alarming, but now I know that after the period of decreased workload, refusals and fruitless searches, another, brighter period will definitely come. It really happens that you can’t find a job for a month or even two, and then within a week you find several clients at once. Or they find you. The main thing is not to despair.

Why do you need changes in life?

What are changes in a person's life? Let's give a definition. Changes in life are turning points. Whatever tone they are painted in (positive or negative), this is stress. Changes are often associated with situations of choice, making difficult decisions and taking responsibility for them.

Why and for what purpose are changes needed in life? Those situations that lead to change become life lessons. Sometimes change makes a person feel weak and helpless. Some situations seem hopeless and the available solutions are not satisfactory. But this must and can be overcome.

You need to have great resilience, wisdom and personal maturity to adapt to changing living conditions. It is important to accept the fact that changes in life will happen constantly. They are needed for the development and formation of a person as an individual and personality.

Note! The psyche, like any other system, strives for stability. That's why people are so resistant to changes in life and don't want to leave their comfort zone. It is normal to be afraid of the unknown and new, but you cannot allow yourself to become a hostage to fears.

What could they be related to?

What are the changes in a person's life? They can be related to work, health (mental and physical), personal life, education, standard of living, interests, etc. – changes affect all aspects of life, the external or internal world of a person.

In addition, there are natural (normative) and private changes in life. An example of the first: all people go through certain stages of growing up and then aging. And this applies to both physical and psychological changes, as well as social ones: the cycle “kindergarten - school - university - work”. In the case of private changes, we are talking about changes in the life of a specific person. And they, in turn, can be either specially organized by the individual himself or independent of his desires and actions.

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