Adaptol and phenibut together

Characteristics of Phenibut

Adaptol is an anxiolytic, a drug with an anti-anxiety effect.
The main component is mebicar, which was synthesized in the USSR. Adaptol is a daytime tranquilizer that does not cause severe drowsiness. The drug relaxes the muscle structure, so it does not lead to problems with coordination. But it can reduce alertness and reaction speed, so you should refrain from driving while taking the drug.

It does not have a hypnotic effect, but enhances the effect of sleeping pills. Prescribed for neurosis-like conditions, anxiety disorders, hypomania, residual effects after psychosis, as part of complex therapy - in the treatment of withdrawal symptoms of various origins.

Phenibut is a drug that has anxiolytic and nootropic effects. It was developed in the USSR and was included in the list of equipment that cosmonauts took with them on flights. The benefits of Phenibut are due to its mechanism of action, which allows it to eliminate stress without affecting performance.

The active substance of the drug is aminophenylbutyric acid. It is a derivative of GABA, the main neurotransmitter in the brain responsible for the inhibitory effect. Once in the body, aminophenylbutyric acid inhibits the reactions of the nervous system, while mildly affecting some other receptors in the brain, which is why a slight activating effect is observed.

Phenibut is a drug that has anxiolytic and nootropic effects.

In addition to the effect on inhibitory neurotransmitters, Phenibut acts on cerebral circulation, increases the volume and speed of blood flow, thereby improving the nutrition of brain tissue. It has a slight vasodilator effect, which may reduce blood pressure.

Prescribed for neurological disorders in children - nervous tics, speech problems. Can be used as a sedative before medical operations.


Clinical and pharmacological group

02.008 (Tranquilizer (anxiolytic))

Release form, composition and packaging

Tablets are white or almost white, round, flat-cylindrical, with a chamfer and a score.

1 tab.
tetramethyltetraazabicyclooctanedione500 mg

Excipients: methylcellulose - 3.3 mg, calcium stearate - 1.7 mg.

10 pieces. — contour cell packaging (2) — cardboard packs.

pharmachologic effect

Anxiolytic (tranquilizer). Adaptol is close in chemical structure to the body's natural metabolites - its molecule consists of two methylated urea fragments that are part of the bicyclic structure.

Adaptol acts on the activity of structures included in the limbic-reticular complex, in particular, on the emotiogenic zones of the hypothalamus, and also has an effect on all 4 main neurotransmitter systems: GABA-, choline-, serotonin- and adrenergic, promoting their balance and integration, but does not have a peripheral adrenergic blocking effect.

Eliminates or weakens worry, anxiety, fear, internal emotional tension and irritability. The calming effect is not accompanied by muscle relaxation and impaired coordination of movements.

It does not reduce mental and motor activity, so Adaptol can be used during the working day or school. Does not create an elevated mood or a feeling of euphoria.

It does not have a hypnotic effect, but enhances the effect of sleeping pills and improves sleep in case of sleep disturbances.

Adaptol eases or relieves nicotine withdrawal.

In addition to having a calming effect, it has a nootropic effect. Adaptol improves cognitive functions, attention and mental performance without stimulating the symptoms of productive psychopathological disorders - delirium, pathological emotional activity.



After oral administration, Adaptol is well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract (77-80%). Cmax of the active substance in blood plasma is achieved 0.5 hours after taking the drug. The high concentration of the active substance persists for 3-4 hours, then gradually decreases.


Up to 40% of the dose taken is bound to red blood cells. The rest does not bind to plasma proteins and is found in the blood plasma in a free form, so the active substance is freely distributed throughout the body and freely overcomes cell membranes.


The active substance is not metabolized and does not accumulate in the body.


About 55-70% of the dose taken is excreted from the body in the urine, the rest is excreted unchanged in feces during the day.


The drug should be taken orally, regardless of food intake, 500 mg 2-3 times a day. The maximum single dose is 3 g, the daily dose is 10 g. The duration of treatment is from several days to 2-3 months.

In complex therapy, 500-1000 mg 3 times a day is prescribed for 5-6 weeks as a means of reducing the desire to smoke tobacco.


The drug is low toxic. There is no typical clinical picture of an overdose. Manifestations of severe poisoning were not recorded.

Symptoms: possible weakness, hypotension, dizziness.

Treatment: if an overdose is suspected, gastric lavage and symptomatic therapy should be performed.

Drug interactions

The simultaneous use of Adaptol with neuroleptics, tranquilizers (benzodiazepines), hypnotics, antidepressants and psychostimulants is possible.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

The use of the drug is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation (breastfeeding).

Side effects

Rarely: dizziness, decreased blood pressure, dyspeptic symptoms, allergic reactions (skin rash, itching).

When used in high doses: bronchospasm, decreased body temperature, weakness.

Storage conditions and periods

The drug should be stored out of reach of children, in a dry place, at a temperature not exceeding 25°C. Shelf life: 4 years.


- neuroses and neurosis-like states (irritability, emotional instability, anxiety and fear);

— to improve the tolerability of neuroleptics and tranquilizers in order to eliminate the somatovegetative and neurological side effects they cause;

— cardialgia of various origins (not associated with ischemic heart disease);

- nicotine withdrawal (as part of complex therapy as a means of reducing the desire to smoke tobacco).


- pregnancy;

- lactation period (breastfeeding);

- hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

special instructions

If blood pressure and/or body temperature decrease (possibly by 1-1.5°C), there is no need to stop taking the drug. Blood pressure and body temperature normalize on their own.

If allergic reactions occur, use of the drug should be discontinued.

Addiction, addiction and withdrawal syndrome to Adaptol have not been established.

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and operate machinery

The drug can cause a decrease in blood pressure and weakness, which can negatively affect the ability to drive vehicles and operate machinery. Caution should be exercised when used in patients engaged in potentially hazardous activities.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

The drug is available with a prescription.

Comparison of Adaptol and Phenibut

The drugs have many similarities, because they belong to the same group of drugs. There are differences in contraindications and mechanism of action. Phenibut differs in that it is prescribed for a number of neurological problems in children. Sometimes doctors may prescribe Adaptol and Phenibut together.


Medicines have anti-anxiety and nootropic effects. They have general indications - anxiety disorders, stress, sleep disorders, asthenia, neurosis. They do not cause drowsiness during the daytime and increase performance. Have few side effects. Both drugs are prescription drugs.

What is the difference?

Phenibut can be prescribed to children, Adaptol is allowed to be taken only by adult patients. Phenibut has a wider spectrum of action - in addition to eliminating stress and anxiety, it helps with a number of neurological diseases. Phenibut should not be used by people with gastrointestinal pathologies and impaired renal function.

What's stronger?

Despite similar effects, the drugs have differences in the mechanism of their effect on the body. Depending on what caused the patient’s problem, Adaptol or Phenibut will have different effective effects. If disturbances appear due to oxygen starvation of the brain or problems with the conduction of nerve impulses, Phenibut will be more effective; if there is a deficiency of the neurotransmitter serotonin, it is better to take Adaptol.

If you have a deficiency of the neurotransmitter serotonin, it is better to take Adaptol.

Which is cheaper?

Phenibut will cost less than Adaptol. A package of Phenibut containing 20 tablets can be bought for less than 200 rubles, a similar amount of Adaptol costs about 700 rubles.

pharmachologic effect

The drug is a derivative of phenylethylamine and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) of the phenyl type, due to which it reduces the level of tension, fear, anxiety, has an anxiolytic effect, and relieves insomnia. When taken simultaneously with sleeping pills, neuroleptics and narcotic drugs, the effect of the latter is enhanced.

What is Phenibut?

Phenibut is a nootropic psychostimulant that inhibits neurotransmitters of the central nervous system. The active substance has a crystalline structure and a sour taste. To make tablets, a white powdery mass is used, soluble in alcohol and water. pH values ​​in an aqueous solution correspond to the norm of 2.3-2.7.


The nootropic affects the integrative higher functionality of the brain, stimulating mental activity, memory and other abilities. Increases brain stability under increased loads, stressful situations and hypoxia (oxygen starvation). Has the following effect on the body:

  1. Strengthens cortico-subcortical connections (elements connecting the cortex with the subcortical sections).
  2. Normalizes tissue metabolism, accelerates blood supply, which improves brain functionality.
  3. Reduces blood vessel resistance.
  4. Has antiplatelet properties.
  5. Has an anticonvulsant effect.
  6. Increases the latent period. This reduces nystagmus.
  7. Reduces asthenia, relieves vasovegetative symptoms.
  8. Reduces the excitability of subcortical elements, thalamus, hypothalamus, limbic complex.
  9. Accelerates the transmission of nerve impulses.
  10. Delays induced and spontaneous platelet aggregation, thereby preventing the development of thrombosis.
  11. Increases the number of mitochondria in the affected area during traumatic brain injury, where perifocal changes occur.
  12. Utilizes excess glucose.
  13. Launches energy processes.
  14. Improves tissue respiration.

Achieved effect:

  • the accuracy of the sensory-motor reaction is stabilized;
  • memory is restored;
  • concentration improves;
  • mental capacity increases;
  • performance increases during the daytime;
  • insomnia disappears at night;
  • anxiety and restlessness are reduced;
  • pain in the head and feeling of heaviness are relieved;
  • irritability disappears (sedative effect);
  • emotional lability increases;
  • clarity of consciousness appears.

The drug does not have a negative effect on adrenergic and cholinergic receptors, does not depress the central nervous system, does not relax muscles, and therefore can be used even in old age. Positive dynamics are observed after long-term use, as the effect develops gradually.


After penetration into the body, the active substance is quickly absorbed, evenly distributed throughout the tissues (0.1% is concentrated in the brain), and the younger the patient, the higher these indicators. Easily overcomes the BBB (blood-brain barrier between the central nervous and circulatory systems). Metabolization in the liver ranges from 80 to 95 percent, metabolites are not activated.

Cumulation does not occur, the active substance is excreted by 5% through the kidneys in an unchanged state, some of it is excreted through bile. The onset of elimination is noted after 3 hours, but the substance acts in the brain for 6 hours.

Which is better - Adaptol or Phenibut?

Which drug is better cannot be answered unambiguously for all patients. The medicine is selected depending on the individual needs and characteristics of the body.

For hyperhidrosis

If excessive sweating occurs due to anxiety and fear, both drugs can reduce the symptom. More often in this case, Phenibut is prescribed.

For anxiety

Both drugs have an anti-anxiety effect, so when prescribing, pay attention to other symptoms and the presence of contraindications.

From tics

Phenibut is used in the treatment of nervous tics, especially in pediatric therapy. Adaptol is not used for such neurological disorders.


Active substance:




Average price in pharmacies

NameManufactureraverage price
Adaptol 0.5 n20 tabOLAINFARM714.00

Analogs for the active substance:



Application area:

Withdrawal syndrome when quitting smoking

Benzodiazepine addiction

Pain syndrome during myocardial infarction

Pain in cardiac patients

Outbursts of anger

Secondary neurotic symptom

Severe anxiety



Other neurotic conditions

Dependence on anxiolytics and sleeping pills

Benzodiazepine addiction

Mood changes

Mood variability


Cardialgia against the background of dyshormonal myocardial dystrophy

Cardiac syndrome


Correction of side effects of neuroleptics

Correction of side effects of neuroleptics

Mood lability

Myocardial ischemic pain

Obsessive fears

Mood disorder

Mood disorders


Neurosis with increased irritability

Neurosis with increased irritability

Anxiety neurosis

Anxiety neurosis

Neurosis-like symptoms

Neurosis-like disorders

Neurosis-like conditions


Neuroses of all kinds

Neuroses with retardation

Neuroses with anxiety symptoms

Neuroses with anxiety

Neuroses of the heart

Neuroses of the heart

Neurotic disorders in alcoholism

Neurotic disorders with retardation

Neurotic disorders with anxiety syndrome

Neurotic disorders with anxiety syndrome

Neurotic reactions

Neurotic symptoms in alcoholism

Neurotic conditions

Neurotic syndrome

Neurotic disorder

Neuroleptic extrapyramidal syndrome

Instability of the emotional background

Nicotine withdrawal


Acute intoxication with antipsychotic drugs

Acute situational and stress anxiety

Acute situational stress anxiety

Acute anxiety disorder

Acute anxiety attack

Mood swings

Pericardial pain

Side effects of neuroleptics

Increased irritability

Increased irritability of the nervous system

Depressed mood with elements of anxiety

Attack of neurological dysfunction


Mental lability

Psychopathy with a predominance of anxiety and restlessness


Irritability with neuroses

Irritability in psychopathic disorders

Mood disorders

Sharp anxiety

Symptoms of irritability

Paroxysmal fear syndrome

Situational anxiety disorder

Mixed emotional disorders

Decreased mood

Condition after acute intoxication with antipsychotic drugs

State of fear

Alarm state

State of emotional tension


Anxious delusional state

Anxious delusional component

Anxious state


Anxiety neuroses

Anxiety disorders

Anxiety disorders in neurotic and neurosis-like conditions

Anxiety states

Anxiety syndrome

Worsening mood


Phobic disorders

Functional cardialgia

Chronic neurotic anxiety

Feeling of fear

Sense of anxiety

School neurosis

Extrapyramidal neuroleptic syndrome

Emotional lability

Emotional tension

Emotional instability

Emotional instability

Emotional withdrawal

Emotional detachment

Emotional stress

Patients' opinions

Vadim, 28 years old, Moscow

Adaptol has a weak sedative effect. Reduces symptoms of fear and anxiety. It does not affect concentration, which allows you to use it during the working day and not worry about the results of your activities. Among the advantages, the drug does not lower blood pressure and does not slow down the pulse at night, which for me was a priority when choosing.

Maria, 31 years old, Tomsk

I took Phenibut as prescribed by a doctor after I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. It has a powerful sedative effect, I took 1 tablet if there was severe stress. Almost always after this I felt sleepy. The drug is effective, but it should not be taken by those who need to be attentive and concentrated, because... I felt slow in my reactions.

Victoria, 44 years old, Stavropol

The doctor prescribed Phenibut because I have decreased vascular tone. I felt unwell during the appointment: I felt weak, dizzy, my attention deteriorated, and problems with coordination appeared. The disease did not go away, the pressure remained high. Perhaps this is not the right drug for my case.

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