Happiness is not in grades: what is personal potential and how to develop it together with school

Every person has potential, we all come into this world for something. Personally, I believe that an individual living being is an irreplaceable part of a huge organism called the “Universe”. Another question: how to understand what is the potential of everyone, what is our irreplaceability, what can an individual person give to the world that another cannot?

We often hear the expression “unleash your potential,” but what does this mean, is it inherent in every person, do you need to make an effort, or does it somehow happen on its own? We'll talk about this today.

In my opinion, the phrase “unleash your potential” is closely related to another equally popular word “realize.” A person who has realized himself can be seen a mile away, and he is not necessarily rich and famous, he is rather calm and confident in what he is doing. When you meet someone like that, you get the feeling that he has always been doing what he does, and that this is exactly what he should be doing. But, of course, we usually react this way because such a realized person or a person who has revealed his potential has already made a lot of mistakes, been disappointed many times, often has already gained such momentum that he now overcomes the difficulties that arise on autopilot and does not spend a lot on them emotions, as it was at the very beginning of the journey. All I'm trying to say now is that even the most realized person was once a “nobody”, afraid to take the first step and doubted his abilities. Those we often look up to have made many mistakes, failures and moments of complete despair. All this just didn’t break them!

A person who has revealed his potential differs from others in at least the following qualities:

  • courage,
  • adventurism,
  • Believe in yourself,
  • composure,
  • the ability to forgive oneself mistakes and learn from them,
  • the ability to finish what you start.

From my own experience, I am convinced that you need to do what you like and what your soul is about. Nowadays, the biggest difficulty in finding a way to personal fulfillment is money. But, if you are on the right path, this issue will be resolved by itself. Now it is being imposed that it is money that is the measure of the level of implementation, but this, of course, is not the case. The measure can be recognition, gratitude, a personal inner feeling of satisfaction, and money can, but it’s not a fact that it’s “great.”

What is personal potential?

Research shows that self-discipline has a greater impact on academic success than IQ.
And even for creativity, personality is more important than talent. Abilities are important, but much more important is the ability to use your abilities - this is called personal potential. It is needed to solve the key challenges that a person faces every day: to make a decision in a situation of uncertainty, to achieve a goal, and in a situation of threat and pressure - to preserve oneself and change, without betraying oneself. Various components of personal potential help with this, including these three:

  • Resilience is the ability to cope with stressful situations while maintaining composure. A resilient person confidently makes decisions, takes responsibility for them, and enjoys the feeling of being in control of their own life. He realizes that risks cannot be avoided and accepts them. She also thinks creatively, knows how to negotiate and collaborate with other people.
  • Motivational orientation is what motivates a person. Incentives can be both external and internal. For example, for some it is more important to receive recognition and a reward for an achievement, while for others a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction is enough.
  • Optimism is not just “the glass is half full.” Optimists are much less likely to experience learned helplessness; it is easier for them to establish contacts and build long-term relationships and negotiate with others. They also lead a healthier lifestyle and go to the doctor earlier than pessimists.

Excess potential

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Spiritual development

Everything in nature strives for balance. The difference in atmospheric pressure is equalized by the wind. The temperature difference is compensated by heat exchange. Wherever excess potential of any energy appears, equilibrium forces arise aimed at eliminating the imbalance.

The whole world can be represented in the form of pendulums that swing, fade and interact with each other. Each pendulum receives shocks from its neighbors and transmits its own to them. One of the basic laws governing this entire complex system is the law of equilibrium.

You yourself are also a kind of pendulum. If you decide to upset your balance and swing sharply in one direction, you will touch neighboring pendulums and thereby create disturbance around you, which will then turn against you.

Balance can be disrupted not only by actions, but also by thoughts. And not only because thoughts are followed by actions. As you know, thoughts radiate energy. In the world of material realization, everything has an energy basis. And everything that happens on the invisible energy level is reflected in the behavior of visible material objects.

At the energetic level, all material objects have the same meaning. It is we who endow them with certain qualities: good - bad, cheerful - sad, attractive - repulsive, kind - evil, simple - complex, and so on. Everything in this world is subject to our assessment.

If excess energy potential appears, equilibrium forces arise aimed at eliminating it.

Excess potential only appears if the evaluation is given great importance.

The magnitude of the potential increases if an estimate that is of great importance also greatly distorts reality. In general, if an object is of great importance to us, we cannot objectively assess its qualities.

When you want something too much, so much so that you are willing to risk everything, you create a huge excess potential that upsets the balance. Balanced forces will throw you onto the line of life, where the object of your desire is not in sight.

The higher the significance of the event for you, the more likely it is to fail. If you attach great importance to what you have and value it very much, then most likely the balancing forces will take it away from you. If what you want to get also means a lot to you, then you probably won't get it. It is necessary to lower the bar of significance and importance.

It is difficult to love money without the desire to possess it, so it is almost impossible to avoid a relationship of dependence. You can only try to reduce them to a minimum. Rejoice if money came to you. But under no circumstances should you worry about their lack or loss, otherwise there will be fewer and fewer of them.

Money is not a goal, or even a means to achieve it, but just an accompanying attribute. A goal is what a person wants from life.

If it seems to you that your goal can be realized only on the condition that you are a rich person, send this condition to hell. Let's say your goal is to travel around the world. Obviously, this requires a lot of money. To achieve your goal, think about the goal, not about wealth. Money will come on its own, as it is an accompanying attribute. It's that simple. Doesn't it sound incredible? However, this is true, and you will soon see it.

At the same time, you need to treat money carefully and carefully. If you see a small coin on the ground and you are too lazy to bend down for it, it means that you do not respect money. Meet them with love and attention, and leave them carefree. This attitude does not create excess potentials and adjusts the parameters of your radiation to the “money” lines.

A strong desire to avoid something is a logical continuation of dissatisfaction with the outside world or with oneself. The stronger your desire to avoid, the more powerful the excess potential. The more you don't want it, the more likely it is to collide. Equilibrium forces do not care how equilibrium is achieved. And it can be achieved in two ways: either to move you away from a collision, or to push you away. It is better to consciously abandon rejection so as not to create potential.

The bias of the assessment, which distorts reality, has two directions: endowing the object with either excessively negative qualities or excessively positive ones.

Let's start with dissatisfaction with ourselves. This manifests itself in dissatisfaction with one’s achievements and qualities, as well as in the active rejection of one’s shortcomings.

If a person is dissatisfied with his achievements only to the extent that this only serves as an impetus for self-improvement, the balance is not disturbed. The surrounding world is not affected, but the internal shift in balance is compensated by positive actions. If a person begins to engage in self-flagellation, takes offense at himself, or even worse, punishes himself, then a dangerous case of a quarrel between soul and mind arises. After all, the soul did not deserve such treatment. She is self-sufficient and perfect. All the shortcomings that you have acquired are shortcomings of the mind, not the soul.

A lot of people spend enormous energy fighting themselves and hiding their shortcomings. They, like titans, doomed themselves to support this useless load all their lives. As soon as they allow themselves to be themselves and throw off a heavy burden, life will immediately become noticeably easier and simpler. Energy will be redirected from the fight against shortcomings to the development of advantages.

If, in case of dissatisfaction with yourself, you come into conflict with your soul, then in case of dissatisfaction with the world, you enter into confrontation with a large number of pendulums. You know that there is nothing good in being influenced by them. And it’s better not to think about war with them at all.

Your dissatisfaction creates excess potential in the surrounding energy space, regardless of whether the dissatisfaction is justified or not. Potential gives rise to equilibrium forces that will strive to restore balance. It would be great if these forces acted to change the situation for the better. But, unfortunately, often the opposite happens. Balanced forces will try to push you so that your claims to this world have as little weight as possible. This is much easier for them than changing everything you are unhappy with.

Positive energy does not create the destructive potential that equilibrium forces seek to eliminate. It is not without reason that various philosophical and religious interpretations agree that love is the creative force that created the world. There is love in the general sense of the word. It is clear that equilibrium forces are a product of the force that created the world. Balanced forces strive to maintain order in this world, and they cannot be turned against the energy that created them.

The balance is also disturbed if one thing is compared with another or contrasted. “We are like this, and they are different!” For example, national pride: in comparison with which nations? Feelings of inferiority: compared to whom? Or pride in oneself: in comparison with whom? If there is opposition, equilibrium forces will definitely come into play to eliminate the potential - both positive and negative. Since you create potential, the action of forces will be directed primarily against you.

A person receives something that he actively does not accept, because he emits mental energy at the frequency of his hostility, and in addition, he also creates excess potential. Life often brings together completely different people who, it would seem, are not suitable for each other at all. Thus, balancing forces, confronting people with opposite potentials, tend to extinguish them.

The effect of equilibrium forces is especially pronounced in children, because they are energetically more sensitive than adults and behave naturally. If you praise a child too much, he will immediately begin to be capricious out of spite. And if you curry favor with a child, he will begin to despise you, or at least he will certainly not respect you. If you strive with all your might to make a well-bred good boy out of a child, he will most likely get involved with bad company on the street. If you try to mold him into a child prodigy, he will lose all interest in studying. And the more actively you bring down all sorts of clubs and schools on him, the more likely it is that he will grow up to be a gray personality.

The best principle for raising and treating children (and others), which does not create excess potential, is to treat them as guests, which means giving them attention, respect and freedom of choice, without allowing them to sit on your head. The attitude should be built on the same analogy that you yourself are nothing more than a guest in this world.

An even good attitude does not cause excess potential to appear. Potential occurs when there is a noticeable shift in the estimate relative to the nominal value. The zero mark on the displacement scale can be considered unconditional love. As you know, unconditional love, in which there is no relationship of dependence, does not create excess potential. But such love in its pure form is rare. Basically, to pure love there are added admixtures of entitlement, dependence and overvaluation.

A very strong imbalance is judgment of other people, and especially contempt. From the point of view of nature, there are no good or bad people. There are only those who obey the laws of nature, and those who bring disturbance to the existing “status quo”. The latter always end up being affected by forces that tend to restore the disturbed balance.

If a person has harmed you, then first of all he has upset the balance, and you are not a source of unhealthy potential, but an instrument of forces seeking to restore balance. Then the troublemaker will get what he deserves if you say everything you think about him, or even take certain actions within reasonable limits. But if the subject of your condemnation did not specifically do anything bad to you, then it is not for you to blame him.

A sense of justice constantly pushes us to condemn different people. However, this quickly becomes a habit, and many people turn into professional accusers over the years. It is a very bad habit to judge others for thoughts and actions that are not directed against you personally. In most cases, you have no idea what motivated the person to do what they did.

Never despise people, no matter what. This is the most dangerous type of condemnation, because as a result of the action of balancing forces, you may find yourself in the place of the one you despise. This is the most direct and easiest way for the forces to restore balance. Do you despise beggars and homeless people? You yourself can lose your money and your house, so the balance has been restored.

If a person is proud of his successes, or is in love with himself (and this too), there is nothing wrong with that. Irrelevant self-love is self-sufficient, so it does not bother anyone. The balance is disturbed only if inflated self-esteem is contrasted with a contemptuous attitude towards other people's weaknesses, shortcomings, or simply modest achievements. Then self-love turns into pride, and pride into vanity. The result of the action of equilibrium forces, again, will be a click on the nose.

A feeling of superiority or inferiority is a relationship of dependence in its purest form. Your qualities are compared with the qualities of others, so excess potential is inevitably created. On an energetic level, it doesn't matter whether you express your superiority publicly or just secretly congratulate yourself in comparison to others.

Comparing himself with others in his favor, a person seeks to artificially assert himself at the expense of others. Such aspiration always creates potential, even if it is just a shadow of arrogance, not expressed explicitly.

When a person strives to declare his importance to the world, energy is spent on maintaining an artificially created excess potential. Self-improvement, on the contrary, develops real virtues, so energy is not wasted and does not create harmful potential.

The desire for perfection in everything develops into an obsession for some people. The life of such people is one continuous struggle. Guess what? Of course, with balanced forces.

There is nothing wrong with trying to do everything well. But if excessive importance is given to this, the balancing forces are right there. They will just ruin everything. At the same time, feedback arises, and the person becomes more and more fixated. He wants perfection, but it turns out the opposite, he desperately tries to fix everything, but it turns out even worse. Ultimately, the pursuit of perfection becomes a habit, and can turn into mania. Existence turns into a continuous struggle, which automatically poisons the lives of those around him, because the idealist is demanding not only of himself, but also of others. This manifests itself in intolerance towards other people's habits and tastes, which often serves as a reason for minor conflicts, sometimes escalating into major ones.

From the outside, one can clearly see the absurdity of trying to achieve perfection in everything, and at the same time tyrannize others. However, the idealist himself enters into the role so deeply that it begins to seem to him that he himself is an impeccable and infallible person. They say, since I strive for a standard, that means I am a standard myself. He will never admit this even to himself, because he knows that the feeling of his own superiority does not fit into the framework of generally accepted concepts of perfection. But the “feeling of one’s own rightness in everything” sits very firmly on the subconscious level of such an idealist.

Preoccupation with one's shortcomings in comparison with the strengths of others works in the same way as the desire to show one's comparative superiority. The result will be the opposite of the intention. Don't imagine that everyone around you attaches the same importance to your shortcomings as you do. In fact, everyone is concerned only with their own person, so you can calmly throw off the titanic burden. Excess potential will disappear, balancing forces will no longer aggravate the situation, and the freed energy will be directed to the development of virtues.

Guilt is excess potential in its purest form. The fact is that in nature there are no such concepts as good or bad. Both good and bad actions are equivalent for equilibrium forces. Equilibrium is restored in any case if excess potential arises. You did something bad, realized it, felt guilty (I need to be punished) - created potential. You did well, realized it, felt a sense of pride in yourself (I need to be rewarded) - you also created potential. Balanced forces have no idea what to punish or reward for. They only eliminate the created inhomogeneities in the energy field.

The price for feeling guilty will always be punishment in one form or another. If there is no feeling of guilt, then punishment may not follow. Unfortunately, a sense of pride in a good deed will also entail punishment, not reward. After all, balancing forces need to eliminate the excess potential of pride, and reward will only strengthen it.

A guilt complex can greatly ruin life, because a person is constantly exposed to the action of balancing forces, that is, all kinds of punishments for far-fetched offenses.

That is why there is such a saying: “arrogance is the second happiness.” As a rule, balancing forces do not touch people who are not tormented by remorse.

The feeling of guilt necessarily gives rise to a scenario of punishment, and without the knowledge of your consciousness. According to this scenario, the subconscious will lead you to punishment.

There is no need to torment yourself with remorse - this will not help matters. It is better to do so so as not to feel guilty later. And if it has already happened, there is no point in suffering in vain, no one will be better off because of it.

Take back your right to be yourself and get out of the dock. No one will dare to judge you if you do not consider yourself guilty. Only you yourself can voluntarily give others the privilege of being your judges.

People have come up with one interesting way to dispel the excess potential of guilt - asking for forgiveness. It really works. If a person carries a feeling of guilt, he strives to retain negative energy and builds up excess potential. By asking for forgiveness, a person releases this potential and allows the energy to dissipate. Asking for forgiveness, admitting your mistakes, atonement for sins, confession - all these are methods of getting rid of the potential for guilt.

There is no need to squeeze out feelings of guilt. It is enough to simply allow yourself to live in accordance with your credo. Nobody has the right to judge you. You have the right to be yourself. If you allow yourself to be yourself, the need to make excuses will disappear, and the fear of punishment will dissipate.

We often perceive all sorts of troubles, problems and obstacles as inherent properties of this world. It comes as no surprise to anyone that various annoying troubles, from small to large, are the indispensable companions of every person throughout his life. Everyone is accustomed to the fact that this is our world. In fact, trouble is an anomaly, not a normal occurrence.

Most troubles, one way or another, are caused by the actions of equilibrium forces to eliminate excess potentials created by you or the people around you. You yourself are not aware that you create excess potentials, and then accept troubles as an inevitable evil and do not understand that these are equilibrium forces at work.

You can get rid of most of the troubles if you free yourself from the Herculean efforts aimed at maintaining excess potentials. Titanic energy is not only wasted, but also reverses the equilibrium forces so that the result is exactly the opposite of the intention. Thus, you just need to stop beating like a fly on glass and direct your intention to developing your virtues, without worrying about your position on the ladder of superiority. Even without developing your advantages, but simply without worrying about your superiority, you get the advantage of not being bothered by balancing forces. By giving up superiority, you will gain it.

You need to approach life more simply. Don't neglect it, but don't embellish it either. Think less about which people are good or bad. Accept the world as it is.

Accept yourself as you are. Allow yourself the luxury of being yourself. Do not extol or belittle your strengths and weaknesses. Strive for inner peace: you are not important or insignificant.

The only thing that does not create excess potential is a sense of humor, the ability to laugh at oneself and without malice, so as not to offend, at others. This alone will prevent you from turning into an insensitive mannequin.

When solving problems, you must follow one golden rule. Before you tackle a problem, you need to reduce its importance. Then the equilibrium forces will not interfere, and the problem will be solved easily and simply.

Catch yourself on the importance every time you prepare for an event. If an event is really important to you, don't make it even more important. The best recipe: spontaneity, improvisation, easygoing attitude. Preparation should only be used as insurance. Under no circumstances should you “prepare seriously and thoroughly” - this reinforces the importance. Inactive experience heightens importance even more. The potential for importance is dissipated by action. Don't think - act. If you can't act, don't think. Switch your attention to another object, let go of the situation.

Never, under any circumstances, boast even of what you have rightfully deserved. And even more so those that have not yet been achieved. This is extremely unprofitable, because in this case the equilibrium forces will always act against you.

Make yourself at home, but don't forget that you are a guest. If you are in harmonious balance with the surrounding pendulums, that is, you beat in unison with them, then your life will flow easily and pleasantly. You seem to have entered into resonance with the world around you. You gain energy and achieve your goal without much difficulty.

Dima Dandy


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How is personal potential related to learning?

According to the results of studies by Russian psychologists Tamara Gordeeva, Dmitry Leontiev and Evgeny Osin
, schoolchildren and students who are focused on the state of flow and obtaining high grades, are purposeful, persistent (all these are elements of personal potential), academic success in general is much better and more noticeable . Especially when you compare them with peers whose personal potential is not so developed.

However, researchers also found disadvantaged students who achieved no less academic heights. At the same time, their indicators of resilience, determination and a sense of meaningfulness in life were lower than those of other respondents.

As an example, they cite the situation with participants in school Olympiads: those children who strive for prizes for the sake of external recognition and fame, preferential admission to a university, turn out to be less successful in their studies in general. A much higher level of personal potential is shown by their peers, for whom the Olympiad is an interesting test that is valuable in itself. Consistently high results in studies are usually achieved by those who understand its importance and study with pleasure and interest.

“The winners of high-level Olympiads are distinguished by certain features of thinking - criticality and independence. Unlike Voltaire’s hero, they are not inclined to believe that “everything is for the best in this best of worlds,” critically assessing their future and the world around them, school and life in general. They accept the challenges that life throws at them, convinced that everything that happens to them contributes to their development through the experiences they acquire - positive or negative."

Separately, scientists highlight an optimistic style - an approach to life, thanks to which a person evaluates successes and achievements not as a random coincidence of circumstances, but as a natural result of hard and painstaking work. Nevertheless, many Olympic athletes have a pessimistic style. They expect the worst outcome, and therefore prepare for all possible (including the most difficult) variants of tasks.

- Why are you still not using your potential?


Each of us has certain talents and abilities. Successful people implement them in life and use their strengths. And people who have not yet achieved their goals cannot open up and allow themselves to express themselves. Their potential is hidden and there are several reasons for this. Here they are:

1) Lack of motivation. If you don’t know why you need to reveal your potential, then you won’t really want to reveal it. In any business you need motivation. This is the key to success. How to motivate yourself?

Imagine the result, what you are striving for. Use the visualization method for inspiration. Visualize a picture of your happy life every day. What will the realization of your talents give you? What can you achieve in life?

2) No self-confidence. If you think that you are a failure, then you will not succeed. You kill your desire to act and do not allow your talents to manifest themselves. What to do?

Raise self-esteem and self-confidence using self-hypnosis methods. For example, praise yourself every day in front of the mirror for any victories and achievements or read self-hypnosis formulas. Tell yourself that you are talented, capable and smart.

3) Laziness. If you prefer to lie on the couch and watch TV, or do other things not related to your purpose, then stop behaving like that. Let go of feelings of laziness, only activity and determination can help you.

4) There are no clear guidelines. One of the secrets to achieving success is knowing your goal. And you don’t need to scatter. To unlock your potential, choose a direction and follow it.

How to do it?

Take a pen and paper and write down your GOAL. Think about what is most important to you? What do you want? In what area of ​​life? Write down your answer. And then act, go to the end.

5) There is no desire to leave your comfort zone. If you are comfortable in life now, then there is no desire to change anything. This is bad. Successful people are constantly evolving. And you should want it too. In order for your potential to be revealed, you need to take risks and do something new. How to implement this in practice?

You have already chosen your target. We wrote it down on paper. Now think about what you can do that you haven’t done before? Do it.

Find out how to find your talent!


Technology for unlocking potential abilities

Many people do not even know that they have enormous potential for unique development. Why? It’s all due to complexes, attitudes, upbringing and stereotypes. When a personality is formed and potential is developed, a person is influenced by many factors: the expectations of others, moral principles, life experience, etc. People lose themselves in this stormy flow of sometimes unnecessary information.

For example, parents expect their child to succeed in family business, medicine or pedagogy, but the child does not strive for this at all in life, which is why he is subjected to regular attacks from members of his family. At a certain point, he may lose faith in himself and his capabilities, locking the power of his personality and his talent deep inside for many years.

To better understand internal settings, answer the following questions:

  1. What do I want?

Answer: I want to be a fitness trainer.

  1. What I can?

Answer: I can take special courses and go to the gym.

  1. What am I missing to achieve my goal?

Answer: a suitable figure (sports uniform).

  1. What can I do now to increase my abilities/opportunities?

Answer: play sports, improve your appearance, study theory, communicate with experienced people.

  1. What can I do next, having acquired a certain amount of skills, knowledge and capabilities?

Answer: create a fitness group on social networks, get a job in a fitness club.

  1. What am I willing to do for this?

Answer: spend a certain amount of time and money on training and gaining practical experience.

To be effective, you must constantly take part in trainings, competitions, engage in self-development, and also try to practically apply the acquired knowledge. Don’t expect instant results, because you need to do a lot of work on yourself to get results.

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