Afobazole or adaptol, which is better?

Healthy nerves and a strong psyche are the key to success in everything. Two popular drugs help provide them and cope with stress - adaptol and afobazole. It is difficult to say for sure which is better, and the choice depends on the problem that needs to be eliminated. Let's take a closer look at the composition of the drugs and try to compare Afobazole and Adaptol.

Composition and release form

Adaptol is produced in the form of tablets. Dosage: 300 mg and 500 mg. Each pack contains detailed instructions for use. The main active ingredient is

tetramethyltetraazabicyclooctanedione (or mebicar).

Composition (additional substances):

  • calcium stearate is an emulsifier widely used in the food industry, plays a form-building role, and is non-toxic;
  • Methylcellulose is a film-forming substance used as a protective coating that dissolves when ingested.

One contour pack contains 20 round tablets with a score for breaking in half.


The drug is taken orally, 2-3 times a day, regardless of meals.
The maximum you can take up to 3 g at a time, up to 10 g per day. The duration of therapy ranges from several days to two to three months.

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For complex treatment (as a means of reducing cravings for tobacco), it is recommended to take from 0.5 to 1 g per day for 5–6 days.

If the next dose is missed

, treatment continues without changes.

With the help of the drug, neurotic disorders with a tendency to prolonged therapy and pseudoneuroses with manifestations are treated:

  • increased fatigue,
  • lethargy,
  • general malaise,
  • absent-minded attention
  • hot temper,
  • neuropsychic weakness,
  • emotional lability,
  • irritability,
  • worries,
  • anxiety,
  • unreasonable and excessive fears.

Other indications for use:

  • to mitigate neurological and somatovegetative side effects, it is prescribed as part of complex therapy with the participation of tranquilizers and antipsychotics;
  • pain in the left half of the chest (cardialgia), not caused by organic changes in the arteries or coronary heart disease;
  • smoothes out the manifestation of somatovegetative symptoms during menopause and premenstrual syndrome;
  • treatment of the consequences of acute psychoses in the form of affective disorders;
  • chronic verbal hallucinosis;
  • in the complex treatment of nicotine addiction. Reduces the craving for smoking.

Must be strictly observed

doctor's orders, since the drug has many side effects.


Adaptol is available in the form of round, flat-cylindrical white tablets with a score and a bevel.

Adaptol contains:

  • Tetramethyltetraazabicyclooctanedione (500 mg);
  • Methylcellulose (3.3 mg);
  • Calcium stearate (1.7 mg).

The toxicity of Adaptol is very low. The typical clinical picture of overdose has not been identified. Severe poisonings have not been registered. Weakness, dizziness and hypotension may occur.

If an overdose is suspected, symptomatic treatment, including gastric lavage, is necessary.

Adaptol is a psychotropic drug used as a daytime tranquilizer. According to patient reviews, the drug should only be taken under medical supervision.

How do you evaluate the effectiveness of ADAPTOL?

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Adaptol (mebicar) belongs to the group of anxiolytic drugs.

The product is produced in the form of tablets having a flat cylindrical shape. The capsules are painted white or almost white. The main component of the capsules is tetramethyltetraazabicyclooctanedione.

Additional substances include:

  • calcium stearate – 1.7 mg;
  • methylcellulose – 3.3 mg.

The tablets are packed in plastic blisters with contour cells of 10 pcs. Blisters are distributed in cardboard packs.

The drug is approved for use from 18 years of age.

The drug is for oral administration. Take capsules regardless of food intake. For the treatment of disorders, 500 mg of the drug is prescribed 2-3 times a day. In this case, the maximum single dosage should not exceed 3 g. The maximum daily dose should not exceed 10 g.

The duration of treatment ranges from 3 days to several months and is determined by the treating specialist. For nicotine addiction, 0.5-1 g of the drug is prescribed 3 times a day for 1-1.5 months. The dosage and duration of the course may be changed by the attending physician.

There are no data on clinical manifestations of overdose. General weakness and malaise, dizziness, and hypotension may develop. If the dosage specified in the instructions is exceeded, it is necessary to take sorbents and perform emergency gastric lavage.

Symptomatic treatment is recommended. For the entire period of therapy, it is necessary to discontinue the use of the dosage form. Repeated treatment is carried out only as prescribed by a neurologist and under his constant supervision.

According to reviews from doctors, the drug is highly effective in the treatment of anxiety disorders and panic attacks. The drug is not addictive and is well tolerated by patients, fulfilling all the indications stated in the instructions.

According to patient reviews, the drug acts gently, does not cause side effects and helps to cope with psychopathological disorders. However, most people who have taken Adaptol point out its high cost.

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Before starting treatment, I decided to read what other people wrote about the medicine. Often in reviews you can find “pitfalls” and hidden side effects. Fortunately, Adaptol was praised more than criticized. There was also some negativity, but it was associated with a misunderstanding of the effect of therapy.

“I went through a divorce and a move. I spent a lot of nerves. I asked the doctor to prescribe me a sedative. The doctor recommended Adaptol. The tablets help, but the effect is weak. When asked to prescribe something more serious, the specialist refused.”

It would probably have been completely suspicious if a medical professional had prescribed a strong drug on demand, without confirming the diagnosis and without a comprehensive examination. I believe that Adaptol is a universal remedy that helps with various symptoms. It is clear that the tranquilizer has a moderate effect. Otherwise, it would have been banned.

“I took Adaptol tablets before taking exams and defending my diploma. I noticed that my productivity increased and my constant anxiety disappeared. The worries didn’t go away, but at least I was able to sleep properly.”

I completely agree with this review. My first “bell” about recovery was a sound sleep. Previously, I tossed and turned all night and woke up every 15 minutes.

Of course, I cannot explain the principle of operation of the tranquilizer. This requires special education and training. From the reviews of doctors, I realized that the composition of Adaptol is in many ways similar to the natural substances produced by our body. The medicine actively affects the endocrine system. The production of adrenaline and serotonin is normalized.

If taken correctly, the tablets can:

  • relieve irritation, internal tremors;
  • increase mental activity;
  • combat impaired coordination of movements caused by emotional overstrain.

In my case, the nootropic drug helped me get through the hardest days of quitting smoking.

It has been proven that after taking the drug, its active substances quickly dissolve in the digestive system and begin to work within 20-30 minutes. Usually the effect lasts for 3-4 hours (reviews confirm this). Residues of the drug are excreted in the urine. That is why kidney health is a prerequisite for prescribing a nootropic.

I was struggling with some pretty serious withdrawal symptoms. The doctor prescribed me 1000 mg 3 times a day. Usually the dosage is not that large. To eliminate anxiety and fears, it is enough to take one tablet (500 mg) 2 times a day. The course is prescribed only by a specialized specialist. Treatment usually lasts several weeks.

It is important to mention that Adaptol is considered a relatively safe and non-toxic drug. I didn't find any reviews online about overdose. Sometimes there were mentions of dizziness and low blood pressure, but I think that this is due to the personal characteristics of the patients.

Side effects

As a rule, the drug is well tolerated.
When taking large doses of the medicine, side effects are observed and an allergic reaction (itching, skin rashes) is possible. In this case, the reception is stopped. Digestive disorders rarely occur, after which it is necessary to reduce the dosage.

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Also, with a large dosage, bronchospasms, weakness, possible dizziness, and a temporary decrease in temperature (may drop by 1-1.5 °C) or blood pressure are not excluded.

Temperature and blood pressure are restored without additional treatment.


Despite the fact that Adaptol has low toxicity and does not cause severe poisoning, in case of overdose you should do a gastric lavage and call a doctor.

The drug is contraindicated:

  • pregnant women;
  • women during breastfeeding (lactation);
  • not recommended for children and adolescents under 18 years of age;
  • individual intolerance to the main active ingredient.

Use with extreme caution is prescribed for people with impaired kidney and liver function.

Use in children

Adaptol should be used with caution when treating children aged 10 years and older. For example, in the treatment of OAB (overactive bladder), with characteristic frequent, including night, urination. In this case, self-medication is dangerous and unpredictable consequences are possible. The liver and kidneys may also be at risk. This information is contained in the instructions for use of Adaptol in children.

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This is why consultation with a doctor is mandatory. Doctors do not allow the use of this drug in children of primary school, especially preschool age, due to the possibility of apnea. Since the reaction to it can be unpredictable, they try not to prescribe it even until adulthood (18 years old).


Even when prescribed, treatment begins with half the dose.

For children Adaptol, the dose is usually up to 300 mg no more than 3 times a day. Adaptol is prescribed to children purely individually according to the dosage prescribed by the doctor.

Adaptol can be purchased in pharmacies only with a prescription, having been prescribed by a doctor. In the absence of a prescription, you should pay attention to milder antidepressants of plant origin, which have no or very few contraindications.

Combination with alcohol

The modern urban lifestyle is constantly accompanied by a mass of different kinds of stressful situations.
Many, unfortunately, get used to relieving stress with a “homemade antidepressant” in the form of alcohol. But alcohol only worsens negative symptoms over time and it’s time to see a doctor.

And if a long course of treatment is prescribed, the question involuntarily arises: is it possible to combine an old habit with therapy.

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Research shows that it is undesirable to combine anxiolytics, including Adaptol, with alcohol . This is especially true for the initial period of therapy, about 2 weeks, while the body gets used to the medicine.

Individual reaction to such a combination is unpredictable and depends on many factors. Among them are the pathology for which treatment is being carried out, the patient’s condition and the dosage of alcohol, which, unlike the dosage of medicine, is not always controllable. The main danger is that in one case the effect of the drug is neutralized, while in the other the metabolism is accelerated and the effect is enhanced.

may occur :

  • severe headache, dizziness;
  • sleep disturbances, drowsiness;
  • increased heart rate caused by the release of adrenaline and, as a result, a dangerous load on the cardiovascular system;
  • a sharp increase in blood pressure;
  • disorders of the kidneys and liver;
  • apathy, weakness;
  • nervous system disorders;
  • poisoning and, as a consequence, nausea, gastrointestinal disorders;

If you are not sure about completely abstaining from alcohol during therapy, it is strongly recommended to consult with your doctor about the possibility of combining Adaptol and alcohol.

Reviews from doctors

The drug is heavy, but effective. It is extremely rare that I observe in my patients such adverse reactions as dyspeptic symptoms and allergies, the appearance of which requires urgent discontinuation of the drug.

It is unacceptable for patients to adjust the dose on their own; only the attending physician should do this. Only in this case will it be possible to achieve positive results of therapy.

I have been trusting the health of my patients to Adaptol for many years. The drug shows a high therapeutic effect even in severe disorders of the psycho-emotional state of patients. Like any antipsychotic, it is difficult to tolerate, so it is often necessary to adjust the initially prescribed dose of the drug.

It is important to remember that the drug is dispensed strictly according to a doctor’s prescription, since it is strictly unacceptable to take it for self-medication.

I prescribe Tenoten for stress, nervous tension and other disorders. The medicine is homeopathic, which eliminates a negative reaction from the body. It is convenient to take without interruption from work activities.

The active substances do not cause drowsiness, and there is no addiction to the drug. During therapy, on the contrary, stimulation of mental activity is noted.

A sedative is included in therapy for mental stress, irritability and other nervous disorders that occur due to stress and depression. To achieve the desired effect, you need to take it in a course. The dosage and duration of treatment is determined by the attending physician.


There are complete analogues of Adaptol with the same main component:

  • Mebix (Olifen, Moscow);
  • Mebikar (“Tathimfarmpreparaty”, Kazan);
  • Mebikar (Interchem, Odessa);
  • Tranquilar (Interchem, Odessa).

Medicines of similar action with other active substances:

  • Fenzitate. Pronounced sedative and hypnotic effect. Relieves muscle tension, phobias;
  • Phenazepam. Anxiolytic with sedative and anticonvulsant effects. Helps with sleep disorders, psychosis and other nervous diseases;
  • Anvifen. A drug with tranquilizing, nootropic, antiplatelet and antioxidant effects. Prescribed for dizziness, stuttering, and insomnia. Allowed for children over 3 years old;
  • Phenibut. Improves blood supply to the brain, relieves headaches, improves memory and mental activity;
  • Aralia tincture. The herbal product stimulates the central nervous system. Helps with decreased tone, appetite, and sleep disorders.

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We answer the question: Is Adaptol available with a prescription or not? Like other antidepressants, Adaptol is available with a prescription, but there are also over-the-counter analogues


  • Mebicar IC,
  • Afobazol,
  • Selank,
  • Tranquilar IC.

Those who often take antidepressants have a question: Mebicar or Adaptol - which is better. Both drugs are based on the same substance and can replace each other in therapy.

The tablets differ in weight, so when changing the drug, you should consult your doctor about the dosage. There is also a difference in cost: Mebicar is much cheaper, but has a lower dosage, so in terms of weight the difference is not so great.

When choosing, first of all compare the weight of the tablets (Mebicar or Adaptol) and the prescribed dosage.

Adaptol is not a sedative, but a tranquilizer. You should not forget about this if you are self-medicating and prescribing analogues for yourself or children.

Operating principles

If you compare Afobazole and Adaptol, you will find that they act somewhat differently, but on almost the same problems. Afobazole supports the nervous system if it is weakened and protects it from the negative effects of permanent stress, protects against it, and also relieves feelings of anxiety and tension. Afobazole works gently and has a cumulative effect. The result of taking it can be noticed on the fifth day, and after discontinuation the remedy lasts for about a week.

Adaptol is considered a mild, but still a tranquilizer. The product relieves irritability and relieves anxiety and fear. Adaptol does not have a hypnotic effect, but it enhances the effect of sleeping pills.

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