How to master the basics of nonverbal communication and accurately convey information to the opposite sex

Signs of a man’s love can be divided into expressed, visible to the naked eye, and hidden, discernible only upon close inspection. In addition, obvious manifestations may not always indicate the presence of true feelings, just as the absence of any signs also does not indicate the coldness of men. But every young lady really wants to know what feelings an ardent admirer has. In addition, some beauties tend to exaggerate the importance of a couple of sparkling compliments, a presented bouquet of daisies and a romantic promenade along the boulevard. Therefore, in order not to get into trouble, beautiful virgins need to be able to navigate the obvious and erased signs of male feelings.

What are men so silent about?

Most often, men are stingy with words, and even if they speak, it is consciously and deliberately. But the language of facial expressions and gestures will reveal their true thoughts and tell about whether there is sympathy. And if, you know, so much about a person, then you get incredible power - to control the behavior of a man who is in love with you.

The ability to correctly interpret non-verbal signals will help you understand the relationship and whether there is further meaning in it, which is incredibly important for married couples who have lived together for more than one year, and it will also be useful for those who are just entering into a relationship.

This is interesting! According to psychology, only a little more than 7% of information is transmitted by a person through words, and more than 55% through non-verbal communication. The remaining percentages account for the intonation of the voice, its timbre or pitch.

Psychology has determined that in women, intuition is nothing more than the ability endowed by nature to see and recognize the secrets of body language. It is she who helps the weaker sex get out of seemingly inevitable situations, for which such a skill was often called witchcraft. But in fact, everything is much simpler; nature has endowed a woman with such an ability so that she can more easily and quickly guess the needs of her child, who is unable to express them on his own.

For married couples who have lived together for more than one year, sometimes words are not needed at all. So, one glance from a wife or husband will be enough for the other half to understand that she is wrong. This is why a married man is more stingy with words and expression of emotions - he hides his feelings.

But even a good game of “hide your feelings” can be revealed. So, if it’s clear that you like the guy and it’s mutual, you need to take the initiative into your own hands and show him that you’re only happy about the relationship. Let's figure out how to understand the body language of men.


Why don't men and women always understand each other?

Have you ever wondered why the verbal communication of men and women is so different? “She chatters incessantly all the time,” the man grumbles. “He never listens to what I tell him,” the woman complains. And such a picture is not uncommon even for couples who have been together for a long time. And what can we say about those who are just looking at each other, thinking about how to take the first step correctly...

Often, wanting the same thing, a man and a woman talk about it in such a way that they do not understand each other. Why does this happen? In fact, the answer lies in the peculiarities of psychology. Representatives of different genders present information differently and interpret what they hear differently.

Women need communication much more than the masculine part of humanity. On average, a girl talks one and a half times more, and the process itself is important to her - it is a kind of remedy for stress and negativity. The topic of conversation can be anything: the events of today, a new dress, a photo on Instagram posted by a friend. In addition, women often make decisions by thinking out loud and talking through various options. It is these features that have become the reason for the persistent stereotype about female talkativeness.

How do men behave? If a guy works in a team or, due to his profession, communicates with clients, this interaction is more than enough for him to satisfy his need for communication. After a difficult day, he would rather remain silent and listen than actively take part in a conversation.

Unlike beautiful ladies, men almost never enter into a discussion solely for the sake of the process itself. They always have a specific goal - to obtain important information or convey it to their interlocutor. Once the goal is achieved, the man no longer sees the point in further discussing the topic. It is also rare for a man to voice his thought process. He would rather think it over and weigh it carefully, and only then announce his decision.

Agree, there are more than enough differences in the characteristics of male and female communication. Add to this shyness, sometimes inherent in representatives of both sexes, understatement or misinterpretation of the interlocutor’s words - there are more than enough reasons to be misunderstood.

Therefore, during a conversation, carefully observe the posture, gestures, intonation and facial expressions of your interlocutor. They will tell you what exactly he is trying to express now, and will help you avoid awkward moments and ambiguous understanding of subtle hints.

Oh, those eyes opposite!

To understand how a particular man feels about you, watch him. And his eyes will tell you the most useful information:

  • If he looks at you and his pupil is dilated, then you can be sure that the same eating with the eyes is happening now. It is not always possible to look so closely at the object you are interested in. Most often, this happens already at the stage of close relationships, but even here such information is important.
  • If a man moves his eyebrows when he meets you, you can rest assured that he has sympathy for you, and maybe even more.
  • If a man’s gaze does not linger on his face, but quickly runs over his entire body, there is no doubt that this man is interested in you. And most often it is carnal interest. Interestingly, a similar gesture on the part of a woman baffles men.
  • If a man looks at you for a long time, trying to catch your gaze, this indicates increased interest. And here it’s not just carnal desires, but also spiritual cravings for you.

We evaluate facial expressions and gaze

Here's what men most often do when communicating with the opposite sex:

  • Smile while talking. Why is this necessary? To win over your interlocutor, show your positive attitude. This is also how they try to flirt.
  • They make faces like Jim Carrey. Why? If the MC is not sanguine in life, obviously he wants to be remembered and stand out from others.
  • They don't look at the woman. One of the reasons is that he fell head over heels in love and is afraid to reveal his feelings. Another option is that he is ashamed that he is married, but is interested in you.
  • They lower their eyes to the floor. Here everything is similar to the above: either he is busy or shy.
  • They look closely at the lips of the interlocutor. It's simple - he wants to kiss you and is eager to continue acquaintance in a more informal setting.

Body movements: looking for sympathy

The movements of a man in love can tell you a lot. To understand them, a girl must simply examine them carefully and draw a conclusion. If a guy wants to please you, then he will try to look his best: either straighten his hair or his clothes. After all, if he is not interested in you, he will not care what opinion you have about him.

But in order to understand him better, you need to pay attention to how his hands move, the poses he takes, etc.:

  1. In order to please you, he will unconsciously try to become taller, fitter and stronger:
      tightens the stomach;
  2. straightens his shoulders;
  3. will begin to show off her figure.
  4. If you are sitting or standing next to him, especially in a large group, look where the toes of his shoes point. So, usually they are turned towards his sympathy, as if trying to get closer to you. These are the first unconscious steps towards you. And only you can decide whether you are ready to accept them or not. His whole posture is as open as possible, he is comfortable, comfortable and pleasant with you.
  5. A man's sexual interest is shown by the movement of his thumbs. They are placed in a belt or belt, as if showing that his dignity is ready to be with you entirely and completely. This is practically an animalistic indication of reproduction, but every man is a beast in the shower, so why be surprised. It's worse if a man hides his hands in his pockets. This is a sign of self-doubt; most often, relationships with such a man are the most troublesome and rarely end in a happy ending.
  6. But the reduction of distance between you, the desire to get into your personal space, all kinds of touches, all this indicates that sympathy is at its peak. You can take such a man with your bare hands. An example of such behavior would be an almost complete bend towards your computer or report, when there is no such urgent need.
  7. A man actively gesturing, only if it is not an angry boss, indicates that this person is trying to completely capture your attention with such a movement. Not necessarily, this will be communication only with you. Perhaps this will be a meeting, and active gestures and frequent glances at you clearly say: “look at me, I like you.”
  8. Mirror. Often a guy in love intuitively mirrors your movements, facial expressions, and posture. This reluctance to become like you, this is the original purpose of a man - to protect his female.
  9. Flaring nostrils and him fiddling with some part of his clothing speaks of his excitement about you. Your smell excites him, which makes him nervous and restless, especially if the object of desire does not reciprocate his feelings.


Subject for conversation

It is quite easy to maintain eye contact when discussing a pleasant topic. If the topic is unpleasant or confusing, a persistent gaze causes outrage and is perceived as an intrusion into personal feelings. Staring interferes with positive interactions and is often perceived as a sign of hostility. For this reason, people usually avoid visual contact in situations of argument, conflict, or rivalry, because this contact can be understood as an expression of a negative assessment of the partner. The desire to turn away in these situations is especially characteristic of women.

People tend to look less often into the eyes of a person who embarrasses them with tactless questions, indiscreet remarks, or an attempt to invade their privacy. Interestingly, in the process of conflict relationships, people tend to punish less often those who look at them more closely. At the same time, it is not recommended to look a person in the eyes when he is presenting unpleasant, but emotionally significant facts for him personally. In this case, refusal of direct visual contact is perceived as an expression of understanding of the emotional state of the interlocutor.

Trying to concentrate

Psychologists Fiona Phelps and Gwyneth Doherty Sneddon in their work “Gaze-Disgust” tried to determine the dependence of the duration of the gaze on the method of obtaining information and the level of its complexity. They conducted an experiment in which two groups of 8-year-old children were asked easy and difficult questions, with the former receiving information face-to-face and the latter through a video monitor.

It turned out that the more complex the question, the more often the child looked away in an attempt to concentrate and find the answer. It is interesting that a similar situation was observed more often in groups where the dialogue was built face to face.

The meaning of physical contact

Most people love touch. When one person gently strokes the skin of another or embraces him, a special hormone is produced in the body. It's called oxytocin. It is also known as the “cuddle hormone.” Entering the bloodstream, this element increases the sensitivity of the skin and promotes a sense of community.

Physical contacts in the form of hugs, affection, pats on the shoulder, real and comic slaps in the face can tell us much more than spoken words. Using nonverbal language, a person can express his sympathy or, conversely, dislike. Physical contacts help attract attention or convey certain emotions. There are also touches between a man and a woman that are associated with professional activities. Such contacts take place during a visit to the doctor or hairdresser, as well as during sports, dancing, etc. In other words, physical contact in a person’s life is quite normal and quite common. But whatever it is, it certainly has an impact on people’s perceptions, which is why it becomes important to understand the meaning that touch carries.

Are there exclusively male or female gestures?

Research shows that gestures and movements can be given gendered meaning, resulting in stereotypes of typically male or typically female behavior.

In our imagination, we imagine a set of signals that, in our opinion, indicate masculinity: a position in a chair (lounging a little, legs spread wide), a full-length pose - standing firmly on both legs, without creases in the arms. Speaking about a man, we can imagine how he can hit the table with his fist and shows obscene gestures. Imagining a true woman, we visualize a soft and languid voice, smooth movements, sitting cross-legged, walking on the hips.

Researchers emphasize that sign language is determined not only by gender differences, but also by nation and level of development of society. Behavior can also be influenced by status and position in society, a set of social roles, profession, personality type, sense of orientation and other factors. Therefore, it is wrong to talk about the existence of exclusively male or female ones, since behavior is influenced by many other reasons besides gender.

Visual, auditory or kinesthetic?

Neuro-linguists offer their explanation. Whether a person likes to look into the eyes or tries to quickly look away - it depends on the way he thinks. Visual learners think through visual images, which is why it is so necessary for them to focus on their eyes in order to “read” the missing information.

For auditory learners, sounds are important - they are more likely to listen to the timbre and intonation of the voice, looking somewhere to the side. Kinesthetics, based on intuition and tactile sensations, during communication try to touch the interlocutor, hug, shake hands, while they usually look down.

Eyes are the mirror of the soul

Experts from the University of California are convinced that 93% of the quality of communication is determined by non-verbal means. Body language, tone, timbre of voice and, of course, the expression of the eyes - all this helps to understand what a person really wants to say.

Other figures are given in a study led by Steven Janik and Rodney Wellens from the University of Miami in Florida: 44% of attention during communication is focused on the eyes and only 12% on the mouth. It is the eyes that are the “litmus test” of our emotions: they reflect fear, disappointment, bitterness, joy... But why then do we look away so often?

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