Why is it better to be alone after 50 years and how does it affect a person?

At 50 you need to change your life


In fact, everything is very simple. At 50 you need to change your life. Changing is as easy, natural and confident as we do after school or after graduating from college. You cannot enter a new period of life with old principles and priorities, otherwise you risk finding yourself a strange person who goes to college in a school uniform or to work with college notes. This seems obvious.

So why don't we do this? Why - quite the opposite - do we try with all our might not to change, to live and look the way we looked and lived at 30 or 40?

Are we diligently building something up, cutting it off, inflating it or lengthening it, pretending that nothing has changed and that we are exactly the same as we were 10 or 15 years ago?

Isn't that weird? What's the point of looking like a schoolboy in college?

I think we do this because in our ideas, formed by the experience of previous generations, old age begins at 50, and we must try not to change anything for as long as possible, because changing life at this age means changing it only and exclusively to an irrevocably dreary retirement -senile existence.

Listen, nothing like that!

Friends, I have great news for you. Old age no longer begins at 50. At 50, the next period of active life now begins, which continues for another good 25 to 30 years.

This period is certainly different than life at 30 or 40 years old - it is much better. This is generally perhaps the best period in human life.

Don't be afraid to change. It's not scary to change.

It's scary to grow old before your time.

At seminars I am often asked - how, how to change your life correctly after 50? Is there any way to understand what is best for you personally?

Of course have.

This means this: seriously and thoughtfully ask yourself how long you are going to live. No joke, really. Up to 70? 72? 83? 90?

Did you ask? Now count how many years you have ahead of you...

Great, now count the years into days. Approach this carefully, take into account leap years, and do not forget to add the remainder of the current year.

As a result, you will get a certain number. Write large on something and hang it somewhere you can see it. And the next day in the morning, cross out this number and write a new one one day less. Find the strength to do this for at least a week.

It really, really improves the quality of life. And there are absolutely no questions left about what and how needs to be changed.


After 50 comes the best time in our lives. After 50, absolutely everything is possible - new love, new career, new experiences and adventures, new friends. You just need to know how. This is the blog of the creator of the “Age of Happiness” project, Vladimir Yakovlev. You can subscribe for free here. Don't waste time! At 50 it all just begins!

For what reasons can loneliness occur after 50 years?

Loneliness is a very relative concept, and, as people like to say, flexible. You can have a family and many relatives and feel the emptiness around you, you can have one worthy person nearby in order to be complete and happy.

There are quite a few reasons why a person is left alone, but there are two possible outcomes - either he is happy with it or not.

It is clear that after losing your soulmate or sending children into adulthood, longing begins, time becomes more abundant, and memories suffocate more and more.

It is much more difficult when a person has a spouse, children and grandchildren next to him, but the feeling of loneliness does not leave him. The most difficult thing in such a situation is to admit at least to yourself what is really happening.


To improve your well-being, it is important to stick to a specific schedule. A daily routine will help you plan everything correctly so that you have time to sleep, relax, or walk. These components contribute to feeling younger than 50.

Sleeping mode

Lack of night rest leads to irritation, fatigue, and memory impairment. This condition makes a person feel older than his age. It's never too late to change your habits. You need to establish a sleep schedule - only at this time the body recovers 100%. Tips from experts:

  • Rest for 30–60 minutes during the day. Those who practice this rule have a 64% reduced risk of heart attack.
  • Sleep 7–9 hours at night.
  • Make the room dark with blinds or blackout curtains. This environment will help you fall asleep faster.
  • Remove distractions from your bedroom, especially those related to work. The brain will be relaxed, freed from unnecessary thoughts.
  • To fall asleep normally and have enough time to get enough sleep, go to bed at the same time, preferably before 23:30. After 6 weeks it will become a healthy habit.
  • Turn off all electronic devices 1–1.5 hours before bedtime. They emit energy and light that disrupt the natural rhythm of the body and interfere with proper rest.
  • Keep your room clean and make your bed every morning. Such a ritual will set the rhythm for the whole day, set the mood for positivity and reduce stress levels.


To gain energy and vitality, you need to include physical activity in your daily routine. You don't have to go to the gym 5 times a week. Regular walking in the fresh air is enough to keep fit. To feel young, you need to do them daily. Go outside, to a park or forest.

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Brisk walking for 10 minutes replaces a workout in the gym. If this time is increased to 1 hour, then longevity is guaranteed.

A walk will improve your health, mood, reduce stress levels and blood pressure.

Recommendations for action

1. Spend more time with those people with whom you enjoy communicating, pay more attention to your pets - sincerely loving creatures will endow you with their energy and love of life.

2. Make an effort to make new friends. When people from your usual circle are lost, it is very important that other connections appear so that your space for communication is not empty. Try to be friends with people who are much younger than you. Girlfriends and friends who are younger in age will enliven your world and help you look at life with a fresh perspective.

3. If you yourself or your loved ones have learned to live with any serious chronic illness, help other people suffering from this illness with advice and your example to cope with the problems.

4. Everyone probably once had a passion, a hobby, which had to be abandoned due to the fast pace of life and busyness. Now is the time to remember what you love, for which you didn’t have enough time before, and take it seriously.

5. Today there are many opportunities to discover something new. What do you like: maybe you want to learn a new foreign language? Or learn to play a musical instrument? In the end, you can thoroughly study computer literacy and start an Instagram page or a blog on a YouTube channel!

6. Don’t ignore interest clubs – it’s such a blessing when you find like-minded people!

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Why are people afraid of loneliness in old age?

In adulthood, everyone often repeats the same thing: that they will have no one to bring them a glass of water. But in fact, these unfortunate 50-year-old “old people,” who are clearly too early to be written off, are not looking for support, they need an object for love and care.

All their lives, from childhood, people have been taught to take care of each other, first to look after animals, then to care for brothers or sisters, then to create their own family, children and husband or wife, then parents in old age, so it is not surprising that, being left alone alone with silence and a TV remote control, people simply cannot live any other way.

Imposing the idea that a person needs someone to take care of does not immediately bear fruit. Nevertheless, by the age of 50, not to mention very old age, people begin to say that it is difficult for them themselves, but it is difficult not physically, but morally. After all, there is no object to care about, which means that a person begins to pay attention to his problems in a paranoid mood and invents illnesses.


Taking proper care of the skin of your body and face will help you feel young. Care procedures should be regular, using natural-based products. Using cosmetics without parabens, allergens, and chemicals will make your body healthy inside and out.

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Research shows that 15 mg of beta-carotene per day makes skin glow. To do this, you need to drink a low-calorie drink:

  1. Finely chop 200 g of cabbage.
  2. Peel and chop 2 kiwis.
  3. Squeeze half a glass of orange or tangerine juice.
  4. Chop a bunch of cilantro and celery root.
  5. Beat all ingredients in a blender.
  6. Add ice cubes before serving.

Skin rejuvenation

Regular facial care is not just a pleasant, relaxing procedure. It stops skin aging. With constant care using natural remedies or masks, the face will look renewed - circles under the eyes and pigmentation will disappear. Tips for rejuvenating and protecting your skin:

  • Moisturize your face and body with creams that contain hyaluronic acid or glycerin. They retain water and stop the appearance of wrinkles.
  • Use zinc-based sunscreen lotions or creams regularly. This will save you from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation, stop premature aging, the formation of spots, and prevent skin cancer.
  • Apply an antioxidant serum before bed. The substances in its composition actively fight free radicals, which destroy DNA and accelerate the onset of old age.
  • Wear clothing that protects from ultraviolet radiation - trousers, long-sleeved shirt, wide-brimmed hat. It has been proven that even in cloudy weather, up to 80% of the rays penetrate the skin.
  • Pamper your body with a massage. Age is especially noticeable when your back, shoulders or lower back hurt. Massage sessions eliminate discomfort, relax the body, which increases performance and improves sleep.

The right perfume

A well-chosen perfume helps you become young at 50. Participants in one study applied grapefruit scent to their skin. This reduced their sense of age by 5 years. Wear citrus-based perfume.

A well-chosen scent creates a rejuvenating effect and makes you feel like you have lost several years.

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