How to best care for your skin during times of stress

The worst enemy of skin condition is negative emotions. Therefore, let’s consider the topic of skin stress. Stress affects cells, stimulating the process of skin aging. When a person is in a state of nervous shock, the level of stress hormones in the blood rapidly rises, which leads to a detrimental effect. Every doctor knows that stress can aggravate the situation and even activate skin diseases.

The effects of stress on the skin

According to statistics, 30% of problems with our body are caused by worries and stress. When a person notices that the same changes are happening to the skin, it is worth consulting a dermatologist. After all, most problems are related to stress. Of course, you won’t be able to completely get rid of nervous shocks and worries, but you can reduce the impact of stress on the body.

Stress creates chemical interactions that cause the skin to become very sensitive. For what reason? Due to the fact that adrenaline can exacerbate problems. Overexertion can even lead to more severe problems. A disease in which red scaly spots appear, covered with silvery scales, is a dermatological disease of the superficial layers of an allergenic nature. Nervous stress can also cause a nettle rash.

What can a person do in this case to prevent the occurrence of these diseases:

  • Any changes should not be ignored. Contact your doctor;
  • Exercise is health. Regular exercise has a good effect on the functioning of all organs, but is also visible on the skin. She also looks healthy;
  • We need to take time for ourselves. After work, you can take a relaxing bath, make a face mask;
  • Walk outdoors as often as possible;
  • If you find it difficult to cope with stress, you can do yoga, become familiar with breathing exercises;
  • Sleep should be at least seven hours;
  • Protect yourself from stress. Know how to refuse people, not fulfill their requests if you don’t want to do it;
  • Have a chat. Help from a friend or psychologist will help you cope with stress.

Anti-stress cosmetics

Anti-stress fabric mask with lavender extract, Garnier

The fabric base is impregnated with a gel saturated with hyaluronic acid and lavender extract. In addition to deep hydration and restoration of the skin, the procedure is accompanied by a pleasant aroma effect - fatigue goes away.

Night face cream “Luxury nutrition”, L'Oréal Paris

Rich in lipids that are beneficial for the skin (especially under stress), the cream promotes a good night's rest, reduces signs of fatigue, fills you with energy and helps cope with damage accumulated during the day.

Revitalizing night cream and mask for intense oxygenation of the skin Slow Age, Vichy

The night cream mask is a worthy response to daytime stress: it contains powerful antioxidants resveratrol and baicalin. The next morning the skin looks rested, moisturized, rejuvenated, and its resistance to stress increases. Thermal water saturates the skin with minerals.

Daily care for hypersensitive and allergy-prone skin Toleriane Ultra Fluide, La Roche-Posay

Neurosensin peptide, as well as thermal water, reduce skin sensitivity, and the fluid almost instantly relieves irritation and redness. Shea butter and squalane moisturize and nourish. Suitable for daily care of normal and combination skin.

Moisturizing fluid for the face with anti-stress effect Hydra Zen Fluide, Lancôme

The word “Zen” in the name of the line speaks for itself. The fluid is instantly absorbed, saturating the skin with the power of extracts of French rose, Chinese peony, sea fennel (this list alone is music to the soul). The work is done by hyaluronic acid, ceramides, which restore the stratum corneum, and microcapsules, which deliver lipids to the deep layers of the epidermis.

Flash Radiance Skincare Brush, Yves Saint Laurent

The corrector with a powerful caring effect contains caffeine and Melegetian pepper extract, which instantly erase traces of fatigue and anxiety from the face. The skin color is evened out, it is filled with radiance, reflective particles make it flawless.

Night serum PowerCell Skin Rehab, Helena Rubinstein

Thanks to 150 million cells of the “strong plants” cryptum marine and milk thistle, the serum actively supports the skin’s own antioxidant defense and helps it recover from stress as quickly as possible, as well as smooth out wrinkles, restore freshness and energy.

Night balm with triple effect Aquasource Night Spa, Biotherm

While we sleep, the product soothes, intensely moisturizes, reduces swelling, smoothes out wrinkles, softens, that is, it does everything that the skin needs during periods of stress.

Oxidative stress

Oxidative stress occurs due to the influence of free radicals. They destroy the connection between healthy cells. Such influences activate the formation of active oxygen in the form.

They quickly attack cell membranes. This leads to disruption of the transport of elements into the cell, as well as from the cell. Active forms of oxygen damage cellular structures—the “energy stations of the cell.” With such severe damage, a genetically determined process of physiological cell death is triggered. This affects the epidermis, skin, and subcutaneous tissue.

There are many conditions that encourage the formation of free radicals.

More common factors that lead to the formation of oxidative stress are:

  • Presence of persistent infections. These can be viral, bacterial, fungal infections. After immunity decreases, the path of reproduction and infection enters the organs begins;
  • Genetic factor. High sensitivity and changes in the body associated with heredity;
  • Prolonged stress, depressive states. Nervous stress depletes, this affects metabolic processes, so tissue metabolism is disrupted;
  • Bad ecology. It has been confirmed that people living in industrial settlements are more likely to be exposed to oxidative stress.

Preparing for vacation?

By this concept, 49% of us mean visiting a beauty salon, 21% mean solving financial problems, 22% mean updating your wardrobe, and only 8%... visiting a doctor.

Do not change the climate:

  • with disease of the thyroid gland associated with increased function (thyrotoxicosis);
  • within two weeks after an exacerbation of any chronic disease;
  • 3-4 weeks after surgery or before planned surgery.

Symptoms of heat stroke: sensations of intense heat, palpitations, heaviness in the temples and pulsation, dizziness, headache, shortness of breath, increased body temperature to 38 or higher, pulse up to 100 beats per minute, vomiting. Moreover, “the whole set” is not at all necessary. Just two signs are enough.

How to Prevent Oxidative Stress

Scientists have long been interested in this issue. Their attention was interested in elements of natural origin that enter into the structure of plants. These are the so-called flavonoids. This is a group of physiologically active elements that have a great influence on enzyme activity. The elements protect plants from the harmful effects of fine sunlight, and as a result, the life of living things is prolonged.

Bioflavonoids are vitamin-like compounds or substances with P-vitamin activity. Bioflavonoids enter the body from plant foods and are instantly absorbed. Their uniqueness lies in the fact that they are converted into active forms already in the mucous membranes and on the walls of the intestinal tract. Substances are important and necessary because they actively participate in cellular regulation. They bind free radicals. As a result of the experiments, it was confirmed that no class of natural elements can have such an effect on the functioning of the body. These elements reduce the saturation and duration of the body's oxidative reactions.

Antioxidants are essential elements that help prevent various diseases. This especially applies to systemic arterial damage. Thanks to these substances, it is possible to prevent the occurrence of blood clots and cleanse blood vessels. Due to their influence, the threat of hypertension, heart disease, and acute disruption of blood supply to the brain is reduced.

Natural components can stop the progression of tumors, and also guarantee prevention against them. Antioxidants are used to combat cancer, they provide lasting prevention, significantly improve blood circulation, metabolism of elements, normalize the functioning of the central nervous system, stimulate its renewal, and help improve memory, vision and hearing. Antioxidants can be obtained from spinach, strawberries, watermelon, apples, tomatoes and green tea.

To restore skin, cosmetologists often use these components when preparing facial products, especially masks. The menu should be balanced and include only healthy food. The diet should include vegetables and fruits. It is necessary to take into account the balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. The menu should also contain microelements. Your doctor can tell you which vitamins are needed in your particular case.

Symptoms and signs of amnesia

Symptoms of memory loss can be independent, but in most cases they are combined with signs of other diseases. These include:

  • Difficulty remembering;
  • Confusion in thoughts;
  • Impaired coordination of movements;
  • Confusion of consciousness;
  • Lost in time;
  • Inability to recognize people.

Symptoms may last for minutes, hours, or years. Long-term exposure to negative factors can lead to complete memory loss.

Reasons for increased skin sensitivity

There are endogenous and exogenous conditions that affect skin sensitivity.

Endogenous conditions include:

  1. Skin type;
  2. Phototype of the first, second level with high sensitivity, skin with pigments is less prone to irritation, unlike light skin;
  3. Age. A child's skin is more susceptible, unlike an adult's;
  4. Gender of a person. High sensitivity of the epidermis is more common in women;
  5. Neurological disorders;
  6. Menstrual cycle, hormones.

Exogenous stress includes the following circumstances:

  1. Natural environment. Frost, polluted air, temperature fluctuations, sun rays, heat;
  2. Lifestyle - alcohol, cigarettes, stress, unhealthy diet;
  3. Using poor quality cosmetics.

Plant power

Among folk recipes for restoring strength after stress, the 9 strength drink occupies a special place. It helps restore mental balance and eliminates depressive disorder. It is prepared from a glass of elecampane root, 5 g of “live” yeast, a glass of sugar, two liters of chilled boiled water. All ingredients are mixed and placed in a dark place for 10 days, covering the container with a lid, so that the drug gains strength. The finished medicine should be filtered and taken for stress three times a day, a tablespoon.

The infusion normalizes the functioning of the kidneys, lungs, and liver, helps relieve blood vessels, restores sleep, and strengthens memory.

  • An infusion of mint, trefoil, hops, and valerian (2:2:1:1) will help restore restful sleep and bring lasting calm after stress. Pour the herb mixture into 1 ½ cups of water. Insist for two weeks. Wash your hair with the resulting drug.
  • A potion made from a tablespoon of buckwheat honey, the juice of one lemon, 18 almonds, 16 geranium leaves, 10 g of valerian tincture and 10 g of hawthorn tincture will restore vitality after suffering a disorder, strengthen memory and allow you to maintain “icy” calm all day long. The medicine should be taken in the morning, one teaspoon at a time.
  • Vodka tincture of three pine cones will bring back sleep and strengthen the psyche, tbsp. spoons of valerian, tbsp. spoons of ready-made cinquefoil tincture, four spoons of sugar. For the drug you will need half a liter of vodka. The listed ingredients are poured with vodka for 10 days. Store the drug in a dark place. They drink homemade medicine for six months, a tablespoon before bed. If you couldn’t find cinquefoil tincture, you can prepare it yourself. Infuse 100 g of cinquefoil in vodka (0.5 l) for 20 days.
  • Fill a half-liter jar with ¼ crushed valerian roots and fill them with vodka. It takes a month to prepare the drug. Used as an aromatic stress reliever. You need to sniff the drug before going to bed and when waking up at night. Not immediately, but gradually sleep will return.
  • Restores the psyche after stress with a milk infusion of 5 g of St. John's wort and milk. St. John's wort is poured with boiled milk and simmered over low heat for no more than five minutes. Drink the entire preparation at one time before going to bed.

Breathing exercises

Breathing exercises bring instant results. It relieves muscle and emotional tension, normalizes blood pressure.

One of the simplest exercises to recover from stress is to spread your feet shoulder-width apart, place your hands on your belt, and take a slow breath in from your belly. Exhale quickly, sharply, while throwing your arms forward, pronouncing the sound “ha”. At the moment of exhalation, imagine that you are throwing out all the negativity. You can repeat the exercise several times, as needed.

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