What kind of girls do guys like and what attracts them most?

Every girl wants to meet all the requirements of men in order to always be popular with them. However, by observing different couples, you can easily see that there is simply no single standard. Everyone has their own taste, their own requirements: thin, plump, tall, short, red, blonde...

And these are just a few aspects of the appearance. There is no single point that absolutely everyone would note when answering the question “what type of women do men like” (well, only, maybe, she should be a girl, have primary and secondary sexual characteristics).

What external characteristics attract girls?

Research about what kind of girls modern guys like has been conducted countless times. By all accounts, a woman should be kind, sweet, open, sociable, well-groomed, and tidy. At the same time, appearance is a priority component.

According to statistics, young men choose a woman based on the following criteria:

  • Figure. Men like women with full breasts, pronounced hips and a thin waist (an hourglass figure). Many men choose this type of girl because they have a better chance of having a child. Guys are little interested in whether their chosen one is thin or plump. What is important is the clear difference between these three parameters.
  • Hair color. Guys prefer blondes. About 50% of young people love white (light) hair color. Brunettes and brown-haired women are preferred by 45% of respondents. Others love redheads. Guys are also attracted to girls’ changing styles, so you shouldn’t be afraid of drastic changes.
  • Eye shape and color. The preferences of men regarding this criterion were divided as follows: 40% of citizens each like blue and brown eyes, 20% - green. Regarding the shape, all respondents agreed that it should be almond-shaped and medium in size.
  • Makeup and facial features. Most men prefer sophisticated faces with a thin nose. Many guys, when asked what types of girls boys like, answer unequivocally: with plump lips. A quarter of young men love childlike features. Some men like high cheekbones and sharp eyes. Regarding makeup, almost all respondents agreed that war paint does not make a woman look good.
  • Height. Men prefer women who are similar in height to them (slightly lower or equal). Scientists have found that the ideal height for girls is 164-178 centimeters. Such young ladies are more often in demand among short and short guys. There are exceptions to this rule. It’s not difficult to understand why guys like tall girls, because they immediately attract attention to their companions. But often young people like to look at tall women, and choose one more suitable for their height.
  • Features of appearance. Trying to understand what kind of appearance men like, scientists have found that men like some cute flaws in girls (a hump on the nose, wide-set eyes, a gap). They often don't like very short hair. About half of those surveyed love dreadlocks and other unusual hairstyles.
  • Cloth. Standard and feminine things attract more than seventy percent of guys. About half of the respondents accept unusual prints and design decisions. 5% of young people prefer to see vulgar clothes.

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How girls choose guys: female psychology

To understand the basic criteria for why a girl might like a guy, it’s worth looking into female psychology. Experts note that most of the points are laid down at the subconscious and instinctive level, as well as among men themselves. Most girls choose partners who can give birth to healthy offspring, ensure family well-being, and most importantly, will be a reliable support system.

So, female psychology names several main criteria by which a life partner is selected:

  1. Appearance. The first thing you need to understand is what kind of appearance girls like. Most girls look first of all at a man’s cleanliness, neatness, his haircut, skin condition, and choice of clothing. It’s clear that you’ll like a toned, sculpted figure more than a beer belly and wide hips. Some girls look at a man’s hands, others like gray hair, others like tall stature and strong muscles.
  2. Health status. This criterion is laid down at the instinctive level; only with a healthy man will a woman produce equally healthy offspring. Therefore, she will evaluate a man by his appearance, the condition of his skin, hair, nails, teeth, psycho-emotional background, etc.
  3. No bad habits. And if many girls are lenient towards the problem of smoking, then no healthy adequate person will tolerate the tendency to drunkenness and binge drinking. Well, there’s no need to talk about drug addiction at all, it’s a no brainer. Many girls are disgusted by addiction to computer games, a modern bad habit of millions of men.
  4. Inner rod. If a girl sees in a man a solid moral foundation, a clear understanding of goals in life, confidence in herself and her point of view, with such a man she will feel as if behind a stone wall.
  5. Similarity to the girl's father. It is the father who acts as the first standard of a man, then after growing up she will look for a similar man to start a family. In addition, people who are similar in appearance are better suited to each other genetically.
  6. Social status. If a man is promising and successful, he behaves competently in society, has good connections, and accordingly, he will command respect in the eyes of a woman. But most importantly, he will become a reliable breadwinner for the family, and with such a man you can afford a large family.
  7. Smell. Many men are worried about how to start getting girls to like them, but at the same time they have a repulsive body odor and suffer fiasco one after another. Experts say that many girls instinctively identify someone who has excellent quality immunity genes by smell.
  8. Optimism. A woman needs a companion who will maintain an emotional connection with her, for this she needs to be a positive and cheerful person. If a man regards the future as a test and tragedy, he will never give a woman confidence in the future.
  9. Adequate self-esteem. Women are annoyed by the boasting and posing of men; they like modesty in tandem with self-confidence.
  10. Non-standard. The highlight in every man is his talent, it’s different for everyone. It could be a great sense of humor, creative inclinations, an analytical mind, or something else.

What kind of appearance attracts guys?

After studying the results of statistics about what types of girls modern guys like in appearance, we should note the common features. As for clothing, young people agree that it should be modest and moderately sexy.

The defiant style attracts men, but only at the level of instincts. They will not build serious relationships with such women. The main criteria for clothing and shoes are cleanliness, neatness, style and grooming. The height of the heels and the length of the sleeves do not play a special role.

Regarding cosmetics, young people express a clear opinion - it should be in moderation. Men don't like it when women look different with and without makeup. They like naturalness and naturalness.

An important criterion for a girl's attractiveness is her hair. Guys like girls with neat hairstyles. Young men love to smell their hair and stroke it. Hairsprayed curls or high bouffants don't impress guys.

Men don't like unnatural hair color, so you shouldn't experiment too much with your appearance. The main thing is that the hair is cleanly washed, not shaggy, without dandruff and greasy shine.

The next criterion for assessing appearance is hands. Young men pay attention to them immediately. If they are well-groomed and gentle, a man will want to touch them and kiss them. It is important to ensure that your hands are clean and free of hangnails, and that your manicure always looks fresh.

There is no consensus among men regarding the color of nail polish. Some people like bright colors, others - natural ones. At the same time, everyone wants the length of their nails to be acceptable. Sharp long claws look unnatural and therefore cause rejection.

Problem No. 4: Misunderstanding of the mechanism of female desire

A lot of guys have the following point of view: “Really beautiful and sought-after girls won’t be with me because I’m just a cool person. So I will do extra things to make her feel good around me.” This is a grave mistake - attempts to earn and retain a girl’s interest with gifts, flowers and various signs of attention do not work.

The first thing that attracts a woman is your personality, and if your inner self is not enough to create attraction, nothing else will compensate for it. Girls only need material resources from boring, banal, predictable men. While various gifts, dinners and flowers are only a hundredth part of what she wants to receive. Girls love guys who give them a sense of security, comfort, good mood and constant sexual tension, and all this directly depends on your personality.

What kind of girls attract men

There are several criteria of internal and external qualities by which young men evaluate women.

Trying to find out which girls modern guys really like, psychologists identified the following criteria:

  • beautiful, well-groomed;
  • sports;
  • attentive, affectionate;
  • sexy, liberated;
  • chaste;
  • balanced, calm;
  • modest, well-mannered;
  • educated, seeking knowledge;
  • independent;
  • unobtrusive;
  • loyal, reliable;
  • positive;
  • economic;
  • easy-going.

Beautiful and well-groomed

Explaining what kind of girls all men like, representatives of the stronger sex put beauty in first place. A woman’s attractiveness should concern all aspects: the condition of her skin, teeth, hair, sexuality, natural lips, eyebrows, eyelashes, absence of excess fat, presence of muscles (within reasonable limits), beautiful buttocks, slender legs, firm breasts, etc.

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Good health (genetics) is considered an important indicator of external beauty. The search for an attractive woman is based on the basic instincts of choosing a healthy female who can give birth and raise healthy and beautiful children.

Sloppy appearance indicates to men that everything in the house will be the same. Therefore, the visual assessment of a woman comes first and will remain there.


Guys like sporty ladies. Women who lead an active lifestyle attract the male gaze with a healthy appearance and a strong spirit. Their appearance motivates the guys themselves to take up sports.

Often, women who lead such a lifestyle do not smoke, do not drink, and spend their free time not in clubs, but in the gym, in nature, or in some courses. A man will be more attracted to a healthy woman as a future wife and mother of his children than to a party girl or smoker.

Attentive and affectionate

Some boys like tall girls, others short girls.
But everyone agrees on one thing: a woman should be affectionate and attentive. Guys also need support and support. They want to talk it out and, if necessary, cry into their vest. Men want a girl to understand them and support them in everything, to encourage them if something doesn’t work out. If a friend can listen to her lover, understand him and not judge him, then a man will appreciate such a woman.

Sexy and liberated

If you ask what types of girls guys really like in bed, then everyone will answer that they are active. They love women who know how to behave in an intimate setting, are not shy and know how to surprise their chosen one.

Shy young ladies are practically not attracted to guys. The exception is when the friend is inexperienced but willing to learn. They really like such situations.

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Intimate life is an important element of relationships, since sex is one of the levers that allows you to tie a man to you.


Along with emancipation, men are attracted to chastity, good upbringing and decency. Guys value girls with moral principles and standards.

If a woman behaves cheekily, a man will perceive her as an easy target to achieve his goals, but he will not see her as an object for courtship and a potential wife.

Balanced and calm

Calm and balanced partners impress everyone: lovers, friends, colleagues. Nobody likes it when a person throws constant tantrums with or without cause, screams, talks in a raised voice.

Calmness and balance are especially valued in relationships. This is due to the fact that people are surrounded by constant stress. At home they want peace and harmony. Guys are attracted to young ladies who can give this, and they prefer to watch intrigues, scandals and swearing on TV.

Modest and well-mannered

Modesty adorns a woman. This quality especially attracts guys in girls. Modesty is not just about behavior. It also concerns the timbre and volume of speech. A woman who talks loudly on the street can hardly be called modest. Such young ladies repel men.

Guys also love well-mannered women. This is expressed in the companion’s behavior, her manner of speech, and politeness. Partially, bad habits (alcohol, smoking) and reluctance to exercise can be included in this category. Such young ladies will not be able to properly educate and raise their children to be worthy people. A man thinks about this on a subconscious level.

Educated and interested

Guys will pay more attention to a smart, interesting, sociable and erudite woman who easily finds common ground with people than to a young lady who doesn’t understand anything, can’t express her thoughts correctly, doesn’t read books, etc.

It is also important that the girl has a hobby. It doesn't have to be a sport. Interests may relate to creativity, reading books, attending various courses (for example, learning languages ​​or improving certain skills).

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Men love when a woman can do something herself, achieve her goals, strive to reach the top.

Muslin young ladies are liked only by those young men who like to control the situation and feel like they are in charge in everything. The rest prefer to pay attention to women who are able to do something for themselves and others on their own.


Many young people agree on which girls almost all guys dislike. These are obsessive young ladies. Men cannot stand constant questions, continuous calls demanding a report on their whereabouts.

Guys choose girls who give them free space for hobbies, communication with friends, individual activities, etc.

Loyal and reliable

Every man wants to be confident in a woman, which is why guys love reliable and devoted women. A person needs to know that the chosen partner will not betray or abandon him.

Men, although strong people, also need support and support. If a guy feels that a woman can give him this, he will choose just such a life partner.


A sense of humor is an important criterion for assessing personality. A cheerful disposition and constant positivity attract others. If a woman is constantly angry, grumpy, and walks around with a sad face, people will ignore her.


Guys don't like lazy girls who don't want or can't cook or do anything around the house. Men always pay attention to the order in the apartment of their chosen one, her ability to greet guests and look after them.

The young lady may not even pay attention to the assessment of her qualities, but the guy will always see if she is economical.


Men do not like to be offended for a long time, especially if the issue has already been resolved or a lot of time has passed. They are impressed by easy-going young ladies who do not know how to keep negativity inside for a long time.

What do men like most about a woman's character?

Let's move on to the main positive character qualities that attract a man to a girl.

  1. The ability to understand, accept and empathize. This is not about care or guardianship. It's about listening, asking the right questions, showing the man that you are on his side and will always support him.
  2. Having your own interests. Independence. Boundaries. A woman should have her own territory, from which she takes emotions and brings them to the family. A man draws emotions from a woman and spends them outside the family. Such a law of nature. If you are completely attached to a man, his business, life, interests, your relationship will suffocate very quickly.
  3. Sense of humor. Self-irony. A girl who cannot laugh at herself will soon turn into a complex hysteric. Men know and feel this.
  4. Self-esteem. If you don't value yourself, you won't be valued. A man feels an inner core. This is what we often call breed, what you pass on to your children. For most guys this is important.
  5. Culinary talents. The Internet says that "no matter what you marry, it will still want to eat." Nobody forces you to be chained to the stove, but being able to feed him and his friends is your responsibility. Men really love to eat delicious food, believe me.
  6. Fantasy. In leisure, sex, communication, judgments, ideas, decisions. Do you ever get bored with yourself? If yes, then believe me, so does he. Improve this skill as much as possible, it is possible. Dream, set creative goals, buy relevant literature, experiment...
  7. Optimism. There is a very small category of men who love sufferers. The rest don't want to wipe your nose every minute because of stupid things. Either look for your unique copy from the minstrel Middle Ages or learn to look at the world with a smile and good expectations.

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Character traits of an attractive girl

Men consider sincerity and wisdom to be the most attractive character traits. The latter manifests itself in the ability to restrain oneself and shut up in time. Excessive talkativeness does not look good on women.

The next attractive character trait is the ability to listen and empathize. Men need attention, interest in business and problems. If they are listened to, they feel a sense of comfort on a psychological level.

It is very important for guys when a girl has a soft character and flexibility. This should be expressed in internal and external manifestations (smoothness of gait, appearance, ability to stop an argument in time).

Men are also attracted to poise, playfulness, the ability to support any conversation and talents.


Women in this category know how to earn money, they are businesslike, energetic, erudite, and consider themselves independent. Hence the symptoms of arrogance and excessive independence. Such traits in a woman rarely appeal to men. Rarely do any of these women know how to cook well; they either refer to the fact that they are bad at it, or most of all to the fact that they are busy.

They do not think about the fact that not only they are suitable for admiration, but also the man who is with them is also worthy of attention and affection. In the end, they begin to understand that money cannot buy happiness, and being obsessed only with work is unsafe. Therefore, some of them are transformed into the type of another woman, transformed into a shy woman or domestic cats.

How to behave

The main rule of behavior is to be yourself. If a girl tries to behave quietly and modestly, but in reality she is completely different, this will sooner or later become known, and men really don’t like pretense.

It is important for women not to get hung up on material goods and not to demand too much from their potential man. At the same time, you need to clearly understand the requirements for the guy and voice them correctly.

In addition to sincerity, a girl should show some mystery. Men don't like direct confessions. This is scary because they see it as an attempt to take over the initiative in the relationship. For guys who are all hunters, this behavior is unacceptable.

What kind of men do women love: by character, appearance and other characteristics

Why do girls literally go crazy about some men, while they don’t notice others at all? This question intrigues most men, namely what kind of men women love, and by what criteria they choose their life partner. In order to find answers to such questions, you need to understand female psychology and female nature in general. Knowing this, even the most inexperienced and insecure men will be able to cultivate the qualities of an ideal.

The idea that women are most attracted to muscular, strong and successful men is actually only partially true. To be in great demand among the fair half of society, a man will need to work on his appearance, character, behavior in society, internal qualities and self-esteem. At the same time, it is necessary to observe the measure so that the man does not lose his zest and individuality.

What kind of girls attract guys based on their zodiac sign?

Guys have no specific preferences regarding zodiac signs. The basis of compatibility is the choice of elements (Fire, Air, Water, Earth). For example, representatives of fire signs have difficulty finding common ground with Earth or Water, but get along well with Air.

As for the signs themselves, the choice is made as follows:

  1. Aries loves simple-minded girls.
  2. Taurus men are drawn to women who are similar to their relatives and good friends.
  3. Cancers like women who are associated with their teachers or mothers.
  4. Leos love girls who express admiration for them and feel proud of them.
  5. Libra needs a cheerful woman.
  6. Scorpios like girls who are ready to support and encourage.
  7. Capricorns like conservative women.
  8. Sagittarius is looking for spiritual unity in a girl, a commonality of hobbies.
  9. Aquarians are drawn to unusual people.
  10. Pisces are often driven by personal goals and dreams, so they will be comfortable with girls who will adapt to them.

What type of girls do guys like: the opinion of psychologists

Men choose women who take care of their appearance, dress stylishly, and look well-groomed and neat. One of the most important qualities is external femininity (beautiful forms, smooth gait) and internal femininity.

Young people like girls who are shy and modest, but not reserved. Men value women who don’t drink, don’t smoke, and don’t swear. This happens on a subconscious level, as guys strive to find a girl who will give birth to healthy children in the future and be able to raise them properly.

Men will pay more attention to a woman who has goals in life, hobbies and skills.


What girls do guys like according to statistics? The preferences of guys can be roughly divided by age categories. Young guys mostly like cheerful, extraordinary and relaxed girls. Also who know how to dress fashionably. Older guys (23-29 years old) like girls who know how to take the initiative, but at the same time they are unobtrusive.

Statistics Guys choose women who are mysteries, as well as those with whom they are not ashamed to be among their friends. Middle-aged men focus their attention on a well-groomed and confident woman. Such guys like caring, gentle, modest and kind representatives of the fairer sex. They want to be confident in their partner.

Tips for girls

To please a good guy, a girl should take into account a number of tips:

  • you need to correctly assess the reality of building a relationship with a man and the possible consequences;
  • do not be straightforward and intrusive;
  • sometimes show off revealing outfits, flirt openly;
  • learn to listen to your partner, find common interests with him;
  • to be self-sufficient, successful;
  • do not swear or make trouble over trifles;
  • constantly improve, sometimes change;
  • be a positive person;
  • find common interests with family and friends;
  • be spectacular in his presence, try to catch his eye more often.

There is no universal recipe to please everyone. Men are different, they rarely have the same preferences, so you need to choose a specific person and try to attract his attention.

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