Why do girls prefer tall guys?

Look around and you will notice that we will be surrounded by couples where the man is at least a little taller than the woman. In life, it is quite rare to encounter couples where the girl is taller. But why do women choose tall ones?

Psychologists and researchers from almost all countries are trying to answer this question. Scientists have come to the conclusion that this state of affairs was formed in ancient times. Our ancestors always chose tall men because they were stronger and more resilient, and therefore could provide protection for their family. Scientists have proven that tall men have always been more successful and held high positions in the government system. Although, it cannot be denied that short male representatives also played an important role in world history.

Another reason for choosing tall men is heredity. Women, on a subconscious level, strive to choose a partner who will give good offspring and pass on the best genes.

Experts from different countries have come to the conclusion that tall men are more successful. They get married faster, find jobs and reach top positions. Doctors have come to the conclusion that tall men endure illness much more easily and live longer than short men. Although doctors do not deny that tall people have a high risk of cancer.

What do girls themselves think about men’s height?

Do girls like tall guys? The reasons for preference may be different, but we can safely say that any girl will say - yes, they like it!

Let us note that in our time, as in the past, girls take their choice of partner quite seriously. At the same time, short guys are almost never considered as a sexual partner. But what are the reasons why the fair half of humanity prefers tall guys?

Some girls feel a sense of security next to a tall man. And for women it is very important to have support in the person of a man. Some people just want to wear high heels without looking down on their significant other. Many people think that next to a short guy they don’t look good or attractive enough. And hundreds more answers that are not similar to each other.

Note that only with a superficial acquaintance do women pay attention to height. In the future, girls give preference to their inner world and personal qualities. But there are also selfish people among the female half, for whom money remains the primary selection criterion.

But what about short guys? Definitely, don't despair. It is more difficult for them to meet girls, but because of this they develop confidence and assertiveness. And sooner or later they win the favor of even a tall girl.

Influence of evolution and media?

And Banks isn't the only one who cites evolution as the reason for our height. A study by Dutch psychologists Geert Stulp, Abraham Bunke and Thomas Pollet found that women are more likely than men to think that a partner should be taller than them and are reluctant to enter into a relationship if they are taller than them. man.

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Pschology Today magazine argued that the study's findings may be due to evolution, which has taught us that tall people are stronger and better able to fend off physical threats.

However, Banks also points to other phenomena that can influence our decisions. “We also shouldn't forget that the media pushes us to look a certain way, and shorter men often face discrimination,” she says.

Joe Jonas married Sophie Turner in a very secret wedding ceremony in 2020, and now they might be one of the coolest couples in Hollywood. However, if you search for the couple's name, the word "height" is among the results. Turner "towers" over Jonas, and when she steps out in heels, it is seen as an unusual sight because she is 5cm taller than her husband. This kind of rhetoric feeds archaic ideas about people and growth.

What do men think about their height?

Men are not so categorical when choosing a partner. Short guys feel much more confident compared to tall girls. Their self-esteem increases, and they strive with all their might to keep the girl next to them. They are more attentive and romantic.

Tall men are not so active in relationships, because attention is paid to them anyway. They are more picky in choosing their partner. So what kind of women do tall men like? It’s difficult to answer this question, because it all depends on the man’s taste. One thing can be said for sure: there should be a girl nearby either of the same height or a little shorter. Very tall guys feel uncomfortable when a rather short girl is next to him, although there are exceptions. It's all a matter of taste.

The problem of growth

Relationship coach and neuroscientist Bobby Banks says height issues aren't exclusive to TV shows. In fact, it is incredibly common.

“Some of my clients would be reluctant to consider shorter men their equals, even if their personalities were a good match,” she says. “Men didn’t seem to mind too much and were open to considering taller women as partners, but the ladies I worked with didn’t change their minds.”

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So, what is it about height that people find so attractive? Banks thinks this may have something to do with our evolution as a species.

“In terms of evolution, it makes sense that women prefer tall men because they look stronger and can better protect their family. While we may make these choices subconsciously, research has shown that tall men tend to have higher self-esteem and be happier, and people naturally gravitate toward confident, happy people.”

Height and attractiveness

It makes me want to find out whether there is a correlation between height and romantic interest among ordinary people, and not just those in the Love Island villa. When asked whether height is an obstacle in a relationship, you can hear the following answer: “Tall men make you feel protected. It is unknown whether this is a natural instinct, but they must be 180 cm or taller so as not to look like a giant next to them.”

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Others say it doesn't matter if you meet someone who meets all the required parameters except height. But it also depends on how low they are.

According to Lumen founder Charlie Lester, when developing the dating app, the company conducted a large survey that found that users wanted search filters added to the app, and height was always one of the top three choices for women. And a study by dating app The Inner Circle found that for 11% of singles, one of the main reasons for meeting in real life is to assess their height.

The standard that men should be taller than their partners has been around for decades. While it may seem natural to be interested in tall men, it may be worth considering where these ideas came from in the first place, and whether they play a role in a broader context at work.

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Why do girls like tall men?

Many of us, when meeting a girl, set her height as one of the main criteria, and perhaps even “by default.” After all, it’s no secret that our “brothers” who are not tall very often experience complexes because of their height. I wonder why girls want tall gentlemen?

It’s enough just to look around to make sure that in almost all the couples around you, the man is at least a little taller than the girl. And always! You don't often see a couple in which the girl is taller. Where did all this come from?

Why is it that out of a thousand couples where the guy is taller than the girl, there is only 1 couple with the opposite proportion in height? Why is the percentage so small? Let's try to figure this out.

According to the latest research, a man's height brings him happiness. They tend to start families and children faster. They have a minimum percentage of bachelors. And they earn more. But short men, according to statistics, will not be able to make a brilliant career. True, this statement is controversial. Quite a lot of representatives of pop music are not giants: Antonov, Glyzin, Gazmanov and so on. And our current political elite is not spoiled by growth.

Even in ancient times, people noticed that large (tall) men are more adapted to protect their offspring, which, again, are endowed with more resilient genes. And strong, powerful men played a dominant role in society. It was from their ranks that the best hunters, the best warriors emerged, and the best became leaders.

Judge for yourself - it is much easier for a tall, strong hunter to withstand the pursuit of game, kill and bring it home. But in primitive society everything was simple - “the more you brought, the more you received.” Therefore, the luckiest ones received the best cuts of meat and the best women. It is quite possible that since those times, on a subconscious level, it has been ingrained in women that a physically developed man (tall) will provide a much better life for himself and his family.

Modern scientists claim that the high growth of residents is an indicator of the high standard of living of the entire population. By estimating the average population growth, one can fairly accurately assess the well-being of the society itself. It's not surprising that people in rich countries tend to be taller thanks to nutritious foods and clean air.

Conversely, malnutrition and diseases suffered in childhood very often lead to short stature in adulthood. The same reasons influence the development of cardiovascular and other dangerous diseases, which significantly reduce life expectancy. So it turns out that in the modern world, a tall man most likely did not suffer from anything serious in childhood, and as an adult he settled down well.

In addition to genetic memory, public opinion has a significant influence on a girl’s decision. And, according to society, tall men are always more successful in their careers and have a higher social status than short men. So what kind of girl would refuse to automatically receive the high social status of her partner?

An interesting question: if girls fall for tall people, why not straight away for basketball players? It turns out that the girl is not interested in the man’s height as such. What is more important to her is the relationship between her partner’s height and her height. In a word, a man should be taller than her, even 1 m 65 cm, if her height is 1 m 50 cm. There is even a table according to which a guy’s height should be 1.09 times the girl’s height. Scientists believe that such indicators will become the foundation for the impeccable growth of offspring.

Having determined the average statistical growth, we can judge Russia. Or more precisely about her medical care, ecology and nutrition. There is no doubt that the economic cataclysms of the 90s will negatively affect the future generation. Russian scientists are confident that most children born in the 90s will be noticeably shorter. Poor living conditions (especially in nutrition) began to contradict the global genetic program. According to the global trend, humanity is steadily growing, but Russians, thanks to upheavals, are far behind and inferior in growth to almost all Europeans.

In conclusion, we can say that girls subconsciously choose a man who can create good conditions for their family. True, in our time, physical condition alone is not enough for this; you need a good education, a successful business or a well-paid job.

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