What kind of guys do girls like: qualities, appearance and achievements

What kind of guys do girls like? 16 more qualities


Success and wealth are not identical concepts. Yes, most successful people have money, but many unsuccessful people also have it.

A person who has earned money on his own is a much more attractive person than one who inherited it.

Therefore, it is true that girls like successful guys.

Ambition and determination

Most women regard the lack of masculine ambition as a repulsive quality.

Being lazy and not wanting the best for yourself and your loved ones is not what women hope to find in a man.

Ambition and ambition lie not so much in the desire to earn money, but in the desire to improve one’s life to the required level.

Ambition includes determination and self-confidence. The fact that a man is committed to achieving a goal is not only something extremely attractive, but also quite rare, despite what you might think.

Ambitious people are a dying breed, but they are always popular at any level of their lives.


Let's not lie, girls like charismatic guys.

Charisma cannot be bought with money. Few people have this quality, but almost every woman tries to find it in a man.

Charisma is difficult to describe, but it is reflected in the way a person moves, speaks, and even looks at others. It is a combination of a strong personality, determination and self-confidence.

With that said, charisma should definitely be added to your list of upcoming accomplishments.


It is quite rightly said that the most attractive male organ is the mind.

A significant difference in the intellectual development of a guy and a girl can easily cause a subsequent separation.

Women want to be aroused by a man, both physically and mentally. It's always interesting to be with a smart man, so such a character is unlikely to bore a girl.

Appearance and sense of style

Well-groomed guys with an impeccable sense of style cannot help but please girls.

It is not necessary to resort to design solutions, but it is very important to take care of your appearance, smell and personal hygiene.

Those men who are willing to put in the extra effort are usually rewarded in the form of more attention from women.

So if dirty sweatpants are part of your routine, you might want to reconsider your approach and invest time and money in a good wardrobe, signature scent, haircut, etc.

Also, don't forget the importance of your posture because straight shoulders are a sign of confidence.


Girls like confident guys because they believe in themselves, in their strengths, and are ready to stand up for what’s right.

Self-confidence is a very important quality for any man, as it represents an inner strength that is always noticed by others.

One of the most important forms of confidence is being confident in who you are. So remember that you should never be afraid to be yourself, but don't become arrogant.


A man must be able to rely on himself and his abilities, be independent, mature and move through life without using other people as necessary crutches.

Women like independent men who live their own lives and always have personal space, even when they are in a relationship with a girl.

Such interesting personalities will not stop halfway, realizing their plans, and will also show courage and enterprise.

Good job and high income

Commercialism is a bad quality. But it's better to face the truth than to pretend that money doesn't matter.

Girls like guys who have a prestigious job and a high income, as well as those who have the attributes of a successful man, which include their own living space and a good car. Hmmm... What is prestigious for a Russian is commonplace for an American.

But even if you can’t boast of the above gizmos, it doesn’t matter. Just, throwing away laziness, remember that you have something to strive for.


Every person wants to surround himself with happy and positive people, and not those who bring negative emotions and have a destructive influence.

Happiness is a state available to everyone, but most people prefer to remain immersed in their suffering.

Any man will face difficulties throughout his life, and how he can cope with them is of great importance.

Some use their bad streaks as a source of personal development, while for others, difficult times will become an excuse to remain unhappy.

Ability to communicate

Just like a good sense of humor, the ability to communicate with a girl is an attractive trait for any woman.

Women like men who make them feel comfortable and at ease.

Be a pleasant conversationalist, speak in a calm, low voice, showing genuine interest in the girl during the conversation.


Women love spontaneity and intrigue.

This doesn't mean you have to spend every weekend visiting a new country or giving your friend a bath filled with champagne.

Show spontaneity in small things. Invite the girl to do a few dance steps while walking or write an unexpected message.

Good manners and respectful attitude

Treat anyone with appropriate respect if they deserve your respect. By addressing people this way, you will receive respect in return.

In addition to the ability to show strength, girls like good manners in guys, beautiful manners, a sense of tact and the ability to look after them.

Male attention and care

If you are convinced that women only want diamonds, expensive jewelry and resort vacations, quickly throw this garbage out of your head.

A small but thoughtful gift will make a girl's heart beat faster.

Listen to what she says, and sooner or later you will find out that she, for example, loves violets in pots or pendants with pictures of cats.

Also, don’t forget to ask how the girl’s day was, how she’s feeling, and what’s on her mind. Women need issues like air.


Honesty is the basis for many other personality traits, such as integrity and reliability.

Many women complain that men say one thing and then do another. If a girl is confident that you are honest with her, she will have no reason to distrust you or doubt you.


Girls like guys who aren't afraid of commitment.

Reliability and responsibility can be manifested even in fulfilling minor requests if a man has made his promise.

Sexual compatibility

The intimate component is one of the most important reasons for entering into a relationship, its development and maintenance.

Therefore, if there is no compatibility in this matter, such relationships will either not last long or be painful.

What kind of men attract women over 40

At a young age, girls pay attention to bright and daring guys. They are attracted to a kind of daredevil who can handle any adversity, risk and difficulty. He must have a strong core, be rebellious and frantic, and at the same time love the lady of his heart.

When a woman reaches adulthood, her tastes change significantly. She doesn’t need an “upstart” and a “hero”, a “thunderstorm of the streets and crossroads”, she needs a strong shoulder and support. Forty-year-old women are attracted to a smart, thrifty, attentive, hardworking chosen one. Instead of violent emotions and unearthly passions, the lady is attracted by the comfort of the hearth and the loyalty of her loved one.

In her mind, a man must skillfully maintain a household, solve everyday issues, and, above all, be a good person and a loving husband. At this age, they understand which women mature men do not like at all, and which representatives of the stronger sex are not suitable for mature ladies. Usually, after forty years, strong families and stable relationships are created.

What guys don't girls like?

Having a habit of complaining

There's probably nothing more off-putting to a girl than a guy who complains all the time. And the more complaints, the lower the level of respect for such a man drops.

Have you stepped in a puddle and are cursing everything in the world out loud because you stained your pants? Minus one point.

Do you constantly complain that you have very little free time, that you are desperately and unsuccessfully trying to move up the career ladder, and indeed the whole world is against you? Another minus 20 points and the game is over.

Guys who have no friends

Women want men to be attractive not only to them, but also to make other people attracted to their companions.

The absence of a social circle will definitely cause women's anxiety. The girl will start to think that something is wrong with the guy if she is the only one who spends time with him.

This is probably the simplest trap and the easiest to avoid. But there are times when guys fall into it too.

The solution in this case is very simple - find yourself some friends.

Needy and insecure guys who put girls on a pedestal

In modern society, the process of seducing women most often comes down to men’s attempts to logically convince a girl that she needs to enter into a relationship with this particular guy.

As a result, the whole complex of ingratiation and showing oneself in the role of a needy person is involved: a girl is told how beautiful she is, they like her photos on social networks, or guys, as if trying on a peacock costume, are trying to show what wonderful candidates for love they are.

Men constantly look at women's breasts. This does not offend or embarrass us. It's a little stupid. This is childish. This is paradoxical. But men who constantly look at our breasts will never be the ones we are attracted to. Christina Hendricks

And the problem is not that guys show interest in girls, but how they do it:

  • There is nothing wrong for a man if he looks, appreciates and enjoys a woman’s face, figure, legs or breasts, even if this is done completely directly and obviously. However, constantly staring at the same girl is too much. You can look, but you cannot take it - this is the conviction of an insecure man.
  • If a guy looks at a girl furtively, so that she doesn’t notice, but everything is completely clear to the girl, this is another manifestation of insecure behavior. Either look or don't look. If you like it, communicate, if you don’t like it, leave it to someone else.
  • Trying to run after a girl, constantly calling her, being offended by her, trying to find out why she did this or that is generally a waste.

Women are accustomed to the current situation in society, and they like it... They like that they again and again receive confirmation of their sexual demand, but they rarely want to throw in their lot with the subjects of such attention.

If you've had experience with a lot of women, you've probably noticed that often girls, especially very attractive ones, may not seem the most receptive to your attention.

Their cold attitude has a direct correlation with the large supply of male options.

Thousands of men try to hit on every beautiful girl living in a big city throughout her life, saying the same words and acting the same way.

So by doing this, you will simply become number 1,275 to this girl. She is looking for a man who will do things differently, who will not become her idolater.

It's not that the bad guys get everything. The fact is that the good ones get nothing. David X

So if a guy seems needy or clearly insecure, compounding his disadvantage by trying to pursue a girl, constantly calling her and sending text messages one after another, she will simply flip through him like a page of a Soviet encyclopedic dictionary and move on to the next interesting section of her life .

Guys who really like girls never put them on a pedestal.


A young man who has a goal and moves towards it slowly (or quickly), but surely, is interesting to a girl on a subconscious level. She understands that such a man will not sit on the couch and wait for weather from the sea. She intuitively feels that having connected her life with such a person, there is no need to worry about the future of the family and children, because a partner who knows how to set reasonable goals and achieve them is a guarantee of a successful and prosperous future.

Girls are attracted to successful guys - educated, smart, with self-esteem and healthy ambitions, because they grow into wealthy men who can provide a decent life for their family.

In conclusion. You are enough

Self-development is a very useful component of every man’s life, but you should not be tied to the achievement of the desired result.

If you think you need to develop some important masculine qualities to get girls to like you, remind yourself: “You are already enough to be liked by girls.”

Firstly, personal development has no limits, so there is a possibility of ending up in a state of eternal waiting.

Secondly, the awareness of achieving intermediate goals is already time to start taking action.

Thirdly, once you reach the finish line, you may realize that even without all this acquired tinsel, “You were already enough then.”

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