Ways to independently get rid of anxiety and fear

Fear: Pixabay I think no neither one a person who would Nothing Not was afraid. Fear is Fine. WITH primitive times He helps people survive. IN civilized world dangers For life V times less, but fear unknown And disapproval with sides those around stayed former. This interferes live And literally fetters person. Let's figure out how overcome fear And excitement.

Causes of anxiety

Fear and anxiety are emotional reactions to events happening around us. But they must be within the normal range, which does not throw you out of balance. These feelings mobilize a person to take actions that under normal conditions he would not dare to take. If anxiety and worry become constant companions, then it is necessary to urgently take action before they develop into permanent depression.

The main causes of such conditions are:

  • constant tension due to external circumstances: scandals in the family, problems with loved ones, troubles at work;
  • concomitant mental disorders;
  • chronic fatigue syndrome, complicated by various disorders in the body;
  • interaction with people who evoke negative feelings;
  • fear of coming into contact with the surrounding reality in any manifestation due to errors in upbringing;
  • a large number of traumatic factors in life;
  • special conditions - pregnancy, session, death of loved ones, cases of violence, after the cessation of circumstances a person cannot get rid of stress;
  • toxic relationships with other people;
  • low self-esteem, constant feelings of guilt;
  • heredity - a tendency to such conditions can be passed on from one generation to another.

Consequences of unrest

Life constantly throws us situations that knock us out of our comfort zone and make us worry. Reasons for worry are like sand on the seashore: exams, illnesses, public speaking, competitions, getting a job... Some situations are completely insignificant, sweaty palms are all you can be afraid of. But there are also those that drive you into jitters. It manifests itself differently in everyone. Some begin to stutter, others' legs give way, and others run to the toilet.

Anxiety can lead to slow thinking, dizziness, and even loss of consciousness. The inability to fight jitters over time leads to loss of health - it is impossible not to be attacked by sores in a state of constant fear. But anxiety is fear, concern for oneself or someone else. There is nothing wrong with the fact of anxiety; we live in a world in which we need to be on our guard. Excitement within reasonable limits helps you stay on your toes and respond to the situation adequately.

Common sense suggests with a slight jitters that jumping from the balcony is somewhat stupid, and being late for work risks losing the feeder. The problem is that reasonable boundaries are often suddenly and greatly expanded, and we end up in a state that not only does not contribute to problem solving or a sober situational assessment, but also interferes with it. Therefore, you need to learn to deal with anxiety. The habit and ability to have a cool head will make life much more comfortable.

Symptoms of constant fear and anxiety

An adult can independently recognize symptoms of fear and anxiety. These conditions affect not only the psychological and mental state, cause changes in lifestyle, but also entail consequences that destroy physical health.

Symptoms of changes in psychological state:

  • sudden panic attacks;
  • obsessive thoughts;
  • fear of closed spaces;
  • the emergence of an acute fear of death;
  • lack of coordination in space;
  • increased anxiety in the evening and at night;
  • panic in the crowd;
  • sleep disorders;
  • lack of appetite.

Symptoms of changes in physical condition:

  • difficulty breathing, feeling of chest tightness;
  • hand tremors;
  • feeling of trembling throughout the body;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • dizziness, migraine;
  • fainting state;
  • abdominal discomfort;
  • heart rhythm disturbance;
  • attacks of suffocation;
  • increased sweating;
  • pallor of the skin.

Factors provoking the production of the substance

Thyroid hormones can cause stress and anxiety. They speed up the process of chemical reactions in the body.

Sex cells. They have a similar ability. A deficient amount of sex hormones in the body can cause depression.

Stress can also be caused by excess amounts of cortisol and adrenaline in a person’s blood.

To normalize hormonal balance, you need to resort to a natural treatment method and proper nutrition.

In this situation, doctors recommend eating as much meat as possible, with a lot of fat. You need to heal your heart. Eat more fruits, fish, vegetables. You need to forget about smoking and alcohol.

Methods for dealing with fear and anxiety

It is possible to cope with fear and anxiety on your own, but you need an integrated approach and determination to get rid of attacks of these phenomena forever. First, you should undergo an examination and rule out the presence of serious diseases that provoke a stressful state. If diagnoses are made, then you need to undergo appropriate treatment. Only after its completion should you deal with problems of increased anxiety. You should also not take psychotropic drugs or any medications that affect your psychological state.

Psychological exercises

Initially, you need to understand what causes the strongest fear and increased anxiety. To get rid of them, you should carry out analytical work:

  • realize the presence of problems that cause anxiety, try to understand under what circumstances they first appeared;
  • visualize fears and anxieties, draw them, write them down in detail on paper;
  • discuss the causes of concern with people you trust;
  • put up internal protective barriers in alarming situations;
  • learn to switch attention and relax.

You can relieve anxiety and stress with the help of affirmations - special statements aimed at achieving a harmonious state of mind. It is advisable to write them on paper or print them so that you always have them before your eyes. Each person determines the frequency of their repetition independently, taking into account the degree of dependence on anxieties and fears.

Normalization of daily routine

Fear and anxiety can be overcome relatively easily at home. List of methods available to everyone:

  • keep yourself busy constantly: a minimum of free minutes will not allow disturbing thoughts to creep into your head;
  • maintain a daily routine - avoid overload, get enough sleep;
  • take a walk in the fresh air every day;
  • devote a certain amount of time to physical activity;
  • avoid diets - a lack of certain substances causes anxiety;
  • cultivate positive emotions, do not dwell on the bad.

VIP-Professional auto-training for fear!

Self-training for fear will help you get rid of fears, phobias and obsessive thoughts! It won't take long for you to feel calm again.

How does auto-training for fear work?

Autogenic training (autotraining) helps you quickly relax and relieve emotional stress. The basis of auto-training for fear is general relaxation and self-hypnosis.

The only problem…

The only disadvantage of this technique that an inexperienced practitioner may encounter is the difficulty in stopping the internal dialogue. At first, it may be difficult for beginners to suppress their thoughts through an effort of will, but with practice it will become better and better.

With experience, you can learn to achieve the desired state almost instantly.

What are the advantages of auto-training for fear?

Auto-training for fear really allows you to get rid of obsessive thoughts, fears and phobias in a fairly short time.

You can use the technology anywhere, the main thing is to be able to relax thoroughly.

When we worry or panic, our thoughts, feelings, and even our perception of the outside world change dramatically. It is very important to learn to control yourself in such moments, since our safety directly depends on it.

Auto-training for fear can help in stressful situations!

When you urgently need to “pull yourself together,” a person can restore peace of mind almost instantly by starting to say certain statements to himself.

In addition, auto-training can be used for a variety of purposes - to get rid of fears, internal blocks, complexes, negative beliefs, to fulfill desires, attract money, and program necessary situations. To do this, you just need to change your affirmations¹!

What is the most important thing for auto training?

Surely you have encountered the fact that suppressing your emotions can be very difficult. While awake, our thoughts begin to seriously resist.

Therefore, you should initially achieve deep relaxation of the physical body and mind and only after that begin internal work.

How to relax properly?

1. To learn to completely relax, the practitioner first works in a darkened space (you can wear a blindfold). To avoid distractions from extraneous sounds, you can use earplugs. With the skill, entering a relaxed state will not be difficult anywhere; all you need to do is remember your feelings of relaxation.

2. The practitioner lies down on a flat surface or takes a comfortable sitting position. Closes his eyes, relaxes, takes five deep breaths.

3. Next, he focuses all his attention on breathing. He does not control it, but only watches it, relaxing his body more and more with each exhalation.

4. First, the practitioner relaxes the facial muscles of the face, then the neck, then the arms, then the body muscles, pelvic muscles, and legs. At the same time, he mentally repeats to himself: “I relax and calm down.”

You need to relax until you feel slightly drowsy.

Inner work to get rid of fear

As soon as the practitioner feels that his body is completely relaxed and his consciousness begins to fall into sleep, he begins to pronounce the following suggestions to himself (several times):

  • My health is improving.
  • I am a cheerful and calm person.
  • There is always harmony inside me.
  • I feel great.
  • I am completely safe.
  • The Universe supports and protects me.
  • I am doing well.
  • I know how to find the best solutions.
  • My spirit is strong.
  • I am a successful and wealthy person.
  • I am always lucky in everything.
  • I can handle any task.
  • Everything in my life happens on time.
  • I'm happy with myself in every way.
  • There is only joy and happiness inside.
  • I relax, relax, relax.
  • My strength is increasing more and more.
  • My fears are gone forever.
  • I send love and gratitude to this world.
  • I feel completely free from fears and worries.
  • I enjoy my life serenely.

If auto-training is performed before going to bed or upon awakening, then it is not necessary to make a deliberate exit from it. If classes are held during the day, then it is advisable to complete the program as follows.

1. The practitioner counts to himself from one to ten (slowly).

2. Takes a deep breath.

3. Smiles and opens his eyes.

4. Moves his arms, head, feet.

5. He gets up and stretches.

How long to practice?

To get rid of fear, you need to continue auto-training until a harmonious state, a positive attitude and a feeling of peace of mind arise within. Usually the first results are noticeable after 5-10 sessions.

With longer practice, a person develops the habit of instantly plunging into a relaxed (trance) state as soon as he begins to relax the body through an effort of will and pronounce the necessary affirmations.

This skill allows you to quickly return to a calm state in any stressful situation.

Notes and feature articles for deeper understanding of the material

¹ Affirmation is a short phrase containing a verbal formula that, when repeated many times, reinforces the required image or attitude in a person’s subconscious, helping to improve his psycho-emotional background and stimulating positive changes in life (Wikipedia).

The best affirmations for all occasions >>>

Categories : Getting rid of fears

Tags : how to get rid of fear, secret techniques

There are periods when anxiety probably depends on hormones

There are several stages in our life when the body undergoes serious hormonal changes, and this cannot but affect the emotional state.

The first of these is adolescence. A sharp increase in the level of various hormones becomes a serious blow to the psyche and, unfortunately, not the last.

During andropause, testosterone levels decrease in men. In women during premenopause and menopause, the production of several sex hormones at once slows down - estrogen, progesterone and testosterone. During these periods, anxiety is a completely normal reaction of the body to change, although it can easily be mistaken for another age-related crisis.

Another example of a serious hormonal shift is pregnancy and the postpartum period. At such moments, hormonal anxiety is coupled with natural concern for oneself and the health of the child.

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