How to learn to love your husband correctly: the story of one wife

Self-love is where a woman should start, because self-love is the main component of a successful and happy life. Women's psychology claims that low self-esteem can lead to disastrous consequences; it negatively affects appearance, social status and spiritual personality.

Loving yourself for every woman should be as natural an action as breathing or eating food. But still, in modern society, representatives of the fairer sex are too self-critical; they set high demands, which they often fail to meet.

How can you make yourself love yourself? It's not difficult, but you still have to step over the psychological barrier. It is important to learn to feel spiritually, not to look at shortcomings. Self-love should be in the soul, but still, where should a woman start to learn to respect herself? This is an important task that must be completed; it will further improve life physically, materially and spiritually.

Self-love - what is it?

Many women often face insurmountable difficulties that prevent them from loving themselves with all their shortcomings. Modern standards force us to set high demands, but they are often unreasonable. Each person is individual and unique, he has virtues, both spiritual and physical.

But still, the first step is to find out what true love is. It has several meanings that you must remember:

It is unconditional.

This means when a woman loves herself not for something, merits, qualities, but for the fact that she exists, for her uniqueness and uniqueness in the world. But achievements should be a consequence of self-respect.

This is the desire to make your life much better, to realize some ideas, dreams, goals, to ensure a comfortable existence in the real world. When a person loves himself, he chooses the best, highest quality for himself. This applies not only to material things.

True love must be manifested in relation to oneself, namely, one must take care of oneself, pay attention to one’s health, one should refuse work that leads to destruction;

Showing yourself a positive attitude.

It is important to consider yourself a good person and not belittle your abilities. It is worth taking care of your health and treating others positively. You definitely need to pay attention to your virtues, there must be self-respect. A person must accept himself with all his shortcomings;

Knowing and protecting your own borders.

You should not allow others to treat you badly, especially if it is unreasonable, do not allow them to violate your boundaries. To understand how this should be in reality, it is worth considering an example.

For example, you agreed with a friend to meet at a set time, but he is 10-15 minutes late. You shouldn’t remain silent and take his lateness for granted; you should immediately tell him that you don’t like it when people are late, and next time you’ll just leave if he doesn’t show up at the appointed time.

If next time he is also 10-15 minutes late, there is no need to make concessions to him, you should leave immediately. This is the only way you can teach other people to respect you and your boundaries. The same applies to negative attitudes, criticism and any other unworthy behavior of others towards you.

If, despite your requests, other people still continue to behave inappropriately and violate your boundaries, then it is better to stop communicating with them. Why do you need those who don’t care about your feelings and interests.

Mandatory development, moving forward.

If a woman does not develop, then she may become depressed and develop apathy. She often succumbs to attacks of laziness and begins to degrade, both externally and internally. If there is no development, then a person will not be able to achieve his goals or move forward. Self-love is the basis for motivation.

Signs of self-dislike

For a woman to learn to love herself, she must know how dislike manifests itself. Many people cannot always independently determine the level of self-esteem. Often, a modest, shy, calm person values ​​himself much more than bright and attention-loving women.

Psychologists identify 5 main signs that express dislike for oneself:

You eat, but do not feel hungry.

And it doesn’t matter in what situations it manifests itself. You can have lunch with friends for company, finish breakfast, lunch or dinner with your child, calm yourself down with a cake or pastries. But at the heart of all this is a neglectful attitude towards oneself and one’s needs. You ignore your mind and body, not noticing what you really want;

You buy a lot of cheap things.

Loving people never save on themselves, they do not make reckless purchases. They know the golden rule - the miser pays twice. They don’t mind spending a decent amount of money on themselves, but at the same time they try to purchase high-quality goods. And this does not depend on level and income;

Take a seat in the last row.

You may have often noticed that some people try to take a place in the center, they want to be noticed, but others, on the contrary, look for a place further away, somewhere in the corner. This is due to low self-esteem; such people believe that they are not worthy to be in first place. For this reason, they do not enter into arguments; they are confident that their opponent will be smarter and more savvy;

The inability to deny yourself small joys.

Everything should be in moderation; excessive indulgence does not lead to anything good. The body and mind should be treated as a jewel, this will lead to the fact that all minor weaknesses will fade into the background. In addition, it is considered the basis for general well-being;

Creating too strict boundaries.

Many adherents of a healthy lifestyle often develop serious psychological problems over time. The fact is that they stubbornly follow the established rules, but they do not take their opinions into account. All this leads to the development of serious health problems.

Love and respect are built on a completely different principle. A person must consciously understand what is harmful to him and what will benefit his health.


For those who want to start systematically working on themselves, the “Be Better Today” project gives 7 days of free training - details here:

“...On a distant side, on an alien planet, I have to study at the university...”
The words of this famous song very well illustrate the situation that most men face when they begin to live with their beloved. They find themselves in a completely unfamiliar world - the world of relationships, where they need to act completely differently: be responsible for two people, make plans together, show care, attention and love.

For us women, this is not a problem. After all, by our nature we are always ready to show both care and understanding, delve into other people’s problems, relationships, affairs, share experiences, express our feelings. This is almost not typical for men. Although these are precisely the qualities we expect from them

. Here is a small but very important paradox of life.

Let's take a closer look. Men (although, of course, not all), if they did not have a worthy example in childhood, have little idea of ​​what relationships, love, feelings, care, understanding, and responsibility for another person are. What should you do if the woman you love is in a bad mood, or irritable, or dissatisfied with something - how to act, how to behave? A man can understand all this only from his own experience or the example of his parents, relatives, and friends. If among them there are men who value family, children, communication with their wife, then this is very good. Consider yourself lucky. And in most cases we see a very sad picture.

But we, women, can change it! After all, it is so natural for us to love, to give love, to give of ourselves. We know how to feel sorry and help, how to understand and reassure. This means we can teach our man to love!

You just need to choose the right tactics.

But before we talk about it, let's look at the two most common mistakes that many women make in relationships with their men:

Mistake #1.

A woman is waiting for her lover to guess and show love and his feelings. After all, it’s so simple and so clear: take care, pay attention, listen. And that’s why we, including me, often had the thought at one time:

“Can’t he really guess that I need him to support me, take pity on me, calm me down and just listen?”

Of course not. He can't guess

. After all, he is a man, which means he is psychologically structured completely differently. We women intuitively feel love in attention and care, support, sympathy. But he, our beloved man, understands and shows love in a completely different way. For example, “I believe that you can handle it” or “don’t worry, we will solve your problem.” Is this familiar to you?

This is how he expresses love. He believes in us, which means he believes that we can handle it - this is how his support and love are shown. By the way, you can read in great detail about these differences in the expression of love in J. Gray’s book “Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus.” This is simply a reference book about our differences and ways of reconciliation.

Now you just need to remember that, due to our psychological characteristics, we understand love differently and express our feelings differently.

, gratitude, trust and admiration for your loved one. This means recognizing differences is our starting point.

Therefore, waiting for your man to figure out what you need can take a very long time, as long as you have enough patience, and there will be almost no changes. In addition, it is important to remember that men, with rare exceptions, rarely express their feelings, they are unusual in showing attention to another being, and often show care and love as faith in us.

Mistake #2.

Without waiting for the man we love to show the qualities we want, we simply go on the attack. And we begin to actively demand from him those actions, feelings, words that we simply vitally need. But, unfortunately, these constant demands make our family life only get worse. After all, any person, and especially a man, does not like being put under pressure. And in this case, we, tired of long, vain expectations, turn from “soft and fluffy” wives into demanding, dissatisfied, and even aggressive creatures. And then the relationship generally reaches a dead end.

What to do next?

The solution is, as always, simple. First, you need to realistically and objectively evaluate your man, his ability to show love, care, and attention. This is our starting point. We clearly define for ourselves what our loved one can do at the moment and what he cannot. Figuratively speaking, what class in the school of love does he correspond to? And we stop demanding the impossible from him. We take a course towards the future and the gradual growth of our beloved man.

Here, of course, we should not forget that we ourselves need to constantly grow. And what qualities we will need to become real teachers and educators in the school of love, we will now consider.

So, there are only three of these qualities. But what kind!

1. Calmness, the ability to maintain peace of mind

in any situation and not to take the words, thoughts, feelings and actions of a man to heart.

Why is this so important? Think about what any good teacher should be like. Patient and calm. Do you agree? Would you like to study with an impatient, irritable or touchy teacher? Me not. I’ll even say more, in these matters a man should be treated like a small child - don’t scream, don’t cry, don’t cry - he won’t understand. There is only one way - to explain everything calmly and not put pressure on him.

And at the same time, you have to develop one of the most remarkable qualities that will help you become more interesting in his eyes. This is the ability not to depend on him emotionally, that is, self-sufficient and independent calmness. And for this, the second quality will help us.

2. the ability to be firm and confident, while maintaining love within yourself.

Learn to be a self-sufficient person who has his own plans, his own life, his own goals. Only in this case will he take you into account, respect and value you and your opinion, your desires and feelings. As long as you reduce everything to him, he can control you, your internal state and your external behavior. This means that he is not interested in you, because in this case you are just a shadow, a reflection of his own actions. Come out of the shadows and become a full-fledged person!

The ability to stand our ground simply and calmly will be useful here. Not the way teenagers defend their opinions: “But I’ll do it anyway,” “I’m just to spite you,” etc. No, you just need to act like an independent adult, especially in those issues of family relationships that a man cannot understand, because he is only in first grade. And there is no need to consult him in matters where he himself cannot do the right thing. Here you have to make a strong-willed decision - and act on your own. In general, we develop firmness and the ability to act independently. But at the same time maintaining a feeling of love for him.

3. Softness, tenderness and flexibility.

The main thing is to be not only hard, but also soft. Remember the carrot and stick and don't overdo it. There is no need for irony, although it can appear so often. Unleash the full power of your care and gentleness, combine it with calmness and firmness. This alloy is simply invincible. Take time to praise and please your loved one. It is very important. After all, remember, even in childhood we ourselves really wanted to be not only strictly brought up, but sometimes also praised. Be kinder and more tolerant towards your beloved man - and then he will delight you with his growth and ability to love.

This concludes the list of the most important qualities.

And now we will look at several basic secrets of gradual education tactics and its successful application.

First, hold your line

- calm and confident. It's the most important.

If you have chosen this path of gradual education, do not leave it. Of course, it happens that you simply don’t have the strength to wait any longer for him to grow up (???). Yes, this happens, but try not to give in too much to your mood and emotions at this time. After all, this condition often leads to common mistake No. 2, which we have already discussed. There is a great temptation to again demand his immediate actions and changes - but they will still remain unrealistic at the current moment.

But this desire and demand will at the same time cancel out previous actions and efforts: yours - in education, and your man's - in internal growth. He can perceive these demands very sharply: “Am I really trying in vain, and this is not enough for you?”

And in general, it may stop voluntarily developing in family relationships. And putting him on this path again will be even more difficult. So, without any jerks, we stick to our line of calm and gradual upbringing.


, your desire for your loved one to change, grow, learn to show your love and care should be purely altruistic.
You just have to want it to be better
. But at the same time, it is important that you want this not for yourself personally, but for him.

I'll explain now. While you are hooked (and this almost always happens) that he is not like you

As long as you want to change him so that he
better, until then there will be almost no changes in him. He will feel that you are interested in his internal changes only for yourself, and therefore there is no point in him trying, because this does not concern him personally, his own person, his internal and external world.

If you explain to him (the main thing is calmly and unobtrusively) that these qualities are necessary for all people, and if he lacks them, then you need to slowly develop them, that this will help him in life, in work, in relationships with relatives and friends and etc. - he will understand that they are really for him


So, let's draw a bigger perspective

and the enormous importance of these qualities for him in all areas of life.
Give examples not only of neighbors or friends’ husbands, it doesn’t look global. Remember important historical examples, good films. Even among the players of his favorite team one can find interesting personalities who really value family and loved ones. This last one is very important. Basically, find his authority and work through him quietly. This is a tactic that is powerful in its consequences. But the main thing is that we sincerely help him grow
not for ourselves, but for his growth in general.

And now the most important thing

Your man should never guess
that you have chosen the tactics of gradually raising him. Why? Yes, simply because more than one man does not like being changed, educated, etc., he is already good! Therefore, let's agree to call and consider this not education, but help for his growth. Fine? After all, this completely changes things both in meaning and in our actions.

Yes, by the way, gradual, slow, steady growth is guaranteed for your loved one. This has been verified. So be patient. And don’t demand immediate “university” knowledge from your favorite first-grader. He is still small. But he will grow up and delight you with his ability to love.

And one more clarification. You'll see it grow

, if you compare him not with other men, or your ideal, but with himself, as he was a week, month or year ago. This will best help you notice the important changes you are looking forward to.

I advise you to always remember that water wears away stones, and therefore our tactics of the softest and most flexible elements are simply doomed to success. The main thing here is not to rush things and not wait for sudden changes.

To summarize our conversation today, I would like to say:

A man is a beginner at the school of love

, so you can’t demand too much from him. He is not like us, so he is almost unprepared for what we want from him. There is no need to expect or demand this from him. It is better to help him grow, develop, and open the world of love. And for this we ourselves will need peace of mind, tenderness and softness, confidence and firmness, and most importantly - constant heartfelt love.

With the right gradual upbringing, which our man should not have to guess about:) , he will confidently pass all the exams at the school of love. And he will go to college. And then - hold on!

Ekaterina Flikop,

For those who want to start systematically working on themselves, the “Be Better Today” project gives 7 days of free training - details here:

Recommendations from psychologists

Self-love is the basis of life, but where should a woman start to learn to respect herself as a person and an individual? It turns out that it is not so difficult, everything is doable. However, at first it’s still worth trying, you need to step over yourself, stop humiliating your body.

Psychologists have developed several useful rules and recommendations that will help you love yourself with all the shortcomings and shortcomings. If you strictly follow them, you can significantly improve your life and increase your social and spiritual status.

You are a self-sufficient and individual person

This should be the basis, this is what will help you quickly fall in love with your body, mind and abilities. This will help you in the future to see many advantages that you had not noticed before.

So, it consists of several points:

  • You should always love yourself, regardless of the presence or absence of a second half;
  • Nothing can complete you. Showing love should not be associated with clothes or having an expensive car;
  • You can’t love yourself for a bright haircut or a stylish jacket. Clothes will gradually become faded, torn, and hair will grow back;
  • Self-love should be without reason.

2. It is important to accept yourself completely

Don't be too self-critical of yourself. It is important to accept all the wrongdoings that were committed in the past. All failures contribute to self-development, they increase social status, and provide new experiences in life. In the future you will no longer commit them, because you will know what they can lead to.

Learn to accept your flaws, love yourself for who you are. Accept all mistakes and failures with a light heart. For example, the other day you gave a paid speech in front of a large audience. But in the end you failed, everyone laughed at you. Take it as it comes. You will definitely improve in the future.

Love must be without a reason

You are a special and unique person. There should be no reason to love yourself, your body, your abilities, your mind. When searching for them, this feeling will not be complete. And gradually doubts and bad thoughts may develop, which can cause opposite consequences.

Don't put others above, everyone is equal

There are no those who are higher, better or worse than you. There is no need to constantly look at others and compare yourself with them. This has a negative impact on self-esteem and significantly reduces it. Otherwise, you will constantly chase standards, and you will not be able to love yourself.

Don't look at others

When comparing yourself to others, a feeling of inadequacy develops. Remember - you should never chase others, you should not be someone you are not. How this happens can be seen with an example.

For example, you see that your neighbor, boyfriend or girlfriend, is successfully building a business, earning a lot of money and living much better. As a result, you become depressed, compare yourself to him, humiliate your capabilities and advantages.

No one can ever live someone else's life. And if you constantly copy someone else’s life, it will ultimately only make the person worse and lead to big failures. Everyone should be who they are.

Show respect for body and mind

Every person should show respect for himself spiritually and physically. You definitely need to love your body, even its shortcomings, they make it individual.

Everyone should maintain a healthy lifestyle:

  • You should not drink alcoholic beverages or smoke cigarettes. Under no circumstances should you stuff your body with pathogenic components. They cause destruction of health;
  • Improve your body by regularly visiting a sports or gym;
  • Don't forget about healthy and proper nutrition.

You shouldn’t constantly watch various garbage on television or on the Internet. Tune in to positive thoughts, this will improve your spiritual state and have a positive effect on your health. Don't overload your mind, it needs to rest from time to time.

Don't judge yourself and others

Judging and grumbling at yourself and other people always takes a lot of time, energy and effort. These are negative emotions and thoughts that people constantly hold within themselves. They bring nothing but harm to the body.

Distract yourself into something more positive, read useful books, go to a movie or theater, meet friends, go with them to a cafe or club. Dissatisfaction and condemnation lead to you becoming the same.

Don't tolerate anything you're not happy with.

If something irritates you, then you should not silently accept and tolerate it. Of course, many have been taught since childhood that in any situation it is worth showing patience, it is better to remain silent, and keep all dissatisfaction to yourself. But if you behave this way all the time, it will not lead to anything good.

You need to be able to express your dissatisfaction out loud. This is a manifestation of respect and self-love. If you are in a car with a person who smokes and smokes acrid smoke, then you can offer him three options for solving the problem:

  • Let him get out of the car and smoke on the sidelines;
  • Tell him that you cannot stand the smell of cigarettes, you are allergic to it;
  • Tell him that you won't be able to talk to him until he stops smoking.

Never forget about these simple rules, they will help you become stronger and teach you to love yourself for who you are. You don’t need to look for only shortcomings in yourself, every person has them, it is important to learn to adequately perceive them and live calmly with them.

Remember that self-love and respect are the basis for successful well-being in modern society. Your social, spiritual, psychological status depends on this; it affects your attitude towards yourself and the health of your body. And the question - where to start self-love for a woman - will never be in front of you now.

How to learn to love your husband correctly: the story of one wife

It would seem that love is a completely understandable, well-known feeling. The ability to love in the general sense is an innate trait. But, as it turned out, you can love “right” and “wrong” and this art needs to be learned.

Raising children is the primary factor that teaches love. If in a family love was manifested silently, with simple “eat”, “dress warmly”, the child will grow up with only love. When parents show love in the family with hugs, gentle words, support - on the other hand.

Olga Savelyeva grew up in a family where love was shown without unnecessary emotions, and her husband, on the contrary, was surrounded by all sorts of diminutive epithets from the cradle. On her Facebook page, Olga shared a personal story and told how she realized that she was showing feelings “wrongly” and how she learned to love her husband “correctly.”

I grew up in a family in which love was expressed using the imperative verbs “eat” and “put on.” I'm not complaining or bragging, I'm stating. The adults around me did not practice tactile hugs and kisses, and did not speak kind words to each other. It was important to them that I was well-fed, dressed for the weather, and did my homework.

I didn't know it could be different. I didn't even realize it. And I grew up in this scenario. Not knowing that love can be a synergy of tender words and soft hugs. At the same time, I was happy. Ordinary childhood happiness. Childhood happiness differs from adult happiness in its unconditionality and lack of analysis of what is happening. Because it's fun. Because it's a bird. Because classics. Because it's sunny. I call it “charged with childhood.” There are constant fireworks inside. Because childhood.

The future husband has a different story. It didn’t work out for my parents for a long time, and then, at the peak of their despair, it suddenly worked out. And a little boy was born, a chubby cupid, and an avalanche of tenderness poured out on him. Mishenka bathed in parental admiration, was caressed, kissed, cuddled. He grew up like this, the beloved navel of the earth, for five whole years, and then it was all over. A brother was born. Streams of tenderness went around the firstborn.

Mishenka was confused. I felt stressed. Tried to understand why? Did he behave badly? Broken dump truck? He won’t do this again... My parents were busy surviving, floundering in the tight 90s. A tiny room, two small children - everyday life mercilessly consumed youth, time and energy. Now they kissed Mishenka sometimes, tangentially, love ricocheted from his brother. But still, the family had a cult of admiration for children and their successes.

Five years later, my sister was born. At the age of ten, Mishenka was forced to grow up. Study well, look after your brother, go for walks with your sister. And for adulthood there is a payment in the form of fleeting, but obligatory affection, tired mother’s hugs, father’s hand, tangled in the curls of long-uncut hair.

So Mishenka grew up, feeling the contrast of the lack of love, and, having matured, stubbornly looked for his lost tenderness in girls. And then fate, as if mocking, offered me to him. I was dressed in a frown, closed from people with all the locks and latch. Misha took it by storm. I broke through. Conquered. Surrounded with care, expressed in words and actions. I didn’t get out of the encirclement - I gave up. Weakened our defenses. She allowed herself to be kissed.

Misha had serious intentions. He took me to my parents' house.

“Hello, Olenka,” said mom. - Come on in. Daddy and I are waiting for you and Mishenka. Now Irochka and Kolenka will come, and we will have lunch.

I was at a loss. I thought that a name, like clothing, should grow with the wearer. At 4 years old you can wear onesies, and for your 20th birthday you need to buy a suit. As a child you can be Olenka, but by the time you’re twenty it’s time to put on your middle name. Why Olenka? Then I realized: this family is the territory of diminutive suffixes. Here everyone is Olenka, Mishenka, Kolenka.

I went into the room. On the walls are diplomas and certificates of children. I took a closer look. For fourth place. For the fifth. For taking part. Laureate... The children did not win the competitions, they simply participated, but the parents enthusiastically saw victory in the fact of participation, and, applauding, hung up frames. I was surprised again. My certificates for victories in the Olympics were gathering dust in an old folder with unnecessary documents. My victories were not cultivated, they were packed in dust. They were very afraid to overpraise me, and just in case, they didn’t praise me at all. But three overpraised children are growing up, and nothing seems to be wrong, normal, not arrogant, quite promising children.

“Wow, it happens differently!” — I thought, for the first time doubting the inviolability of my script.

Misha and I began to live together. He constantly said that I was beautiful. I never thought before whether I was beautiful or just ordinary. And here... He couldn’t pass by without expressing his delight, he looked with admiration, came up to hug, not believing his happiness in owning it. “I guess I really am beautiful,” I thought, looking puzzled at myself in the mirror, and enhanced the effect with heels and minis. To highlight the.

He said that I was talented. I suspected that he was right, but so far I felt everything was dotted line, not exactly. Misha was delighted with any product of my creativity. Poems, articles, dances, songs. Well, the first three points are fine. But here are the songs. I have no hearing. Categorically. I suspected my husband of subjectivity. But she didn’t argue anymore. Yes, talented.

He said that he was lucky to have me. That “thank you for choosing him.” Every day I got used to the idea that I was a star. That my calling is to shine. And his is to applaud me. This is a good idea, it’s easy to get used to. It is soft, pleasant to the body and soul. I floated through life in a cocoon of someone else's admiration.

It never occurred to me that Misha also needed my applause. Waits for them and hopes. For what? The stars do not applaud the audience... It is quite possible to live without tenderness and affection. I lived! The first 20 years... I didn’t know that love needs to be mirrored and returned a hundredfold. Figuratively speaking, in response to “I love you,” you need to answer at least “Me too,” and not “I know.” And in response to “You are beautiful,” you need to say: “It’s you who is beautiful!”, and not “Yes, thank you!”

Years passed. The husband despaired of waiting. He wiped his palms blood with applause. The applause began to subside. By that time, I recognized myself as a star. I caught talent by the hand. Formulated it. And I was very surprised why my husband suddenly began to mope and become irritated. A star lives next to him! She chose him! What else does? I reprimanded him with scandals for his weakened admiration. Let's be more active there, you see, I have spread my wings, I'm flying, tell me how good I am at flying, why are you silent? But he was losing interest in the applause. I started looking at another scene.

At home, the star wears a robe and eats a chicken leg straight from the pan. It’s as if he takes off his look in the hallway and puts it on before going out. And somewhere there, on the stage of life, he stands with his arms outstretched and gives off energy. And she crawls home tired and discharged. And the husband must warm, love, charge. Bring tea, cover with a blanket, say: “God, how incredible you are!” And for this - payment in the form of a robe and a chicken leg.

Misha realized that he was mistaken. That I didn’t find his lost tenderness, and I won’t be able to return it.

One day I, beautiful, smart and talented, came home and heard emptiness. No one clapped or made tea. No one has prepared the gasoline of admiration to fill my gas tank with talent. And at that moment I acted like a real woman. I'm offended. How could he? An ungrateful, irresponsible person. And he said that he loves. Liar. I felt angry. And the desire for revenge. I'll take revenge on him with my success.

He will walk down the street and see my posters on every pole. There is an announcement of my performance on the radio. He turns on the TV - and there I am. And he will bite his elbows and ask to go back. But I won't let you in. I'm proud. I don't forgive betrayal.

Time passed. I fell backwards into deep depression. An empty gas tank refused to work without refueling. There was no singing, no writing, no dancing. He just lay face down on the pillow. I suffered. I was feeling depressed. I suddenly noticed my husband. I heard. Having lost it, she began to cry. And she began to bite her elbows and ask for it back.

I will learn, I will definitely learn tenderness. I will return it to you in portions, just give me this credit of trust. I promise it will be an excellent credit history, with every payment on time. And I began to learn to love my man. Admire. Worship. Express your love in words and actions. Text messages, hugs, knitted sweaters. In the morning hot coffee, in covering him as he fell asleep with a blanket, in noticing his mood. In “eat, everything is ready”, in “let me iron it”, in “no, a tie is better.” In "YOU ARE THE BEST."

This story has a happy ending. It’s about “you can’t order your heart.” About glued happiness. About “I love you - no, it’s I who love you!” About thank you for the day, thank you for the night, thank you for your son and daughter. But most importantly, it is about the fact that love must be learned. Inspired and selfless. And thank God for this opportunity, and adore this science, and always happily rush to this most favorite subject in the school of life.

And then everything will work out. And the lost tenderness will be found, and will multiply, and will be reflected in dividends in the happy eyes of our children, who grow up in the right life scenario, and, having matured, will give love to their other halves, and give birth to new happy children.

And the concentration of happiness around will spontaneously increase. And people will smile at each other. Because it's fun. Because it's a bird. Because classics. Because it's sunny. Source

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