Values ​​in human life: goal setting and life planning

The problem of values ​​and the purpose of life

What determines the choice of life values? – from experience, from the awareness of a person and his planned future.

What is practical value? – this is not the quality of a thing, but an acquired and conscious experience that changes a person’s further behavior.

How to achieve your goal in life? – first of all, determine whether this is your own goal or an imposed one. Having realized whether you really want it, i.e. Having determined the truth of the goal, you need to look for the means within yourself, and only then in the environment. Inner creativity is your own theater, lived in the fullness of feelings: as a source of knowledge and moral values.

Success is an opportunity to realize oneself. The more love you put into a plan, the greater the success will be.

True and false values

For people, various goods in life have unequal value - the point is precisely that everyone can find suitable internal priorities for themselves, and not set themselves short-term goals in life, determined by material wealth and property results.

A person’s values ​​are formed throughout his life. The true nature of values ​​is understood through the experience of experiencing any events. The value of family for a person at each age and in each role will be different. The value of childhood is realized by people already as adults, and then they understand how important childhood is for their own children and how important it is to instill family values ​​from an early age. Sometimes material and intangible values ​​become obvious only in comparison or with the loss of existing benefits: for example, the value of health is realized at the time of illness.

Unfortunately, the values ​​of a modern person have become subject to a competitive, competitive pace and are becoming formalized. The problem of purpose and meaning of life arises, because... a person experiences an internal conflict of values ​​and often does not realize it.

On the influence of values ​​on decision making

Each person forms goals and values ​​in life independently - consciously or not. Let's look at two examples of developments where a decision is made using an established value system.

Example 1:

Your chosen one suggested moving from the noisy city closer to nature, building a house in the village, starting a farm and having children. But your priority is family, love and children. A perfect match, you rejoice, move in and live happily while working on family goals together. In the worst case, propose a plan that is close in meaning, but not so radical.

Example 2:

The same offer from the same chosen one, but you have deadlines, an upcoming promotion, and you planned to become the head of a department next year and lead a new project. Yes, children, family are good, but... The answer is obvious - moving to the province, farming and children will “bury” the dream of a decent position and a good salary. Such a clash of values ​​will inevitably lead to dissatisfaction with life.

It's not that someone's goals and values ​​in life are wrong. It’s just that family is important for one person, and career for another. Starting from what is a priority for you, from your own value system, a person begins to make important life decisions, giving up something less significant in favor of what is most rational.

You have already completed the main task - identifying your values. Now it is important to follow the highest priority ones. You pass almost every important event in life through the prism of your values. The value system in a person’s life allows one to correlate decision-making with true significance. Thus, giving up your own life priorities, such as a career or business success, will ultimately lead to dissatisfaction with life, husband and family.

The level of your life = the level of your intrinsic value

Just don’t confuse it with cost, these are different categories. It is internal value, as a concept, as a feeling, as a feeling that creaks, puffs and flounders for most people. Why? Because there is no time to realize it. We are accustomed to thinking either about the past or the future and, accordingly, we value only what has passed or has not yet come. We don’t pay attention to what we have now and therefore we don’t value what we have.

For example, you are single and want a relationship. Moreover, you are so sick of loneliness in every sense that you are ready to do anything just to be in a relationship. You imagine, you learn, you dream, you become a new version of yourself, you sob into your pillow. In short, transfer value into the future. Like: when I have someone, that’s when... Or you dream about a new toy: expensive, cool, high-status, and you want it so much that you just don’t have the strength (again transferring the value into the future).

There is no need to talk at length about the value of the past, everything is clear, but if you need examples, look at Odnoklassniki, there are plenty there.

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Intrinsic Value in Five Proofs

  • Your body is the only one like it on the planet

Even if you don't like it, there is no other one like it. The shade of your hair, the depth of your eyes, your posture, your silhouette are your creation. You created it in small strokes, slowly and precisely, with the help of feelings and thoughts. Each cell understands only you and breathes you, trying to make you comfortable on the path of life.

Look at yourself in the mirror, do you look like mediocrity? You are used to comparing your body with invented images of beauty, but if you discard other people's ideas, you will see yourself with different eyes. Did you feel your body respond at that moment? Isn't your body valuable? These hands that have done so much for you, these legs that have carried you for as many years as the pleasure your body gives you. Have you ever thought about your body like this?

  • The set of your experiences is the facets of the diamond of your soul

No one has ever experienced what you have experienced. All stories are the script of your chronicle and no one knows what it’s like to walk your path with your pebbles in your boots. Much seems meaningless and useless, unnecessary and superfluous to you, but if you look at all the experiences from the standpoint of knowledge, then you cannot find more valuable lessons. Haven't you become richer, wiser, stronger and better? Don't you understand the path of those who are just beginning an adventure? Experience and knowledge have made you you.

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  • You have a special gift that no one else has

Perhaps you have looked for your purpose more than once and thought that it was something cool and lofty. If you find it, congratulate yourself; if not, take a closer look. There are certain things you can do most easily. For you, this is a piece of cake and you can’t call it any talent, but this is how a real gift is often disguised.

Maybe it’s interesting for people to gather around you, maybe you know how to organize a party, or maybe you generate unusual ideas or cook a phenomenal Caesar dish. Even if you are not aware of your talent, it is still there. You're just looking from the wrong side. For someone to be able to do something just like you would be for happiness.

  • There is always a person in the world who needs you

Your presence on the planet is not an empty passage of time. For someone, you are mom or dad, sister or brother, son or daughter, beloved or loved one. And only the fact that you exist for your loved ones is very important and valuable. You look out of yourself, not taking this fact into account. Your attention and love cannot be replaced. Isn't this valuable?

  • You are not simply part of this world, you are this world

Nothing happens for nothing and your coming into this world is an important event. From day one, you began to map your path, interacting with thousands of other worlds. You left a part of yourself everywhere and without your participation, this world would not be the same. You supported someone and his path turned towards development, you smiled and made someone else’s day more complete and joyful.

Yes, perhaps this point is globally high and looks like fairy tales for those who have flown into the high spheres of karma, don’t bother. You are important to this world, no matter what.

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By this point, your mind has already found a bunch of inaccuracies and outright stupidity. Several times he doubted or chuckled sarcastically. This is fine. We are not used to valuing ourselves, our actions, the results of our work, and therefore we live the way we live. We rely on logic, authority, the experience of strangers, and sometimes we don’t even know how to express our opinion, since no one needs it and is not valuable.

We ourselves have formed the habit of not appreciating and not loving ourselves, and if something stirs a little inside, it’s pride and we need to shut it up. Get into the habit of valuing yourself. It's better than smoking or judging. Love and joy to you.

We will help:

  • understand and realize your difficulties,
  • correctly assess your capabilities and set appropriate tasks,
  • enjoy the activity,
  • unleash creative potential and develop originality of thinking,
  • increase activity in realizing holistic success,
  • consciously set priorities and determine their significance,
  • learn to set adequate goals and achieve them,
  • determine moral and ethical guidelines,
  • create a world of true values ​​for yourself,
  • increase self-esteem and self-esteem.

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