Impudence and pliability at the same time: how does a Scorpio in love behave?

Scorpio is a passionate zodiac sign in love. Scorpio men attract the attention of representatives of the opposite sex with their charisma. Scorpio boldly takes leadership in relationships into his own hands. His chosen one can really be envied: she will be able to relax and feel under the tutelage of a man experienced in every sense. But there is one catch: how to understand that a Scorpio man is in love with you?

The representative of this zodiac sign is a kind of Casanova who shows signs of attention to many girls, but he rarely has real feelings. Like most representatives of the strong half of humanity, a Scorpio man in love hides his feelings. That is, he does not want others to know about his feelings for his chosen one.

Given Scorpio's natural secretiveness, it is very difficult to find out about his true feelings for you. But nothing is impossible. We offer several tips with which you can easily understand that the insidious Scorpio dreams of you day and night.

How does a Scorpio man behave?

If you don’t know who a Scorpio man is at his core, how can you understand that he is in love?
Scorpio is a very strong sign. Scorpio men have a very unusual character, which not every girl can handle. Many people give in under the pressure of such strong-willed qualities and sophisticated mind.


This applies to both physical and mental aspects. Scorpios do not get tired in bed for a long time, and can also withstand emotional outbursts and hysterics of their partner for a decent amount of time without internal or external hesitation. If he has feelings for you and wants reciprocity, he can wait a long time, while minimizing his own emotional stress.


The absence of any obstacles on the way to a clearly defined goal gives Scorpio the opportunity to wait for the moment when he can truly realize himself. They really feel when to move forward and when to wait, especially if they are in love.

Love for games.

First of all, to games of a psychological nature. Scorpio can slowly begin to influence you with the help of various seemingly trifles. At the same time, he observes the reaction. This amuses him.

Characteristics of a Scorpio man according to the horoscope

Craving for depth.

The Scorpio man will not limit himself to superficial acquaintance and drawing conclusions about a person based on the reviews of his comrades if he is in love. A beautiful dress and a smart book in your hands will not fool him. He will look at the root if he wants to unravel you. The gift of persuasion will allow him to reveal your secrets with your own lips. And Scorpios are fascinated by complex tasks; they like to get to the bottom of things.


Yes, but he will not rush to reveal his essence. Even after living next to a Scorpio man for several years, one cannot say that he has opened up at least 50%. This may concern both certain personal preferences and some episodes from his life.

A penchant for creativity.

Even though Scorpio men are drawn to extreme professions that promise power, they are in love with every manifestation of creativity. Scorpios are very sensual and are good at music. Men of this sign know how to sincerely admire works of art. It could be cinema, painting, literature, theater, a homemade notebook or a wire tree. Moreover, this admiration turns into a desire to understand the essence, to somehow interpret this or that stroke/frame/scene/spot on the wall.

How to understand that he is in love with you?

It is difficult to envy such internal contradiction.
Who else can be both a tyrant and a slave, a creator and a destroyer, if not a Scorpio man? How can you understand that he is in love with you if he never gives himself away until he wants it himself?

The signs of a Scorpio man in love are quite transparent and fit organically into your communication without attracting undue attention to yourself:

  1. He tries to spend time with you. If you interested him so much that you managed to distract him from peaceful narcissism, then he is probably in love. He may sacrifice some of his plans in order to be with you.
  2. The Scorpio man is playing with you. In all senses. They are simply magically given games of any order. Poker, chess, your thoughts. If you notice that he has learned to evoke some kind of emotional reaction in you, there is a high probability that he is in love with you.
  3. If suddenly a Scorpio man begins to give in to you, is not afraid to show you some of his weaknesses and tells you something secret from the past, then he is definitely in love. They very rarely trust anyone with anything of theirs. This is simply the height of a relationship if they begin to reveal their soul.
  4. If topics that require a long and fascinating discussion begin to come up in your conversation, then Scorpio is probably in love. For him, this is not demagoguery, but something like a mixture of wrestling, dance and sex, only in the head. This is not the way to deal with indifferent people. As a rule, these conversations are productive and take up a lot of time, which flies away unnoticed.

So, how does a Scorpio man behave when he is in love? He is looking for a meeting with you, during which he tries to do with you what you love, talk about what interests you. Or whatever you hate. His goal when falling in love is not to let you remain indifferent to him.

Relationships with the opposite sex

Scorpios are partial to the female sex from the cradle. Representatives of this zodiac sign need emotions, and the assessment of girls is also important. These natural-born ladies' men begin to have affairs from school. They change the chosen one immediately after she has done something wrong.

In adolescence, sexuality begins to make itself felt. Scorpios are masters of verbal and non-verbal seduction. These are the sexiest lovers with whom you will never be bored. A man is constantly surrounded by female attention and gets real pleasure from it. He strives to win the chosen one he likes in any way. The goal is visible - there are no obstacles!

Idea of ​​an ideal partner

He likes women who take care of themselves and maintain their natural beauty. A glamorous lady with pumped lips and silicone breasts will not attract Scorpio's attention. This is a true connoisseur of natural female beauty. The ideal partner in his understanding should be:

  • attractive;
  • tender;
  • sensitive;
  • feminine;
  • kind;
  • responsive;
  • polite;
  • honest;
  • devoted;
  • smart;
  • educated;
  • cultural;
  • self-sufficient;
  • sexy;
  • unpredictable;
  • flirty.

READ How to win a Cancer man: advice to girls
Men of this zodiac sign do not tolerate stupidity. A girl who is not particularly brilliant in intelligence will not suit them. A vulgar person and a hunter for a fat wallet will not like it. Scorpios have well-developed intuition, so they see right through people. A lie is detected immediately.

His ideal girl is a combination of external and internal beauty. At the same time, she must be sexy, temperamental, unpredictable, with a subtle sense of humor. In addition, housekeeping skills are valued. His woman is neat, neat and well-groomed, and has excellent taste.

7 things that will definitely turn him off

Scorpio has a capricious and rather tough character. He pays a lot of attention to self-development, self-improvement and appearance. His room looks like a woman's room - with a bunch of body care products, perfumes and clothes. He makes the same demands on his chosen one. Things that will definitely turn him off:

  • unkempt appearance;
  • vulgarity;
  • defiant behavior;
  • stupidity;
  • lies, insincerity;
  • betrayal;
  • emotional and sexual coldness.

An emotional man is looking for a girl to match him. For the sake of new sensations, an intelligent and reasonable Scorpio is capable of stupid things. He will never be with a lover who is too predictable, gives up quickly and does not support his “innovations.” The guy is in no hurry to connect his life with a married woman, because he does not tolerate competition.

Behavior of a Scorpio in love

What else can be said about how a Scorpio man in love behaves? As you noticed, his behavior is, in principle, difficult to understand, let alone talk about falling in love. But this is possible if you try to evaluate his behavior from the outside. Mind you, this is very difficult. Most likely, if you are interested in this question, you yourself are already a little in love with him.

  1. The Scorpio man is quite flexible and perspicacious, so he will try to be a “good fairy” for you if he is in love. Having studied you, your tastes and your behavior pattern, Scorpio will find a reliable way to attract attention. Here the combination of observation and good intuition plays into their hands. He will take you to places that will surely find an emotional response in you.
  2. Scorpio is in love with you if he gives you gifts. Very beautiful, ideological. Without any excuse. Without a hint of a return gift. Presentations can be both spontaneous and clearly thought out. And yes, they will definitely come up with a comment that will make you shiver. As a rule, these are things with a mystery, and not just cute things. Keep in mind that he likes to play with other people's emotions. On the other hand, he will not play with someone he is not at least a little in love with.
  3. If he supports your strange and not very adequate endeavors. This could be a spontaneous trip to some strange city on the periphery, a trip to the pump room for drinking water at 3 am.

He will do all sorts of strange things to you. This intrigues him, he is interested when a girl can do weird things. So he tries to understand what is in her head.

More ways to make a Scorpio fall in love

Here are some more ways to make a Scorpio man fall in love with you:

  1. Don't force him to reveal all his cards in the first meeting, give him time - he will reveal himself when he is ready.
  2. Don't tell him what to do and how to do it.
  3. Listen to him carefully.
  4. Add a little humor to the conversation; jokes will help defuse the situation. Scorpios are also crazy about cheerful women.
  5. Remember every little thing he told you.
  6. Take some time to get to know each other better.
  7. Be a confident woman.
  8. Love yourself and try to make him accept you for who you really are.
  9. Be independent and self-sufficient.
  10. Don't lie to him.
  11. Take a responsible approach to your work, because Scorpios prefer women who are financially independent.

Perhaps he is hiding his feelings?

How to understand that a Scorpio man is in love, but hides his feelings?
If you are asking this question, then you are extremely persistent. Keep in mind that his natural acting talent gave him the opportunity to walk past you with a straight face. He may not break into a smile if you, without any impulse on his part, decided to contact him. Yes, at the same time he is head over heels in love.

It would be possible to focus on body language, but in the case of this sign this may not work, no matter how much he is in love. He easily imitates sincere laughter, sadness, melancholy, and excitement. And with the same ease he drowns them outwardly if his game requires it.

It follows that if a Scorpio man really decided to hide his feelings, then you will not know about it. To the question - how to understand that a Scorpio man is in love with you, but does not admit it - there cannot be an answer. No way. Even their dilated pupils are a manifestation of caffeine excess rather than sympathy.

It is unlikely that a man of this sign is afraid of some kind of reaction from you if he is in love, but hides it. Scorpios are not shy, and they know how to turn any puncture to their advantage. Most likely, he hides his feelings because he is waiting for the right path to pass further to your heart.

It would seem, how can you understand that a Scorpio man loves you if you don’t ask about it face to face? This sign is an exception not only in the matter of body language. This will not work with Scorpios. They will decide for themselves when it is time to explain themselves. But being too direct can make you a boring prey, which Scorpios are not particularly interested in. With the same success, she can shock and intrigue a Scorpio man even more.

It turns out that it is impossible to interrupt a man of this sign, because he still decides for himself where to direct the situation. But such a man can be outplayed. To do this, you need to have an inquisitive mind, intuition and observation, never make sacrifices and remember about yourself. When a man of this sign sees such a personality set, he begins to slowly open up himself in order to interest you.

If he is in love, he will talk more about himself, and after some time he will begin to demonstrate his business qualities and interesting skills. He will do this carefully, because he is no longer leading the game, he is being led and dependent. And this is even more interesting.

Useful video

In any case, the zodiac sign leaves its mark on a person. How a Capricorn, Sagittarius, Cancer, Aquarius, Virgo, Gemini, Libra or Leo in love behaves can be found in other articles on the site. And the video below will help you understand the manifestations of the feelings of a Scorpio man:

Let him be himself

Don't control it. Never and no way! Just like you don't like being told how to live, he doesn't like it either. The Scorpio man himself is used to controlling everything; he doesn’t like it when a woman keeps him on a short leash. Just let him be who he wants to be.

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