How to make your husband jealous and gain his respect

Will jealousy help?

The feeling of infringement is one of the most important reasons when a woman wants to make her beloved man jealous, be it a lover or a spouse. Inside her, feelings of anger, annoyance, and strong resentment prevail, which are mixed with the superiority and enthusiasm of a real predator.

Most representatives of the fair sex, despite the fact that their chosen one is married, try to take a leading position in his life. To achieve such a location, mistresses go to great lengths.

There are several reasons to make a married lover jealous:

  • a strong desire to prove to him that you are the most attractive, charming and he couldn’t find anyone better than you;
  • make it clear that he simply cannot live without you;
  • many use these cunning tools to renew the original passion and sensations if they have subsided;
  • to console your pride;
  • to be afraid of losing.

Consequences of games and provocations

Any actions aimed at provoking the jealousy of a married man have two outcomes - you achieve your goal or the relationship goes downhill. After such techniques, negative consequences on the part of the lover cannot be ruled out:

  • the man becomes extremely aggressive and irritable;
  • stops trusting;
  • begins to spy on you and conduct constant interrogations;
  • scandals, sometimes assault.

Possible benefits

But in most cases there is a positive dynamic in your relationship:

  • the man realizes that for him you are not just a mistress, but really his closest friend and beloved woman;
  • he begins to spend more time with you, shower you with gifts;
  • the option of leaving the family to reunite with you is possible.

How to make a man jealous?

It’s very simple: you need to come up with a competitor. More precisely, to create an image of a competitor.

Needless to say, your neighbor/boss/friend has started hitting on you. These are all real people. Why is this bad, you ask?

Firstly, sooner or later a conflict may occur that will spoil something for you. Secondly, if in fact a real person does not have such an interest in you, it will come up sooner or later. And thirdly, for a man to be jealous, it doesn’t need just anyone, but someone superior to him. And more about this.

Let's say a man knows your friend. And he knows that he’s not particularly likable, that his job is so-so, his car is worse, he doesn’t have his own apartment, and he’s not particularly smart. Those. when compared, your man wins.

In this case, he will not take his opponent seriously, because if the girl suddenly decides to leave for a man who is losing to the current man, she will make a fool of herself.

Therefore, what is important is not just the fact that there is a rival, but the fact that there is a superior rival.

Therefore, it is better not to take real people, but to create in the man’s head the image of a superior opponent. You won’t even need to describe in detail why your new boyfriend is good, the man will figure it out himself. If you have such a fan in reality, you know everything yourself)

When a person appears who is somehow better (richer, smarter, more successful...), a man:

  • remembers why he chose this particular girl,
  • evaluates its merits with fresh eyes,
  • is afraid that such a wonderful girl might go to someone who will value her more,
  • realizes that he should not take the girl for granted,
  • begins to compete with an opponent.

Real men love to compete, they assert themselves through this. Whether it's playing, working, buying a car, sex, hammering nails - it's important for a man to be better than someone else in any area.

Correction: to a normal man. Normal is someone who is not a gigolo, not an alcoholic, not a manipulator, not a momma’s boy, and who doesn’t lie his ass on the couch all day long. If you try to make someone like this jealous, don't be surprised if you're met with pouts, threats, or complete indifference.

And here he will also want to be better than this image created by both of you. Girls usually very quickly begin to notice a change in the behavior of their husband or boyfriend.

For everyone, competition manifests itself in its own way: someone starts courting a girl again, someone tries to be better, someone starts going to the gym... In general, if you make a man jealous, there will be two pluses: pumping up the man himself and preventing him from getting used to you (if you think jealousy is bad, read this article).

IMPORTANT: if you have chosen as a partner a person who is jealous of any tree for no reason, or a tyrant, or a suspicious comrade, or someone whose head turns off in moments of anxiety and his eyes are clouded with a red veil - stop reading this article right now, it’s for you not useful.

Now let's talk a little more specifically:

Which men should not be provoked?

Sometimes causing jealousy in a lover can lead to negative consequences. To avoid this problem, you need to familiarize yourself with the types of jealous people.


An egoist man thinks only about himself, his interests and comfort. A woman always stands in the background and is for him only a beautiful toy that he needs for status.

In this case, jealousy is inappropriate. By calling it out, you further aggravate your situation in the relationship, which can lead to quarrels, scandals and, in the future, final separation.

Egoistic men are very vulnerable and insecure in nature; they are afraid of betrayal and competition with other males. Any reason for suspicion can cause separation.

The main task of a mistress is to convince her lover that he is the best and has no equal. Egoists love to be flattered, so praise and extol him at every opportunity. These simple tricks will help better than provoking jealousy.


The jealousy of a tyrant can lead to the most unpleasant consequences. In a despotic man, not only selfish qualities predominate, but also complacency, aloofness, and pettiness. Usually a woman for domestic tyrants is like an object that belongs only to them. Life with such a person is dangerous - a lover in a state of passion can cause not only bodily harm, but also kill without any pangs of conscience.

In this case, there is no need for jealousy. Having noticed the above-described manifestations, you should simply run away from it. The second option is if you simply cannot live without it. This means that you will have to come to terms with his actions and deeds and turn into a submissive gray mouse who agrees with everything and everyone.


A man with a lack of confidence has increased anxiety and is prone to depression. Tyrannism and selfishness are not inherent in us. He will admire his beloved, carry her in his arms, strive to become the best and only for her.

Jealousy in such lovers can manifest itself in a hidden form - he will keep this feeling to the last within himself, plunging into deep depression and isolation.

In this case, there is no need to fuel your feelings with jealousy, since it can provoke a stronger manifestation of negative qualities - uncertainty, isolation. You can solve this problem in a wise way - tell your lover more often how much you need his care, attention, and affection. Also try to demonstrate these qualities towards him as much as possible.


A womanizing partner is not faithful in both family and open relationships. He selects the correct and convenient tactic for him - he will attack first. As a result, his partner has no choice but to make excuses.

In such a relationship, where both partners use jealousy as a weapon, there cannot be understanding, respect and warmth. A man and a woman can only be connected by affection or habit. Jealousy itself with an unfaithful lover does not pose any danger to you.

After experiencing betrayal

The experience of infidelity with women in the past leaves an imprint on new relationships. At every meeting and communication with you, he will constantly look for some kind of catch, deception. You will need a lot of patience and time; it is also important to have frank conversations with your lover that his jealousy is simply unfounded and he has nothing to fear.

In relations with the above-mentioned jealous people, you need to choose the right communication tactics:

  • do not make excuses or respond to accusations;
  • let him know both in words and actions that you love him very much;
  • Alternatively, you can contact a psychologist.

When can you try to make a man jealous?

People tend to get used to good things. Even to each other.

And even if a girl is smart, beautiful, an excellent cook, has a golden character and is generally a dream, a man can get used to her over time. And the girl may not be to blame for this at all, this is just how it works sometimes (especially if you let the relationship take its course).

Habit breeds boredom, and boredom breeds the desire to have fun. And sometimes (if a person is not particularly wise) entertainment is sought on the side, because it seems as if the existing relationship can no longer bring anything but boredom, peace and everyday life.

I highly recommend reading also articles on this topic:

Men are different. What I discuss in this article may not apply to everyone. For example, in pathological jealous people, tyrants, idiots, very successful men, suspicious men and some others, it is better not to provoke jealousy at all - you will only undermine the relationship.

Strategy and relationship status

Before you take action, you definitely need to weigh all the pros and cons, and also understand the inner world of the person you want to make jealous.

Married man

Any man, even a married one, is an owner by nature, so the best tool would be to provoke a strong attack of jealousy in him.

To make him afraid of losing you, you can use several methods.

  1. Sometimes hang up or don't answer his calls. This technique will make him think that he is no longer a priority for you.
  2. Avoid meetings periodically. He must realize that, besides him, you have other interests - communication with friends, girlfriends, acquaintances.
  3. Become more secretive. Stop sharing your day's experiences with your lover. Involve him less in your affairs. He will definitely wonder if you have someone and will be afraid of losing you.
  4. Make a slight hint that other men are showing you gestures of attention. This will arouse in him the excitement of competition, and then jealousy, although he may not show it.
  5. You can make your lover jealous by ignoring him. But even in this case you need to act very carefully. For example, if he wants to see each other, you shouldn’t rush it. Make it clear that you do not have free time, but perhaps you will try to find it. He must understand that you are not clinging or running after him. Also, you should not disturb him for no reason, especially when he is spending time with his family. “Dissolve” and be patient.

When using such methods, it is important to do everything with extreme caution, otherwise there is a risk of not only making your lover jealous, but also causing him to become very angry and aggressive. As a result, this will become real torture - the fear of losing this person will move aside, rather you will dream of parting with him.

Former lover

The jealousy of a former lover is a particular pleasure for a woman. It can be easily caused by using several simple but effective methods.

  1. Visit a beauty salon - create a new image (change your hairstyle, hair color). This usually causes a jealous reaction in men.
  2. Always smile and pretend that everything is great in your life, even if the opposite is true.
  3. Let your ex-lover understand that your separation brought you only a positive outcome - you became happy, beautiful and successful.
  4. Show up among mutual friends with a new man. At the sight of a new rival, the ex will simply explode with rage.
  5. If you want him to regret that you broke up, hint that you are planning to formalize your relationship with your new boyfriend.


Morning. You wake up with a blissful smile. You lock yourself in the bathroom for a long time. BRING YOUR PHONE WITH YOU. There, in the bathroom, there is careful hygiene. Put on new underwear and stockings. Cover all this with a robe and only then leave the bathroom. Then you start makeup. In between, you read text messages and respond to them. A mysterious smile does not leave his lips. Don't forget to watch your man and his reaction. If there is no reaction, we continue the performance. A woman in love becomes absent-minded, so while getting dressed in the hallway on the go, drink coffee, forget your phone, come back for it. Stay at the mirror a little longer and literally “fly” out of the apartment. Ufff!. The FIRST ACT has been played. You can relax.

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How to exploit your lover's flaws

There are several important aspects that mistresses take on board and use to their maximum benefit. This is something that a real spouse cannot accept, but a potential mistress can correct.

  1. Doesn't value women's work. Quite often you can hear wives complaining about their husbands that they do not value women’s household chores. And this is one of the factors of discord in the family. Your actions are to win your lover over to your side, to approach this issue more gently, without pressure. Explain that a woman is a weak nature and requires support and understanding. Being with you, he should not feel the same pressure as at home.
  2. Doesn't do anything around the house. Here you can also work to your advantage, knowing that his wife is unhappy with his absolute idleness. Play this role in a cunning way - offer to do some things, but only together. Doing something together with passion and enthusiasm always captivates not only men, but also women.
  3. Drinks alcohol. Excessive alcohol consumption is another problem in modern families. Many spouses do nothing except complain about their man. As a result, this often leads to a break. You can treat your lover with understanding and gradually lead him to visit an Alcoholics Anonymous group. Let him know that he is an adult, responsible person, but his choice does not eliminate problems and does not produce any results.

When using the methods described above, be careful because you can overdo it and completely destroy what you have.

A married man is extremely rarely ready to leave his family, so his mistress often remains in her own interests. The lover uses it for periodic pleasures, entertainment and relaxation.

Making a guy jealous - 5 common mistakes

Guys are conquerors. The more a girl pushes away from herself, the more you want to get her. Therefore, among the most common mistakes are:

  1. excessive attention to the guy;
  2. stalking: meetings, calls, SMS;
  3. excessive care;
  4. manifestation of feelings: jealousy, declaration of love;
  5. easy sex.

What to do:

  • Phone conversations should not last more than five minutes. You can check the time on the clock and when the limit is reached, refer to your busyness.
  • When you meet, talk more with his friend, but also pay a little attention to the guy.
  • praise some guy who has repeatedly helped you in difficult situations.
  • Don’t give direct answers to his questions, let his brain begin to figure out the situation on its own.
  • live up to his ideal and look your best.

How to make someone jealous over text

Today, social networks have become an integral part of our lives. Here they meet, quarrel, fall in love.

To drive a guy completely crazy, give him a fiery feeling of jealousy.

  • This can be done using statuses.
  • Don’t rush to respond to SMS, but to his questions “why is it taking so long?” try to laugh it off.
  • The technique works effectively: you made the wrong addressee. That is, the guy receives a harmless text, from which he understands that the message was not addressed to him at all. Follow up with a second message apologizing for your mistake.
  • Post your interesting story, post photos of yourself surrounded by friends, like some other guy. But just don’t overdo it, because the steamer’s patience may not be limitless.

Effective methods to make someone jealous from a distance

Distance has a destructive effect on relationships. Therefore, you need to be careful with jealousy.

Suspecting is worse than knowing. Reality has limits, but imagination is limitless! ©

No one will want to return to a woman who, as soon as the guy left the door, began to look for a temporary replacement.

You need to act subtly:

  1. When making a phone call, do not rush to pick up the phone and do not call yourself several times a day. One call and one SMS will be enough.
  2. Don't pick up the phone for a long time. When asked why, do not give specific and objective explanations.
  3. Find yourself useful and interesting activities.
  4. In a conversation, mention that you have changed your appearance, play a guessing game, intrigue the man and then he will look forward to meeting you again.

Techniques that will make you jealous non-verbally

Body language – facial expressions, postures and gestures directed towards another man will definitely cause jealousy in your partner. The woman indicates that she noticed an interesting “object.”

  1. The girl turns her face slightly towards him, supposedly looking out of the corner of her eye.
  2. Straightens the hair, moves it away from the man's face.
  3. Uses a smile to emphasize his attractiveness.
  4. Laughs loudly and looks towards the opponent.
  5. Shows off bust and neck.
  6. When walking, he sways his hips.
  7. Corrects posture.
  8. Sexily crosses her legs at the ankles.
  9. Plays with his hair, strokes himself on the head, twirling curls on his finger or moving them from one shoulder to another.
  10. Adjusts the straps, opens the slits, exposing the body.

Quite a tough trick: send your chosen one a candid photo, and a minute later write: sorry, not you

How to make your ex-boyfriend jealous?

After the breakup, all the exes actively continue to be interested in the ex-girlfriend’s personal life. Therefore, for the first three months, live an interesting and defiantly beautiful life.

  • Say no to pain and depression;
  • go towards new happiness;
  • start “tuning” your appearance: sign up for a gym;
  • embrace a more exciting lifestyle.
  • communicate with different men (do not exclude communication with your ex’s friends).

Believe me: thanks to word of mouth, information will reach the recipient very quickly.

How to make a friend jealous

If you are friends, but want more - go for it!

  • Bring to his attention that you can be liked not only as a girlfriend, but also as a woman, and the signs of attention shown to you by other guys will only help.
  • Hint that you want to flirt and are looking for a potential suitor.
  • Report the appearance of a boyfriend and ask for advice on what to do. Watch your friend’s reaction, because it may turn out that he himself would not mind taking your boyfriend’s vacant place.

How to make a womanizer jealous

Making a womanizer fall in love with you is quite difficult. Such men like the process of the game itself, and when the result is achieved, they lose interest in the girl.

© Sergey Yesenin
You need to act methodically and calmly with him!

  • Never show your jealousy to a womanizer.
  • Keep him at a distance.
  • Do not under any circumstances confess your feelings to him.
  • The guy must think that you like someone else.
  • Be unpredictable.
  • Allow him to approach you in doses.
  • Do not call when he is meeting with friends, but rather spend this time with your girlfriends.
  • Do not put pressure on a man and do not limit his freedom.
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