How to find a job if you don't know how to do anything?

Natalia Bobrovskaya

Analyst on the social network for traders “Pulse”
We had a lot of books at home. And every time my thoughts about the profession depended on the characters of the book I was reading. For example, lawyer Perry Mason, who unraveled the most complex cases, or the doctor as the hero of “Captain Blood’s Odyssey.” I followed characters whose actions I respected.

I liked my parents’ profession - they taught at the university. But I didn’t want to follow in their footsteps: I saw how tired they were at work and how difficult it was sometimes. Parents did not insist on choosing a specific profession. But my mother helped me set the vector. As a child, she showed me how to draw cartoons on the computer. This is where my passion for programming began. First there were cartoons, then there were simple interactive programs.

Activities that do not require education

When looking for a job, a person doesn’t always hear: “You don’t have an education, you’re not suitable for us.” There are specialties that do not require special education. This is a classic cleaner, janitor, loader. And also: car (or store window) washer, cloakroom attendant, dishwasher, watchman, watchman, call center employee, courier. But this is not the end of the list.

Despite the fact that the profession of a seller, seamstress, baker, painter, cashier, waiter is acquired in vocational schools and colleges, it is possible to work in these professions without a diploma. Published vacancies often contain the note: “Possible without experience or special education.” These and similar professions can be mastered directly at the place of work. Typically, organizations train newcomers in the necessary skills.

On employment websites, employers post the following vacancies with the mark “without specific training”, in addition to those already mentioned:

  • secretary,
  • salesman,
  • taxi dispatcher,
  • builder,
  • driver,
  • security guard,
  • promoter,
  • copywriter,
  • Social worker,
  • finisher,
  • seamstress,
  • maid, etc.

A separate conversation is about creative individuals. A talented photographer, musician, singer, designer is able to earn money from his gift without graduating from an educational institution. A person who knows his city well can be a tour guide. Artistic and sociable - the host of the holidays. A young man capable of this work will be hired as an apprentice to a jeweler. “Strong smarts” can send questions to “What? Where? When?" and similar quizzes. They pay for this too.

But creative abilities alone are not enough to become a successful journalist, television announcer, or theater actor. Here you need a broad outlook, the ability to express thoughts competently and in a non-trivial way, and, consequently, to learn.

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Many people believe that getting a well-paid and interesting, non-routine job, if you do not have special knowledge and higher education, is only possible through an acquaintance. This is not entirely true: of course, the so-called “nepotism” is unlikely to ever completely disappear from our lives, but nevertheless, everyone can find a job that suits them in all respects. Many people lament that they don’t have the necessary knowledge or diploma, but it doesn’t matter: in today’s article we’ll tell you how to find a really good job, even if you don’t know how to do anything.

Decide what kind of work you need

The definition of a “good” job varies from person to person depending on their needs and desires. Some, for example, will be satisfied with any “non-dusty” job with a minimum of responsibilities and appropriate pay. For others, salary will be the determining factor when looking for a new job: many people are willing to do something they don't like in exchange for a decent remuneration. The methods of finding it will depend on what specific job you need: for example, if you want to find a “quiet” place, and the salary is not too important for you, you can start your search with positions like secretary or archivist: rather In all, interviews for such vacancies will be a mere formality. In such places, as a rule, the experience and credentials of the future employee are not important, since the budget of a small company is usually limited, and there is no choice. But if the size of your salary is important to you, you will have to prepare well: you may even need your skills in manipulating people. You can learn more about how to learn to manage other people in your interests from our article.

Create a competent resume and learn how to write a cover letter

The first thing your potential employer (more precisely, the HR department) will see is your resume. Even the most talented and capable applicant, who has not bothered to correctly describe his work experience, can easily lose in the fight for a job to his less savvy “colleague” if he has compiled a good resume. A resume is the first impression you make on a recruiter: he looks at up to hundreds of them every day. Try to make your resume memorable: for example, if you have the ability to edit the title of your resume file, name it in an unusual and original way (but still within the bounds of common decency) so that it is easier for the recruiter to find it in a folder or on their desktop. You also need to know how to write a cover letter for your resume: try not to limit yourself to cliched phrases and show real interest in the vacancy in order to be noticed.

Pay attention to the size of your resume: the total volume should not exceed one page. As a rule, a recruiter does not read a resume from cover to cover, but only skims his eyes, snatching out the most valuable information. That is why it would be better to prepare a short summary of your work experience, education and skills, rather than spread out over three pages. Make your document easy to read: mark subheadings, if necessary, highlight the necessary fragments with color or a special font. This way, the recruiter will remember your candidacy better, and it is likely that you will beat out other applicants just because of this.

Improve your communication skills

The interview is the next stage after the resume. At a personal meeting with your immediate supervisor or a HR employee, your communication skills will come in handy: in essence, you have to “sell” yourself to the company so that it wants to “buy” you, that is, hire you for the position you need. In order for the interview to be successful for you, it is worth practicing your communication in advance, especially if you are already shy, reserved and taciturn. Tips from our article will help you become a pro in communicating with people: read it to know more.

Get a job where you can be taught new things

It’s not scary at all if you don’t know how to do anything: in the modern world there is always the opportunity to learn something new, and you won’t have to pay a penny. In order to quickly and freely acquire some specific skills, you can get a job where they will teach you this. Many contact centers, for example, train their employees in sales skills for free, and they certainly won’t be superfluous. Of course, you won’t have to count on a high salary, but you can use the experience gained in the future to get a job in a more prestigious company. In general, you need to study constantly: there are three scientifically proven reasons why you should study throughout your life.

As you can see, even without special skills, it will not be difficult for almost anyone to find a good job. But keep in mind that during the search process you will have to work hard: you will have to learn how to talk correctly with other people, be able to negotiate, and perhaps master primary sales skills in order to appear in the most favorable light at the interview. However, if you are too lazy and cannot overcome yourself, do not rush to get upset: your laziness can even help you get rich. So much so that no work is needed.

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04.08.2018 02:05

How to work remotely without experience

Search engines pop up similar questions every now and then. It is clear that those asking still have experience working on the Internet, but do not yet have serious professional skills. Remote work is suitable for unskilled personnel. You just need to figure out which vacancies are right for you.

Even beginners know how to use a laptop, surf the Internet, chat, like, write comments, process pictures in Photoshop, and maybe even write cool stories on Instagram.

Make a list of your skills.

Select an area: digital environment, SEO (website optimization), SMM (social media marketing), online courses, blogging, computer games, design, sales.

So, what activities can beginners do?

Direct social media manager

You will have to respond to requests from subscribers and potential clients in Direct and filter out spam. You can work for a blogger, online store, website owner.

Account Manager

This is communication with clients on social networks (Odnoklassniki, VKontakte, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram), applications, instant messengers (Telegram, TamTam, Whatsupp, Viber), and by email. Templates, as a rule, are available; non-standard questions can be forwarded to more experienced colleagues. Such work is offered by online schools and online courses, small SMM, SEO, advertising agencies, computer game services, banking applications, online stores, food delivery, taxis.

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Online store manager

Processes received orders, corresponds with clients through the website, transfers data to CRM, adds new photos and descriptions to the catalog. Works in small online stores, travel agencies.

Ghostwriter (crowd manager)

Writes reviews and comments on posts; makes short descriptions for products, puts likes. This is work for advertising and SMM agencies, online stores.


Keeps order: deletes spam, obscene statements, inappropriate comments. Such work is offered by large chat rooms on Telegram and VKontakte, online schools, service companies, various groups, communities, forums, and advertising agencies.

Content manager

Adds fresh texts to the website pages, and new arrivals with photos, prices, and explanations to product catalogs. Needed by bloggers, online stores, SEO agencies.

Application Manager

Collects, sorts, processes applications received through a form or CRM system, fills out Excel tables, and summarizes all received data into a single table. Online schools, private businesses, transportation, and logistics are interested in such an employee.

SEO Specialist Assistant

Prepares technical specifications for copywriters according to instructions, manages projects in CRM, and processes information. Works for an SEO specialist or in a team of SEO specialists.

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Computer related professions

Technical support specialist

Receives requests and responds to service clients, finding a solution from the database or forwarding the question to the right specialist. Required by banking, legal websites, online stores, food delivery services, taxis, etc.

Advertising Manager

Collects a database of advertising platforms - in social networks, from bloggers on Instagram, telegram channels, YouTube, regularly updates it, adds contacts, prices, terms of cooperation. Works for advertising and PR agencies, popular bloggers, YouTube channels, etc.

Audio transcriber/transcriber

Transcribes audio and video recordings into a document (with or without editing). Composes subtitles. Often such tasks are offered by freelance exchanges, media, bloggers, and editing studios.

HR manager

Posts vacancies on employment sites, chat rooms, professional communities, telegram channels. Work is provided by HR agencies and large digital companies.


The salary of a loader in Moscow can be 60 thousand rubles (the average is 35 thousand), according to experts from It all depends on which company the specialist gets a job on. No experience or qualifications are required from such an employee; the main thing is to have physical health and strength, to be active and energetic. Most often, movers are required by retail companies. also studied the offers that are posted on job search sites. Among the professions that are offered to applicants without work experience, the following can apply for a salary of 80,000 - 100,000 rubles:

  • real estate agent
  • advertiser search manager
  • marketer
  • driver
  • English teacher (in China)
  • general practitioner
  • programmer
  • advocate
  • realtor
  • designer-consultant
  • flight attendant

Where to look for work?

  • Browse job sites, for example,
  • Subscribe to the newsletter for vacancies in your chosen profession.
  • Register on a freelance exchange, for example, or
  • Search using the hashtag #vacancy .
  • You can go to chats with vacancies and the ability to post your resume here:

Remember that any job, even one that does not require special skills and serious education, will require responsibility, patience, and learning ability.

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The simplest professions for girls

Sociological surveys helped identify the easiest professions for women.

Head Secretary

Answers telephone calls, makes appointments, receives and distributes correspondence, prepares materials for the manager's work, transmits telephone messages about meetings, monitors the implementation of orders, etc., etc. in accordance with the job description. Preference is given to girls with higher or secondary specialized education, but often it is enough to take special secretarial courses.


In the extended version - HR specialist, legal assistant, junior accountant. The main requirements for the applicant are accuracy, attentiveness, and punctuality. These specialists are not financially responsible.

Hairdresser/manicurist/stylist assistant

Everywhere they start with an apprentice. First, they sweep the hall and wash the floors. If there is a desire and inclination to work in the beauty industry, after mastering the initial skills and short training, they become masters.


Work for bookworms, lovers of a quiet and peaceful life, introverts. It greatly promotes self-knowledge and self-education.


Responsibility for the child greatly reduces the attitude towards the activity as easy and relaxed. The babysitter simply looks after the children for a couple of hours. They will not hire a nanny without education, experience and recommendations. You can start as an assistant teacher in a kindergarten.

Working on the Internet

Easy, but absolutely non-monetary work can be found on freelance sites. We are talking about getting likes, writing comments, reviews, cold calling, filling out questionnaires, taking surveys. Competent applicants can write informational articles commissioned by site owners without much stress.

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You can work in different areas: salons, doctor’s offices, fitness rooms, cinemas, etc. The main requirement is attractiveness, sociability, and smiling.


Work is not necessary for grandmothers. It is necessary to monitor visitors, maintain order in the entrance, remove dubious companies, and notify residents about decisions related to shared housing. It is difficult to get these vacancies in luxury houses.

An easy job is one that you can do for fun, pace yourself, and not worry too much about money. Because there is almost no easy and at the same time profitable work in nature. Well, except these ones.

  • Cake taster – 120 thousand rubles. per month. But you have to eat two and a half kilograms of sweets per shift. Is it easy?
  • Caretaker of a desert island - $20 thousand per month. The task is to monitor the infrastructure, but mostly just relax.
  • Northern Lights Keeper in Lapland. The task: not to miss the start of the polar fireworks and to wake up the people who came to admire this spectacle.
  • Bed tester. There was such a vacancy for Finnish furniture manufacturers. For a month, the worker simply slept in different beds, and when he woke up, he wrote a report about his impressions.
  • Professional holidaymaker in entertainment venues. For example, in a water park you need to swim, visit a sauna, go for a massage, taste dishes and drinks in a cafe. And intensively promote the establishment on social networks.
  • Several years ago there was a real vacancy for a housekeeper in the British royal family William and Kate. The announced annual fee is 17 thousand pounds sterling, which is 100 thousand rubles per month.
  • There are even higher rewards. For example, a panda hugger at a research center for the study of these cute animals receives 150 thousand rubles for staying with them around the clock. in terms of our money. But you need to talk to pandas in Chinese.

There are other attractive and highly paid occupations. Keep an eye out for vacancies.

The simplest professions for men

In the absence of any education, one has to rely on physical labor. They always pay money for it. True, the pay is as low as the qualifications, but it is not difficult to find a vacancy.

Street cleaner

Work is required everywhere and in any season, in big cities and small towns.


Needed at a construction site, in the back room of a store, at the market. Owners of summer cottages and rural residents need help from healthy workers.

"Husband for an hour"

Simple housework that a woman or older people cannot do can be done by a man with skillful hands. Screw in light bulbs, repair plumbing, plaster walls, replace pipes, assemble furniture... There is always work to be done.

Farm worker

Needed in collective and personal farming. Shepherd, cattleman, slaughterer, harvester.


Despite seemingly complete automation, loaders are still in demand today in transport, trade, and construction. You can work full-time or fulfill one-time orders. The latter are suitable for students as a part-time job.


Of course, not in a chic restaurant, but at first in a small cafe, pizzeria, coffee shop, fast food. Many rich people started out doing this kind of work. Then they opened their own business.


If a security guard needs a license and, accordingly, training, a security guard at a warehouse or enterprise does not require education. Night work is difficult, you have to get used to it. In principle, no one will prohibit you from sleeping at night. It is necessary to guard a certain premises from intrusions, fires, and thefts. The watchman can only supervise and call the police if necessary.

Collector of furniture

Anyone can assemble sofas, wardrobes, and beds from ready-made parts according to the instructions.


In specialized stores for construction supplies, auto and motorcycle parts, and sports equipment, male salespeople are perceived with great confidence, because... delve into technical details and give competent and detailed explanations.


Delivers documents and small cargo around the city. You can move around by public and private transport or on foot.

Pet sitter

It has become fashionable to hire a “nanny” for your purebred dog or cat - a pet sitter (who cares for domestic animals). In the event of a long absence of the owners, they come under the patronage of a respectable uncle. Of course, there is responsibility, but if you love animals and don’t mind helping your neighbor, and even earn some money...


Many enterprises still have a permit system, which means they need watchmen. You don't have to learn this work.


The distributor of leaflets distributes them on the streets, in stores, shopping centers, and places them in mailboxes. Payment is based on the amount of material distributed or for the time spent working.


Work in stores and markets. Responsibilities include designing and changing price tags, arranging goods on shelves, and packaging products.

Employee of Russian Post

There is always a lot of work at the enterprise, but there are not enough employees.

University choice

I didn’t know exactly what I wanted to study after school. I even created a comparison table where I entered entrance scores, faculties and student reviews. I had good results and olympiads in mathematics and physics, which gave me additional points for admission. So there was a wide choice.

I chose MIPT. Despite all the tables, my mother helped with the choice. She studied there and knew that it was a good university. My computer science teacher at school also knew about MIPT and scared me that it was difficult to study there. But it was more like a red rag to the bull: “You say it’s difficult. Let’s see how I come to visit you in four years!”

But even having decided on a university, I didn’t know which direction to choose. I liked physics and computer science equally. I couldn’t choose just one and ended up going to a faculty where both sciences were studied.

The computer science teacher was right. Universities like MIPT greatly reduce self-confidence. At school you were an excellent student with a medal, but you come to university - and there you are like everyone else.

I learned to study again, just like my classmates. I still remember how we gathered before exams and helped each other with preparation. Some understood one topic, others another. So we analyzed the material together. It was great to know that there were always people nearby to help.

By the fourth year, I realized that I prefer to do things with my hands, and physics is still primarily a theory. In our fourth year, my classmate and I took a web programming course from Tinkoff. Then I realized that my paths diverged from physics.

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