What is the mind or consciousness, subconscious and superconscious?

What is the mind or consciousness, subconscious and superconscious?

In this article we will analyze what the mind is and give some characteristics of its structural levels.
So we will begin a series of articles about the rules of our mind. In the following, we will look at each of its components. Then, we will learn to address the hidden patterns and programs that limit us. This knowledge will lead to more efficient, faster and easier solutions to everyday problems, and will allow us to achieve our goals faster. Let's start with a detailed description of the subconscious. We'll find out what it is, how it works, and what to do with it. However, it is very important to study the principles of functioning of consciousness and superconsciousness. It is they, together with the subconscious, that form a single vessel that works in constant cooperation. This is what our mind is!

To harness the power of the subconscious, you must learn to work with each of these levels of the mind. Because only their harmonious work forces us to fully use our physical, mental and spiritual potential. Consciousness, subconsciousness and superconsciousness together form our “I”, which we actually are.


  • It allows us to function in the human world.
  • The conscious part of the mind communicates with other people.
  • Collects conscious information from the environment. However, she does this in a limited way. Because it can register only a few elements of reality at the same time. Moreover, only with the help of skill - quickly switching attention from one element to another.
  • At a conscious level, we create ourselves, our views, form our personality, accept or reject something. And we are also learning something new, attracting attention.
  • Consciousness can evaluate and compare. Thanks to this, we know what is good for us and what is not. When external factors affect us, they are immediately analyzed. This is the task of consciousness. Watch, compare and understand.
  • It is practically devoid of memory, it works in the present.
  • He has no habits. When we act, subconscious programs are already used.
  • The conscious part of the mind does not feel. However, consciousness can think logically, solve problems, and identify and name objects.
  • It distinguishes between past, future and present, giving them a certain meaning (psychological time).

The unconscious part of the mind or subconscious

  • He has no will of his own. It doesn't judge. Doesn't analyze. It works according to what it has been taught. The subconscious can be compared to a computer that can perfectly organize, process information and execute commands. However, without a command, he is useless.
  • The subconscious does not criticize; it carries out all the commands of the conscious mind. It may work great, but its programs (beliefs) are not always perfect.
  • It does not judge what it receives. At the same time, the consciousness listens carefully, which tells us which events are important and which are not. This is how the subconscious records the value of things and events in memory. What is important for consciousness is what makes a “strong” impression. This is what is most often remembered. At the same time, events that are considered unimportant and insignificant are also in memory. But they are “weakly” remembered and do not influence our behavior too much. Because when you memorized them, little energy was expended.

And if you look at shocking events, the surge in emotional and physical energy is enormous. And it doesn’t matter whether the energy is positive or not, but it must be “strong”. Consequently, such an event is considered by the subconscious as “important” and significantly influences its subsequent actions.

The work of the subconscious

  • The subconscious is like a huge memory log. It remembers all our experiences, memories, feelings and emotions associated with them. Literally everything we experience is stored in the subconscious.
  • The unconscious part of the mind is responsible for feelings - physical and emotional. Thanks to her, we experience joy, excitement, fear, pain and tickling. This is a database of habits, beliefs that were once encoded in it.
  • The subconscious is afraid of change. At the same time, it feels safe only in programs (beliefs) that it knows well. Even if they are unfavorable.
  • Unlike the level of consciousness, the subconscious is all-consuming because it registers everything that surrounds us.
  • This is due to the creative, impulsive and free unlimited nature, the source of imagination.
  • This is a kind of command center. It is responsible for all the basic processes occurring in the body. Controls heartbeat, muscles, breathing, etc.
  • When we learn, we use the conscious part of the mind. And when the material is completely mastered, it comes under the control of the subconscious.


  • This is the highest spiritual nature of the mind. Only it connects us with higher energy. And the latter provides enlightenment, purification, inspiration, guidance and higher spiritual vibrations.
  • The superconscious is the source of inspiration in creating something unique. At the same time, it is pure, devoid of negative energy (fear, sadness, impatience, excitement).
  • Messages that are independent of our will or life experience come from the superconscious. In other words, it is also called the voice of intuition, which guides us through life, gives us advice and warnings. To be open to intuition, we must be at the right level of energetic vibration.

Let us clarify that messages from the subconscious mind are supported by feelings of fear, anxiety, nervousness, excitement or other negative feelings. While information from the superconscious is accompanied by feelings of peace, bliss, and clarity. They are the ones who give us a feeling of security and confidence that we are on the right path.

Briefly: what is the mind?

  • Consciousness is identified with our personality, individuality and character.
  • The subconscious with our dark side of the soul, beliefs, experiences.
  • Superconsciousness with spirituality, the best side of our personality, the Higher Self, the soul.

The connection between the levels of our mind

So, what is the mind, and how does it work as a whole? The conscious part of the mind has no direct connection with the superconscious. She can only do this through the subconscious, which can communicate with him through messages. But for this to be possible, the subconscious must be cleared of negative programs (beliefs, experiences). Only in this way can it feel safe and see the benefits of communicating with the superconscious.

PS I hope that with the help of this article you will clearly define what our mind is and how it works!

PPS I tried to present the topic in the most accessible language, and if you need help working with your subconscious, come for a consultation!


How to achieve the state of “Samadhi”?

In reality, it is not achieved, but is recognized as something that has always been, is and will be, but because of our darkened mind, mired in illusions, it is not recognized here and now.
There are quite a few methods of entering samadhi, but in general there are two ways. The first way is through practice with consciousness, the second through practice with energy. There is a third way, when both the first and second are combined. Working with consciousness or Raja yoga

Working with consciousness consists of clearing the mind and the ability to concentrate attention on one object for a sufficiently long time. Thanks to this, the skilled practitioner stops the flow of mental activity and enters a state beyond the mind, and this is the first step towards samadhi.

There are a total of 8 stages of absorption from the ordinary surface state of mind to the deep superconscious state. These stages in Buddhism are called “Dhyanas”. I described these stages in more detail in my book, which will be available for reading in February-March 2019.

Energy work or Kundalini yoga

Energy work is to straighten and cleanse energy channels, remove blocks from them, plug leaks and direct energy into the central channel, which is located in the center of the spine. When the energy enters the central channel through certain methods and appropriate lifestyle, the energy moves along the spine and when it reaches the top of the head, the practitioner enters samadhi.

Excerpt from a lecture by an enlightened master on samadhi ↓

Concept of superconsciousness

The structure of the human psyche consists of several levels of functioning, which are divided into conscious, subconscious and superconscious.

In the unconscious part of mental processes, there are two groups into which they can be divided, which have fundamentally different functions and systems of activity. The first group is the subconscious, which contains what previously belonged to conscious processes (skills that have been automated) or can become conscious (conflicts, motivations) under certain conditions. For example, during psychotherapeutic work one can find subconscious sources of motivation for a particular activity and its benefits; or vice versa, the reasons for avoidance, fears, illogical behavior, life situations that were repressed from memory by the protective mechanisms of the psyche.

This, in the subconscious, includes internalized social norms that acquire a certain imperativeness (they are perceived by a person as conscience or a sense of duty); intuition based on experience. For example, a doctor who can make a diagnosis without even starting an examination, or a law enforcement officer who identifies a violator in a crowd - they are based on intuition, which is based on extensive life experience.

Evolutionarily, the subconscious arose in connection with the emerging need to protect consciousness from increasing psychological overload, optimize the functioning of the whole organism, and is also used to store information about received psychotraumatic experiences, which at the time of the past could not be processed by consciousness. The information stored in the subconscious is quite conservative, reflexive, subject to external influences, and a lot of effort must be made to change or correct it.

The activity of the superconscious is not subject to the influence of any external conditions, and does not reach the level of awareness under any conditions or their changes. We can only observe the final results of this unconscious activity.

Superconsciousness manifests itself in creative guesses and hypotheses, insights, which at a certain necessary moment the psyche provides consciousness in a ready-made form. Accordingly, the unconsciousness of these processes is explained by the protection of intuition processes from premature criticism of consciousness, which would nip in the bud any idea that goes beyond dogma.

The functions of the superconscious recombine elements of experience and information stored in memory, presenting into the sphere of consciousness those of them that are applicable to reality. This is the main difference between the ideas of the superconscious and dreams (which also arise as a result of the recombination of acquired experience and information) or the “brilliant” ideas of the mentally ill (which are quite unusual, but have no practical application in existing reality).

In psychology, superconsciousness is a very subtle recorder of the slightest social, situational, and personal changes that occur. Its activity is aimed at warning, and ideas for changing or introducing new adjustments are submitted to consciousness in advance. It is precisely because consciousness does not yet register changes that these ideas seem at least strange.

The superconscious is directly involved in satisfying the need, which is the most stable among the other motives of the individual. The dominant need directs and corrects the superconscious in the direction of its most favorable implementation, a way out of the situation, using the mechanisms of creative adaptation. The formation of a dominant can cause certain difficulties when there are several, equally significant priorities. Well, if one of the dominants has practical benefits, then it has an advantage. The superconscious receives material for new combinations from conscious experience and subconscious materials, as well as from the construction of completely new associations that were not used before, but satisfy the leading need.

Perhaps the most effective means for developing and training the superconscious is children's play, which has an end in itself and value in itself, aimed at solving creative problems, motivated solely by the need for knowledge. There are four components in creative activity: the experience of the subject and previous generations, superconsciousness and intuition, consciousness testing emerging ideas, and the process of consolidating the result in memory.

Superconsciousness has positive functions (creating new hypotheses, ideas that serve as an impetus for the emergence of something that previously did not exist) and negative ones (denial and removal of what is outdated and irrelevant). Both of these areas are evolutionarily significant for humanity and personal development.

Development of the superconscious

The unique nature of superconsciousness leads to the idea that only gifted or brilliant individuals are inclined to use it. It should be noted that superconsciousness is present in all people, and its functioning is not related to the degree of talent or the amount of knowledge acquired. The activity and manifestation of superconsciousness is not an immutable and static constant; it can be updated or have a multi-vector nature; superconsciousness can be developed if you understand the functions it performs.

The functions of the superconscious are reduced to two main areas, such as self-knowledge of the individual and adjustment of the direction of its activities. Functions performed: reinterpretation of existing experience, search for relationships between the existing external world and the internal self-determination of the individual, revaluation of old experience and the formation of new concepts, correction of activities and implementation of new forms of existence, self-renewal, self-change.

The best means for training the superconscious is considered to be children's play, which has no practical or social goals; the game process is an end in itself, which maximally satisfies the need for development, cognition and solving creative problems. It is precisely the desire for knowledge for the sake of knowledge, with an active and dominant interest, that children owe their unique ability to invent new worlds and realities, to fantasize and practically live in these worlds and new concepts, immersing themselves so much that they border on the perception of reality.

As we grow older, gaming motivation is replaced by more vitally important things, but the mechanism remains the same. An example is often given of military pilots who showed the best possible results precisely in a state of gambling competition with the enemy (but not aggression or fear), which is one of the types of unselfish games.

The work of the superconscious is facilitated by a lack of information, when there is no way to rely on the data received, but there is an important need to generate something new.

To summarize, to improve the functioning of the superconscious, one dominant need is needed, which will have practical emotional significance for the individual, a high level of cognitive activity, a calm, passionate or enthusiastic emotional state, a decrease in the level of critical perception of the world, as well as a biased attitude towards emerging ideas.

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