68 Secrets: The Magic of Money. Secret 10 - Impact on the subconscious

How to break a person's psyche. How to psychologically break a person?

    Vladimir says:
    It is very difficult to psychologically break a person if you are not a police officer and he is not in your power. The reason for this is that a person can simply turn around and leave. But if a person is placed in such a framework that he cannot leave and disappear now, then you have every chance.

    A person breaks down psychologically when a depressing atmosphere is created around him. For example, aggressive strangers will be sitting around, or the environment will be completely unfamiliar to him. Usually people break down psychologically in prison, since the physical conditions there are terrible, and psychological pressure is exerted at the expense of fellow inmates.

    If the person you want to psychologically break works with you in the same team or studies with you in the same group, then you have every chance. This person cannot fail to show up at work and school. Consequently, you can already apply “methods of psychological pressure.

    Often you can't do it alone, so you have to persuade others. This person must be treated strictly, for every offense and wrong opinion there is a demand. Constantly pester him, drive him into such a framework that he would have only one answer and would not be able to resist you in any way.

    Don't ask, but interrogate. This should help psychologically break a person.

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Controlling human consciousness at a distance. How to control someone else's consciousness?

We are all forced to live among people and communicate with them. We make plans and try to implement them, but other people constantly interfere in our affairs and confuse our cards. What to do, silently watch and wait until everything that was created with such difficulty finally collapses? Or is there an opportunity to somehow miraculously influence those around us? For example, take a magic wand, wave it, say a magic phrase and that’s it, the job is done!

Rice. How to control someone else's consciousness?

However, it is too early to despair. It turns out that there are ways to influence other people. They have been studied and described for a long time, and we will very soon be able to get to know them. However, it is possible that you are much more familiar with the so-called motivators than we are. Motivators are nothing more than strings that you can pull. Each of us has such threads, thanks to which we all turn into puppets when we fall into the hands of a skilled puppeteer or manipulator.

However, we did not mean that it is in you, dear reader, that an experienced manipulator is hiding. The point is only that each of us, at different points in our lives, makes attempts to somehow influence those who live nearby. Of course, these attempts did not always end in positive results for us; there were also complete failures. The only thing I would like to understand is the reasons for this. Why do people sometimes obediently do everything that is required of them, and sometimes they immediately rear up, as they say?

It turns out that the reason is knowledge and experience. If you know exactly which thread you need to pull, which one you should pull, and which one you shouldn’t even touch, then people in your hands turn into the ideal of obedience. If you spontaneously pull, first one, then the other, waiting for what result will be demonstrated, then it’s not surprising that nothing works out for you, and no. However, enough reasoning, it’s time to move on to motivators.

need for communication

Human ancestors were creatures that led a herd lifestyle. Despite the fact that we managed to conquer the atom, are developing high technologies and have created a global information network, we have not been able to completely get rid of what is called the herd mentality. When a person is left alone, his natural desire is to join any group in order to get rid of loneliness. The need for communication turns lonely citizens into easy prey for a manipulator; it is on this principle that religious communities around the world are built today.


Of course, each person has his own habits. Getting rid of any actions that have become habitual is not so easy, and no one sees any particular need for this. But in vain, by the way. If your habits become known to an experienced manipulator, you will do whatever he wants without even noticing it.


We have not only our habits, but also our lived past. Sometimes it seems to us that we act spontaneously, finding new solutions, but in reality this is not the case. And manipulators are well aware of this. If such a person knows the history of your life, your actions and aspirations, he can easily lead you to making the decision he needs, and you will be convinced that you made the decision yourself.

carrot and stick

This method is very often used by all manipulators. First, they scold the victim with all their might, and then begin to praise him. In order not to go too far, you need to be a real psychologist. Although, experts are convinced that the “carrot” is somewhat more effective than the “stick”.


Of course, people have gone far along the line of evolution from the rest of the living world on our planet, but this does not mean that we were able to get rid of instincts. If you want a person to turn into a pliable toy in your hands, awaken his instinct of self-preservation.

The pursuit of excellence

The desire for improvement lies not only at the basis of evolution, but also at the basis of all mental activity. Find out in which direction a person wants to improve himself and you will gain the opportunity to control his consciousness.


Despite the fact that our world is material, all people see it differently. If you have knowledge and intuition, you can force a person to see only what the manipulator needs. From here it’s a stone’s throw to the ability to control another person’s consciousness.

Methods of influencing the human subconscious

There are many ways to program a person to perform certain actions by manipulating subconscious reactions. Starting from the simplest ones, which we use every day, without even noticing, and ending with neuro-linguistic programming, accessible only after undergoing appropriate training and training.

How to understand that they are trying to manipulate your subconscious:

  • Clarification. If a person asks again, clarifies some of your thoughts, but at the same time repeats your words partially, ending the phrase with his own thoughts, this is a reason to be wary. Clarify yourself, even if the manipulator wants to change the subject.
  • Haste. A quick story, jumping from topic to topic does not allow your mind to think about and digest the information. And everything said is automatically recorded on the subconscious level as truth.
  • Indifference. This method is based on a visible indifference towards the interlocutor. Here the manipulator’s task is to force you to convince him, to prove that he is right. You unconsciously switch to emotional speech, and it becomes easier for him to find out the necessary information.
  • Weakness. The manipulator seeks to look flawed, forcing you to protect him and not perceive his words as a threat to your own subconscious. The psyche relaxes and stops taking the interlocutor seriously, thus the consciousness turns off and all the words of the manipulator go into the subconscious.
  • Love. The manipulator plays out a romantic relationship and lulls the target’s vigilance. Alternatively, it could be excessive respect, showing honor. Here you need to maintain a cool head and carefully monitor the speech of your interlocutor.
  • Anger. The rage of the manipulator causes a desire to calm down and avoid conflict. At this moment we are ready to make concessions and do a lot to prevent an explosion of emotions. Interestingly, the most effective counteraction to such manipulation is laughter. It is very easy to make your interlocutor laugh at such a moment and its effect will be unsuccessful.

In addition to the listed methods, there are also: fast speech, calling out excuses, playing consolation, the imaginary authority of the manipulator, help for a favor, resistance and some other ways of influencing the subconscious.

What to do if your psyche is broken. How they break a person’s psyche, turning him into a nonentity

“Awareness of the disgustingness of what is happening and of oneself in it breaks the psyche and turns a person into a nonentity” (c) Techniques of dehumanization and transformation of a seemingly normal person into a wretched creature like a person actually combines several themes. Among them is the “Overton Window,” which leads to the understanding that the impossible can become possible and the satanic (aka fascist) methods of dehumanization are the transformation of a person into a weak-willed nonentity, subordinate to the owner who feeds him and morally finishes him off. I often asked myself the question: what motivates people with fascist ideology? Why did the revival of fascism in people’s minds become possible in the 21st century? Is it only the boundless craving for power over people that is the reason? I received answers to many questions by watching the film “The Fifth Seal.” It has been known from time immemorial that one of the most powerful psychological traumas is humiliation, that is, an attack on the well-being of the inner world through humiliation, suppression, criticism, ridicule, condemnation of what is important for the person himself. Pressure, spread of rot, destructive criticism, slander, suppression and humiliation is a serious blow to a person’s inner peace and well-being, since self-esteem and dignity in the eyes of other people is an important moral value of a person. The formation of basic ideas about the world and people is formed in childhood. A person has a better opinion of himself, based on a system of values ​​instilled by his parents, upbringing in society, self-development and personal moral insights. Having experienced serious humiliation or a large number of long-term humiliations, a person’s self-defense systems turn on in order to maintain the integrity of the inner world and self-respect. A humiliated person tries by all means to avoid this in the future, building strategies to protect himself from such situations. This further affects the basic trust in people and in the world as a whole. But it also greatly affects self-esteem and self-respect. Self-respect is the core, the internal support of a person, helping him to survive in a difficult life. When a person realizes that he has lost his way, there is a risk of losing self-respect. Often, self-esteem is robbed of a person by addictions that he cannot control. But there is a much more insidious reason why a person can lose self-respect and self-love. This is an unsuccessful life when a person is psychologically broken by circumstances and other people. There are a number of principles, ideals, a set of internal rules in the field of any person, by breaking which you can lose yourself, which means losing self-respect. This means crossing the line - the point of no return, beyond which the awareness of the disgustingness of what is happening and oneself in it will break the psyche and turn a person into a nonentity. By forcing him to abandon his principles and ideals, the strong-willed core of his personality is broken in a person. And then they mold it, like plasticine, into anything they want. A person trampled by the fascists is not able to resist. It is necessary to maintain ideals in oneself under any circumstances, this is the only chance to remain human. Fascist elements, delving into the dirty laundry of others, collecting incriminating evidence, trampling on the values ​​of others, find in the reforging of personality an excuse for their own baseness. It has been experimentally proven that in order for a person and the mass of people to be obedient, like sheep, they need to be broken, forcing them to step over the barrier of humanity. The breaking of a person occurs when crossing taboos, through dehumanization, through the release in a person of base traits inherent in the animal world. Fascist methods of dehumanization are known to everyone - this is the suppression of a person’s sense of self-worth under the pressure of the threat of death. The film “The Fifth Seal” is an example of this. The main idea of ​​the film: killing a person is a simple matter, but turning him “into something apparently alive, but essentially dead” is much more difficult. People who have suffered torture and humiliation, of course, will fear and hate their tormentors, says the mentor, but “as long as they have at least a glimmer of human dignity, we will achieve nothing.” Without losing self-respect, representatives of this very “majority” are capable of protesting, resisting, and even fighting. And therefore the main goal is “to make them despise themselves. To the point of disgust. And until you achieve this, nothing else matters.”

How does the subconscious influence our lives?

Have you noticed that you often (almost always) react to things happening unconsciously, obeying unknown instincts and emotions. Our thoughts and unconscious reactions are dictated by the subconscious. What attitudes are embedded in it affects the rest of one’s life. We are happy with how the subconscious mind reacts to current events and unhappy with how it produces negative beliefs. The first person to study and reveal the presence of the subconscious in humans was Sigmund Freud.

His theories were later confirmed by other psychologists. Moreover, over time it became clear that subconscious reactions are the main part of our mind. And its influence on life is limitless.

Consciousness only forms logical conclusions and processes signals to action received from the subconscious.

Everything that is important to us, all values, signs of success, joy and unfavorable moments are the influence of the subconscious. It shapes one’s attitude towards life over the years, based on personal experience, starting from childhood. In addition, parental upbringing and the growing up environment are important, which leave an imprint on subconscious attitudes. All reactions that we can call intuition or reflexes actually lie in the subconscious. And they can both help us overcome difficulties and create them. Changing the beliefs embedded in it can change us beyond recognition. In addition, it has been proven that we can influence the subconscious of other people. And doing this is not as difficult as it seems.

Techniques for manipulating human consciousness. What is people manipulation

By manipulating people we need to understand a whole range of techniques for influencing the consciousness of other people. In fact, this is a whole art that assumes that the manipulating person (manipulator), understanding the intricacies of the human psyche, finds an individual approach to any person. At the same time, he constantly forms a new image of himself in order to achieve his goals. Many people, unfortunately, do not even think that there are a huge number of manipulation techniques and techniques, and that with their help they are “managed” almost every day. This happens because manipulations, as a rule, are characterized by secrecy. Few people are able to master all the methods, but even a few are enough to direct the actions of a particular person in the right direction.

The manipulator must have an idea of ​​personality types and be sensitive to the mood and emotional state of people. And any of us can fall under the influence of such a person. But the difference in suggestibility (we are more or less influenced) depends on individual characteristics. There are even those who simply cannot be manipulated. Most often, these are very strong and insightful natures with specific mental properties. And manipulators try not to get involved with them, because all their hidden intentions immediately become clear.

Any manipulator is to a certain extent a psychologist, because he determines the “potential” of the victim, its weaknesses, advantages and disadvantages of character and temperament. And as soon as the weak point is found, he begins to influence it. Such a point can be an emotional state, a state of love, affection, resentment, interest or belief. The main task of the manipulator is to determine what exactly is a point. The media (mass manipulation), public figures, politicians and other high-ranking officials acting out of selfish interests are guided in their activities by similar principles.

How to learn to influence a person’s subconscious?

The basic rules for influencing the subconscious are as follows:

  • The desired thought must be repeated many times, emotionally, with dedication and faith in one’s own rightness.
  • We create a thought form, visualize what our influence is aimed at. We dream, imagine in every detail, feel what is happening.
  • Formulated affirmations are repeated constantly, after a certain period of time.
  • The desired goal must be clear, written down in every detail and preferably sketched on paper.

The most common method used to influence the subconscious is repetition. Let us just remember the advertising on TV, where day after day, several times a day, we are told about the benefits and importance of purchasing this or that product. The technique of direct contact is used to relax the interlocutor. In the process of manipulating the subconscious, you need to look it straight in the eye. People have become unaccustomed to this form of communication and begin to accept the manipulator as “one of their own,” listen to his words and let them pass through themselves.

There is a mechanical method for the 25th frame. Consciousness can only process 24 frames per second. The 25th goes straight into our subconscious and is perceived as truth. In addition, there is hypnosis, which has been used since ancient times. With its help, you can completely change a person’s attitudes, influence the psychological state and even physical health.

All these techniques can be learned independently, or under the guidance of specialist psychologists (or hypnotists). On the Internet you can find free lessons on how to manipulate a person’s subconscious, and there is also a lot of literature devoted to this issue.

How to break your psyche. Manipulation: Overwhelming Influence

Suppressive influence: how and what they like to play with, those who like to deceive, frighten, suppress.

  1. Overwhelming influence.
  2. Jan.
Suppress. - means to deprive a person of will, to instill fear in him, to make him docile, dependent, submissive.

People are afraid of something, people have values, people have something to lose. Avoiding problems is one of the leading human needs - few people want bad, frightening, destructive... - everyone (mostly) wants peace, joy, comfort, improvement.

And manipulators know this well and love to play on it - intimidate, blackmail, compromise, suppress...

3 directions of suppressive influence

How? - they push, beat, rape, torture, break, beat.

Beat him so that he feels like he is dying (Gaius Caligula is a name that has become a common noun for sophisticated cruelty, depravity and treachery).

- belittling of importance, dignity

- playing on complexes, missteps, mistakes, provoking feelings of guilt.

- a subtle and rough play on fears, on what a person fears, is afraid of.

To subjugate the enemy to your will, hit the weak points (Sun Tzu The Art of War)

“I wouldn’t stop you, but it’s a pity - I see that you have big problems, you keep going and going in circles...”

Problems are the unpleasant side of human life - the “black streak” - few people need... Plunging into problems, sadness and grief, a person is ready to do anything to get rid of it...

And malicious manipulators know how (and love) to play on this - intimidate, catch mistakes, artificially create them (provoke, set them up), subtly hint, collect incriminating evidence, blackmail, threaten...

Is the path of strength the surest path? - manipulation, built on the suppression of spirit, will, on the fear of being out of favor, came to us from the depths of centuries.

History shows that many rulers cultivated fear in order to control people. For example, with unheard-of cruelties, Timur (Tamerlane) kept in fear and obedience not only his entourage and people, but many peoples he conquered.

“Let them hate, as long as they are afraid” (lat. Oderint, dum metuant) the principle of the reign of the 3rd Roman emperor Caligula (and so on - history is full of such examples)

Let's look at some methods of suppressive influence

Severe suppression with words: psychological karate

- Shut up and sit down normally before I make a goat face on you.

- Right now, monkey, I’ll tear your face into a German cross so that you don’t show off... (from the novel by A. Bushkov)

- Shut your mouth - there will be no money. If you say more, your tongue will dry out. One more word - and regrets will torment you

Pressure: intense psychosuppression

The result is a knockout, or knockdown, in the form of mild (or severe) confusion, confusion, and loss.

An unconventional move: a sharp dive into the problems.

Unexpected, provocative questions directly:

- They say you drank heavily before?

- Why aren’t you married yet?

- How many times have you been divorced?

- Why did you leave your last wife?

Corruption: suppression by a destructive word.

An evil word will enter our ears and fall on our hearts like ice (proverb of the peoples of Central Asia)

About what damage is, the evil eye. and how to resist them is not poorly described in the book by S. Gorin and A. Kotlyachkov Weapon is the Word. Defense and attack with help. :

. damage” and “evil eye” - the impact of destructive hypnotic instructions received by the subject of influence in a state of hypnotic trance of varying depths (up to the lightest trance, bordering on wakefulness).

Casting the evil eye is understood as a powerful wish for harm to another person through non-verbal (non-verbal) behavior, that is, with gaze, facial expressions, gestures.

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