How to make a married lover fall in love with you and keep him close to you (Video)


Every woman wants to know the recipe on how to make a man fall in love with her and live happily ever after with him. Of course, there are some recommendations that I will now outline. The influences will be described first as basic, then as prohibited and manipulative.

20 effective techniques



Sex appeal. I won't surprise anyone if I say that a sexually attractive woman is more likely to get attention from men. At a minimum, she is guaranteed initial attraction on His part. But this is not all, and only with the help of this it is unlikely that you will be able to make a man fall in love with you.


Your image should be different from others . To make a man fall in love with you, at least come up with some kind of character trait, even if not exactly the “correct” one, but your “trick”. For example, always wear a “lucky” scarf, keychain, or a love for a certain type of candy. Think about how these sweets will take you out of any trouble to a state of happiness.

This needs to be instilled gradually, and when he wants to please you, he will definitely use this knowledge. Just don’t ask for a mink coat at the first meeting, there’s a high chance of missing out on the man)))


Hints about one's own sexuality , indirect promises. For example, in passing it’s good to mention that you attended oral sex courses, or do strip plastic surgery, or read an interesting book about sex, or like to watch pornography, etc.

This perfectly turns on male fantasies. His brain will turn on the influence process itself, and don’t be surprised if over time he burns with passion for you. And you don’t have to think about how to make a man fall in love with you, he will fall in love himself!


Women's helplessness in simple matters that are easy for him to accomplish. From giving a hand when leaving steps and opening doors, to advice on technical issues. And in general, it’s convenient to turn on the “fool” and say, you’re so smart, tell me, stupid...

Taking advice is always very beneficial, since you can partially shift responsibility to the adviser. But be careful, men are not so stupid, and this manipulation may not work. But most often it helps to make a man fall in love, so try it!


Financial independence. Nobody scares men more than freeloaders. Of course, over time he will take on some financial support, but don’t try to sit on his neck right away. Most men, especially the smarter ones, immediately filter out such ladies. But do you need a smart man?


Anchoring. This is an NLP technique. When a man feels especially good with you, touch him in a certain place on the body. Often this technique solves the question of how to make a man fall in love with you. Do this several times, in different situations, when you feel most comfortable. It’s just important to place an anchor in a place that is difficult for others to reach, otherwise this anchor will start to work on your work colleagues.


Psychological support. All people have good and bad moods. And when a person feels bad, he needs support. At such moments he is especially susceptible. First you need to accustom him to the fact that you will always understand and support. And when he gets used to coming to you for this, you can begin gradual soft suggestion.


No exes, no complaints, men are scared of women's problems. Especially at the beginning. Let him understand that you are doing well without him. And with him it can be even better.


Slipping away. Create a slight lack of communication with you. On a date, don’t get to the point where you have nothing to tell each other. If you are having sex, it is better not to stay overnight. He himself must want to wake up with you in the same bed and ask you about it. Don't call, don't write first, only if it's on business. And even if he wants to know about your life, create a small obstacle that he must overcome. A man is a hunter, and he is much more excited to catch up with his prey, rather than to take it when she is waiting with loving eyes.


Disappear at the peak of emotions. So that in your absence he thinks more about you. And more unpredictability. He should not know exactly when you will honor him with your attention again.

We have an excellent article about emotions where you will learn how to use this tool correctly, how to recognize a man’s emotions (and these are his real thoughts), and how to develop emotional intelligence. Once you've read this article, come back and click on the EMOTIONS link.


Denial of sex . There are no clear recommendations here. If you are Cleopatra herself in sex, and more than one man has not left you on his own, then feel free to show him class and move away. After a while, he will want to repeat it and you can set your own conditions. But if you doubt your abilities, it is better to hold the man a little BEFORE, so that he can come up with a passion for himself and believe in it. But don't overexpose it too much, otherwise you may end up very disappointed.


Sexual literacy , training. It is very useful to improve your sex skills - various trainings, intimate muscle training, dancing. This will never be superfluous and will increase your self-esteem.


Adjustment . Copy his poses, but within the limits of etiquette and common sense. It is human nature to trust a similar person, so try to become like him in some way.

Competent FLIRT will help you fall in love with a man, at least at the beginning of communication.


Conversation in the same language. Based on his phrases, determine his dominant way of perception. There are three of them - visual, auditory and kinesthetic. And introduce a similar expression of your thoughts into your vocabulary. I will cover this topic in a separate article.


Presence of common topics of conversation . I really hope that you really have something to talk about. And if a man is not your circle and has other interests, then you can fall in love with a man if he is very good... To do this, you will have to find out his interests and get carried away by it yourself. For real, with all the passion. This is one of the main criteria for compatibility, so go for it. Passion goes away, novelty wears off, but common interests remain!


Comfort. If a man feels comfortable with you, he will always return. Find out what he likes most, what he dreams of and try to fulfill it. And be sure to note this. Ask: “Are you happy now?” or a little more indirectly: “You know, I’m happier now than ever. Thank you for being here now.” And even if he didn’t answer anything, this information was deposited in the subconscious, rest assured. Several such sessions - and you are his queen.


Sense of humor, self-criticism. This will add comfort in communication, and will tie the man to you even more strongly.


Female submissiveness greatly excites a man. And even if you hold a high position at work, you need to be obedient and flexible with your man. And even if it's just a game, he will appreciate it. But in our age of female emancipation, variations are possible, and often men become feminine, women masculine. And be sure to evaluate this advice based on the situation. But according to scientific research, unions with male dominance are considered stronger.


Flattery. Men love flattery and a woman’s admiring eyes, but don’t overplay it so that he doesn’t think you’re an idiot. Don't forget to praise him. More often!


Promise. Find out what he is missing in the grandiose life plan.

For example, if he dreams of building a house, tell him that as a child you lived in the village with your grandmother, and those were the happiest times. And in general, you dream of a house where there are a lot of flowers, where it’s cozy... That is, in fact, indirectly promise to bring comfort to his house. Or he wants a child. Say: “I want a son from you.” How successfully the singer Natalie found the most desirable words for any man, and the song became a hit!


Well, here we come to dangerous techniques that can also work against the manipulator. If you decide to make a man fall in love with you at any cost, think carefully about the consequences. All responsibility and all risks will fall on your shoulders. In no case do I undertake to read morals, you just need to be sure that you feel love for the man. And you shouldn’t be afraid to lose, because fear can get in the way.

Is everything complicated in a relationship? Want to know everything about your partner? Confused about yourself? That way!



Causing jealousy. Since ancient times, the male has been endowed with jealousy. After all, while he is hunting, he does not want his female to be impregnated by another male, and then raise someone else’s offspring. I won’t tell you the scenarios, just a hint of possible infidelity is enough. And the most amorphous men become more active. Don’t go too far, your victim can easily jump off or give you a showdown, after which you yourself can suffer. Swinging relationships are based on this, when partners try to rekindle their former passion.


Strong emotional experiences together . Extreme and danger bind people very strongly. for example, a joint parachute jump, or paragliding, or swimming in the night sea - everything unusual and scary is a strong impact. One day, before my eyes, my lover fell from a waterfall. He survived, with minor injuries. But it was as if something had happened in me, and it tied me terribly to him. For 2 years I suffered from a strong attachment, and he escaped with only physical injuries. Therefore, such experiments are very dangerous, and it is not a fact that they will not turn against the instigator.


Disappearance. The manipulator's trump card. Requires little preparation. In a conversation, as if by chance, say that you think that true love is worthy of suicide, or that you understand Marilyn Monroe and the fact that she took her own life. Or other nonsense, and if after this statement your man did not run away and put you in an emergency, continue the game.

After a trifling quarrel that you yourself provoke, just turn off your phone for a few days. Disappear from all social networks, etc. It’s nonsense, of course, but if it works, the victim will go crazy within a few days and it won’t be difficult to fall in love with a man. At a minimum, he will think about you for several days, and this will lead to a kind of attachment.


Pendulum. The most harmless of all prohibited influences. First, show the man how good, white and fluffy you are. And then, BANG! After his small mistake, you become a terrible bitch. You choose the amplitude of the swing in accordance with the degree of its binding and common sense. Then again good, and again bad. It is important for you not to be afraid of losing him, because a person with a healthy psyche is unlikely to tolerate this. Although, we all have difficulties... maybe this is how you can make a man fall in love.


Falling in love with a man is still half the battle, or even a quarter. It is very important to recognize the signs of a man’s affection in time. A man's look will tell you how he feels about you. And also about his sexual preferences! Follow the link “A MAN’S VIEW” to understand his attitude towards you.

Is everything complicated in a relationship? Want to know everything about your partner? Confused about yourself? That way!

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Many beautiful girls think that if they are beautiful NOW, this will guarantee their success. Yes, beauty gives many bonuses to its owners, but these bonuses are not everything. Don’t forget to develop, learn, get to know yourself, the world, and accumulate creative emotions


Often, when something doesn't work out with one person, it causes great disappointment, despondency and other destructive emotions. Remember, you are alone! And even if one man did not fall for your charms, then this is a chance to meet another man, much better than this one. DON'T FOCUS ON FAILURES!

This rule applies to all areas of life!

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Who do they fall in love with?

If you have firmly decided on seduction, then you need to clearly understand which women fall in love with:

  1. First of all, those ladies who know how to give in, do not show selfishness, take into account not only their desires, but are also ready to seek a compromise, accept provisions, conditions beneficial for both parties, are valued.
  2. No matter how much they talk about a kind soul, external data plays a much more serious role, because if you need to know: how to make a married man fall in love with you, then remember, first of all, be perfect, starting from a manicure and ending with an elastic, toned body.
  3. There should always be intrigue, no need to whine, complain about life, if the boyfriend is married, then he has enough of such situations at home, be mysterious, bewitching, alluring, let him be proud of what he sees next to him.
  4. The ability to listen is valued much more than the ability to chat beautifully for a long time; it is extremely important to be interested in business, without burdening your success with your problems, if possible, start fun, non-binding conversations that will help you plunge into a carefree atmosphere.

Contents of the conversation

During the first conversation, do not go into lengthy discussions, do not touch on resonant topics: religion, politics, attitudes towards minorities, etc. Are you thinking about how to interest a man by correspondence? Don't start asking in detail about his personal life. The same goes for girls. If you are interested in further acquaintance, it is enough to know that the person has no family. Don’t ask why a girl at that age is not married, and a man still does not have children. Be gentle and you will be rewarded in kind. Try to interest them in common interests, conversations about other useful things - films, books, art, hobbies, sports, etc.

How to hold

The most common questions: how to keep your lover, make him look forward to the meeting, attach him to you or make him happy - have an unusually banal answer - appreciate what the guy does for you, show your gratitude, do not interfere in his activities, do not advise anything unnecessary. Also important:

  1. The variety of poses and sexual experiments will easily make you run after you. Psychology has proven more than once that spouses most often lack passion and adoration, so they go “to the left.”
  2. The main thing is not to insult your wife, because offending her is the same as humiliating the pride of your chosen one. If there is a serious attraction or interest, then you should carefully think over your words, because one incorrect statement can provoke a quarrel.
  3. The most favorable conditions are when lovers work together, like a boss and a subordinate, so you can direct all your tenderness and care to getting things done, warning you about meetings and events, so that the person feels support and support. The partner will not remain in debt; there will be more time to evaluate not only the qualities of an employee, but also of an attractive, neat, sexy, well-groomed young lady.
  4. Brave, self-confident ladies are always valued, so you can and should be the first to invite them to a date, a dance, or a meeting. Show your interest and need for the object of your adoration.
  5. Guys can only love someone who is ready to help, support, show her intelligence, character, sense of humor, and kindness to others.
  6. Don’t let your guard down, a betrayed husband may betray your lifelong friend too! It is important to remain the standard of beauty, femininity, and humanity.

What might be of interest

A man's interest can be passive or active. Active manifests itself when there is a goal determined by desires that pushes for certain actions. Passive interest manifests itself when the opportunity arises to evaluate an object or its content.


What men like in women: how to start and maintain relationships

When a woman begins to show passive interest, this provokes active actions on the part of the man. That is, this is the basis through which a man’s interest can be engaged and maintained.

Men love with their eyes

Yes, men love with their eyes. And first of all, they note their well-groomed appearance:

  • fresh, ironed clothes;
  • fit figure;
  • clean, healthy hair;
  • white-toothed smile;
  • pleasant, non-sweetening smell;
  • natural makeup;
  • neat manicure.

Men may not notice something specific, but they are good at analyzing and comparing facts. Therefore, you should always look well-groomed.

Subtle aroma and invisible makeup

Men highly value naturalness in women. A strong or too sweet aroma is not only unpleasant, it interrupts the natural smell, which forms the first impression of a person.

Unnatural, bright makeup may seem stylish to women, but guys perceive “war paint” negatively. The most unsightly, according to men, look:

  • dark shades of lipstick;
  • false eyelashes;
  • foundation with a dense texture;
  • excess powder;
  • bright shadows;
  • pink blush;
  • shimmer;
  • thick eyeliner;
  • sticky lip gloss;
  • penciled dark eyebrows.


How to understand a man and make relationships easier

Look and facial expressions

In order for a man to pay attention, you need to make eye contact. This takes from 2 to 7 seconds. The tactics are as follows:

  • assessing sideways glance;
  • expressing interest;
  • showing reciprocity.

A sideways glance is cast at the beginning of flirting, showing an assessment of the attractiveness of the object. Tempting, expressing interest - you can throw it over your shoulder. A direct gaze speaks of challenge, frankness and courage of its owner. It is important that the eyes radiate warmth and a friendly attitude towards a potential partner.

If a warm gaze is accompanied by a smile, it will attract more attention, since cheerful girls make it easier for guys to start a conversation. The smile should not be forced, unnatural or affected.

Sexuality without a hint of vulgarity

Girls, trying to attract the man they like, go to extremes. Sexy does not mean provocative, bright makeup and maximally revealing clothing showing off seductive areas of the body. Yes, it attracts attention, but it creates the impression of an easily accessible or vulgar woman.

To achieve a seductive image, it is enough to show your advantages by emphasizing one or two advantages:

  • Light makeup that emphasizes the expressiveness of the eyes;
  • A loose hairstyle that shows off the shine of the hair;
  • Clothing that emphasizes bust or long legs.

In addition, a woman’s gait and posture matter. Even the most seductive look can be ruined by stooping and a sweeping step.

Sense of humor and infectious laughter

Men like women with a sense of humor. Cheerful people are more conducive to communication, since the ability to make people laugh is associated not only with IQ level, but also with developed emotional intelligence.

Neuroscientific research suggests that laughter leads to changes in areas of the brain that promote the production of dopamine, which helps improve mood. Therefore, a good sense of humor not only makes others laugh, but also makes a person laugh more.


Which girls do guys like most: appearance statistics

However, not every humor evokes good-natured laughter. Psychologists say that the manifestation of sarcasm and ridicule indicates aggressiveness or a depressed state of the individual. While light, harmless jokes speak of openness and high self-esteem.

Confidence and self-sufficiency

Confidence in yourself and your own strengths allows you to live the way you like, achieving your goals. A self-sufficient person stands out favorably against the background of insecure people. The following characteristics of a confident woman will help you get a guy interested:

  • no fear of doubt or failure;
  • knowledge of strengths and weaknesses, as well as their adequate assessment;
  • independence of opinion;
  • no attempt to appear better than one actually is;
  • sincerity and openness;
  • clear point of view.

In addition, a confident woman knows her worth, does not waste time on trifles and does not show dissatisfaction ostentatiously.


The ability to have an interesting conversation is a very important part of attracting attention. To interest the interlocutor, you need to take into account not only the interests of the man, but also the form of presentation of information. You should speak clearly, only to the point, since guys do not perceive unnecessary information that makes them bored.

In addition, in a conversation you need to adhere to:

  • leisurely;
  • peace of mind;
  • positive;
  • attentiveness to his words.

You can also ask leading questions, show interest in hotel topics, and joke.

You win!

Using tricks, it is certainly possible to make anyone fall in love, but you should understand that this is a huge responsibility, a burden, and, possibly, suffering. It’s not a fact that he will agree to leave his family; there could be a lot of reasons. You will have to come to terms with the fact that your loved one will spend all the celebrations surrounded by his family; you cannot be offended by this or reprimand him.

We must become part of what is missing, be a consolation, a joy, and not just another capricious, spoiled girl. You will have to be patient and communicate as nicely as possible with your boyfriend’s friends, because this factor (the opinion of his comrades) is important.

Respect and mutual gratitude for what is happening is very valuable, but you shouldn’t follow the lead, run off on fleeting dates whenever the guy wants, you need to arrange it so that it’s convenient for both. Periodically be distracted by other things: rest, friends, entertainment, this is necessary in order not to become too attached to a person, because in this life it is impossible to plan in detail, sooner or later something may happen that you will need to find the strength to say goodbye.

Look at things realistically, do not live in illusions, assess the situation sensibly, and prepare for any outcome.

Conversation rules

  1. The first message online or SMS to a man should contain a greeting. Moreover, you can use not the standard “Hello”, but write something like “Salute!” It is important that the young man feels your positive disposition towards him from the first words.
  2. Take your time to ask additional questions. Wait for the young man to answer. If he is interested, he will answer quickly. But you don’t need to immediately write him a response message, let some time pass, the guy will sit there waiting.
  3. about what he does, what his hobbies are. After the guy’s answer, you can talk about your pastime, but you shouldn’t immediately open up completely. Write messages in such a way that something remains unsaid, so that the guy wants to ask additional questions, finding out some details. It is important that your answers are concise, but at the same time quite meaningful.
  4. Try to end the conversation on an interesting note. For example, you may not respond to his last message or say that you need to think. It is important that the guy gets the feeling that you are a mysterious person.

Active actions

You don't have to put in a lot of effort to get people interested. There is no need for obsessiveness, on the contrary - modesty, a good mood, the absence of unlucky fans, sad stories will help to attract attention. It is necessary to avoid abrupt transitions, rudeness, and unflattering statements addressed to the individual or, worse, relatives. Arrange interesting, passionate meetings that will excite not only the body, but also warm the soul. Having children for your other half is not a hindrance; the main thing is to show that you are delighted and crazy about them.

Agreeing with everything is also strictly forbidden, it is very boring, monotonous, quickly becomes boring, everyone has their own opinion, you need to be able to express it correctly: restrained, unobtrusive. Adequacy is above all: don’t make scandals, don’t stalk, don’t call home, don’t intrude! The role of a married man's mistress is not so bad if you take the pros and cons correctly, for example:

  • In fact, freedom, but you have to hide a lot, in fact, you live a double life.
  • A minimum of moral shocks, everyday life, scandals; the other side is the option to remain single.
  • A good time and... loneliness during the holidays.

Everyone has their own life, goals, privileges, above all to be happy, but in what way - the decision is yours.

What repels the stronger sex

In order to impress not only a young guy, but also a self-sufficient adult, you need to rely on the characteristics of male perception. They consider the main disadvantages:

  • obsession;
  • sloppiness;
  • excessive modesty;
  • demonstration of superiority;
  • flattery;
  • talkativeness;
  • availability.

In addition, a guy may be put off by a woman’s initiative, since it deprives him of the opportunity to “hunt.” When the prey goes into your hands, interest is lost already at the initial stage, and the girl becomes less attractive to the conqueror.

Conversations about the hardships of life

A pessimistic mood, a constant whining that life is unfair, cannot be liked. Even the most optimistic guy will be put off by a girl who expresses a negative opinion about everything that surrounds her.

At first, perhaps, a man will make efforts to entertain, calm and disperse sadness, but soon he will get tired of it.

Intrusiveness and talkativeness

Men consider intrusiveness to be one of the most unpleasant and repulsive female qualities. Even if the girl’s appearance is comparable to the photographs on the cover of glossy magazines, importunity can ruin the chances of a future relationship.

When there are too many women, the stronger sex gives in under the onslaught of conversations, gossip, and unnecessary meaningless questions.

Illiterate speech and errors in messages

Illiteracy and errors in messages sent irritate men. This also includes a lack of logic, coherence of thoughts, the presence of filler words, inappropriate slang or jargon.


Erotic and exciting SMS to your beloved man

Since literacy indicates a person’s intellectual level of development, it is quite natural that a man will draw conclusions about the mental qualities of his interlocutor that are not in her favor.

Control and guardianship

Excessive guardianship or an attempt to control actions causes a negative attitude among the male half of humanity. Often women prone to paranoid manifestations are prevented from taking a step without warning or reporting.

This is caused by the need to compensate for the maternal instinct through the introduction of means to control the behavior of men.

However, you need to feel the line between care and intrusive control.

Helplessness and timidity

At the initial stage, helplessness, fearfulness and embarrassment may look cute, but such behavior is not suitable for a serious relationship. It is impossible to excite a man with such qualities over and over again: it begins to look like stupidity.

A woman should become a reliable support, a partner on whom you can rely in difficult times. A helpless, sweet fool will not be able to provide help at the right moment or give practical advice.

Foul language and sarcasm

Obscene speech deprives one of femininity, causing a repulsive impression. The man has mixed feelings of discomfort and disgust. Of course, there are times when the use of obscene language by a woman is acceptable or appropriate, but the use of swear words is unacceptable in everyday speech.

Sarcasm and causticity also have an off-putting effect. The manifestation of this trait originates from the popularized image of the successful bitch, which has become very widespread. However, such behavior for a male has nothing to do with attractiveness or sexuality.

How to please a guy who is 11 years old?

The tricks with which you can make an 11-year-old boy fall in love with you are not much different from what we offered you above. That is, you can use all the methods described above to attract the attention of your prince. However, try not to get too carried away with them.

The boy should not understand that you like him. At least until he starts liking you yourself. Otherwise, he will start taking advantage of your feelings. Sometimes even grown men do this. It is very painful and unpleasant.

Among the useful tips that will help you attract the attention of an 11-year-old boy, we recommend paying attention to:

1. Be interested in what the boy himself is interested in

You can not only go to the circle that is interesting to the boy you like, but also be interested in what is, in principle, interesting to him. Of course, it will be quite difficult for you to understand cars and model airplanes. There are plenty of other topics that a girl can handle quite well.

If you don’t understand what the boys are talking about among themselves, ask your dad to clarify the topic that interests you. He, as a man, will definitely provide an answer to your question.

2. Treat him to something

Men love to eat delicious food from early childhood. If you have an extra apple or pie, be sure to treat them to the boy you like. He will be very pleased with such a sign of attention.

3. Be interested in his well-being

What should you do if the boy you like is sick and doesn't go to school? Call or write to him and ask about his health. It is not necessary to say that you are personally interested.

You can say that you are calling on an errand from classmates to find out how his health is. If you are not embarrassed to tell the boy that it is very important for you to know how he feels, then why not do it.

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