Stomach pain caused by nervousness: how to treat it

Empty stomach

We have all at least once experienced the feeling of emptiness in our stomach. People tend to associate this feeling with nerves and emotional imbalance. It’s not for nothing that this organ is called the second brain. If the feeling of emptiness in the stomach appears too often or is accompanied by pain, then something has gone wrong in the body.

American nutritionists associate the constant feeling of emptiness in the stomach with the appetite hormone ghrelin

It is known that negative factors such as stress can affect digestion. However, there are specific diseases that are accompanied by this symptom - a feeling of emptiness in the stomach.

Next we will tell you about the reasons for this phenomenon. It is worth noting that if you are bothered by unpleasant sensations and you do not know what is causing them, only a medical specialist will be able to make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment.


An SSRI antidepressant with the active substance fluvoxamine maleate. It has selective inhibition of neuronal reuptake of serotonin. Affects the reuptake of dopamine and norepinephrine.

  • Indications for use: depressive states of various etiologies, obsessive-compulsive disorder, anxiety states.
  • The method of administration and dosage are determined by the attending physician, individually for each patient. The duration of treatment depends on the severity of the therapeutic effect in the first week of treatment.
  • Contraindications: intolerance to the active and auxiliary components of the drug, liver failure, patient age under 8 years, lactation. The drug is not prescribed simultaneously with medications that inhibit MAO. It is prescribed with extreme caution for patients with convulsive syndrome, a history of myocardial infarction and during pregnancy.
  • Side effects: allergic reactions, headaches, sleep disturbances, increased nervousness, changes in taste and appetite, nausea, dry mouth, dyspeptic disorders. Overdose has similar symptoms. For treatment, stimulation of vomiting and gastric lavage with further symptomatic therapy are indicated.

The medicine is available only in oral form for oral administration.

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Feeling of an empty stomach

American nutritionists associate the constant feeling of emptiness in the stomach with the appetite hormone ghrelin. As it turns out, this substance, produced by the stomach, determines our eating behavior. The structure of ghrelin is a peptide that reacts with fats eaten by humans.

Its content reaches a maximum immediately before a meal, then falls and remains at a minimum level for about 2 hours. By filling the stomach with large volumes of high-calorie food, a person maintains a high level of the appetite hormone, as well as the feeling of hunger. Today, research is being conducted to find medications that can regulate the synthesis of the hormone ghrelin.

The feeling of satiety with food may not occur due to damage to the corresponding nerve center located in the hypothalamus. The cerebral cortex receives a signal of satiety from this center. A malfunction in its operation becomes the reason that a person, regardless of the volume and calorie content of what he eats, does not receive any signals of saturation and continues to eat.

As a result, he begins to worry:

  • tachycardia;
  • excessive sweating;
  • fainting;
  • irritable stomach syndrome;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • mental disorders.

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Eating behavior becomes disordered to the point of bulimia. Fear of obesity develops. To avoid this, a person stimulates artificial vomiting and takes laxatives.

The dangers of antidepressants, the consequences of their use, side effects

Studies have repeatedly been conducted confirming the harmful effects of antidepressants. Mostly they write about the negative effect on the liver, about getting used to them. However, a number of possible complications and side effects can be identified as a result of long-term use of antidepressants:

  • disruption of the cardiovascular system, tachycardia, low blood pressure;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract, nausea, vomiting;
  • headaches, noise in the head;
  • drowsiness, weakness, and insomnia;
  • improper metabolism;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • loss of concentration;
  • change in character traits;
  • a person becomes either aggressive or weak-willed, lethargic, weak-willed.

As well as other side effects, mental and physical problems.

Poisoning with antidepressants, an effect on potency in men, and disruption of menstruation in women are also possible.

The negative impact of antidepressants on the brain, psyche, and thinking is confirmation that a person is turning into a “vegetable” with a lack of willpower and an inability to truly cope with depression in the future. And the negative impact on the body, health problems with long-term use of antidepressants is the result of not only the chemical effects of the drugs, but also pathological changes with a general decrease in vital energy.

Basically, all kinds of problems arise from prolonged use of medications.

Feeling of emptiness in the stomach: what explains it?

There are several types of stomach pain.

Depending on the nature of the pain, you can determine the cause that causes it.

If you experience a burning sensation in your stomach every time after eating certain foods, it is obvious that the problem is with the food. On the other hand, discomfort in the stomach may appear after you are very nervous.

The physiological feeling of an empty stomach occurs due to hunger; increased salivation, rumbling and even nausea often occur. If this situation occurs due to problems with the digestive system or is associated with other diseases (pathological factor), it may be accompanied by accompanying symptoms:

  • discomfort and pain in the stomach;
  • heartburn;
  • attack of nausea;
  • vomit;
  • diarrhea;
  • poor appetite;
  • change in taste.

False sensations of an empty stomach can be caused by certain psychological conditions, such as anxiety, stress, depression. This provokes increased acid secretion, produced in response to certain emotions, without an identifiable physiological cause. Discomfort may indicate the development of a serious pathology

As a result of nervous tension, pain appears in the stomach, appetite disappears, and diarrhea may even appear.

As for the feeling of emptiness in the stomach, in the presence of any disease, this symptom is necessarily
accompanied by a strong burning sensation.
Today we will talk about exactly what diseases may be hidden behind these symptoms.

Antidepressants are addictive

Antidepressants, just like drugs and alcohol, cause addiction to them, mental and physical dependence.

Indeed, after taking a course of pills, a person seems to feel better, especially at first. A program, a chain, is formed in the brain: a pill to reduce the symptoms of depression - positive, albeit artificially created, feelings and emotions. Now it’s hard to get this program out of my head. During the following difficult states of the soul, it turns on and the person reaches for pills.

A person suffering from depression ends up in a vicious circle, which leads to even greater problems in the future.

He cannot break out of it to truly get rid of the disease.

And antidepressants kill all this in a person and reduce the level of vital energy. It turns out to be a vicious circle due to the fact that it seems impossible to increase energy, because it will feed mental distortion, aggravating depression.

The person is completely trapped.

There are also withdrawal symptoms when stopping antidepressants, although these are not as severe conditions as with drug addiction, but the body still suffers greatly.

It is not uncommon when, after stopping antidepressants, especially abruptly, one feels unwell, headaches, decreased vitality, and the return of depression with even greater force.

Therefore, you need to know how to properly quit antidepressants; you won’t be able to stop drinking them suddenly, especially if you have been taking them for a long time. Some people drink them all their lives.

But you will learn how to get rid of dependence on antidepressants at the end of the article.

First, let's understand the terms. Addiction is when the same dose does not produce the same effect. And the dosage should be increased.

Dependence is when constant use of a drug is required. Problems arise when canceling.

The so-called “rebound syndrome” is possible. This is when the condition worsens when the medication is stopped abruptly or too early. Therefore, they stop taking blood pressure slowly and gradually according to a certain scheme. Then the “ricochet syndrome” can be avoided.

Feeling empty stomach types

There are 2 types of such sensations:

  • Physiological or true. It is associated with a drop in blood sugar concentration, which, in turn, activates food centers that signal the body about the need to eat to replenish its energy reserves. By the “sucking” in the pit of the stomach and the rumbling in the stomach, you can learn about the true feeling of hunger.
  • False . It occurs at the mental level and is not related to the amount of food in the stomach. Not accompanied by any sounds. Attempts to satisfy the deceptive feeling of emptiness in the stomach lead to disturbances in the emotional sphere, deterioration of the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, and the gastrointestinal tract. Against this background, depression, anxiety, and mental instability are possible, that is, conditions that require a qualified psychologist to provide adequate assistance.

Antidepressants for overeating

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Psychotropic medications for the relief and elimination of depression, anxiety, and nervousness are antidepressants. Their mechanism of action is aimed at improving mood, normalizing sleep and appetite. Medicines are prescribed for panic attacks, obsessive-compulsive and anxiety disorders, sleep and eating disorders, and personality disorders.

  • Drugs with a sedative effect alleviate agitation and anxiety.
  • Antidepressants-stimulants - stimulate the psyche in cases of lethargy and apathy.
  • A medication with a balanced effect – it has a positive effect on the central nervous system and increases the emotional level.

Antidepressants for overeating alleviate the psychological causes of the painful condition. Slow down the breakdown and increase the concentration of neurotransmitters responsible for mood: serotonin, norepinephrine, dopamine. If the problem of food abuse is caused by mild depression, then antidepressants are not prescribed, since the adverse reactions from their use exceed the therapeutic effect.

Constantly empty stomach


A feeling of emptiness in the stomach is one of the most common symptoms. This emptiness causes a burning sensation, resulting in severe fatigue. In especially severe cases, it is difficult to stand on your feet.

  • In this case, the feeling of emptiness appears due to irritation of the gastric mucosa
    . It is hardly possible to find a person who has not encountered this problem at least once.

Studies have shown that gastritis is of infectious origin. So, some of its types are caused by the bacterium helicobacter pylori


  • Gastritis can also worsen after consuming alcohol and certain medications.

A feeling of emptiness in the stomach is one of the most common symptoms.
This emptiness causes a burning sensation, resulting in severe fatigue. In addition to the feeling of emptiness in the stomach, this disease is manifested by symptoms such as:

  • Temperature
  • Chills
  • Vomit
  • Dizziness
  • Cold sweat.
  • In the most severe cases, gastritis can be accompanied by the appearance of blood in the stool and vomiting.

Stomach ulcer

As we have already said, there are different types of stomach pain. One of them is quite easy to determine:

  • If a feeling of emptiness in the stomach appears 1-3 hours after eating
    , we may be talking about a disease such as a stomach ulcer.

What happens to the stomach in this case? Gastric juice disrupts the integrity of the mucous membrane of the stomach or duodenum.

  • People suffering from stomach ulcers experience a burning sensation and emptiness immediately after eating or at night. This prevents a full night's rest and sleep.
  • Most often, stomach ulcers are caused by the bacterium helicobacter pylori
    Taking certain anti-inflammatory drugs, such as ibuprofen, can also provoke the appearance of this disease .
  • It must be remembered that stress and eating spicy foods worsen the patient's condition.


An antidepressant from the group of serotonin reuptake inhibitors. Contains the active ingredient sertraline, which inhibits the reuptake of serotonin at synapses.

  • Indications for use: depression, anxiety, manic states, obsessive-compulsive disorder, panic and post-traumatic stress disorders.
  • Directions for use: 50 mg orally per day, in the morning or before bed. In the absence of a pronounced therapeutic effect, the dose can be increased only a week after the start of treatment.
  • Side effects: dyspeptic disorders, increased drowsiness, dizziness, sexual dysfunction, drying out of the oral mucosa, temporary hearing and vision impairment.
  • Contraindications: intolerance to sertraline and auxiliary components of the drug. Not prescribed for patients taking MAO inhibitors, as well as for severe changes in the function of the liver and urinary system. Convulsive conditions, pediatric practice, pregnancy and lactation.

Release form: oral capsules, 7 pieces in a blister, 2 blisters per package.

An empty stomach hurts, which doctor should I consult?

A constant feeling of empty stomach is a symptom for which it is impossible to make an accurate diagnosis, so you need to undergo a full examination.

You should not delay diagnosis, since many diseases tend to progress, and the desire to get rid of the feeling of emptiness with the help of additional portions of food leads to excess weight. First of all, you need to visit a gastroenterologist, who will give you a referral for tests to determine the disease or detect helminthic infestation. If gastrointestinal diseases are not detected, then you should contact the following specialists:

  • Gynecologist. Problems with the digestive organs can arise due to hormonal imbalance.
  • Nutritionist. Perhaps the body lacks vitamins and requires a special diet.
  • Endocrinologist. You need to get tested for diabetes.
  • Neuropathologist. Stomach diseases can be triggered by bad habits, stress, and autoimmune disorders.
  • Psychotherapist. Sometimes psychoanalysis helps to identify the cause of the disorder.


You should listen to the body, treat gastrointestinal diseases in a timely manner, and carry out periodic prevention of helminthic infection.

Eating at the same time every day will help get rid of the feeling of emptiness in the stomach, so that the body develops a conditioned reflex to the hours of eating. This helps improve digestion, absorb essential nutrients, and provide a feeling of fullness after eating. For those who lead an active lifestyle and spend a lot of energy, you should include foods containing proteins, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins in your diet. Physical activity requires a lot of water consumption, the lack of which can also cause hunger. Situations leading to stress or nervous disorders should be avoided.

Stomach feels empty treatment

As we have already written, the first thing you need to do is see a doctor so that he can make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

You can get rid of the constant feeling of emptiness in the stomach after treatment for the diseases that provoked it. If such a case is associated with serious illnesses, such as gastritis, diabetes mellitus, hormonal disorders, the doctor prescribes therapy, after which the unwanted symptoms disappear. At home, you can muffle the feeling of hunger with a glass of warm water with honey or a cup of ginger tea.

The therapy complex includes:

  • antispasmodic drugs - if the pain is of a pronounced cramping nature (No-shpa, Drotaverine, Platyfillin);
  • to suppress the production of excess acid, Omeprazole, Pantoprazole are prescribed;
  • if Helicobacter is detected, a course of eradication with antibiotics and bismuth preparations is carried out;
  • to normalize the regulation of acid production, courses of vitamin therapy (group B) are recommended; they restore nerve connections between organs;
  • some patients need choleretic drugs and enzymes.

Traditional recipe for treating an empty stomach

To get rid of the unpleasant feeling of an empty stomach, traditional medicine offers the following recipes:

  • Chop 3 cloves of garlic.
  • Pour 200 g of boiling water.
  • Leave to infuse for 24 hours.
  • Take 1 tbsp every day before bed. spoon.

Among the folk methods, it is most acceptable to drink a warm decoction of chamomile, flax seeds, add ground cinnamon to tea in the morning, eat peeled cucumbers, and include oatmeal products (porridge, jelly, decoction) in your diet. You should be careful with St. John's wort tincture and decoction. It should not be taken without consulting a doctor. It should be remembered that the popular mint tea for calming and sleeping has the ability to increase acid formation, in this case it is not suitable.

Self-medication of hungry stomach pain is strictly contraindicated. The mechanism of influence on the level of acidity is very complex, so it is impossible to do without diagnostics. The selection of medications is the responsibility of the doctor. Some remedies, when used incorrectly, only intensify and provoke the problem.

So, now you know that the feeling of emptiness in the stomach is only a symptom, for which there is almost always an explanation. Your health is in your hands!

Tract). This disease mainly affects people who have to endure frequent stress and emotional distress. The disease is not considered critical and is easily treated.

The benefits of antidepressants

Despite the fact that antidepressants have a negative effect on the body, turning a person into a weak-willed creature with a lack of fortitude, in some cases they are simply necessary. As with everything, there are pros and cons.

Depression is a complex disease with many causes and, in many cases, difficult to treat. Disturbances in neurochemical processes in the brain can arise from many factors.

Often this leads to great distortions in the psyche, disruption of the normal functioning of the body, and a person cannot cope with it. He loses his last vitality, his will disappears, the desire to do something, and the desire to live simply disappears. Suicidal thoughts arise.

If urgent measures are not taken, a person will find himself in such a severe depression, from which it will then be very difficult to escape. In such cases, antidepressants come to the rescue. They help you not to fall into the abyss of deep depression and help you come to your senses.

Therefore, if you have very severe depression, you have no strength at all, do not self-medicate, run to the doctor. Contact a psychologist, a psychotherapist, or even a psychiatrist. In severe cases, only a specialist can help you, only he will prescribe you the necessary medications.

In severe cases, antidepressants are needed in complex therapy.

But you need to remember that this is only a temporary measure that alleviates the symptoms of depression, but does not actually cure depression. And with prolonged use, it often has the opposite effect. Don't forget that antidepressants make you weaker, and to truly cope with depression, you need inner strength, which is so lacking in those who fight depression by artificially increasing brain chemistry.

When a person is already flying into the abyss, he needs at least something, even a small twig, to hold on and not fall to the very bottom. But in order to get out of this abyss later, you need to put in effort and strength. Make a dash and climb up. And if a person continues to hold on to the same branch, he will not only remain in a hanging position, but may also fall and die. The branch cannot hold a person for long. Same with antidepressants.

Depression must be fought. But often a person cannot or simply does not want to understand the cause of depression and eliminate the root problem of the disease. It’s easier to take a sedative or get hooked on antidepressants, as a result of which depression is simply driven inside, leading to even greater problems in the future. It's hard for a person to stop.

Therefore, unless you have very severe depression, it is better not to take antidepressants at all. Don't drive yourself into a trap from which it will be difficult to escape. Think about whether it is worth taking antidepressants if they will bring even more problems in the future.

Empty stomach reviews



This is gastritis. Go to the doctor. In general, as far as I remember, Almagel helps with gastritis, well, it wasn’t me who drank, but it also varies, first you need to find out what kind of acidity you have, high or low. Apparently, it is still elevated. And of course, diet, less fatty and spicy foods.



I had a similar experience almost 5 years ago. Then I was diagnosed with duodenal ulcer. Be sure to do FGS.



I’ve had this pain for about 10 years, I swallowed a light bulb about 4 years ago, I have gstritis but it’s not critical as the doctor told me, I took Omez and other pills, but... these pains haven’t disappeared, sometimes it doesn’t last for a month, sometimes it hurts for weeks at a time for several days , and my pain disappears if I lie down; in a horizontal position everything is fine.)



My gastritis is starting to worsen; I take omeprazole or omez.



It looks like gastritis or a pre-ulcerative condition. Take a course of omeza first. Well, a diet table with the exception of fatty, spicy and other things that are not allowed for gastritis or ulcers




Antidepressant-psychoanaleptic. Its therapeutic effect is due to the reduction of discomfort due to eating disorders, smoking cessation and other obsessive conditions.

  • Indications for use: nicotine addiction, eating disorders, decreased appetite, anxiety and depression, attention deficit disorder and hyperactivity.
  • Directions for use: in the first week of treatment, take 150 mg in one dose, regardless of food, then the dosage is reduced to 150 mg twice a day. The course of treatment is no more than 7 weeks.
  • Contraindications: convulsions and epileptic seizures, pregnancy and lactation, patients under 18 years of age, chronic liver and kidney diseases. Not prescribed for patients with severe allergic and autoimmune reactions, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease.
  • Side effects: increased dryness in the mouth, tremors of the limbs, lethargy or agitation, poor coordination of movements, allergic rashes, mood lability, dyspeptic symptoms. Treatment is symptomatic.
  • Overdose: disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system, uncontrolled drowsiness, nausea and vomiting, epileptic attacks, hallucinations.

The medicine is available in tablet and capsule form.

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