7 Ways Jealousy Is Killing Your Relationship

Scientists from different fields of knowledge have been studying the phenomenon of human aggression due to jealousy for hundreds of years. This factor constantly makes a significant contribution to crime statistics on murders and injuries. Every eighth murder is committed out of jealousy (12–14% of the total). In April, a court in Krymsk sentenced a local resident to 8.5 years in prison for the murder of his 40-year-old wife. The wife was 11 years younger, and the man constantly experienced attacks of jealousy, one of which ended in tragedy. As a result, minor children were left without parents. Izvestia recalled crime dramas when seemingly law-abiding people committed serious crimes out of jealousy and learned about the roots of this behavior of people.


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Photo: TASS/Artem Geodakyan

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The crime was committed in November last year. The day before, the couple had systematic conflicts due to the husband’s suspicions that his wife was cheating on him. On the fateful night, he strangled the unfortunate woman in bed. To avoid responsibility, he tried to fake her suicide. A little later, the man himself reported to the police about the death of a loved one. Police officers and medical experts quickly realized that this was a hoax. Soon the man confessed to the crime.

An even wilder case of murder out of jealousy happened there, in the Krasnodar Territory, in 2020. A 42-year-old prosthetic dentist from Ust-Labinsk was having a hard time divorcing his young wife (she was 33 at the time of the crime), he tracked and stalked her for three years after the breakup. The girl, by the way, was his assistant. By that time, she lived in her own home with her 26-year-old new boyfriend and her mother. By the way, before the breakup, the dentist also lived there.

The jealous ex-husband got hold of a combat pistol and sneaked into the couple’s bedroom through the window at night. He tried to shoot his wife, but the bullet hit her in the shoulder. The roommate who woke up managed to throw the wounded woman out of bed, thereby saving her life, and he attacked the jealous man. The dentist put several bullets into the guy and then ran away. The woman was saved by doctors, but her lover died.

The main suspect was detained by Russian Guard soldiers at a dacha in the suburbs of Ust-Labinsk. He immediately confessed to the crime. The pistol, as investigators found out, was given to him more than 10 years ago by a military friend who died long before the sad events.


Photo: Depositphotos

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Some important tips

To begin with, it is important to admit to yourself the presence of this destructive feeling, since awareness is the main step in finding optimal solutions. Having realized the problem, try to understand exactly what emotions jealousy leads to. For visual perception, you can make a list that will help you learn self-control during new outbursts of mistrust.

Control alone will not help achieve complete liberation from feelings of jealousy. In addition, find the true reason for its manifestation. This could be lack of self-confidence, lack of attention from a partner, or catching him in a lie.


Take your free time with something you love - this will help you take your mind off negative thoughts and worries.

If the reason lies in low self-esteem, engage in self-improvement. It’s no secret that it is important to love yourself so that others will be drawn to you. Change your style, hobby, job, start attending aerobics, dancing or fitness classes, give up bad habits and obscene language. Do whatever helps boost your self-confidence.

Replace anger with mercy. Instead of increased control and constant questioning, provide support, show kindness, and focus on joyful emotions. This change in behavior will help achieve mutual understanding in the relationship. It is important to understand that the more positive emotions you let into your own life, the faster you will be able to stop being jealous of your husband or boyfriend for everyone.

Have a heart-to-heart conversation with your lover, talk about what worries you, listen to your interlocutor’s opinion on this issue. Try to work together to find a solution to the problem that has arisen.

Pay attention to your partner’s interests, spend more time together, and get involved in a common cause. Don't forget - if a man is next to you, something in you attracts him. Study your own personality and find the answer to this question.

Experts advise you to stop beating yourself up as quickly as possible, as this will ruin the relationship with the couple and lead to a breakup. In addition, constant dissatisfaction and suspicion will negatively affect the overall well-being of the body, and in the future will lead to the development of serious diseases.

Gender balance

Not only men, but also women are susceptible to jealousy. Moreover, criminologists have noted an increase in such crimes over the past three decades in the country by representatives of the fair half. Researchers attribute this to the so-called demoralization of society. Women are very worried, not only when their beloved man looks around, but also when he loses sexual interest in her.

The tragedy happened at the end of April in the USA, a 69-year-old resident of Arkansas shot her 65-year-old husband in a fit of rage, whom she once again found watching... a porn channel. Previously, a woman begged her husband to unsubscribe from a popular resource with “strawberry”, he promised, but did not keep his word. On the fateful day, he secretly watched porn in his garage, for which he received several bullets in the head from a Beretta.


Statistics of domestic crimes for 2015–2018. according to the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs

Photo: gks.ru

Characteristic traits in the behavior of a jealous person

A jealous woman is determined by her behavior, which is characterized by an uncontrollable desire to constantly be close to the object of desire, occupying all his free time, and constant anxiety about the development of relationships. Such girls tend to be constantly irritable, experience outbursts of rage at the slightest provocation, and have a negative attitude towards everyone who shows interest in your chosen one.


Such restrictions and constant negative mood will at some point force even the most faithful and loving man to run away.

Trace of jealousy

Criminologists and forensic doctors are well aware of the specific traces of murders motivated by jealousy.

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At the end of April, the body of a 36-year-old woman with numerous fractures and bruises of the head was discovered in one of the households in Leninogorsk (Tatarstan). The police were called by the husband, who returned from a business trip. Forensics discovered that the woman had had her hair cut. This sign is characteristic of a zealous motive. The man immediately came under suspicion, and later partially confessed to the crime. He's under arrest.

Often jealous people not only take the life of their neighbor, but also cause physical suffering. If we are talking about men, then criminology knows cases where husbands and cohabitants mutilated a woman’s reproductive organs and mammary glands. Crimes also systematically occur when women, jealous of their men, deprive them of their genitals.

— Crimes often occur in a dream, when the victim cannot resist, especially when it comes to female killers. Another factor that spurs murderers’ passion is the state of alcoholic intoxication,” a former detective of the unit for combating serious crimes against the person of the capital’s police told Izvestia.

The most egregious crimes of this kind become public knowledge. Last year in Ukraine, a woman, jealous of her partner (he is 14 years younger), cut off his penis while intoxicated. The doctors were unable to correct the situation, although the woman herself called an ambulance and handed over the severed organ to the surgeons.

Consequences of jealousy

The described feeling does not have any positive characteristics and if the problem is not solved, it will lead to the following negative consequences:

  • lack of peace of mind, eternal anxiety, feeling of discomfort negatively affects the moral and physical state of the girl;
  • jealousy gives rise to envy, which leads to stressful situations;
  • the feeling in question leads to psychological dependence on the actions of the partner - this entails constant changes in mood;
  • the destruction of the trusting relationship in the couple occurs. Further time spent together is spent in constant quarrels and showdowns.

Remember the main thing - if you want to build a sincere and happy relationship, it is important to learn to trust a man. Don't focus on the past, personal fears and prejudices - value your own choices and live for today.

Treat with understanding

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Lawyers have different views on how jealous murderers should be punished. Some believe that crimes of passion should be punished more severely and the motive of jealousy should be taken out as a qualifying feature. Others, on the contrary, call for taking into account the victimological factor, that is, the behavior of the victim.

“Jealousy, to some extent, can be excused by the behavior of the victim, especially if the latter’s behavior is deeply immoral in nature and significantly affects the interests of the person, his honor and dignity. Such jealousy, apparently, should not be considered as an aggravating circumstance. Judicial practice shows that jealousy, especially when it is caused by valid reasons, for example, the betrayal of one of the spouses, serves as the direct cause of strong emotional excitement (affect), in which a person commits a serious crime - murder,” Nikolai Mikhailov wrote in his dissertation, former head of the Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.


Photo: Depositphotos

Trust without checking!

Jealousy is a lack of confidence in yourself and your partner. Learn to trust him, because trust is one of the main components of love.

No matter how much we are told that we are better than everyone else, we do not believe if we do not believe ourselves. Even if everything is wonderful, each of us, if desired, will certainly find a way to poison the life of ourselves and our loved one (or beloved). It is unbearable. It is unknown how long he (she) will have the strength to endure this. Proving every day that you are not a camel is tiring and humiliating.

Fear destroys everything. The fear of losing sooner or later creates real loss in our lives. What we fear is what we attract. But everything is in our hands. Now we know what the consequences may be. Isn't this a reason to kill jealousy in yourself? Don't give her any chances, stop all thoughts about her, switch to something positive - and you will win. I believe in you!

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