Fear of stroke with VSD

This article helped me a lot. It says everything I wanted to know and understanding what PA is, it became easier on my soul and to cope too)) Panic attacks are an unexpected panic attack that is characterized by unpleasant bodily sensations (symptoms): shortness of breath, dizziness, tingling in the arms and legs, sweating, tremors, changes in heart rate, chest pain. Panic attacks are... Panic attacks are an expression known to almost every person today. Modern man, especially in a large metropolis, is in an environment of constant stress.

Help! I can't do this anymore. I was diagnosed a month ago

Hello everyone:-) the birth of my long-awaited and beloved daughter has ruined my health. and I still adore her :-):-):-) at the moment I am suffering from this: unsteadiness when walking, weakness, lethargy, at night my arms, legs, legs feel numb, I have panic attacks, it seems like my face is... it's cotton. I'm afraid of a stroke. The pressure sometimes rises, although I have been hypotensive all my life. Life is sometimes not nice because of my condition, but I want to live! I had an MRI of the head, everything was fine. MRI of the cervical and thoracic regions, there is osteochondrosis. I took a massage course and felt a little better. Thyroid hormones were elevated, but are now normal. The neurologist diagnosed VSD.

Vegeto - vascular dystonia (VSD, NCD), incl. and Panic attacks (vegetative crises) Osteochondrosis of all parts of the spine, radicular syndromes Polyneuropathy of various origins Encephalopathies Acute cerebrovascular accidents (stroke) and their consequences Traumatic brain injuries, concussion Headaches of various origins Degenerative diseases of the nervous system: Alzheimer's disease; Parkinson's disease ;Senile dementia;Episodic and paroxysmal disorders:EpilepsyEpistatusMigraineSleep disordersHereditary diseases

Whether I surprise you or not, this is a fact: doctors from America and Japan resolutely refuse to understand what kind of diseases these are - VSD, dysbacteriosis, osteochondrosis. Moreover, after searching through all the foreign dictionaries, you will still not be able to find a translation for these terms! Tuberculosis there, or stroke - they were the same in Africa, but these diseases simply did not exist outside the Union! In the Western world, absolutely no one suffered from them, and there was not a single line in the bourgeois medical literature.

Until eight months of Mark, I did not know such a word as osteopathy. But I had some kind of attack, my blood pressure jumped sharply, then chills, then my legs got cold and... crying baby in her arms, who is 8 months old. Ambulance, injection, diagnosis: VSD (Vegetative-vascular dystonia). But I'm a xmosapien. I climbed in and started collecting information, which convinced me that I don’t have VSD. And at that time something was wrong - constant headaches, terrible nausea and incredible dizziness. I donated blood - everything is normal, I started measuring my blood pressure - it’s normal, but life sucks. Small child.

Low blood pressure during pregnancy Many women have encountered the problem of low blood pressure during pregnancy. Arterial hypotension occurs both in women who are hypotensive throughout life, and in expectant mothers who were not familiar with the problem of low blood pressure before pregnancy. There is a category of people for whom low blood pressure numbers are normal; they are adapted to such blood pressure and note a deterioration in their well-being when it rises to average values. In other cases, low blood pressure during pregnancy is accompanied by dizziness, headache, nausea, and decreased performance.

Types of phobias

A panic state can be caused by fear of the following circumstances:

Pain, suffering and loss of dignity due to circumstances
  • fear is not caused by death itself, but by what one will have to endure before it because of the illness or pain it will cause;
  • this type of fear is more characteristic of cancer patients, but also occurs in healthy people;
  • For this reason, some are afraid of getting sick, suffer from hypochondria or other somatic disorders.
  • no one can specifically answer the question of what awaits a person after moving to another world, because no one was given the opportunity to return from there and tell the living about it;
  • but man is created in such a way that he wants to comprehend the world around him, the unknown frightens him very much, and it is the act of death that is surrounded by mystery most of all;
  • this question worries every person, and people with a mental disorder, which include those suffering from dystonia, most of all;
  • no one knows exactly what to expect from death.
Eternal Punishment
  • the religious views or mood of an atheist make one think about the punishment that may await in the afterlife due to mistakes committed on earth;
  • in this case, the feeling is inspired by conscience, awareness of one’s sinfulness, which accompanies every person throughout his life;
  • many are afraid to face with their own eyes the delusion that is their belief, or disbelief in life after death;
  • For some, the path to saving the soul for eternal life is too straightforward, they are afraid of making any mistake that will provoke their eternal suffering.
Losing control over circumstances
  • human nature strives to control all things that happen or can happen to it;
  • the act of death or transition to another state does not depend on the will of a person and his ability to stop the process;
  • therefore, many people, trying to maintain control over their lives, try to stop the inevitable;
  • sometimes these attempts look quite strange, for example, a person is very concerned about his health or adheres to a lifestyle that, in his opinion, will postpone the inevitable end for a long time.
The suffering of loved ones
  • such fear often torments young parents or adult children who care for elderly relatives;
  • the father of a large family may also be subject to fear for his children and wife;
  • Usually people are afraid that their loved ones will be left without financial support and will lose care.
Suffering before loss
  • people who once suffered the loss of a loved one are afraid to experience similar suffering again;
  • sometimes the fear becomes so strong that it leads to depression or thoughts of suicide;
  • fear can be caused by the mere thought that separation from a loved one will suddenly occur.
  • the natural act of death, like birth, occurs independently for each person;
  • people understand that they will have to survive death alone, this frightens them very much.
Long parting with lifeFor some people, the concept of death is a process that can last a very long time, which they are very afraid of.
Prolonged isolation before death
  • such fear torments people in intensive care units;
  • According to research by scientists, for those who are doomed to die in the near future, it is important that their closest people be nearby in their last days.

Fear of stroke with VSD

Dear VSD students, I have a question for you: I have a phobia, I’m afraid of a stroke, I’m constantly shaking because of this, anyone who has such a phobia will respond. Ask.

    figurine199909 December 25, 2014 19:42

It happened, think about the good)

    indentation December 25, 2014 19:50

At the beginning, this is probably one of the strongest fears for all adventurers.

    chow197907 December 25, 2014 19:53

It’s true, because doctors in hospitals are already shying away from me) Did this happen to you too? And for how long.

    indentation December 25, 2014 20:29

chow197907, it was just that long until I realized that it was just another joke and nothing more. Read Kurpatov if you haven't already.

    chow197907 December 25, 2014 20:32

Yes, I read it to no avail.

    indentation December 25, 2014 20:34

chow197907, it takes time for the information to reach the subconscious. the main thing is to remind yourself more often that you are healthy and you are not at risk of a stroke

    chow197907 December 25, 2014 20:37

Thank you, I'm planning to go to the hospital

    mobile4728 December 25, 2014 20:43

chow197907, almost all VSD sufferers have fears of various diseases, stroke, heart failure or rupture, etc. Until they understand what is actually happening to them and where the symptoms come from.

    chow197907 December 25, 2014 20:45

mobile4728, thank you, but I can’t do anything with myself.

    chow197907 December 25, 2014 20:46

Has anyone been hospitalized with this crap?

    interpol5118 December 25, 2014 21:59

chow197907, I have a fear of a heart attack, it’s been like this for 2 years now(

    obedient1963 December 26, 2014 06:35
    coprocessor December 26, 2014 06:52

Oh, Karina))) you live nearby. )))))Hi Hi. ))) sometimes there is also fear for health. I'm especially afraid of being on the operating table.

    dead December 26, 2014 07:41

I have the same bullshit, all the shaking and fear of stroke and heart attack ((((When I hear the ambulance siren, I’m shaking and bad thoughts creep in (((

    circumspect7308 December 27, 2014 00:35

For a stroke, conditions, changes, plaques, etc. are necessary. And then he comes when you’re not expecting him at all. If you haven’t tried tranquilizers, try a pill during an attack, and you will see that it’s all from the head and tension. But you shouldn’t drink them systematically, but you should take nootropics, they will help your brain adequately assess the situation, but you need to read psychotherapy and perform various techniques.

    chow197907 December 27, 2014 09:12

circumspect7308, I took Atarax, a worthless crap, took half a pill and threw it away! It only got worse for me, I read a lot of everything, and saw a psychotherapist, and still the fear and phobia remained. (((

    chow197907 December 27, 2014 09:19

And for all my wasted time and a lot of money on pills and examinations, only prayers help me. I sit down and read a prayer and it becomes easier for me, I went to church, combed my hair and confessed, I forgave everyone and asked for forgiveness from everyone I once offended, I try to live with love in the heart and kind to everyone, because this sore gives a real chance to change everything in your life in a different direction, and think about it, I think so. Although the feelings and fear remain inside, I think it will pass soon. Good health to everyone.

    circumspect7308 December 27, 2014 23:50

chow197907, I was terribly sick, insomnia did not let me live. I took a Gidazepam tablet a day for more than a month, and then half a tablet for 2 weeks, so that there was no withdrawal. Then I immediately started taking the nootropic Noofen. And then I took another good nootropic for 3 months - Pantogam. The latter really helped, I began to think more constructively, took up physical education, and there is no such panic fear, I try to watch and listen less to any negative information, I listen to calm music like chillout, or melodic trance. Vegetative pandemonium occurs only when you argue with someone, swear, or really hear some negative news, and so, out of the blue, there are no fears. Of course, heartbeats and extrasystoles interfere, my head hurts when the weather changes, but I try to pay less attention, or I’ll drip some hawthorn and drink it)))

I experienced the first symptoms of the condition, subsequently classified as a panic attack, about 20 years ago. In the morning, after a stormy evening, when I came to work, I took about 3 tablets to relieve a headache, then they were called “triple tablets”. After about forty minutes, “waves” began to flow through my body, panic and fear appeared. The condition returned to normal after 6 hours, all this time I drank valerian and sucked validol. After some time, the condition recurred, again after drinking alcohol. I immediately stopped drinking. There were stressful situations and such conditions began to recur more and more often.

Oleg Mikhailovich, first of all, thank you for your site and answers, which help me understand myself, which give me hope. =)

Please answer some questions about my case.

A month ago, while celebrating the end of exams with friends, I overdid it a little =) During this whole event, I heard a click in my head just below the cerebellum, on the left.

Hello. I have the same problem. Since childhood, I have been very suspicious. I was very worried about my health and now I am also worried. In 2005, I divorced my wife and I had a very serious nervous breakdown. Stroke phobia and the same suspiciousness appeared. I went to a psychotherapist. She prescribed Clonazepam and Portal.

I have been suffering from this problem for three years now: when I go to bed, my blood pressure is 120/80. 130/80, I wake up 2-3 hours later - I feel like I have some kind of plague in my head, I get up - my legs are weak, shaky, afraid that something is going to happen to me, the heartbeat is very strong, sometimes I can’t breathe, and such a spasm in the stomach (not painful) that it seems to me that now, excuse me, everything will be “squeezed” out of me. I measure my blood pressure at this time (with all these symptoms), it is 160/80, or 170/80, or 160/100. I go, drink Kapoten, Valocordin, as soon as I take the pill I feel calmer, I sit and wait for the pressure to drop.

In February last year, against the background of chronic lack of sleep (4-5 hours a day), job changes and a very busy schedule, a hypertensive crisis occurred in a new place. WHEN I had a severe headache, I became very scared, I actually panicked, there was a feeling that my vision was getting dark and I was about to lose consciousness, I was saved until the ambulance arrived only by opening the door to the balcony and somehow holding out in the cold. The ambulance doctors measured my blood pressure - 200/100, tachycardia, at first it was hot, and then my hands and feet began to freeze. It was difficult to bring down the pressure.

Dear doctor, I ask you to familiarize yourself with my case and, if possible, suggest something.

Good afternoon, Oleg Mikhailovich! I went to the site, as if for me and just to match my condition. I read a lot of questions and answers, some things suit me, some don’t. Let me give you a little background. 31 years old, parents are the smartest people, dad died of cancer when I was 2 years old. Lived with my mother and sister. Since childhood, I remember being afraid of death and the fear of getting cancer. I grew up as an impressionable, suspicious child. When I was 27, my mother died of cancer. What I experienced and how I survived cannot be conveyed. At that moment I was divorced and had a small child. You could say we were left alone with my sister.

Hello! 4 years ago I was treated at a neurosis clinic for anxiety-depressive disorder. I have not very pronounced anxiety and some kind of incomprehensible state of foggy consciousness, then I measure my blood pressure, it is elevated (130-140/90 at work 110/70), and I become very scared, I swallow pills (phenazepam, mexidol, glycine ) or drops (Corvalol, valerian, motherwort) - whatever comes to hand first, I am shaking very much from fear of a stroke, my fingers are trembling and my upper lip is twitching.

Doctor, please help! I am a frequent visitor to your site, you have given me enough necessary and useful information, my life has already begun to improve, I have significantly reduced the use of tranquilizers and did not seem to feel bad, but the unexpected happened. A good friend of mine (we were in a neurosis clinic together) supported each other over the phone in difficult moments. I have PA, she attempted suicide 4 years ago, she had what she considered to be good reasons, so I called to check on her. and her husband said that she jumped out of the 11th floor window.

What happened with me? I've been very tired over the past month. I want to do an MRI, but 5 thousand is expensive... and what kind of study should be done?... I don’t know... I’m sure that these are symptoms of a stroke, it can develop gradually... and it’s not all the same. My vision has been blurred all day since yesterday evening. I'm afraid to fall, I'm shaking... (((((I’m just dying...I’m in such a panic......(((((I cried all night yesterday..why is there such a punishment in my life?(((I’m suffering unrealistically(((there’s just stiffness or swelling on my face now... the cheekbone presses, you feel sick and your face burns (((((you walk down the street, you feel really faint, multi-colored balls flash before your eyes, you think you’re going to fall and just die..... And all this has been for the last 3 weeks. This has never happened before( (I’ll also add. Before problems with my legs, I squatted. Spontaneously. 40, 30, 50 times. One time I squatted 70 times without warm-up exercises and my legs began to shake, I felt bad, severe nausea. When I pump my abs, nausea also appears. Physical I have no stress at all. I lead a sedentary lifestyle. I don’t take the phone out of my hands for 24 hours, about 10 years. Even at night. In the dark. I read about diseases. I’m a hypochondriac. In life, I’ve been insecure and suspicious since childhood. Stress every day. From the slightest scary sound I start shaking, my pulse quickens, my legs become weak. It’s very hard for me to live. I signed up for a fitness club. But I’m afraid of any physical activity, I’m afraid of displacement in the cervical vertebra, which will lead to a stroke. Nausea appears on the treadmill, pulse is under 200. The slightest symptom and I already go online to read what it is. Help, dear doctors, give advice on what examinations to conduct. Psychologists won't help me. Because cervical osteochondrosis will not resolve with psychotherapy and neither will the symptoms.

I apologize for such a long letter, but I no longer know where to turn for help..

Features of fear of death in VSD

The pathological condition of dystonia is most often a complex of physical and mental symptoms or, in other words, the body’s reaction to negative circumstances.

The provoking factor is a stressful situation that the psyche cannot cope with.

In people suffering from dystonia, neurotic disorders, as signs of the disease, come to the fore. They suffer from sudden panic attacks, a constant state of anxiety, and are too suspicious about any situation.

The fear of death torments patients most of all; they are afraid of getting sick and dying, not waking up, suffocation, and many other things that cause their thoughts to be in a “drunk” state.

For patients with vegetative-vascular dystonia, medications only help relieve negative symptoms, but it is necessary to understand the causes with a psychotherapist. The specialist first of all teaches people how to react correctly to stressful situations and not drive themselves into hysterics.

A mentally healthy person knows how to resist negative thoughts, but a suspicious person, insecure and afraid of everything, can reach the point of insanity if he does not stop panicking in time, and most importantly, fear death.

Thus, a person suffering from dystonia is so susceptible to negative mental activity that overexcitation occurs in the cerebral cortex, which causes a surge of emotions.

Some people are characterized by increased activity and talkativeness, while others are reserved and wary. At the same time, a person listens to every beat of his heart and sees a serious illness in any symptom, which plunges him even more into fear.

The human subconscious initially contains processes that are responsible for the healthy manifestation of instincts, reflexes and emotions

The subconscious can fully control a person’s will and his reaction to circumstances. With its help, consciousness can explain one thing or another that happens in life.

But in a person with the pathology of dystonia, the consciousness is responsible for everything, in which negative images are formed that cause negative emotions. The cerebral cortex becomes so overexcited that it cannot coordinate its activity with the autonomic nervous system, which leads to its dysfunction.

A person is literally immersed in his thoughts, and any disturbance in the body, in his opinion, can lead to death. As a result, the patient exposes himself to the appearance of somatic diseases and concentrates even more on the fear of death.


— short-term psychotherapy for panic attacks, fears, obsessions —

— individual and group psychotherapy for personal growth —

— training for anxiety management and successful communication.

A healthy spine is the key to your performance!

VSD is part of the medical mythology of the post-Soviet space. Do you need to consult a psychotherapist due to concerns that “is it possible that a “Transient cerebrovascular accident” will occur?, a stroke?”

Sincerely, Alexander Yurievich.

Read also: Dementia after stroke

Mobile phone: +38 (066) 194-83-81 +38 (096) 909-87-96 +38 (093) 364-12-75

Viber, WhatsApp and Telegram: +380661948381 SKYPE: internist55 EMAIL: [email protected]

This was not an advertisement, but a signature for my consultation. I don't advertise and don't need it. I don’t invite anyone to an appointment. I have enough work! But if you have any questions, call or Skype!

Do not be shy. I will help with all I can!

In-person consultation is possible for Kharkov residents and those who can come to Kharkov.

Other reasons

Fear of death can be caused not only by anticipation of the unknown, fear of suffering or pain, fear for loved ones, but also by other reasons.

The most common are:

Periods when a person moves from one phase of life to another
  • this is usually called the transitional age period, which is typical for 4–6, 10–12, 17–24 and 35–55 years;
  • fear arises due to the grief of the passing period of life, as if a person does not want to grow up or change, because he does not know what awaits him in the future;
  • The fear of death is considered weakest among older people;
  • for young people, death is a romantic enterprise, so they are most willing to risk their lives;
  • a small child begins to understand the passage of time and the process of loss, so such fear is normal and healthy for him;
  • Sometimes fear arises in a child due to a misunderstanding of ordinary life circumstances.
High levels of anxiety that make you fear death
  • Most often, people who have suffered severe psychological trauma are susceptible to this, because they do not want a repetition of the events;
  • even if life is going well, they will still be afraid of something that could completely destroy everything, because this has already happened once;
  • they are afraid of new misfortunes, the most striking of which is death.
Crisis of religious beliefs
  • most people find meaning in their existence through faith in God;
  • but when beliefs are doubted by other arguments, the collapse of faith first of all causes the fear of death, which can lead to what was previously imagined by others.
Loss of position in society, financial well-being and health
  • most often this comes after 40 years, when people begin to feel their age, are afraid of losing their job or changing something in life;
  • At this time, a person thinks more about passing youth, lost health and impending old age, which ultimately leads to fear of death.

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