Chronic fatigue: illness or whim?

What is chronic fatigue syndrome

To reliably understand whether a person has CFS or not, it is necessary to determine the duration of symptoms. Chronic fatigue does not start suddenly and does not go away on its own. This is a pathological process in the autonomic nervous system, lasting at least six months. We can talk about it when even a long and complete rest does not bring relief. The main thing is that chronic fatigue syndrome is not an independent disease, but a consequence of which benign myalgic encephalomyelitis develops. But don't be afraid of this scary name. It means that there is inflammation in the spinal cord and brain, which does not pose a mortal threat to life, but has a negative effect on the autonomic nervous system. The disease is not directly related to psychiatry, depression, or psychology, although it is connected. Often people tend to attribute their fatigue and depression to them. The root cause is still not in them.

Causes of chronic fatigue

The main reason why a person develops chronic fatigue syndrome is herpes viruses. Penetrating into a person, they settle and conduct their life activities exactly on the nerve cells. There they simply become inaccessible to drugs, so they say they are incurable. Viruses of the herpetic type always live in humans, “showing their heads” under favorable conditions. Epstein-Barr herpesviruses are considered the most dangerous; cytomegalovirus.

In addition to these viruses, enteroviruses, including Coxsackie viruses, contribute to the development of CFS; herpes virus type 6; retroviruses. The fact is that the syndrome develops against a background of tense and low immunity. Any severe illness, viruses, or prolonged use of antibiotics can cause a serious blow to the immune system. Against the backdrop of a decline, the road to chronic fatigue opens.

Another equally significant reason is vitamin deficiency. Have you ever wondered why one day it comes? What is happening globally in the body, that our vitamin reserves are depleted and how to understand that they need to be replenished. In fact, vitamins are not retained in the body! They do not have a savings function. Under ideal conditions, which never happens, vitamins regularly enter the body and ensure the smooth functioning of organs and systems: good mood, healthy nerves, smooth intestines and everything else. But the modern pace and standard of living, regular stress, poor-quality nutrition, uncontrolled consumption of pharmaceuticals and a minimum of sports create a constant deficiency of vitamins. B vitamins are of particular importance for the nervous system. It is the lack of these vitamins that can provoke fatigue and cause outbreaks of aggression.

When a person finds himself in a stressful situation or in conditions of increased mental stress, the body begins to consume B vitamins five times faster, vitamin B1 ten times faster!!!

But the point is not only in the amount of vitamins supplied, the point is how well they are absorbed. So, of 100% vitamins, due to disorders in the digestive system, only 10% of the daily requirement can be absorbed, or even not absorbed at all.

Oddly enough, chronic fatigue syndrome can occur both with increased physical activity and with a sedentary lifestyle. It would seem that when we move little, have a sedentary job or don’t go to the gym, we should have more time and energy for something else. But, in fact, muscle activity stimulates the production of endorphins. When there are not enough of them, a person tries, at the physiological level, to replace his own endorphins with artificial ones. Therefore, a mug of coffee and a chocolate bar on the desk of such people is a regular thing. Sugar quickly becomes addictive, and due to lack of exercise and regular snacks, excess weight increases. This closes a vicious circle in which you no longer want to move, even when the opportunity to move appears. In such conditions, chronic fatigue and apathy take root very quickly.

Chronic fatigue syndrome can also develop due to an unhealthy gut. This happens when it is captured by pathogenic microflora. This is caused by infections, bacteria, violations of culture and diet, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, use of antibiotics, and allergies. Broken intestinal cells are not able to synthesize some vitamins and are not able to fully absorb nutrients and minerals that a person needs, including for vigor and good mood.

Symptoms of chronic fatigue

It is difficult to diagnose CFS by eye. It can be attributed to developing depression, vitamin deficiency, and vegetative-vascular dystonia. However, there are ways to reliably understand that we are faced with CFS - lack of L-carnitine, lack of magnesium, lack of antioxidants. Magnesium plays a leading role in the production and consumption of energy in the body; with its chronic deficiency, fatigue, lethargy and loss of strength occur.

If we consider fatigue as a physiological process, then it is felt when the energy reserve of the cell is exhausted. Mitochondria are responsible for the synthesis of energy (ATP) specifically in the cell due to the oxidation of fatty acids and glucose. But, energy deficiency occurs not due to a lack of ATP, but due to a decrease in mitochondrial throughput. Thus, the effectiveness of mitochondria in producing ATP and supplying it to cells is determined by the presence of fatty acids, for the supply of which L-carnitine is responsible. With its deficiency, the oxidation process slows down, thereby reducing ATP synthesis.

There are other reasons, together which can be used to judge the presence of chronic fatigue syndrome:

  • Sleep disturbances and frequent awakenings at night
  • Feeling tired and drowsy
  • Difficulty concentrating and completing work tasks
  • Muscle weakness, joint and muscle pain
  • Constipation, bloating, intestinal disorders,
  • Recent colds, frequent colds, infections, candidiasis, herpes
  • Frequent headaches, changes in blood pressure
  • Bad mood and mood swings, aggression, apathy
  • Changes in the structure of the skin - peeling, redness, itching, brittle nails, dry cuticles, lifeless hair,
  • Weight fluctuations and rapid fatigue even with minor physical exertion.

Before diagnosing yourself with chronic fatigue syndrome, consult a specialist, because improper treatment can aggravate the situation.

What to do if cells do not have enough nutrition

Normally, cells work like this: glucose, amino acids, fatty acids and other nutrients enter their energy block (mitochondrion) from the blood. Mitochondria are real little ovens: they burn (oxidize with oxygen) incoming food into carbon dioxide and water, and in the process receive energy - the same energy that gives the cell the ability to function, and the body as a whole to breathe, move, and think. But it happens that there is food in the blood, but it cannot get into the cell. And starving cells, organs and tissues manifest themselves as chronic fatigue.

What's happening

The reason may be, for example, insulin resistance Signs of Insulin Resistance. The hormone insulin is a kind of butler, informing the cells that food is served. To receive this information, cells have special connectors - receptors. Insulin connects to such a receptor (like a flash drive with a USB port), sends a signal: “Food!” - and the cell turns on mechanisms for pumping nutrients inside. This is normal.

If for some reason the connector has rusted (becomes resistant), insulin simply cannot reach the connector. There is more and more of it in the blood, unclaimed glucose and fatty acids are stored in the form of excess adipose tissue - in general, type 2 diabetes begins to develop. And the cell remains hungry and feels more and more tired.

Another option: everything is fine with insulin resistance, the cell sees food, but cannot pump it into itself. Because the permeability of Membrane transport membranes through which food enters has decreased. Membrane permeability worsen Mitochondrial Disease:

  1. Viral infections.
  2. Dehydration and/or prolonged fasting.
  3. Extreme heat or frost.
  4. Paracetamol.
  5. Some antidepressants.
  6. Dishes with MSG (almost all processed foods found on supermarket shelves).
  7. Cigarette smoke.

How to deal with it

Take a biochemical blood test, checking glucose tolerance and a number of indicators that record the state of energy metabolism (in particular, creatine kinase and its fractions). Discuss the results with your therapist.

Minimize harmful factors: stop an excessively strict diet for a while, adjust your water regime, stop drinking alcohol, quit smoking. Stop taking paracetamol. It is better to take ibuprofen instead: it is safer than IBUPROFEN VS PARACETAMOL).

How to get rid of chronic fatigue:

If you are truly committed to resolving what is bothering you, you are already halfway to recovery.

  1. Globally, it is important to improve your internal psychological microclimate. This is greatly facilitated by self-education and the ability to clearly plan your life. Your internal state is the most important step towards getting rid of chronic fatigue.
  2. First of all, start living consciously. Realize that your life and your health belong only to you, and not to work, children, loved ones, strangers in a long line. This means that it is important to learn to set priorities, be able to say no, and get rid of unnecessary empty worries about the future or, especially, the past.
  3. Keep your immune system under control. Monitor your intestinal health and maintain proper microflora, perform at least a minimum of physical activity, and maintain hygiene.
  4. A mandatory course of vitamin complexes twice a year - in spring and autumn. Just at a time when the lack of vitamins is especially acute.
  5. Regulating sleep is also a very important lever in getting rid of chronic fatigue. If, while reading this paragraph, you encounter internal resistance and think about how you can get enough sleep if there are seven people at home, homework, homework, worries, household chores, stop. Start optimizing your own resources and life in general. Pay attention to how much time you waste, how much time you spend on social networks and how much time your loved ones would help you save if there were no imposed roles in the family and there was mutual understanding. If this is a problem, re-read points 1 and 2 carefully.
  6. Pay attention to the language of the body - if something hurts or bothers you, this is a signal that it’s time to take care of your health. But the typical mistake of many is that we begin to repair our poor health on our own, uncontrollably using those medications that we do not need at all and causing greater harm to ourselves. Contact specialists. If you don't have time, carefully re-read the previous paragraph and optimize your time.
  7. Take sedatives and adaptogens when you really need them. Indeed, in some cases they only eliminate the side effect (and not always) of hormonal disorders, and are indirectly related to CFS. Then it makes sense to treat the true source of problems with nerves or lethargy - the thyroid gland.

Moral fatigue

...Or, in other words, fatigue on an emotional level. This is exactly the state when people say: “I'm so tired of everything!” Such fatigue leads to melancholy, apathy and dissatisfaction with oneself. Due to emotional fatigue, productivity decreases out of the blue and the desire to lie under the covers increases, so that no one will touch you. But, of course, this is not an option. This is a way to only worsen your depressed state. What is needed in such cases is positive emotions. Try to slow down the pace of your life, please yourself and understand that you are going through a difficult period. Help yourself the way you would help a good friend in a similar situation: take you for a walk, gather some company, offer yourself a trip or the opportunity to do something good and enjoyable. Pamper yourself, encourage yourself and don't be too hard on yourself. If this does not help, seek help from a specialist psychologist.

Overwork in children

This dangerous condition leads to health problems. Overwork is most often preceded by severe fatigue. Causes:

  • Infants: violation of the daily routine, problems with breastfeeding;
  • preschoolers: stressful situations, dysfunctional family environment, excessive attempts by parents to develop their children in every possible way, to raise geniuses;
  • younger schoolchildren: physical and mental stress, overload with lessons, short sleep at night;
  • older schoolchildren: hormonal changes, high intellectual load, conflicts with peers.

The first symptoms of overwork in children are not pronounced, which complicates the diagnosis. Please pay attention to:

  • moodiness/tearfulness for no apparent reason;
  • restless sleep, screams in sleep, erratic swinging of legs and arms;
  • impaired concentration during activities or games.

There are three stages of overfatigue in children (classification according to S.L. Kosilov):

Interest in the materialLively interest, children ask questionsWeak. Children do not ask clarifying questions Apathy, complete lack of interest
AttentionRarely distractedScattered. Children are often distracted Weak. No reaction to new material
PoseFickle. Characterized by stretching of the legs and straightening of the torso Children often change positions, turn their head to the sides, prop it up with their handsChildren constantly want to stretch out and lean back in their chair.
MovementsAccurateSlow, unsureFussy, impaired fine motor skills, handwriting

In addition to the above, common signs of fatigue are characteristic: insomnia, daytime sleepiness, poor appetite, irritability, moodiness, unreasonable fears, weakness and headaches. Children lose interest in learning and fall behind. Psycho-emotional disorders are often associated: unpleasant facial expressions, antics, mimicking others, aggression. Obvious symptoms of overwork in teenagers: they begin to snap, become rude, and ignore the comments and requests of adults.


There are no laboratory testing methods to diagnose chronic fatigue syndrome. It is detected by ruling out other diseases that may have the same symptoms.

Two criteria are taken into account during diagnosis. The diagnosis is made based on the patients' medical history, comparing similar symptoms. For example, chronic fatigue and fatigue are observed in many diseases. And chronic fatigue syndrome can cause fever, shortness of breath, abdominal and chest pain, depression and anxiety that do not fit into other illnesses.

Disease prevention

To protect yourself from chronic fatigue syndrome, follow these recommendations:

  1. Organize the correct daily routine.
  2. Take time to exercise during breaks while working.
  3. Visit gyms or fitness clubs, swimming pools.
  4. Take walks in the fresh air.
  5. Stop drinking alcohol and smoking forever.
  6. Balance your diet by including vegetables and fruits, herbs, and limit salty and fatty foods.
  7. Learn relaxation techniques to help you unwind, meditation and yoga are of great benefit.

Thus, chronic fatigue syndrome is a mysterious disease that has become widespread in the modern world. Men are especially susceptible to it. If you take preventive measures and receive proper treatment in a timely manner, you can get rid of this insidious disease.

A common symptom is fatigue, and andropause in men, which occurs as a result of a combination of many other symptoms of hormonal imbalance. Fatigue is a condition in which you feel weak or worn out for a long period of time. You often experience deterioration in your performance at work, or on a daily basis you have to put in more and more effort than usual to achieve a goal.

What causes fatigue in men?

Testosterone plays an important role in energy production. During andropause, decreased testosterone levels are the main cause of insomnia and this contributes to fatigue in men. In addition to decreased testosterone and sleep disturbances, men may also experience symptoms such as night sweats, depression, irritability, weight gain and stress.

In men, night sweats with fatigue, in addition to insomnia and weakness, occur because it is very difficult for them to relax and fully rest at night, that is, to get enough sleep. Waking up in the middle of the night for an extended period of time can lead to sleep deprivation and ultimately fatigue.

  1. Irritability and depression are two very common symptoms of andropause and are quite emotionally destructive, with the consequence of feeling tired and exhausted.
  2. Significant weight gain and loss of muscle mass lead men to experience feelings of weakness and fatigue.
  3. Stress and high cortisol levels lead men to become tired, overwhelmed and frustrated, which in turn affects energy levels.
  4. An unbalanced diet can also lead to rapid loss of energy in the body.
  5. While carrying out the most tiring activity for a man leads to fatigue, but often playing sports often energizes. Although, excessive physical activity can lead to severe fatigue and worsen his well-being.
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