How to overcome drowsiness and constant fatigue

Causes and “risk group”

Considered a common phenomenon, loss of strength can manifest itself in any season of the year, although experts note the greatest decline in activity in the winter, at the end of autumn and in the first weeks of spring.

A seasonal decline in energy is often triggered by fatigue accumulated over the year, depletion of the body's strength under the influence of weather and changing seasons.

This condition can affect anyone. Loss of strength is observed during pregnancy, in children and adolescents, and in completely healthy adults. However, against the backdrop of the overwhelming majority of humanity, those who are able to face a lack of energy and a decline in performance more often than others can be identified as a separate “risk group”.

A sharp decline in strength may occur from time to time in the following groups:

  • older people, especially those deprived of the opportunity to do household chores, as well as those who do not have any hobbies; Often in this case, loss of strength is adjacent to sluggish depression, and can be noted at the moments of retirement, when the “meaning of life” contained in work is lost, and contacts with the outside world and other people are reduced;
  • teenagers; in this case, the state of fatigue often develops against the background of restructuring and maturation of the body;
  • loss of strength in a child under the age of 13 also occurs; the “risk group” includes children susceptible to the development of asthenic or apatho-abulic syndrome, who have a weak immune system or are in unfavorable conditions when the “climate” within the family or in a kindergarten or school disturbed;
  • people with certain character traits and personality types; workaholics, perfectionists, infantile people, choleric and melancholic people may more often experience “internal burnout”; low level of stress resistance also affects;
  • people forced to do unloved, but stressful or, on the contrary, monotonous work, deprived of the opportunity to rest and take a break from work.

Before you rush in search of miracle drugs that will help you cheer up, and look for options on what to do with such a lethargic state, you need to take into account that getting rid of the loss of strength is possible only by eliminating the root cause.

And among the many different reasons that can cause “internal burnout,” the main reasons stand out, often provoking weakness and indifference.

Causes and factors of the condition

1. Physiological:

  • hormonal imbalance or changes in hormonal levels, which is why there is often a loss of strength during pregnancy;
  • internal diseases of congenital, acquired and chronic type: anemia, pathologies in the endocrine system, disturbances in the functioning of the brain, a weakened state often occurs after influenza and other viral diseases, poisoning;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia and problems with the nervous system (exhaustion) also provoke the occurrence of an unpleasant condition;
  • influence of drugs;
  • weak immune system.

2. Psychological:

  • individual character traits and personal characteristics;
  • an internal conflict between the conscious and the unconscious, which arises due to the fact that a person has to do in life something completely different from what he would like;
  • tendency to borderline states, for example, low-grade depression;
  • in childhood, such a condition may be a symptom of autism, mental retardation or childhood schizophrenia;
  • excessive and prolonged negative impact on the emotional sphere, overexertion, severe and prolonged stress

3. Conditionally general:

  • violation of the daily routine, prolonged lack of sleep or sleep at the wrong time, provoke the development of a state of loss of strength; This can be especially pronounced in an elderly person due to insomnia and a malfunction of the biological clock due to old age;
  • poor nutrition, malnutrition;
  • low fluid intake during the day provokes not only dehydration, but also causes a sharp decrease in energy;
  • lack of oxygen and lack of movement and activity;
  • irregular working hours, lasting more than 12 hours, without regular breaks and days off, vacation;
  • serious emotional and physical stress;
  • a child may often experience a loss of strength due to a lack of important vitamins, elements and substances in the body; This is especially noticeable with a lack of vitamin D, B12 and other vitamins of this group, C and E;
  • Excessive consumption of tonic drinks and various nervous system stimulants leads to loss of strength after prolonged activity.

There can be a lot of root causes that cause “burnout” not only after illness. It is necessary to understand that in a situation where there is a suspicion that an unpleasant condition is caused by somatic problems, you should consult a doctor. Otherwise, the lack of treatment for the underlying disease will not allow the body to return to tone, and it will be useless to strengthen the immune system by taking vitamins in case of a noticeable and prolonged loss of strength.

Bottom line

For convenience, the table briefly summarizes the causes and options for eliminating problems such as drowsiness and constant fatigue. But remember that these are just recommendations, and the help of a doctor is desirable, and in some cases necessary. In any case, a very healthy lifestyle and conditioning of the body are very important for eliminating these unpleasant symptoms.

Causes of increased fatigue and drowsinessSolutions
Frequent lack of oxygen in the inhaled air (lack of oxygen for the brain).Ventilation of office and apartment premises. Be outdoors more often.
Weather influence:
  • low atmospheric pressure (during cloudy weather);
  • psychological impact (rain, greyness).
Changes in lifestyle (sports, nutrition, dousing), try to cheer yourself up and minimize monotonous, boring work at this time.
Magnetic stormsHardening the body, combating symptoms (you can drink coffee in moderation if you don’t have a headache or increased irritability), walks in the fresh air during storms.
Place of residence (cities with polluted environment)If possible, change your place of residence to a more environmentally friendly one. Installation of air purification devices or air conditioners with this function, sealed windows.
Bad habitsQuitting or minimizing the habits themselves and adopting a healthy lifestyle.
Lack of vitamins and microelements, hormonal disorders (what vitamins to take if you are tired and drowsy)Reviewing the diet for the presence of foods containing vitamin B6, vitamin rutin, pantothenic acid, Vitamin D, iodine. Drink a vitamin-mineral complex for prevention with ginseng extract. In the summer, it is better to normalize the shortage of natural products.
Hormonal disorders (hormonal imbalances)Reviewing the diet for the presence of foods containing vitamin B6, vitamin rutin, pantothenic acid, Vitamin D, iodine. Consult a doctor to determine the cause of the disorder and methods of treatment.
Chronic fatigue syndromeFrequent visits to the doctor are advisable. Normalization of rest and physical activity, treatment of chronic diseases, proper diet and only healthy eating, drinking a complex of multivitamins and minerals. Other methods of treatment are only through a doctor.
Vegetovascular dystonia (VSD)Move more, strengthen the body, special breathing techniques, yoga. Try through doctors to establish the cause of VSD and eliminate it.
Thyroid disordersTesting for antibodies to thyroid peroxidase and TSH level, ultrasound. If there is a disease, hormonal medications are usually prescribed, which returns life to normal.
Other diseasesIf there are no obvious reasons, then consult a doctor and get tested.

And you shouldn’t try to fight fatigue and drowsiness with coffee or energy drinks. One cup of coffee will not particularly harm your health, but caffeine provides energy at the expense of the body’s internal resources, depleting them. And when its effect ends, the feeling of drowsiness and fatigue will only intensify. Read more about the dangers of coffee and its alternatives in the article: Coffee: to drink or not to drink? What is an alternative to coffee?

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How does loss of strength manifest itself?

Regardless of what the root cause is at the basis of a negative state that causes personal discomfort, provoking various kinds of problems with work and the environment, the symptoms of an exhausted state will be almost identical.

If a group of symptoms appears for one or two days, then there is no point in sounding the alarm; it is enough to give yourself a rest. But when you can’t quickly restore strength, you need to think about auxiliary ways to combat “internal burnout.” Seeking help from medical professionals, in particular a psychotherapist, as well as a psychologist, can make it easier to deal with prolonged loss of strength.

Symptoms and main manifestations of a negative state

  1. Lethargy, constant drowsiness at any time of the day and even after a long and sound sleep. By the way, read the article about how much sleep you need to get enough sleep.
  2. Dizziness, headache and general physical malaise.
  3. Unreasonable nausea and lack of appetite, which can also manifest themselves in situations where there is a loss of strength during pregnancy.
  4. Changes in blood pressure. Most often, with internal exhaustion, symptoms of hypotension are observed.
  5. Noise in the ears, dots and flickering before the eyes, a feeling of pressure behind the ears.
  6. Impaired coordination of movements. For example, when a child has a loss of strength, problems with fine motor skills are clearly visible.
  7. During the day there is very low performance. A person cannot pull himself together, concentrate even on simple things, and makes many mistakes amid general lethargy.
  8. Memory deterioration, loss of attention and lack of volitional manifestations. There is a loss of strength that manifests itself over a long period of time and can easily be confused with the development of mental illnesses of various types.
  9. Phantom painful sensations in the body, difficulty breathing for no apparent reason, tremors.
  10. Body temperature may change throughout the day. However, “internal burnout” is often characterized by a persistently low temperature, regardless of physical activity.
  11. Various emotional manifestations that in normal times may be uncharacteristic for a person: increased aggressiveness or anxiety, apathy, a dull and gloomy mood, close to tears and a feeling of helplessness, a feeling of hopelessness and lack of joy even from pleasant things or events, irritability and short temper at the slightest about and so on.
  12. Loss of all interest in life, life problems or events, reluctance to engage in usual activities, creativity. Often, all a person’s desires are concentrated on one thing: lying down and watching TV, sleeping, wasting time on the Internet, sitting by the window, and so on.
  13. Persistent weakness, as after an illness, which cannot be eliminated by any publicly available means.

The feeling of “internal burnout” cannot be ignored. And it is useless to wait for the state of loss of strength to go away on its own. To eliminate it, it is necessary to take at least general corrective actions if there is no desire to seek help from various types of medications.

What to do: general recommendations

  • Change your diet.
    Add more fresh vegetables, berries, herbs, and fruits to your food so that the food is rich in vitamins and essential microelements. Avoid chocolate, sweets, and tonic drinks (black tea, coffee, energy drinks) for a while. Caffeine-based stimulants will not help invigorate the exhausted nervous system, but can provoke nightmares, inability to fall asleep and subsequent deterioration of the condition.
  • Increase your water intake throughout the day.
    Interesting article on the topic: Is it possible to wash down food with water?
  • Spend time in the fresh air more often
    , go for short evening walks.
  • Normalize your daily routine
    , try to go to bed and get up at the same time. It is important to give the body the opportunity to recover, so you should not exclude rest from your schedule, as well as shorten your sleep time. For older people, as well as for small children, it is necessary to take a break during the day (take a nap for 30-40 minutes).
  • Incorporate aromatherapy, relaxation and music therapy options into your life.
    Warm baths with essential oils, incense, relaxing music, and massage will help relieve physical stress and add strength.
  • Try to move more.
    It is physical activity that has a positive effect on the state of vigor and increased performance. It relieves apathy syndrome, helps to “disperse” the blood in the body and tone the entire body.
  • In case of loss of strength and possible vitamin deficiency, it is necessary to take additional courses of vitamin and mineral complexes
  • Add more bright colors and light to life.
  • A temporary change of place of residence
    or even a slight change in the route from home to office can have a beneficial effect on your emotional state.
  • It is worth adding more positive emotions, communication with pleasant and interesting people, and creativity into every day
    , while limiting the time spent behind a computer monitor or in front of the TV.
  • Yoga
    also helps restore strength to the body.
    Breathing exercises and restorative practices
    also have a beneficial effect .
  • Strengthening the nervous system
    , attending special psychological trainings and seminars, for example, to increase stress resistance, can be extremely necessary in a state of loss of strength.
  • Changing jobs or making changes to your usual daily work plan
    sometimes allows you to quickly get rid of the unpleasant state of lack of energy and all sorts of desires.

If such emergency measures do not give any visible results in the fight against “internal burnout,” then you should turn to advice from traditional medicine.

Remedies against chronic fatigue

In many cases, exhaustion and asthenia appear due to stress, lack of sleep, poor diet and other lifestyle factors.

Let's see how we can solve them:

  • 5-6 meals a day instead of 2-3 “classic” - this will help maintain a constant level of energy and avoid drowsiness.
  • Moderate physical activity, practiced regularly, helps maintain a healthy body and reduce fatigue while increasing energy levels.
  • Losing weight allows the body to expend less energy for the same amount of activity (this applies primarily to everyday activities such as walking, climbing stairs, or even just standing).
  • Improve your sleep quality and get enough hours of sleep (at least 7-8 hours for an adult).
  • Reduce stress.
  • Reduce your caffeine and alcohol intake to improve your night's rest.
  • Drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day (in some cases, fatigue is associated with mild dehydration).
  • Take daily, regular walks in the sun and open air; Sun exposure stimulates the body's production of hormones and regulates circadian rhythms, helping the body to be alert and active throughout the day.

How to treat loss of strength and is it worth it?

Loss of strength cannot be called a separate disease. It can manifest itself as a consequence of a long-term negative effect on the nervous system or be one of the symptoms of a physiological or mental disease. However, there are some medications that can help combat this disease.

In some situations, when a person’s condition is too severe, the doctor may prescribe a course of medicinal stimulants and antidepressants. It is not recommended to choose medications on your own.

Home treatment with available folk remedies is the use of infusions or decoctions of any berries or herbs throughout the day. The duration of receptions should not exceed 2 weeks, after which a short break should be taken. And any treatment using traditional methods should still be combined with a general correction of life.

Some folk remedies can greatly increase arterial and venous pressure and are therefore contraindicated for hypertensive patients. It is permissible to combine natural preparations with pharmacological products only after consultation with your doctor.

What will help tone the body: folk remedies

  1. Therapy with aromatic oils of cedar, citrus fruits and ginger. It is enough to mix these components in equal proportions and add to the aroma lamp. It is recommended to do this in the morning, as these oils significantly tone and stimulate the nervous system. Basil oil and geranium oil also stimulate.
  2. Twice a day, 40 minutes before meals, drink 50 ml of white wine with the addition of rosemary tincture.
  3. Taking one spoonful of ginseng or rosehip tincture three times a day awakens the body's internal strength.
  4. Teas and infusions with ginger, lemon and honey tone and strengthen the body.
  5. Green tea is a good “awakening” remedy.
  6. Bee pollen mixed with honey. It should be eaten in a small spoon in the morning, washed down with clean water at room temperature if necessary.
  7. Almond tincture in the morning will help you recover from a long illness and increase your energy. Nuts soaked for 12 hours must be poured with milk with ginger, sugar and cardamom diluted in it.
  8. Black currants and raspberries perfectly “awaken” the body. During times of loss of energy, you can consume jam, fresh berries, and drink teas with the leaves of these plants.
  9. A mixture of lemon juice, aloe and honey, taken a small spoon in the morning, will help restore strength.
  10. Additional remedies that help fight loss of strength and weakness are infusions of the following products: oats, St. John's wort, potatoes and carrots, celery, Icelandic moss, parsnips, dried fruits, walnuts.

What is a breakdown and what to do if you experience a breakdown?

Any person from time to time experiences a feeling of fatigue, which, after quality and complete rest, usually goes away on its own.

But often this condition drags on for quite a long period.

And if at the same time there is apathy, a lack of desire to do anything, then this may already be one of the sure signs that you have a real breakdown.

What to do when you feel a lack of energy: the most IMPORTANT STEP - First of all, you need to find out the reasons.

Causes and symptoms of why a person experiences a loss of strength?

WHY does your body suffer?


Loss of strength (not to be confused with ordinary, temporary fatigue!) is an exclusively pathological condition that is completely NOT characteristic of our body!

After finding out the reasons, it is necessary to act, starting from the information that is obtained after such a “research”.

You can be sure that the problem of loss of strength and lack of energy can be solved quite easily!

A little patience, a little persistence, a competent and consistent approach to this issue - and that’s it, the job will be done!

Moreover, you can do the BASIC part of this “work” yourself, at home, because all the tips from this article are practical and quite easy to apply!

Important symptoms of rapid physical fatigue.

As a rule, a constant loss of strength manifests itself:

  1. too much and very rapid fatigue,
  2. continuous drowsiness and lethargy,
  3. There is often dizziness and headache,
  4. impairment of attention, memory and ability to quickly mobilize and concentrate,
  5. you may have a low body temperature (sometimes, on the contrary, increased),
  6. an increase in blood pressure for unknown reasons, or vice versa, a persistent decrease in pressure,
  7. “jumps” in blood pressure,
  8. as a rule, a person looks pale, tired, haggard,
  9. frequent attacks of nausea,
  10. digestion is sluggish, appetite may be reduced or practically absent,
  11. sleep is usually disturbed, restless, frequent awakenings at night, insomnia,
  12. in the morning the state is as if you had not rested at all,
  13. muscles are flabby, weak, there is no strength even for minor physical work,
  14. the psychological state is close to quite pronounced apathy, often even depressive and tearful, especially in women,
  15. increased nervousness and irritability, frequent conflicts with others and loved ones,
  16. frequent attacks of incomprehensible sweating, which are accompanied by rapid heartbeat and anxiety,
  17. frequent thoughts of hopelessness,
  18. lack of Joy of Life.

You should know it!

Symptoms of loss of strength, as a rule, never exist “alone.” They always come in certain combinations. And often this list is quite long...

There are different reasons for loss of strength!

In medicine, it is customary to divide the causes of chronic fatigue into three categories:

  1. physiological reasons,
  2. psychological reasons,
  3. seasonal causes of loss of strength.

This classification is officially recognized in medical circles as the main one.

Physiological reasons:

  • diseases of viral, bacterial, fungal origin,
  • chronic lack of sleep,
  • weak immunity,
  • hormonal disorders in the body,
  • bad habits (smoking, alcohol, frequent use of stimulants like coffee),
  • unhealthy diet,
  • long-term fasting for several days,
  • regularly “sitting” on all kinds of diets in order to lose weight,
  • rare exposure to open sun,
  • too intense and frequent physical activity,
  • lack of physical activity or very little movement during the day,
  • not drinking enough clean water per day,
  • lack of clean air,
  • any diseases of internal organs,
  • poor, sluggish functioning of the digestive system,
  • frequent use of ANY pharmaceutical medications.

Psychological reasons:

  • frequent stress,
  • moral exhaustion,
  • constant pawn, vanity, life in a state of “force majeure”,
  • constant psychological worries with or without cause (anxious type of character).

Seasonal reasons:

  • vitamin deficiency, hypovitaminosis,
  • change of seasons,
  • changes in weather conditions,
  • changes in atmospheric pressure,
  • frequent weather changes during the day.

Should I see a doctor if I have symptoms of low energy?

The answer will be unequivocal - MANDATORY!

What is it for? In order for the doctor to help you establish the EXACT causes of your constant malaise and loss of strength. Especially if you suffer from any diseases! In this case, any “amateur activity” can only complicate your situation!!!

You may think that you yourself can do a great job of identifying the reasons...

The problem here is that, for example, you may think that you have chronic fatigue from constant lack of sleep and insomnia. This is the reason! But it may turn out that insomnia is already a CONSEQUENCE of some problems in the body that you don’t even suspect!!!

And the doctor will help you “dig deeper” and figure out WHY, for example, you have insomnia?

You shouldn’t waste time, it’s better to approach the issue “comprehensively”, from two sides: help yourself and consult with a professional, get tested and undergo prescribed examinations, this will only help you deal with the problem FASTER!

The most important thing is calm and only calm! Don’t panic, everything can be solved, the situation CAN be corrected, even if the medical examination turned out to be not reassuring!

Get treatment according to the doctor’s advice, but you shouldn’t “put all the responsibility for your health and energy level on medical care!”

ONLY YOU YOURSELF are responsible for many moments that determine your energy level!!!

Useful video

You can familiarize yourself with a simple but effective technique that will help restore vitality quickly in the video below:

Loss of energy is an unpleasant condition that you always want to get rid of as quickly as possible. By identifying exactly the root cause that provokes this condition, eliminating it and adjusting your life, you can forever forget about the unpleasant symptoms of “internal burnout.”

Read the continuation of the article:

Chronic fatigue syndrome - what to do about it and how to avoid it?

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