Fatigue, asthenia and depression: differences in symptoms

Depression and chronic fatigue syndrome are two symptoms that can make anyone feel extremely tired, even after a full night of rest.

It is possible for both symptoms to occur at the same time.

To a greater extent, signs of depression and chronic fatigue are characteristic of the female half of humanity.

Depression can occur when a person feels sad, worries for no reason, or feels hopeless about what is happening for a long period of time.

People who are chronically depressed have sleep problems, which can come in two very different forms: sleeping too much or not sleeping at all.

Various etiologies

There are several theories about this. The first is psychological overload, when some people have to live and work under conditions of high emotional stress. Problems in personal life, constant lack of sleep, conflictual relationships, rush jobs at work can provoke stress, which can cause a feeling of apathy, indifference, fatigue and general dissatisfaction with life. The reason for this syndrome is a person’s excessive responsibility and hard work.

How responsible are you? Do you take on someone else's responsibility, placing extra responsibilities on yourself? Do you always try to meet high standards at work and in your family? Are you a fanatical workaholic?

Typically, many women take on the main burden of responsibility for the family, solving many problems of financial support, raising children and household life. In addition, the woman still works and strives to make a career. With such a load, health can fail in any traumatic situation. It is impossible to carry everything on yourself and still remain healthy.

Secondly, fatigue occurs against the background of the development of neurosis of the regulatory centers of the autonomic nervous system. If a person experiences an accumulation of negative emotions at work for years without appropriate release, then professional burnout occurs. Not only emotional but also personal resources are depleted. Often, a depressed state turns into depression.

In such cases, people note the presence of symptoms such as emotional exhaustion, indifference to work, constant fatigue and drowsiness. They do not even have the strength to react normally when communicating with others. Those who have fallen into a state of chronic stress suffer from headaches, insomnia at night and drowsiness during the day.

A person loses interest in life, becomes indifferent to everything and irritable over little things. A pessimistic mood, negative thoughts, a feeling that something bad will happen depress him so much that he wants to hide, to get away from everyone. It’s hard to say what comes first, fatigue or depression. Perhaps apathy arises from depression or is a tributary flowing into it.

Thirdly, another unexpected reason has recently appeared - infectious. English scientists studied patients with CFS, who indicated that the condition appeared after suffering a severe cold with a viral infection. The syndrome is an unusual reaction of the immune system in response to infection. One way or another, the presence of a latent infection in the body greatly depletes its strength. In such a situation, not only psychological help is required, but also drug treatment.

There are many uncertainties in the clinical picture of chronic fatigue and depression. Rather, they talk about the complex origin of the syndrome, which has both a viral and mental basis. But, if chronic fatigue syndrome is related to depression, it is necessary to recognize that this is a disease!

It does not do without symptoms such as headache, memory loss, nausea, muscle pain and more. Doctors are more inclined to believe that there is inflammation and disruption of the immune system associated with hormonal imbalances. Therefore, the disease is more common in women and sometimes develops into various forms of lymphatic tissue cancer.

Why depression occurs

Mental illness occurs regardless of a person’s social status, income level and age. Deterioration in health develops over the years unnoticed by the patient and those close to him or breaks out suddenly. Internal discomfort is attributed to the imperfections of society or the subtle organization of one’s personality. The very word “psychiatrist” is so frightening that only unbearable psychological and physical suffering forces one to consult a specialist.

The World Health Organization (WHO) notes that more than 350 million people worldwide suffer from depression, and the phenomenon is becoming an epidemic. People lose their ability to work, often leading to disability.

Endogenous causes

In 2-3% of humanity, depression occurs for no apparent reason, due to health disorders and genetic predisposition. The exchange of neurotransmitters in the brain is disrupted, and as a result, the processes of excitation and inhibition fail. The likelihood of becoming mentally ill is higher in people with physiological disorders accompanying diseases of the central nervous system (CNS), as well as in those who have relatives who suffer or have suffered from mental disorders. Symptoms of endogenous depression include chronic fatigue

when a person gets up in the morning exhausted and not rested,
depressed mood
, especially in the autumn-spring period. An indicative feature of the endogenous cause of the disease is the fact that a person feels bad in the morning and during the day, and gets better in the evening.

Under no circumstances should you self-medicate or take antidepressants uncontrollably! Only a doctor can prescribe complex treatment. The sympathetic attitude of loved ones and a positive emotional background are also important.

Reactive reasons

Reactive, that is, arising as a reaction to some psychogenic factor, depression is associated with mental or physical trauma

. The trigger is strong resentment, conflicts at school or at work, constant stress, death of a loved one, divorce, retirement, moving, serious illness, etc. Repeated minor troubles, accumulating, turn into a snowball that can lead to serious mental illness. Even desired or expected events, for example, the birth of a child, a change of job, can result in stress, and then depression is not far away.

A person first falls into shock, accompanied by panic, rapid heartbeat, a decrease or increase in blood pressure, then apathy sets in. Outwardly, these are drooping shoulders, a hunched back, a downcast gaze, tears, hysterics. Thoughts revolve around the traumatic event all the time, everything is remembered in the smallest detail. At night the problem returns in the form of nightmares.

Unlike endogenous depression, reactive depression is characterized by a consistently low emotional background throughout the day. People with reactive depression maintain a critical assessment and awareness of their illness. Since the reasons are external, it is important, first of all, to eliminate them or help a person change his attitude to the current state of affairs.

Depression: who is at risk

Most often, people who suffer from self-doubt are people who are prone to self-examination. If for some people squabbles in transport and at work are like water off a duck's back, then for such sensitive individuals it is a universal catastrophe. Divorced and single people are more at risk of developing depression. Statistics say that depression is 2-4 times less common among families.

Women get sick 2 times more often than men. It is possible that the stronger sex is simply less likely to seek medical help, preferring to be “treated” with alcohol, throwing himself headlong into work, looking for carnal pleasures. In addition, women have purely physiological provocative factors: PMS, menopause, childbirth.

Among the representatives of professions dangerous to the psyche are businessmen, accountants, lawyers, doctors, actors, salesmen, waiters, sales managers, drivers, nannies and caregivers. The unifying factor here is a high degree of responsibility, not always pleasant forced communication with clients, and often an unpredictable or low level of remuneration. Scientists, architects, and engineers suffer least from depression.

How to fight?

Typically, psycho-emotional fatigue accumulates gradually. At first you feel that there is a catastrophic lack of lightness. A state of depression appears: it’s difficult to get up in the morning, you don’t want to do your usual activities. Enormous, viscous laziness penetrates even thoughts and words and spreads throughout the body. I don't want anything!

Intellectually you understand that you need to get out of this state. But how? Everyone is looking for their own way. One woman called chronic fatigue laziness that had settled in her head, and decided to “put the barrel of a gun on her” so that she would obey her unquestioningly. I remembered action movies where they do this.

She started with water procedures: rubbing with cold water. I forced myself “at gunpoint” to go to the bathroom, take treatments, do warm-ups, and massage with wet fingers. When vigor appears, he begins exercises - 1000 shakes, 20 squats. He does bending exercises, then does Nisha exercises on the mat. As a result, blood circulation in the capillaries improves, and an influx of energy is felt.

Next - joint gymnastics according to Norbekov and push-ups from the table to stretch the joints and cartilage. The exercise ends with light aerobic movements, where the hand knocks out the “gun pointed to the head.”

Hurray! Victory over laziness! The time has come for intense joy and self-pride! But she knows that laziness and melancholy are watching over her and waiting for an opportunity to lay her down on a cozy sofa. Therefore, I set myself up for mandatory walks and jogs in the park, going to theaters and exhibitions.

After some time, she felt that the “bouquet” of chronic diseases had gone away with laziness: the tingling in her chest stopped, ease of movement appeared, and intraocular pressure normalized.

What to do with differences?

Some people experience energy fluctuations: up and down. Sometimes the day starts out great, you feel a surge of energy, and you want to move mountains. And then suddenly there comes a period of immense fatigue, low mood, when you don’t want to do anything.

Psychologists advise using such changes to your advantage. If you are full of energy, live an active life, work and communicate to the fullest. If there is a recession, take a rest, relax, do not block negative feelings, but think about them, understand the reasons for sadness and apathy. Try to get full rest and give yourself time to recover. You can sleep off during the weekend and take care of yourself.

Changes may be associated with a chaotic lifestyle, when the daily routine is not established, there are no clear goals and plans, and therefore there is no confidence in oneself and in one’s future. You need to find motivational seminars, seek help from loved ones, and attend a consultation with a psychologist.

Help from a kinesiologist for depression

  • Using a manual muscle test, a kinesiologist evaluates the reaction of the muscles and nervous system to external stimuli,
  • the examination is carried out under muscle load in statics and dynamics,
  • Based on the findings about the state of the nervous system, the doctor draws up a treatment plan,
  • treatment begins at the first consultation,
  • the doctor treats not a disease, but a specific person, using knowledge in various fields of medicine,
  • the number and types of procedures and methods of influence depend on the dynamics of healing up to stable remission.

Use new methods

Currently, you can find interesting technologies, methods and means of combating chronic fatigue syndrome. One of them is called floating. This is a method of deep relaxation in a special pool with concentrated Epsom salts, in which the body “floats” on the surface of the water. A feeling of complete weightlessness is created, in which every muscle of the body rests, and the organs are saturated with oxygen.

Psychologists advise being in mental relaxation, imagining pictures where you turn into a floating cloud or weightless fluff. You see the earth's beauty from a bird's eye view, enjoy the fresh breath of wind and feel immense happiness.

During floating, the functioning of the nervous system is normalized, endomorphins are produced - hormones of happiness. They increase the tone of the body and the emotional sphere, thereby increasing stress resistance and returning mental strength. Float therapy has a powerful effect on several levels, improving a person's mental, physical and emotional well-being. Raises intellectual and spiritual mood.

But not everyone can benefit from float therapy services. In such cases, you can use a relaxation complex, which you can purchase at a very reasonable price by following the link: https://mirra.ru.com/cosmetics-for-everyday/mirra-body-liniya-uhoda-za-telom/sredstva -dlya-vann-i-dusha/spa-kompleks-relaks.html?tracking=5c641d96389d1

The complex, made up of a combination of sea salt and the active substances of motherwort, lemon balm, sage, nutmeg and lemon myrtle, will have an excellent relaxing effect, creating a feeling of weightlessness and lightness right in your bath. After 15-20 minutes, all mineral and biologically active substances will be absorbed into your skin. They will increase emotional balance and restore vitality.

The Relax spa course at home is necessary as a resource for those who cannot afford expensive salon treatments or swimming in the Dead Sea. It is available to those who have decided to pull themselves out of the clutches of CFS with their own hands in their own home. Take off your saddle...

Here's a short anecdote: - Doctor, why does everyone ride me? - And you take off the saddle.

Do you understand what's going on? This refers to someone who takes on other people's responsibilities. He is always ready to help others, does not know how to refuse a request, or has taught others to shamelessly exploit themselves. All this will ultimately lead to self-dissatisfaction and chronic fatigue. In this case, you need to decisively remove the imaginary saddle from yourself and calmly say that you cannot drag everyone on your hump.

Scientists believe that specialists in the so-called helping professions associated with communicating with people are more susceptible to chronic fatigue syndrome. As a matter of fact, their profession is obliged to be sensitive, attentive, and their work is full of emotionally complicated contacts. With such activity, the supply of energy is quickly depleted, since emotional involvement sometimes exhausts a person much more than hard physical labor.

Individuals of the introverted type – people who tend to immerse themselves in their thoughts and fantasies – quickly burn out at work. This also happens when the individual psychological characteristics of the employee do not meet the requirements of communication professions. How, in such cases, can we learn to let off steam of emotions? How to distract yourself from obsessive thoughts and emotional stress?

Treatment of depression with kinesiology

The connection between emotions and human health has long been known. With depression, severe stress causes boiling emotions and a destructive effect on organs and systems. Pain occurs in various locations: joints, head, abdomen, parts of the spine. If you influence one of the sides of the health triangle (structure, emotions, biochemistry), changes occur in the others.

Kinesiological methods of examination and treatment together with osteopathy, massage, physiotherapy, aromatherapy, etc. allow you to achieve lasting positive results in the fight against depression:

  • The functioning of organs is normalized.
  • The functioning of the nervous system improves.
  • The quality of sleep and its duration change.
  • Excruciating headaches go away.
  • The patient goes into remission without prolonged use of pills.
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