Medication coding for alcoholism (main medications)

In the case of alcoholism, it has long been clear to everyone that this disease cannot be cured; it stops if the patient himself wishes. If he does not express such a desire, and close people can no longer watch their loved one die literally and figuratively, alternative methods of stopping drunkenness come to the rescue.


  1. The essence of treatment
  2. The Dovzhenko method is a proven version of psychological coding for alcoholism
  3. Basics of the technique
  4. How does 4.1 work? Preparatory stage 4.2. Stage of therapeutic influence 4.3. Using an encoding "code"
  5. Advantages of coding using the Dovzhenko method
  6. The danger of self-decoding

Psychological coding against alcohol is one of the most effective and safest methods of anti-alcohol therapy.
There is no aggressive effect on the human body, and no negative side reactions occur (as is the case with many medications). At the same time, it is possible to achieve excellent therapeutic results in a short period of time. It is very important that a highly qualified specialist is responsible for encoding by influencing the psyche. Conducting experiments with self-hypnosis and self-persuasion on your own is not only useless, but also dangerous. Therefore, coding in the described way is permitted only in a specialized drug treatment clinic.


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The essence of treatment

Psychological coding for alcohol is optimal for addicts who do not use anti-alcohol medications due to an allergy to them or a high probability of side effects.
During therapy, the psychotherapist influences the patient’s subconscious and forms his anti-alcohol center. The latter is necessary so that the patient can refrain from drinking alcohol for a given period of time. The procedure is absolutely painless. It does not cause serious discomfort in a person. Since it can only be carried out in specially created conditions of a psychotherapy room, coding is not done using this method at the customer’s home.

The Dovzhenko method is a proven version of psychological coding for alcoholism

Today, Dovzhenko’s stress therapy is recognized as the most effective and efficient option for psychological coding. It involves psychoreprogramming the patient and changing his attitude towards drinking with the help of words. After treatment, an alcoholic becomes a teetotaler. He no longer has the need to regularly drink ethanol. As a result, he gets used to leading a healthy lifestyle and learns to relax without harmful stimulation.

It should be noted that the results achieved using the Dovzhenko method depend not only on the experience and skill of the doctor, but also on the individual reaction of the patient, his susceptibility to hypnosis, internal attitude, and regularly consumed doses of alcohol. This means that for some people the technique completely removes the craving for alcohol, while for others it only greatly reduces it. But positive changes after psychological coding for alcoholism are always observed.

All patients are concerned about the question of how long the therapeutic effect will last. It usually occurs over a period of one to several years. Afterwards, to avoid failure, you can go through the procedure again.

What is the best coding method?

After diagnosing alcoholism, the doctor selects a more suitable coding option for the client. When choosing a method of prohibitive therapy, the doctor tries to take into account the client’s wishes. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages. However, it is worth understanding that coding will lead to good results if the patient has firmly decided to take the path of correction. In the final stages of addiction, doctors often combine medication and psychological variations of prohibitive therapy.

Basics of the technique

The Dovzhenko method involves influencing:

  • receptors of the organ of vision;

  • olfactory areas of the respiratory organs;
  • sound analyzers;
  • tactile zones.

During psychological coding for alcoholism, the specialist uses about forty different mechanisms that affect both the client’s consciousness and subconscious, as well as his physiology.

But doctors warn that they can only give an impetus to leading a healthy lifestyle. The addict always decides for himself how to behave after the session. The craving for alcohol after the Dovzhenko method is greatly dulled, but it is clear that if the patient wants to drink, no one will stop him. That is why it is so important that an alcoholic has a stable motivation for sobriety, so that he wants to recover and start life with a “clean slate”.

You also need to understand that alcoholism is a chronic disease. This means that its aggravation can happen at any moment. For a painful desire to appear, it takes very little - to drink any dose of alcohol. That's why they say that there are no former alcoholics. As soon as a person decides to have a drink with someone for company, he will return to the “swamp” from which he once had difficulty getting out. Under no circumstances should you drink if you are coded, even if 10 or 20 years have passed since treatment.

Rehabilitation of alcohol addicts at the Narconon Standard center

Usually, after withdrawal from binge drinking, withdrawal symptoms, or when a person simply stops drinking, he feels depressed, experiences depression, mood swings, irritability and other unpleasant emotions.

A drinking person, as a rule, knows what awaits him in the future, and that this habit will destroy him. His relatives tell him about this regularly. Something more is needed for addiction to disappear - and this is:

  1. Recognize and cope with problems for which alcohol is a solution.
  2. Cope with the consequences of use - mental and spiritual degradation (restore moral values, lost healthy habits, the ability to enjoy life while sober).
  3. Gain the missing knowledge about life, due to the lack of which you can return to the path of alcohol again.

What is listed above is achieved through the Narconon rehabilitation program. Find out more, call us for a consultation right now!


Coding using the Dovzhenko method

Anonymous treatment of alcoholism

How it goes

Conventionally, the procedure is divided into three basic stages:

  1. Preparing for stress therapy.
  2. Therapeutic effects on the psyche.
  3. Imposing the "code".

Preparatory stage

Anti-alcohol therapy will be effective under one condition: there will be no ethanol breakdown products in the patient’s blood. Therefore, for seven days before meeting with a psychotherapist, a person is prohibited from drinking alcoholic beverages. It is also very important that the patient:

  • was determined to recover, understood why he was being treated;
  • came to the drug treatment clinic with one of his relatives (such support is always important);
  • respected the psychotherapist and did not doubt his professional skills and abilities.

In preparation for psychological coding from alcohol, the doctor finds out how long a person has been abusing alcohol, whether he has acute/chronic diseases, whether he has been coded before, whether he has had breakdowns. Afterwards, a simple suggestibility test is carried out.

Smoking is prohibited before the procedure.

Stage of therapeutic influence

The exposure is carried out in a specially equipped medical room. The patient sits or lies comfortably. The light in the room is dim. During the dialogue with the client, the doctor creates a special atmosphere that helps to believe in one’s own strength and the opportunity to improve life.

Under the fusion of emotionally expressive phrases spoken by the psychotherapist, the alcoholic is immersed in a state that contributes to a better perception of everything that the doctor says. This is necessary in order to strengthen the patient’s will, transform his internal values ​​and priorities.

Using "code"

To enhance the therapeutic effect, a program for maintaining a healthy lifestyle is laid out for the required period. During suggestion, a so-called “anchor” is used - this is one or more words that help form the correct attitude towards alcohol.

When activating the “code”, weak electrical stimulation, spraying of the lips and other physical influences are used. The patient may see bright flashes of light, hear loud noises, and experience strange sensations in the neck and face.

Medication coding

Chronic alcoholism today is most often treated with medication in any drug treatment clinic. This technique helps eliminate the problem of alcoholism in the shortest possible time, which is why the use of pharmacological alcohol blockers is so popular. The effect of drugs occurs quite quickly, but it always lasts, depending on how long a person takes this or that drug, in what dosage he drinks it, and on the individual properties of the person.

Medication coding is suitable for the treatment of any stage and form of alcohol dependence, it can even eliminate the consequences of poisoning with surrogate alcohol, treats delirium tremens, effectively supports the body in between other forms of treatment, is very diverse due to the wide choice of drugs and is affordable, both in price. and in terms of ease of use.

Basically, for drug alcohol blocking, two types of drugs are used. To the first type, doctors include inhibitors of opioid receptors in the brain, which are able to bind to these brain structures and protect them from alcohol destruction. Opioid receptors produce a feeling of euphoria when drinking alcohol, and when they are blocked, the alcoholic ceases to feel this state and the need to drink disappears.

The main representatives of this group of drugs are drugs based on naltrexone. Release forms can be anything - from tablets and injections to capsules for subcutaneous filing.

A group of toxicotherapy drugs can produce a toxic effect on the body, similar in effect to an alcohol overdose. Representatives of such drugs are all kinds of disulfirams. These drugs cause all the symptoms of a hangover with signs of poisoning. The drugs block the enzyme systems responsible for the breakdown of alcohol toxins, so they continue to accumulate, causing poisoning. However, if a person does not drink alcohol, he does not feel unwell. This is why the effect of toxicotherapy is quite effective - everyone who continues to drink while taking pills suffers, and those who stop drinking feel great. In addition, in this case, the amount of drink is also important, since, as with a normal hangover, the more toxins accumulate, the worse the state of health will be and the longer it will last.

Drugs are administered into the body individually, depending on the form of alcoholism. Acute forms of alcoholism are treated, as a rule, with naltrexone tablets, and during remission, you can switch to injections or stitching.

The main disadvantage of drug coding is the high cost of drugs for it. Also, when treating with disulfiram, it is important to create for the patient all the conditions that would correspond to the required regimen, otherwise poor health and poisoning will inevitably overtake.

Advantages of the Dovzhenko method

The technique is in high demand today for good reason. Among its advantages:

  • the ability to refuse the use of potent medications;

  • minimum list of contraindications;
  • the prospect of getting rid of alcoholism forever;
  • painlessness;
  • affordable price;
  • treatment in one session;
  • elimination of subconscious fears and signs of depression during therapy.

The danger of self-decoding

Patients are always worried about what will happen if they take alcoholic beverages during the “code” period. In fact, it is impossible to predict the consequences. They can be either almost imperceptible or very dangerous.

It happens that a person starts drinking again and does not notice any negative changes in his health, and only after a year or two his hearing disappears, his vision sharply decreases, a mental disorder occurs, etc. Also, independent decoding is fraught with the development of stroke, heart attack and other fatal dangerous pathologies.

Therefore, there is no need to take specialized effects on the psyche lightly. If you decide to take it, be determined not to drink until the expiration date. If the craving for alcohol increases, visit a psychotherapist - he will strengthen the “code”.

Reviews coded for alcohol

It all started back in college, we drank wine, beer and other drinks with friends. It seems like everyone else, I drank on holidays, alcohol was not a problem for me. But after the financial crisis, I was left without a job and my family practically without a livelihood, and I began to look for peace at the bottom of the glass. Fortunately, my wife took care of me in time and took me to the clinic. The doctor recommended that I undergo treatment with medication, and they sewed an implant under my skin. It’s been 2 years now, I don’t feel like drinking alcohol at all, I cope with difficulties without alcohol

My name is Natalia, I am a former alcoholic. I won’t lie, I tried to cope with my addiction on my own, but I quickly realized that I couldn’t do it. I went to the clinic and they recommended coding using the Dovzhenko method. After the procedure, my life changed for the better; I am not interested in alcohol at all. Now I look with pity at those who cannot live without alcohol

When I decided to undergo coding and opted for hardware methods, the doctors were not against it. However, the desired effect could not be achieved as long as I continue to abuse

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