What is communicative competence? article on the topic


Communication in psychology is the conscious or subconscious transmission and exchange of information with other people. It is a unique form of interaction between individuals, which is carried out through cognitive activity. Refers to targeted influence on the values ​​and views of the interlocutor, which are built on the basis of a rational component.

Communication can be considered as a necessary condition for the development of human relationships. The ability to transmit information is also one of the fundamental aspects of improving the entire society, since it acts as the main interaction between different ethnic groups.

The author of the term, a sociologist of the American school of psychology, Charles Coopey at the beginning of the 20th century defined communication as “the mechanism through which absolutely all human relationships exist and develop - in the context of subconscious images, combined with methods of their visualization and transmission in life, including preservation in time."

According to the Soviet scientist I.P. Yakovlev, as well as other psychologists in related topics, the definition of communication should be understood as a system of research practice in the role of communication in society, including: development, structure and content, practical use.

At the same time, M. S. Andrianov localizes the definition as an understanding of the initial aspects of social interaction, starting only from the semantic meaning.

Based on the words of the German sociologist Niklas Luhmann, communication is “a specific historical event that depends on the time stage.”

He also characterized the definition as a set of actions suitable for social systems, the presence of which redistributes knowledge in society. He did not perceive communication in the role of transmitting information or the semantic content of the psychological subsystem.

Communication in psychology is a means by which individuals can maintain and construct their own relationships among themselves, according to T. Sillars and A. Vangelisti,

History of development

Research practice aimed at studying communication as an independent scientific and sociological field is associated with the development of infocommunications based on telecommunications and information technologies.

In particular, the formation of communication was influenced by the emergence of radio in the 1920s. Later, with the advent of computers and television, as well as with the beginning of the globalization of large companies, the process of research as a scientific and psychological phenomenon increased several times.

The first communication department was opened in the early 1940s in the USA. According to the words of Doctor of Philosophy, part-time professor of social philosophy A. V. Nazarchuk, the manifestation of the problematics of the term developed based on 3 main directions:

  • Anglo-American. Aimed at analyzing the linguistically determined process, as well as clarifying the linguistic taxonomy of different peoples;
  • French. It is distinguished by the unlimited semantic meaning of linguistic communication, which is determined by the social problems of modern society: ideological distortions, a critical mood towards power, lack of comprehension, etc.
  • "Philosophy of Dialogue". It is characterized by a polemical attitude towards philosophy of the transcendental and psychological type, starting from the subjectivity of the meaning “I - You” towards communication. Developed by M. Buber, M. Bakhtin, F. Ebner and others.

F.I. Sharikov coined the neologism “communicationology,” which explained any research activities aimed at an objective understanding of communication—systematized knowledge about the development of means of communication as a psychological phenomenon.
In psychology and linguistic practice, communication is considered as factors contributing to the correct perception and transmission of figurative information, which explains the process of local and mass activity. This also made it possible to derive a definition of a communicator—a participant in a dialogue.

Communication, communication: concepts, their relationship

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Among the factors that shape personality, psychology distinguishes work, communication, and cognition. Communication is a connection between people, during which mental contact occurs, manifested in the exchange of information, mutual influence, mutual experience, mutual understanding [2, C 109]. We can say that communication is aimed at establishing mental contact between people; its goal is to change relationships between people, establish mutual understanding, influence knowledge, opinions, relationships, feelings and other manifestations of personality orientation; means – various forms of personal self-expression. Contacts between people in communication are a necessary condition for the existence of an individual.

In addition, the term “communication” is often used. What is the connection between them? Communication (from Latin “common, shared with all”) is a connection, interaction of two systems, during which a signal carrying information is transmitted from one system to another [2, P. 109]. The systems that exchange information can be: 1) technology (artificial system) - technology, 2) a living system (in particular, a person) - technology; 3) living system – living system. For example, two computers are connected by cable or radio. Each one works according to its own program. If they exchange information, we can say that there is communication between them. The dance of a bee, signaling to other bees about the direction and distance to feed, is also communication. The pilot controls the plane - human-technology communication arises. Using instruments, the pilot determines the operating mode, serviceability of components, and flight conditions. Based on this data, management is carried out. In the third option, a living system is a living system, in particular, there can be an exchange of information between people, which is called communication. Due to this consideration, it follows that the concept of “communication” is broader than the concept of “communication”, but if we consider communication as the interaction of two subjects, then, along with other components, communication contains communication [26, P. 137]. Then the concept of “communication” is broader than the “communication component”.

6.2. Aspects of communication: purpose, content, means

The purpose of communication is what this type of activity is for. In animals, the urge to action is a biological need, but in humans, a whole range of goals arises; including the need for communication can be a means to satisfy many different needs: social, cultural, cognitive, moral, etc.

The content of communication is information that is transmitted from one person to another. Through communication, needs and emotional data can be conveyed, which can influence our behavior. The content of communication is scientific and everyday knowledge. At the seminar, a history teacher reports facts from the distant past of our Motherland, a student explains Cauchy's theorem and Coulomb's law to his friend. The teacher informs, the student explains - the transfer of knowledge is the content of communication. Students, members of the cheerful and resourceful club, jointly write and perform a skit to participate in the “Student Spring” competition. The interaction that takes place is also the content of communication.

The content of communication can be a person: his appearance, character traits, behavior, etc. We meet with friends and relatives. It gives us joy to be together, to see each other, to “breathe the same air.”

The content of communication is a collective (group) solution of a problem, an activity. A team of installers assembles a block house. A group of designers creates a new machine. The teaching staff of the university decides on the state of student performance. In all these cases, the content of communication is a common cause, task, their implementation and solution.

The unique content of communication should be recognized as relationships and relationships that fill it, give it a unique flavor, coloring, and dictate the means and manner of communication. The entire communication system of a given person depends on the type of relationship that develops.

All these are just individual items of communication content. Each person has many specific topics for communication, and the more diverse topics of communication each person has, the wider the circle of communication he is included in, the richer and more meaningful his personality [2, 26].

Means of communication can be defined as methods of encoding, transmitting, processing and decoding information transmitted in the process of communication from one person to another.

For example, information can be transmitted through direct bodily contacts: touching the body, hands, etc. Information can also be transmitted and perceived by people at a distance, through the senses (observation by one person of the movements of another or the perception of sound signals produced by him). Man, in addition to all these natural methods of transmitting information, has many that are invented and improved by him. This is language and other sign systems, writing in its various types and forms (texts, diagrams, drawings, drawings), technical means of recording, transmitting and storing information (radio and video equipment; mechanical, magnetic, laser and other forms of recording) [ 7].

There are non-verbal means of communication. These are external manifestations of human feelings and emotions: facial expressions, gestures, pantomime (matorics of the whole body), touch. And also the location of people in space. For example, pantomime - poses, posture, bows, gait; touching - kissing, touching, stroking, pushing, etc.

Separately, among non-verbal means of communication, they are divided into optical-kinetic (gestures, facial expressions, pantomime), paralinguistic (rate of speech, volume, changes in pitch and tempo of voice coloring) and extralinguistic (inclusion of pauses and other inclusions in speech, such as coughing, crying , laughter).

a verbal means of communication. Speech is a sign system. A sign is a phenomenon that is introduced by someone for the purpose of directing someone’s thought in a certain direction through its mediation. What a sign refers to is called the meaning of the sign. For example, the meaning of the word "moon" is the natural satellite of the Earth. These means are inherent only to humans and require the acquisition of language as a prerequisite. In terms of their communicative capabilities, they are much richer than all types and forms of nonverbal communication, although in life they cannot completely replace it. And the very development of verbal communication initially certainly relies on nonverbal means of communication.

Direct and indirect communication . When the term “direct” is used, they mean “face-to-face” communication, communication in which each participant perceives the other and makes contact using all means at their disposal. These are tactile, visual, auditory, olfactory and other sensations and images received from another person. Direct communication uses verbal and non-verbal means of communication. Most nonverbal forms and means of communication in humans are innate and allow him to interact, achieving mutual understanding at the emotional and behavioral levels, not only with his own kind, but also with other living beings. Many of the higher animals, including most notably dogs, monkeys and dolphins, are given the ability to communicate non-verbally with each other and with humans.

Indirect communication involves the use of special means and tools for organizing communication and exchanging information. These are either natural objects (a stick, a thrown stone, a footprint on the ground, etc.), or cultural ones (sign systems, recordings of symbols on various media, print, radio, television, etc.) [7]. For example: watching TV, reading books, perceiving works of art. If two people are talking on a video phone, then the mediation can be considered minimal: they see and hear each other, but cannot touch each other. In the case when one sends a letter to another or transmits information through second and third parties, the indirectness is significant [2].



In psychological practice, types of communication are usually distributed based on the methods of its implementation in social activities. The main types include verbal and nonverbal communication. In turn, the latter type is determined by gestural, iconic, symbolic or facial manifestations.

Based on the subjects of communication, as well as the types of interaction between them, in psychology it is customary to divide the following types:


Types of interaction between individuals, which are determined based on belonging to certain social communities or categories of the population. Does not depend on interpersonal relationships or individual preferences.


Type of instrumental or status-oriented communication in public space. In most cases, it is characterized by affecting social and semantic interests.


A type of systematic development of information content, which is of a purely official nature, including the transfer of pre-prepared information using certain technological means.

It also refers to the processes of the dynamic nature of social consciousness, acts as a mood among the masses and has a strong impact on the individuality of each member of a certain group of people.


A type of personal-oriented communication that is associated with the exchange of information and its subsequent interpretation by 2 or more subjects who enter into relationships with each other.

The most significant and frequently used type is interpersonal communication, which is distinguished by the following types of verbal interaction between subjects:


It is the most active form of communication, in which both communicants share personal phenomena or ideas. Speech of a dialogical nature is determined by the specific situation in which the conversation takes place.

Characterized by the presence of a thematic component or motives of the interlocutors. Each participant in the conversation acts as a speaker and a listener, who alternate between each other. Interaction according to G. Bush is divided into groups of a discussion nature, thematic discussion, or “question-answer” type.


Functionally developed and meaningfully produced speech of an individual subject, which is a direct result of his objective activity of the speech apparatus. It is based on expressing a personal position based on certain experience. Identified by the nature of the discussion or the question addressed to the problem.

It does not differ in the immediate reaction of observers and exists in both written and oral form. It is the most important form of verbal communication.


Type of interpersonal communication between several participants in a conversation - from 3 subjects.

Modern psychological theory cannot say for sure who was the first to identify and develop communication theory. It is generally accepted that one of the pioneers in studying speech characteristics is the sociologist V.L. Skalkin, who added to the main forms of communication the term “trilogue” - a conversation between only 3 individuals.


The characteristics of the basic interaction of communication in society consists of certain features that together constitute its specificity in the role of a psychological and scientific discipline.

The most significant are:

  • direct presence of feedback in the development of interpersonal communication;
  • performance of individuals as both recipient and sender of information;
  • irreversibility of communication in the context of the impossibility of destroying already spoken information;
  • the presence of the inevitability of communication due to the main goals of human life in the role of a social phenomenon - the impossibility of existing without any communication, which is also the basic need of the subject.

Basic elements

The presence of a communication process is determined by a combination of many elements.

Social-psychological theory usually distinguishes 4 basic elements:

SenderThe subject who generates the idea or subject of conversation, including the collection of information and its communication
MessageActs as spoken information
ChannelMethod of oral or written transmission of data
Recipient or addresseeAn individual who is intended to receive or send information with its subsequent interpretation

Communication as a social process of exchange and transmission of data is characterized by the following stages: selection of relevant information, determination of the transmission channel, interaction with the subject, interpretation of the received data.

Theories of the communication process

Psychologists usually distinguish the following theories of the communication process:

  1. Reducing uncertainty. It is characterized by the passage of significant stages when communicating with strangers, which makes it possible to reduce psychologically based uncertainty towards each other. Forms the first idea about a person.
  2. Social exchange. In this case, interaction between people is equated to an economic transaction, which is explained by the maximization of some benefit on the part of the participants. Thus, an individual talks about himself only when the ratio of benefits and costs is acceptable.
  3. Symbolic definition. Focuses on an aspect of the subject's role and place within a particular society, as revealed through personal interactions or skills.
  4. Social penetration. Explains the reciprocity of communication between two individuals who are in the process of developing and improving friendly relations. Such behavior can be either verbal or based on perception. Manifests itself based on the level of intimacy.
  5. Expected violations. Explains the theory of nonverbal communication and how an individual interprets it. It is characterized by the presence of expectations from the interlocutor, which are based on certain social norms, experience or situations.

Psychologists from the USA, D. Jackson and P. Vaclavik, discovered the properties of communication that explain its development in the social model.

In psychology they are called axioms of human communication:

  • communication is always a social process that cannot be absent;
  • any type of communication has its own level of relationships and content;
  • communication is consistent with events or experiences;
  • interaction between people is symmetrical or complementary, which is based on the distinctive or equal characteristics of the two subjects.

In turn, interpersonal communication is divided into the following characteristics: formal and informal, typical and atypical, vertical and horizontal communication.

How are abilities manifested?

They manifest themselves in a special psychological make-up of the individual , on which the effectiveness of information exchange with other people depends.

A person's success in life is determined not only by his character, temperament and destiny.

The type of interaction with people around you and the ability to build contact with them .

Often individuals who have a large number of positive character traits and a high level of intelligence do not achieve success in society, at work or in their personal lives due to the low level of development of communication skills.

They simply do not know how to convey information to others so that it is perceived in the right way. In this case, they speak of a low level of communication abilities.

If a person always finds an approach to his interlocutor or audience, knows how to adapt to the proposed situation and easily influences, then in his case his communication skills are highly developed.

the influence of close people and the environment is essential

The more time parents devote to communicating with their child and instilling in him the skills of interacting with others, the easier it is for him to establish interpersonal and business contacts in the future.

Self-improvement also plays a significant role, since communication skills can be developed through experience. Reading specialized literature, self-control, consultations with specialists, and participation in trainings help.

Communication skills include the following components:

  1. Informational . The ability to attract the opponent’s attention, to interest him in the topic of discussion, as well as the possession of verbal and non-verbal communication skills.
  2. Affective . The ability to recognize the emotional state of the interlocutor and competently adapt to it, showing understanding, participation, and sympathy when necessary.
  3. Regulatory . The ability to accept and show support. This allows you to interact with people in the most productive way, minimizing the likelihood of conflicts.

Functions and role

Communication in psychology is a definition that indirectly affects the development of social interaction between people.

It is a particularly significant process that has its own goals and functions:

  • ensuring productive and high-quality exchange of information;
  • development of interpersonal communication based on data exchange;
  • creation and improvement of transmission channels;
  • regulation and intellectualization of information flows.
  • informing, warning and persuading others.

The goals of communication in the context of different groups differ in their functionality. If in emergency situations it is necessary to provide general information to the participants, or to reassure them, then, for example, for educational purposes, to train, support or unite a group of people.

Based on the personalized goals of the subject, in scientific practice the following communication functions are distinguished:

  1. Informational. Communication acts as a mediator, which is characterized by the exchange of opinions, information, decisions and plans between communicants. Such an exchange develops both in solving problems and for practical purposes, including maintaining relations between subjects.
  2. Social. Development and formation of cultural components in the relationship of individuals. It is characterized by the formation of personal opinions or worldviews, as well as reactions to certain events. It is characterized by ensuring high competence in a person, with the help of which coexistence within the framework of cultural characteristics is qualitatively improved.
  3. Expressive. Used to express and understand certain emotional experiences. It consists of direct collection of an informative component and a verbally substantiated assessment model. Explains the theory of liking for specific people. So, if the first impression of the opponent turns out to be bad, further plans for developing the relationship may be ruined. Any expression of emotional manifestations is especially important if you want to improve the dialogue with your interlocutor. Characterized by increased self-expression of emotions or feelings through both types of communication - verbal and non-verbal.
  4. Pragmatic. It makes it possible to regulate behavioral factors and evaluate the activities of conversation participants, as well as coordinate actions in any direction. It can be used both for yourself and for a partner, which allows you to motivate him to perform certain actions.
  5. Interpretive. Helps to better understand the interlocutor, his attitudes or intentions, and also to identify unwanted experiences during the conversation. Most often used to collect and communicate information to assist in an activity, assessment, or opinion.

The social-role context of communication is associated with the presence of expectations and cannot manifest itself without knowledge of the environment. The level of business relations is realized through joint cooperation between communication partners.

Personal-intimate character obliges a person to satisfy his own needs for understanding, experiencing or sympathy of another individual. For this, psychological factors such as empathy, intimacy or trust are usually used.

Management methods

In a modern society built on technological excellence, where you can easily obtain any information from the Internet or any other sources, communication skills are an increasingly valuable skill.

Managing methods and types of communicative communication is a particularly important skill that allows you to improve your personality and achieve high success at work, in communication, and in society in general.

Since in most cases, people solve problems through communication, difficulties in communication can be reproduced due to its insufficient development, which is especially evident in the case where there is a lack of experience.

The main goals of all techniques for managing communication skills are:

  • it is easy and accessible to establish interaction between people and its subsequent maintenance;
  • developing the desired impression on individuals through various techniques;
  • mastering psychological techniques to influence audiences;
  • training in convincing argumentation of a personal position;
  • successfully defending one’s own opinions and interests;
  • quickly overcome life conflicts;
  • awareness of the motives of spoken words and actions, including the reaction to them from people around them;
  • developing effective listening and the ability to ask interesting questions;
  • conscious use of non-verbal communication methods;
  • diagnosing various psychological signs in the opponent’s actions;
  • identification and further elimination of manipulation on the part of the interlocutor;
  • creating the necessary trusting atmosphere of cohesion in the team, including loved ones.

Communication in psychology is a skill characterized by communication abilities that increase the quality of communication. This usually includes the ability to negotiate, maintain a conversation, quickly establish contact, etc.

In any type of relationship, the most in demand are personal communication skills:

  1. Do not create disputes, do not object or interrupt your opponent.
  2. Counter negative conversational topics by developing positive aspects of the conversation.
  3. Be able to indicate your own intentions and desires through verbal or nonverbal communication.
  4. Avoid being too categorical when developing your own opinion.
  5. Convey information as rationally and gently as possible, taking into account possible questions from the outside.
  6. Speak concisely, express the main idea clearly and in a structured manner.
  7. Ask your opponent what he thinks about the topic being discussed.
  8. Avoid unnecessary accusations or reproaches towards the interlocutor, do not touch upon painful topics.
  9. Emphasize the important meaning and agreement with the subject’s opinion: admire, thank, give compliments.

Communication skills are a particularly important component of any communication, which will allow you to develop the desired relationships, gain the approval you need, and also use your strengths in various areas of life. A correct understanding of the psychology of communication is the key to success and improvement of a person’s personality.

Communication skills

This is the ability of an individual to establish contact with people around him in order to convey information to them.

The main components of communication: talkativeness, activity, emotional reactivity, confidence, friendliness, authority.

For individuals with developed communication skills, communication is of great value and interest. With the help of these character traits, a person easily achieves his goals.

He views communication itself both as a means of achieving the desired result and as a process that delivers positive emotions.

Each interpersonal and business contact represents another opportunity for him to test existing skills and develop new ones.

As a result, a certain communicative experience is formed, which increases the effectiveness of subsequent interactions.

Individuals with developed communication skills have the following traits:

  • high level of intelligence, erudition,
  • a clear understanding of your own needs,
  • willingness to adapt to new circumstances, to the proposed situation,
  • respect and acceptance of social norms, beliefs, interests of other individuals, groups, organizations,
  • objective assessment of your abilities,
  • the ability to control one's own emotions,
  • the ability to adequately assess the environment, other people,
  • Confident verbal and non-verbal communication skills.

The life experience accumulated by a person is of great importance Even at an early age, young children, communicating with others, master the first communicative skills. As people socialize in society, these skills improve.

The more active a person’s social life is, the faster the necessary skills are developed and accumulated.

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