Arguments from life and literature on the topic “What is determination”

How to develop determination The topic of this article, when thinking about how to develop determination, we need to understand what prevents us from being decisive.

What is determination and how to develop determination. Decisiveness is the ability to quickly and effectively make decisions in any situation and act. Determination and action are related to each other. Decision making can last from 3 days to seconds, this is of course relative. More is simply called “tormenting” your brain. Three days is enough to make one or another decision, no matter how large-scale it is. Yes, not accepting anything is also a decision.

Determination makes us effective in life. Without determination we are timid and shy. Determination is born outside of the mind . The mind always analyzes everything, thinks, plans, evaluates, but when the moment comes to make a decision, you need to stop thinking, only the person who constantly thinks, trying to make his plans ideal, never implements them in life, it is long thinking, it is inability choosing one option or another prevents us from being decisive. The mind is always indecisive, the mind is always unable to choose. Planning is the role of the mind. Determination is about action, and it is the body that acts, not the mind. At the right moment, it is sometimes necessary to make a decision quickly, and there is no time to think about it; this is where determination helps.

Here is what OSHO writes on the topic of determination in his book “Mindfulness”:

The mind is always undecided. It's not about the mind of one person or the other; the mind is indecisiveness. The action of the mind is to oscillate between two polar opposites and try to find the right way out. It's like closing your eyes to find the door. Of course, you will feel that you are hanging between two possibilities - to go this way or that way; you will always be in a state of either/or. This is precisely the nature of the mind.

But this is what I tell you: it is the nature of the mind to be suspended. It is the nature of the mind to be between polar opposites. Until you move out of the mind and become a witness of all its games, you will never be decisive. Even if sometimes you decide something - contrary to your mind, you will repent, because you will be haunted by the other half against whom the decision was made: maybe it was right, but your choice was wrong. And now it is impossible to find out. Maybe the choice you put aside was better. But even if you had chosen that, the situation would have been the same. Then you would be haunted by this choice, put aside.

The mind is basically the beginning of madness. And if you're too into it, it will drive you crazy.

As you can see, OSHO very well depicted the reason for indecision.

Decisiveness is not a category of the mind.

Therefore, be decisive in everything you do. Our life is very short. And there is only time to make decisions. How decisive you are in life determines your level of internal well-being and well-being. An indecisive person always hesitates between two options. He is always in limbo. This is a very unpleasant state of uncertainty.

For a ship that does not know its course, all winds will not be favorable. Therefore, know how to choose, but at the same time, having made a choice, do not regret what you have chosen, always look forward and do not look back, let what is in the past remain there, and you look forward. There will be many more decisions ahead. Learn from all the mistakes you have made in your life and do not repeat them. There is nothing wrong with making mistakes, it is experience, but only a fool repeats the same mistakes twice.

The ability to quickly make decisions and act distinguishes a leader from the average person. The average person hesitates for a long time, but the leader makes a decision, acts and achieves his goals. Only awareness will help you be decisive; you need to go beyond thinking. You need to be able to quickly choose , or make a decision and then act. Meditation will help develop mindfulness.

Also remember that everything you do at the moment is the best of what you are capable of.

Looking back at the past it is always easy to say what could have been done better. But it is important to understand that looking back, we can all see mistakes, and you will notice them at the moment of making decisions and taking actions, and this is only possible if you have certain life experience in one area or another. And if you have never encountered something in life, then what kind of experience can we talk about here?

So, how to develop determination:

  • where the situation requires quick action, quickly make decisions and act, correct mistakes along the way;
  • You shouldn’t think too much about any questions, you fall into the illusions of the mind, in reality everything is learned in action, and not in thinking;
  • Having made a decision, do not regret or be sad if it did not lead to the results you wanted, it is much more important that you made it at all than the result itself, you are just learning to be decisive;
  • Determination also means persistent action to achieve a goal, whether it is a short-term goal or a long-term goal;
  • allow yourself to make mistakes, determined people are ready for mistakes and even more, they love them. Mistakes make you more experienced. The most successful people made a lot of mistakes in their lives and took them calmly;
  • Train your determination wherever you can.
  • the most important thing is to meditate in order to learn to go beyond the limits of the mind, fortunately there is a lot of material on the topic of how to meditate.

What it is

A person who is characterized by decisiveness makes a responsible decision in situations that require an immediate response, without being convinced of the correctness of the actions taken. And this, in fact, is very important for him, because thanks to the reasonable manifestation of this quality, he will always be able to achieve what he wants.

Many will disagree, arguing that to make these kinds of decisions, especially in “extreme situations,” you need to be brave. But what is courage? It is simply a pattern of psychological behavior exhibited recklessly.

But determination is a whole set of qualities (judgment, caution, foresight, purposefulness, responsibility). They, unlike courage, manifest themselves consciously. Consequently, the concept of determination in psychology is understood as a reasonable manifestation of human will.

By showing decisiveness in critical situations, a person can win under any circumstances. At the same time, guided only by courage and acting recklessly, a person will expose himself to unjustified risks and find himself in dead-end situations. Thus, in order to confidently move towards the intended goal, an individual needs to learn to make the right decisions, and not just be brave.

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This is the main difference between a determined person and a simply brave person. And if you are brave, but also want to become decisive, ready to take responsibility and act judiciously in any situation, then this article is just for you. From it you will learn how to develop determination, how to be successful and always achieve your goals.

In order to feel the difference between courage and determination, you should use an example to understand what a decisive person is. First of all, this is a person who is not characterized by fear and the willingness to “go over the head” towards his goal. Instead of fear, there is apprehension and caution, which helps to make exactly the decision that suits the current situation. A decisive person is ready to take risks, but only justified ones.

The explanation of the difference between such personal qualities as determination and courage can be reduced to a practical example: when faced with a choice, a decisive person will always make the decision necessary for a particular situation, and only if the balance with the arguments “for” outweighs the “cons.” The decisions people make are a manifestation of their conscious desire to realize their plans.

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The basis for determination may well be the fundamental knowledge and experience acquired by a person throughout life. At the same time, the individual must be aware of what “right” and “wrong” are.

Examples of showing determination:

  • ask the minibus driver to stop in the wrong place;
  • ask your boss to increase your salary;
  • come up and meet the person you like;
  • go on a vacation that you have been planning to go on for a long time, but just couldn’t find the time;
  • break up with a person with whom your relationship does not bring you anything joyful;
  • visit relatives and loved ones for whom you could not find time;
  • quit a job you don't like. (Find a new one first);
  • move to another place, country, city to live that you dreamed of;
  • and so on

All this requires determination; it is determination that makes you do everything now, and not put it off until later.

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I would also be interested to know from you, dear readers, whether you have had flashes of determination in life that helped you out in one or another life situation?

Author: Zaur Mamedov

Determination. Indecision


Words determination, indecisiveness

in modern Russian they are associated with other, newer words for
such as
excitability, irritability
, etc. Meanwhile, the word
is of older origin and semantically stands out from the usual circle of words for
In fact, determination
means the ability to decide on something, the courage to make and implement decisions.
A. Kh. Vostokov defined determination
directly as “active courage.”
Consequently, the word determination
implies not a passive, but an active meaning of the form
It is not for nothing that the word determination
in the literary language of the 19th century.
has become close to decisiveness
as its partial synonym.
For example, in M. Lobanov’s article “The Life and Works of N. I. Gnedich”: “... Gnedich’s unshakable determination
to translate the Iliad in the size of the original” and then: “Satisfied with his courageous
, he delved more and more into the secrets of harmony”319.

The word determination

in the meaning of “an enterprise determined for something, an intention” has already been registered in the dictionaries of the Russian Academy (see dictionary AR 1822, part 5, p. 1130).

Wed. from G.R. Derzhavin in “Notes”: “...The Empress... sent away six times with indecision

(lack of decision) of the speaker, saying that he is still new in business” (Derzhavin, 1876, 6, p. 601).
Compare: “... suddenly unsolvable
knot of all Count Chernyshev’s debts was untied” (ibid., p. 679).

G. R. Derzhavin uses the word resolute

as an adjective meaning “bold decision-maker, decisive”:

Let's decide

no speed, calm.


In the note of Lieutenant General Rzhevsky “On the Russian Army” under Catherine: “Borzov’s case and Stratinovich’s other are so important because of their indecision

them, that they are rightfully eradicating all service and subordination, replacing it with arrogance, insubordination and fearlessness” (Russian archive, 1879, No. 3, p. 358).

These examples show that the absolute (i.e., independent of the definition in the genitive case of the noun) use of the words determination

was especially widespread in the official business language of the 18th century.
Apparently, in its depths a new meaning of the word determination

In fact, the verb decide

in the Russian language of the 17th–18th centuries.
could be used in a high style with the Old Slavonic meaning: “to liberate, to give freedom” (cf. knit
; cf.
But this usage by the end of the 18th century. was already dying off. And the word decide
retained two main meanings: 1) business: “To conclude with one’s opinion, to make a verdict, to determine.
Solve the matter.
Solve the doubt .
Resolve the litigation.
Resolve the quarrel ";
2) scientific-school: “According to the rules of any science, find what you are looking for, what you want. Solve the proposed question, task
” (see s. AR 1822, part 5, p. 1131).

General, abstract meanings and uses of the word decide -

“to determine the meaning of something, to find an answer to something, to choose a course of action, to come to a practical conclusion” - took shape already at the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries. (cf. sl. 1867–1868, 4, pp. 173–174).

This use of the verb decide cannot be separated from the business meaning of “to judge, to make a verdict, to decide

in Derzhavin’s poetic language:

decide for yourself


Would it be honorable for you to be with Socrates,

Or despised with Herostratus?

(To the deceit of French indignation and in honor of the prince

Published in the journal “Issues of Linguistics” (1989, No. 4) along with the articles “Security”, “Destroy - Destroy”, “Admirer”, “Moment”, “Mokhry”, “Stagnation”, “Gradualist”, “Otherworldly” "under the general title "From the history of words."

The manuscript has been preserved on three unnumbered sheets of relatively old paper of different formats and a typescript without the author's correction. Reprinted from the published text, verified with the manuscript, with some necessary amendments.

About the word determination

V.V. Vinogradov also mentions in his work “Russian language (grammatical doctrine of words)”: “Words na -most are
always correlated with the corresponding forms of passive participles na
or with adjectives na
, denoting the ability to do something action or the possibility of some action (for example:
determination, academic performance
, etc.). This type of education is very common in specialized technical dialects and is increasingly being grafted onto the modern literary language...

In words on -most

a chain of abstract meanings develops: the possibility, the ability to produce the action that is indicated by the basis (for example:
visibility, divisibility, audibility
, etc.; cf.:
tolerance, determination
, etc.)” (Vinogradov. Russian language, 1972, p. 109).


  1. “Great undertakings don’t even need to be thought through, you need to get down to business, otherwise, if you notice a difficulty, you will retreat,” believed the ancient Roman statesman and political figure, politician, and writer Gaius Julius Caesar. He argued that great things are done without thinking. When a person begins to think, he calculates all the difficulties and dangers, the fear of which will weaken determination and courage.
  2. “Do not waste a second, immediately and decisively take your place on the battlefield, whose name is life, do not be content with what you have, never accept defeat, because the world exists to be conquered,” the British statesman and political figure convinces us Winston Churchill. He believes that one should be determined in life, only then can one achieve a lot.
  3. “When you come up with a good idea, act immediately,” advises American entrepreneur and public figure Bill Gates. He says determination helps bring the best ideas to life.
  4. “Man will not be able to discover new oceans until he has the courage to lose sight of the shore,” - French writer, prose writer, essayist Andre Gide. He says determination helps you discover new things. But until a person manifests it, pushes away from the shore, he will not be able to see new oceans and make new discoveries.
  5. “Whoever lacks a decisive will lacks intelligence,” wrote William Shakespeare, the English poet and playwright. In his opinion, a person who has a limited mind does not have determination.
  6. “The word must be true, the action must be decisive,” the ancient thinker and philosopher Confucius. He argued that the word given by a person must be truthful, and the action he takes must be decisive.
  7. “Think carefully, act decisively,” martial artist Jigoro Kano strongly advised. In his opinion, everything a person does must be carefully thought out and decisively put into action.
  8. “If you wait for the minute when everything, absolutely everything, is ready, you will never have to start,” believed the famous Russian writer Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev. According to the classic, if a person waits in any endeavor until everything is ready, then he risks never starting his planned business.
  9. “Life is always waiting for that hour when the future depends only on your decisive actions,” - Brazilian writer and poet Paulo Coelho. He conveyed the following idea: life is waiting for the moment when you need to show determination. Because the future of a person depends largely on determination.
  10. “A man without decisiveness can never be considered to belong to himself,” said American diplomat and journalist John Foster. In his opinion, a person who does not have determination does not have will. Such a person will not belong to himself.

Arguments from life

  1. One day, on a river in front of me, a man began to drown. It was a sunny summer day, so there were a lot of vacationers on the shore. That man was alone, he quietly, without disturbing anyone, sunbathed on the shore, sometimes went into the water, swam to the middle of the river and returned back. His actions and confidence in the water indicated a man who could swim. When he entered the water again, something happened. What exactly, no one paid attention to this, since everyone was busy with their own affairs. But, fortunately, when the man began to drown, some vacationers noticed it. There was a dead silence for a few seconds, which was then interrupted by a woman's frightened scream. No one moved, as if everyone had become rooted to the coastal sand. Then one of the men, as if waking up, resolutely jumped into the water after the drowning man. Several times he dived into the water in the place where the drowning man had disappeared, and several times he emerged without him. When the rescuer disappeared under water once again, everyone no longer expected that he would find the one who was drowning in the clouded water, but apparently he was born with a shirt on, so the rescuer’s attempts were crowned with success. The man was pulled ashore, given artificial respiration, and brought to his senses. Then he thanked the one who saved him for a long time. And I kept thinking how good it is that there are determined, brave people who will not give up in an extreme situation, but will definitely help, even save.

Epithets for the word determination

Unyielding, gloomy, unshakable, desperate, gloomy, stubborn, fanatical, fierce, hard, unbending, furious, unforgiving, pitiless, reckless, courageous, harsh, indomitable, angry, spiteful, sudden, merciless, cold, steel, former, evil, daring, frantic, calm, passionate, iron, proud, frightening, silent, crazy, unexpected, noble, cruel, devilish, former, blind final, tough, icy, sufficient, revolutionary, recent, incomprehensible, strange, wild, funny, inner , complete, own, absolute, bitter, similar, extreme, new, special, great, deep, big, huge, irrevocable.

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