How to stop inventing illnesses and fears for yourself

0 2135 May 29, 2020 at 12:19 Author of the publication: Marina Alekseeva

“For the second day, my stomach feels strange... What if I die?” - this is not even a thought, because you try not to think about the bad. And yet, somewhere in the subcortex, the panicky fear of death, clamped by consciousness, strives to break out and paralyze with its hopelessness. Anxiety squeezes the heart like a clawed paw: “I need to go to the doctor, otherwise I’ll think about this again day and night.”

I can’t sleep at night, annoying thoughts about illness and death creep into my head. You listen to every feeling inside yourself. It’s always like this - you always think about something terrible. You are afraid for yourself, then for your loved ones. Are you afraid to even plan two days ahead in case something happens? How to get rid of obsessive thoughts?

I heard a lot of advice from psychologists and fellow sufferers. I have tried all sorts of methods to avoid thinking about the bad. I went jogging, watched positive films, and began to meet with friends more often. Deliverance comes for a short while, then everything comes back again. While you are doing something, you forget about the bad things. But as soon as you are alone with yourself, these terrible thoughts creep into your head again. Nothing helps.

Some say: “This is neurosis, take sedatives.” Others: “Obsessive-compulsive disorder. You need to go to a psychotherapist, he will prescribe medicine. You will accept it, and everything will pass.” But is it really necessary to go on pills? How to get rid of anxiety and obsessive thoughts on your own, without drugs and psychologists? Is it possible?

Maybe. To do this, you need to understand how your psyche works, where thoughts generally come from, and what is the reason specifically for your obsessive negative states. Yuri Burlan at the “System-Vector Psychology” training helps everyone understand this.

What is thought and why is it needed?

During the training we understand that:

  1. Thought serves desire. As long as a person has desires, consciousness will give birth to thoughts. They, like signals, speak about the state of our desires.
  2. Desire is the essence and nature of man. It is impossible to get rid of desires, and therefore it is impossible to get rid of thoughts.
  3. You can learn to understand your desires and realize them correctly. Then there will be no negative thoughts.

In other words, if there is a true desire, there will be correct, constructive thoughts on how to realize it. If you don’t understand your desires, if you don’t realize them, your thoughts will become intrusive and negative.

So, for example, instead of thinking about how to help other people, we are afraid for them. Or you can study and remember huge amounts of information, or you can endlessly replay past unpleasant situations in your head. You can count money, assets and liabilities, or you can add up car numbers.

The nature of obsessive thinking is influenced by the vectors of the human psyche. Let's look at this with examples. And the training participants will help us understand different negative states and ways to get out of them.

How to get rid of obsessive thoughts and fears?

This question worries the owner of the visual vector most of all. Emotions and feelings are the meaning of his life. Too many of them were given to him from birth. And all this wealth needs to be realized. You need to live, you need to feel. The emotional peak in the visual vector is true love for a person, a deep and bright feeling. When you love and die is not scary.

But when emotional stress occurs, for example, a painful breakup with a loved one or prolonged forced loneliness, the viewer goes to the lowest point of his emotional amplitude - fear. Begins to be afraid of everything - from insects and the color black to people. This is also a strong emotion, only with a minus sign. That's when he focuses on fears, anxiety, anticipation of troubles and troubles.

In this state, a visual person develops a fear of his own thoughts: “What if I think about something bad, it will come true?” Anxiety accompanies his every step. He becomes superstitious and easily suggestible.

How to get rid of obsessive thoughts about illness?

Most often this is a question for a person with visual and skin vectors. The spectator's very first and strongest fear is the fear of dying. In combination with the skin vector, for which health is an important value, hypochondria can occur - a painfully depressed state, suspiciousness, which is accompanied by an obsessive fixation on illness and death.

Such a person is fixated on the sensations of his body. The slightest discomfort or short-term pain causes a lot of worry and anxiety about a possible serious, incurable disease.

This is how Julia describes this state:

Alexander tells how to get rid of obsessive thoughts about death:

Obsessive fear of symptoms of illness and death.

Fear of illness and death can manifest itself in different ways. Firstly, by searching for the disease, searching for threats, and demanding a diagnosis. Subsequent diagnostic tests bring moments of relief. But after a while the need arises again in order to make another diagnosis.

Symptoms from the area of ​​fear can be very different:

  • sometimes it's anxiety attacks;
  • horror;
  • agoraphobia (fear of leaving home and being outside of a safe place);
  • constant anxiety;
  • obsessive thoughts about illness.

Focusing on the fear of an illness or an imaginary illness negatively affects the professional life and personality of patients. They lose their friends and loved ones and become socially isolated. Which has an additional, negative impact on their well-being and psyche. You need to stop thinking about bad things and stressing yourself out.

However, patients are often unable to make rational decisions. Patients with illness fears often talk dramatically about their health status. They feel sorry for themselves and exaggerate negative facts about their health. Or do not respond positively to sedative information, such as good research results.

Obsessive counting

In the presence of a skin vector, a form of obsessive thinking may occur when a person constantly recalculates everything.

Anastasia experienced for herself what it is like:

“During the passage of the first level of SVP, the obsessive counting that had tormented me for more than 7 years disappeared. This was a terrible feeling that did not allow me to live in peace. I was walking around the city and couldn’t calmly pass by the cars, I was constantly adding and subtracting numbers. The numbers never left my head for a minute. If I didn’t have time to count for some reason, I felt a feeling of fear that didn’t go away for a long time. After several lectures, I realized the reason for this condition, and it went away as if it had never happened...”

Anastasia E., Tiraspol Read full text of the result

A person with a skin vector in society is responsible for safety, control, accounting, and saving material resources. He counts very well. And if these abilities are not realized or he is under stress, then obsessive counting begins, which becomes a real problem for him, beyond his control.

How to get rid of obsessive negative thoughts?

The owner of the anal vector thinks so too. He is tormented by memories of past situations - they did not listen to him, interrupted him, did not appreciate him, did not thank him, in general, he was offended. I disgraced myself, said the wrong thing, did the wrong thing. Often heavy thoughts about grievances do not allow you to sleep, make you toss and turn and sigh in bed.

Why is this happening to him? Because the past is extremely important to him and he has an excellent memory. He remembers everything down to the smallest detail - both good and bad. But sometimes he uses his memory inappropriately: instead of learning and analyzing information, he tends to dwell on negative memories and carry his resentment through the years. He is the only one who is capable of experiencing a real feeling of resentment and sometimes harbors thoughts of revenge. And then his thoughts constantly revolve around this, without letting go for a minute, without losing strength under the influence of time.

If there is also a visual vector, a person may experience strong concern for the life and health of loved ones - spouse, children, parents. After all, family is a great value for him, and the possibility of losing it plunges him into horror.

Listen to how Yana describes her obsessive fears for her loved ones:

How to stop constantly inventing illnesses and fears for yourself?

The best form of treatment for such a disorder would be a combination of pharmacotherapy and psychotherapy. Drug treatment in the first days can, unfortunately, worsen the disorder. Because people with this problem even see threats in medications. But this can be overcome by explaining to the person being treated that they should not be afraid of medications, since everything is done for the sake of your health.

The use of psychotherapy to treat fear of illness plays an important role. Thanks to her, the patient learns that his behavior is strange. But they can be understood in the context of a possible threat that has arisen, or with which he has previously had contact. You can look for sources of other medications. In order to thereby be able to develop new defense mechanisms and strategies for dealing with stressful situations.

How to get rid of obsessive thoughts about a man?

This is a headache for a woman with a visual vector who has emotional dependence. Such a woman has many feelings, but the object to which they are directed is one. It also happens that a man does not share these feelings. And the woman can no longer live without him, because he is the only source of emotional experiences for her, even negative ones.

If they communicate, she can demand love from him, break into hysterics and emotionally blackmail, feeling sensually empty and feeling relieved after this. And if they are not close, then the woman lives in dreams and thoughts about a man, which cannot be thrown out of her head by force of will until the cause is eliminated. She falls asleep with thoughts of him and wakes up with them.

This condition does not allow you to experience the joy of mutual feelings, and, of course, you need to deal with it. Tatyana, after Yuri Burlan’s training, told us how to get rid of obsessive thoughts about the person you love so painfully:

Fear of illnesses: should you be afraid of illnesses? How to get rid of fear?

Fear of illness can seriously disrupt your normal life, interfering with it at work, school, home or in your relationships.

Fear of illness is one of those phobias that involves more than one fear. For example, a fear of illness may actually be a fear of germs, hospitals, or even a fear of death or hell.

All of these can contribute to create fear of illness. In fact, some of these fears may actually be the source of fear of disease.

A person who struggles with the fear of illness wastes not only his physical energy, but also his mental energy.

What Causes Disease Fears

It may simply appear, like an adult, for example, telling a child: “Go to the bathroom immediately and wash your hands, otherwise you will get sick from all these germs on your hands.” If a word is spoken incorrectly or intonation is incorrect, this can transform in a child into a feeling that his own hands can cause illness.

The disease, in turn, can lead to physical pain. The end result may even be that a person develops the belief that simply touching something can lead to death. In fact, this is a “perverted” faith or, in other words, fear.

The fear eventually develops into something debilitating and all-consuming. Those who experience this fear find it difficult to focus on other things except the single subject - the fear of disease and suffering itself. They may try to talk about something else, but often return to their fears.

They may even try to deny the fear and thoughts about it, but in a stressful situation it becomes obvious that they have very little control over it, and that their fear dictates what they should do.


  • Constant worry
  • Panic attacks
  • Lack of oxygen
  • Irregular or increased heart rate
  • Shiver
  • Fainting
  • The desire to run
  • Desire to wash hands

How to overcome fears of illness

Don't suffer needlessly. Don't wait another minute to get rid of fear and this unnecessary suffering in your life.

One of the greatest tools for conquering fear is helping your brain understand the difference between an emotional (fear-based) response and a rational or logical response. This is the first big step. The second step - finding the real (actual) source of fear - will also be important in developing a plan to overcome fear.

  • Understand that the likelihood of a fatal disease is extremely low. In most cases, people who get sick with any fatal disease get it due to mistakes that very rarely happen. You don't need to be extremely worried all the time, but only when life really demands it.
  • Take a vacation. Yes, yes, you heard right. Fear of illness is often caused by stress. Take a weekend to relax. Visit something like a beach or a beautiful forest. Just take a break from everything for a couple of days in a quiet place. Vacation where you like and you can be with the one you like. Just make sure it's a great place to get away and forget all your troubles.
  • You were not given life to waste worrying about illness. Live with faith in the best, not with fear of the worst. While you live, make it fun. Don't get ahead of yourself thinking that you are going to die at a young age.
  • See a doctor if you really need it. Let him tell you more about your concerns than anyone else would. Trust that the doctor knows his stuff and can help you stop worrying about getting sick or contracting them.
  • Share what you feel. Find someone who can listen to you and whom you can trust. Keeping everything “locked up” inside will not help anything. By releasing your feelings, you can make them go away. If you have no one to talk to (or in addition to talking), express your feelings and thoughts on paper. To do this, you can keep a diary with your notes. Many people are helped only by expressing their feelings and then their fears can disappear...

Have you ever experienced fear of illness?

How to get rid of depression and obsessive thoughts?

This is the desire of a person with a sound vector. For whom thoughts are both the greatest blessing and unbearable suffering. It depends on what condition it is in.

Good - because his life purpose is to think, to create ideas. When he is a philosopher, writer, programmer, inventor, his thoughts work in the right direction. From an abstract idea something appears and materializes. Suffering is when the greatest abstract intelligence is not realized and too many thoughts arise about what is difficult to comprehend and put into concrete form. Endless questions run through my head in billions: “What’s the point?”, “Why is all this?”, “Why am I like this?” The condition is aggravated by obsessive thinking, constant internal dialogue, which can drive you crazy.

Without receiving an answer to his many questions, the sound artist does not realize his desire to understand the meaning of life, himself and the world around him, and therefore finds himself in a state of deep depression. Very often he feels deadlocked because he is not even aware of his desires, because they have nothing to do with ordinary human affairs. He wants to know the First Cause, but no one except him is interested in this, so he feels like a stranger and globally alone in this world. He doesn’t want to live, to the point that he mentally begins to choose a way to die. Thoughts of suicide can also become obsessive.

This is how Ekaterina felt before the training:

Causes of panic fear of illness and death?

If the above conditions persist for a long time, despite good test results. We need to look for the source of the problems in the patient’s psyche. Fear of illness can arise as a result of a previous serious illness. And also as a result of stress associated with the diagnosis of a possible disease. But this will not always be the case, you need to understand and realize this.

Diseases that occur within the family and loved ones can also have an impact.

In each of these cases, it is worth making a distinction: “I suffer from this particular disease” or “I am afraid that I will get sick.” In this second case we are dealing with anxiety, which is what we are talking about here.

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