After the divorce and moving, I was overcome by panic attacks and fears. No forces.

What panic attacks (episodic paroxysmal anxiety) are is known to almost every patient suffering from VSD. These are unexpected attacks of severe anxiety, which are accompanied by many different vegetative symptoms. Most often, PA is observed in people from 25 to 45 years old; women are more susceptible to attacks. Most often, this condition worries people who are under constant psycho-emotional stress. Almost all patients who have once experienced PA begin to experience fear of a recurrence of symptoms and fall into an “anxious waiting mode.” Many of them are afraid of dying from a panic attack.

What is a panic attack and its symptoms

Panic attack (PA) is an irrational, acute and unexpected attack of severe anxiety, accompanied by several somatic manifestations:

  • tachycardia;
  • feeling of pressure or pain in the sternum;
  • rise in blood pressure;
  • increased sweating;
  • feeling of suffocation, lack of oxygen;
  • disturbance of the stomach, nausea;
  • hot flashes;
  • chills;
  • trembling in the body;
  • numbness or paresthesia in the limbs, convulsions;
  • dizziness, weakness;
  • pre-fainting state.

Panic attacks vary in severity. Often the physiological symptoms are so severe that the first time a person experiences a panic attack, they think they are having a heart attack. The intensity of the main symptom of PA - anxiety - varies from mild internal emotional discomfort to severe panic. If a person primarily complains about somatic manifestations, they speak of “panic without panic.” Paroxysms with a low level of anxiety are most often observed in neurological diseases.

A normal panic attack is often accompanied by confusion, confusion, derealization and depersonalization. With derealization, the perception of the outside world changes. Everything seems distant, colorless, gray or, conversely, too bright, the shapes of objects are blurred. Sounds are distorted - they are perceived muffled, as if coming from under water, or, conversely, some individual sound signals stand out strongly. Time slows down or speeds up. A person loses orientation in space. The patient feels as if he is going crazy or dying. As a result, the panic only intensifies. An attack can last from a couple of minutes to several hours, and on average lasts 20–30 minutes.

With depersonalization, one’s own actions are perceived as alienated, and emotional sensitivity is dulled. A person may ask questions: “How can I control my body,” “How can I think?” But the fact is that depersonalization is an adequate response of the body to stress. In emergency situations, a state of depersonalization helps to soberly analyze the situation, without emotions interfering with judgment. However, often the patient himself, after the end of the attack, defines his condition as pathological, regarding the emerging symptoms of depersonalization as a sign of schizophrenia.


A panic attack is characterized by an attack of fear, panic or anxiety and/or a feeling of internal tension in combination with four or more of the following symptoms associated with panic:

  1. Heart palpitations, rapid pulse
  2. Sweating
  3. Chills, tremors, feeling of internal trembling
  4. Feeling short of breath, shortness of breath
  5. Choking or difficulty breathing
  6. Pain or discomfort in the left side of the chest
  7. Nausea or abdominal discomfort
  8. Feeling dizzy, unsteady, lightheaded, or lightheaded
  9. Feeling of derealization, depersonalization
  10. Fear of going crazy or doing something uncontrollable
  11. Fear of death
  12. Feeling of numbness or tingling in the extremities
  13. Insomnia
  14. Confusion of thoughts (decreased voluntary thinking)

There are other symptoms not included in the list: abdominal pain, stool upset, frequent urination, sensation of a lump in the throat, gait disturbance, visual or hearing impairment, cramps in the arms or legs, motor dysfunction, high blood pressure.

Can I have attacks every day?

Panic attacks, once making themselves felt, tend to have a long, recurrent course. The average frequency of paroxysms in patients is up to 2–3 times a month. But some clients experience panic attacks several times every day. They can also happen at night.

If the first panic attacks occurred in a specific situation - in an elevator cabin, a subway car, a crowd - the person begins to avoid these places in order to prevent another attack. At the same time, if he accidentally finds himself in an environment similar to the one in which panic first arose, he begins to worry, expecting the next attack, and thereby increases the likelihood of its occurrence.

This situation is very exhausting for the patient. Not knowing how to live after panic attacks, the patient suffers from constant fear of the next attack, loses the ability to engage in his usual activities, which leads him to social maladjustment. A person is afraid to go out unaccompanied. As a result of frequently and unpredictably occurring paroxysms, the patient’s living space is significantly narrowed - sometimes to the size of his own apartment.

No more panic attacks, can they come back?

In recent years, there have been more and more people suffering from various psychoneurotic disorders and VSD. There are many reasons for this - the frantic pace of life, information attacks, the pursuit of imposed values, poor ecology, products that lose nutrients. The first question that arises for those who are faced with the problem is whether panic attacks go away? After all, patients are often convinced that there are no pills for this scourge, and it is not so easy to get rid of it.


Under the guise of panic attacks there are serious diseases, especially those related to the endocrine system. Only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment! All information on the site is for informational purposes only and is not a reason for self-diagnosis or self-medication.

But it's not all that bad. There are many examples when people were able to completely get rid of vegetative-vascular dystonia, neurosis and panic attacks. This only confirms the fact that such disorders are completely reversible, although they are difficult to respond to traditional methods of therapy.

Regardless of how a neurotic person managed to get rid of panic attacks, they cannot be quickly forgotten. Although I really want to. After panic attacks have passed, the last thing in the world you want to experience them again. Many people are beginning to wonder whether the attacks can return?

There is no guarantee that crises of neurosis will not be repeated in the life of a person who once experienced them. Sometimes PAs appear again after several years of stable remission. They can occur against the background of severe stress, a somatic illness, or an accident.

It is worth understanding that the process of a panic attack is not triggered by organic matter, but exclusively by the psyche. In most cases, the sufferer himself is not aware of this mechanism.

It happens something like this: for a long time a person experiences hidden stress (dissatisfaction with work, problems in the family, worries about the future, fears for children, etc.). He seems to understand that he is worried, but does not record how often he does it. “Neurotic” thinking, full of fears and anxieties, gradually develops. He also does not realize how little by little his nervous system is being shaken. After all, every negative emotion is a blow to the nerves.

The process can take years. One fine day, the weakened central nervous system simply cannot withstand the load and fails. A vegetative-vascular crisis occurs. It manifests itself in various physiological symptoms. You can read more about what manifestations of VSD occur here. This is how panic attacks arise, which become a habit of the body. In essence, PA is a defensive reaction to stress, to those internal problems that occur in a person’s head, thoughts, and inner world.

Sometimes dystonia occurs against the background of a one-time, but very strong stress factor. For example, after an accident, a plane crash, a fire, the loss of a loved one, in a word, something that shook the psyche.

Thus, it can be understood that if panic attacks have passed successfully, they can only recur if the person himself returns to neurotic thinking and a destructive worldview. That is, if he again begins to undermine his nervous system with negative thoughts, internal conflicts, fears, and experiences.

In order to get rid of panic attacks forever, it is very important to realize these aspects and no longer allow those internal problems that weakened the nerves and caused VSD. With good mental health, the risk of repeated panic attacks is virtually eliminated. But mental health alone will not improve. We need to work on this.

This is also interesting:

Humor and self-irony help against panic attacks (my little comic technique)

Diagnosis of panic attacks

Since the hallmark of panic attacks is obvious physical symptoms, it becomes difficult to diagnose the disease. Before diagnosing PA, it is necessary to discard possible medical causes of crises - to exclude disorders of the cardiovascular, endocrine, and nervous systems. Depending on the physiological symptoms of panic attacks, the patient may be prescribed hormone level studies, magnetic resonance imaging of the brain, electrocardiography, daily monitoring, ultrasound examination of the heart, blood vessels, and consultations with specialized specialists (cardiologist, endocrinologist, neurologist, gastroenterologist).

Panic attacks can be a symptom of depressive, anxiety-phobic, or post-traumatic stress disorder. Attacks can be provoked by taking certain medications: hormonal, anti-inflammatory drugs (prednisol, hydrocortisone, erespal).

The disease should be differentiated from panic disorder, a mental disorder characterized by a chronic state of anxiety and the occurrence of panic attacks several times a day. Periodic panic attacks are not necessarily a sign of panic disorder, but people who suffer from it are sure to experience PA. Moreover, if panic attacks are not considered a sign of a severe phobia, then first of all a suspicion arises that the client has a panic disorder.

Often, a person, having experienced the first panic attacks, begins to fear that he has a serious physical pathology, which in the end can be difficult to dissuade him of. The patient's erroneous ideas about the essence of the syndrome lead to the development of hypochondria, which only aggravates the course of the disease and complicates the recovery process.

Panic attacks in childhood

Women are more prone to panic attacks due to the increased emotionality inherent in the weaker sex. Typically, the first attacks occur between the ages of 20 and 40, but can occur in children and adolescents. Children's panic attacks often occur after experiencing traumatic situations, due to a turbulent atmosphere in the family, stress and overwork due to school.

It is difficult for a child to understand and explain his condition to adults, which complicates the diagnosis and treatment of the disease in early school and preschool age. Sometimes a baby can express physiological and emotional discomfort in just crying. Therefore, an attack of PA causes shock not only in the child, but also in the parents. In such a situation, concerned parents usually immediately call a local doctor at home or call an ambulance.

In the best case, the child is diagnosed with vegotovascular dystonia, explaining the paroxysms as an age-related dysregulation of the cardiovascular, endocrine or autonomic nervous system. If doctors do not immediately suspect the psychosomatic origin of the disease, the baby is passed from hand to hand for a long time by various specialists in search of physical pathology, when first of all a consultation with a child psychologist is required.

What to do if you panic after breaking up with your loved one?

Most often, panic attacks after divorce plague those who have been married for a long time. There is an awareness of the need to divide property, independently raise and support children, and fully take responsibility for tomorrow. For those who entered into a relationship at an early age and find themselves at the stage of divorce as an adult, this is not easy.

Impressionable and emotional people may face difficulties. Those for whom these feelings became the first serious emotional attachment.

Anti-anxiety medications, help from a psychologist, and decisive action will help you cope with panic attacks. In order for the source of panic, your fear, to disappear forever, you need to work through it. If you are afraid of being alone, find new friends, renew your social circle, take up previously unknown hobbies. Are you worried about a financial issue? Change your job, take advanced training courses, find freelancing. Worried you're not good enough? Give yourself a relaxing holiday. Go on a trip or shopping. Dress up, catch compliments and add as much variety to your life as possible.

Fear of change can be used as an impetus to do something that you have not dared to take on for a long time or that you have always denied yourself. If family and friends provide the necessary support, you will be able to cope with anxiety much faster. Meditation and breathing practices will allow you to find harmony with yourself, and in your new busy life there will be no time left for unnecessary emotions other than joy and happiness.

Biological causes of panic attacks

Modern science considers panic attacks as a symptom of a malfunction of the psyche, although biological factors also play a significant role in the origin of the syndrome. Including genetic predisposition. The structural features of the nervous system are inherited, which is a predisposing factor for the development of anxiety disorders.

Clinical experience also shows that people who have poor exercise tolerance are predisposed to panic attacks. Hormonal imbalances play an important role. Teenagers during puberty and women in menopause are susceptible to panic attacks.

You can also note a predisposition to panic attacks in people who abuse alcohol. A vegetative crisis often occurs during withdrawal symptoms.

A person may experience panic attacks due to disruption of normal blood flow in the arteries supplying the brain. Unfortunately, problems with the vertebral arteries begin at a young age due to a sedentary lifestyle. The most common cause is cervical osteochondrosis. But panic attacks can also be triggered by physical injuries to the cervical-collar area. Due to compression of important blood vessels and nerves, a person regularly experiences migraines, dizziness, and numb hands.

Osteochondrosis in the thoracic spine sometimes mimics heart pain and causes breathing difficulties. Can panic attacks occur every day with osteochondrosis? As spinal disease progresses, the conductivity of nerves and blood vessels deteriorates. So it is not surprising if, with problems with the spine, unpleasant symptoms occur regularly.

Depression and panic attacks, hopelessness and anxiety are special symptoms of auditory-visual people

System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan explains that the sound vector is dominant in any combination with other vectors in humans. This means that the dominant sound vector significantly suppresses the visual one, so first of all, such a person will show symptoms of deep sound depression and panic attacks will be in the background.

However, the degree of unfulfillment in the realization of their innate properties is different for each person. So, for example, one of the areas through which a sound engineer can partially make up for his lack is playing music or participating in scientific developments. If the sound deficiency is partially compensated, and the properties of the visual vector are not realized at all, then a panic attack will come to the fore, and the picture of depression and its symptoms will be partially smoothed out.

Training in system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan gives each person the knowledge that allows you to accurately determine which of your innate properties are lacking and how exactly you can make up for it. This is confirmed by many people who have completed the training and who managed to overcome even the deepest sound depression with suicidal thoughts:

Psychosomatics PA

If, after undergoing diagnostic procedures, it turns out that there are no pathologies of internal organs, then you need to go for treatment to a psychiatrist. Factors influencing the occurrence of panic attacks are hidden deep in the human psyche. Often patients are not even aware of the true causes of their condition.

Panic attacks are based on psychological trauma, memories of which are driven into the subconscious, but make themselves known from time to time in the form of panic attacks. Any therapy that is not focused on working through the traumatic situation leads to relapse of the disease. You can identify the hidden sources of anxiety and phobias during a hypnosis session with psychologist-hypnologist Nikita Valeryevich Baturin.

The tendency to panic reactions is associated with the characteristics of a person’s character. From a psychological point of view, a person needs all the symptoms that arise during PA, even the most unpleasant ones. This is largely a manifestation not so much of an illness as of psychological defense.

Most of the emotional manifestations of PA are due to the fact that a person experiences the state of a frightened and helpless small child. This is a harmless, from a medical point of view, short-term return to a childhood state (age regression). It often turns out that panic attacks begin to haunt a person when there are very complex, unresolved problems and internal conflicts in his life. In other words, he constantly experiences tension, dissatisfaction with himself and his relationships with people around him. As this internal tension accumulates, panic attacks occur from time to time as an emergency release of negative emotions - in order to avoid getting really sick.

If a person ignores his basic needs for a long time, the body turns on a defensive reaction. A stressed-out body has no other way to attract attention than to cause a panic attack and force the person to take care of its needs.

Therefore, in order to get rid of panic attacks, you should figure out what areas of a person’s life you are not happy with and put things in order. Any long-term stress - instability at work, conflicts in the family, moving and even pregnancy - gradually depletes the body. A person often does not notice how he destroys his body in pursuit of non-existent ideals. He works extremely hard, eats poorly, never gets proper rest, and then wonders where his health problems come from.

When analyzing the causes of panic attacks, one cannot ignore the secondary benefit that a person receives from the “sick” status. Psychotherapists know the sad statistics: every third patient sabotages his recovery, although he declares and even believes that he wants to recover.

PAs can be a kind of way of avoiding problems, an excuse for not wanting to do things that cause discomfort. For example, if you are sick, you don’t have to try to get a job and build equal relationships with people. You can remain dependent, weak, receive attention, sympathy and help from loved ones, which you would otherwise be deprived of.

Panic attacks are an excellent cover for people who feel that they are unable to meet the expectations of others or meet their own high demands. If a perfectionist feels that he is losing control of his life, he may transfer the need for control to those aspects that he is able to control. As a result, he begins to monitor himself - track blood pressure, pulse rate, and be examined by all kinds of doctors. This way, at least some illusion of control is maintained.

To understand what hidden need the syndrome satisfies, why a person has panic attacks every day, you need to ask yourself the following questions:

  1. How will my life change if the attacks go away?
  2. What unpleasant things will I have to do if I am cured?

Sometimes it is enough to answer such questions honestly for the disease to subside.

Is it possible to die from PA?

First of all, a person suffering from VSD and all accompanying manifestations must remember that panic attacks themselves do not provoke loss of reason and do not lead to death. All symptoms that appear during an attack do not indicate the development of a serious disease. Each PA presupposes both its beginning and its ending. Some manifestations can certainly be dangerous, and this is, first of all, high blood pressure. “Jumping out” of the heart can also negatively affect the patient’s health, namely:

  • frequent attacks of strong heartbeat lead to insufficient oxygen supply to the brain, which provokes a general deterioration of the condition and has a negative impact on the ability to work fully;
  • an intensively working heart, having aged prematurely, will not be able to perform its work fully, which will not have the best effect on the functions of the entire organism;
  • tachycardia can lead to premature heart failure.

Another consequence of panic attacks can be the emergence of uncontrollable fears in people (for example, fear of death or cardiophobia), which can also have a detrimental effect on their physical and psychological state.

Treatment of pathology

Treatment has two main directions: stopping attacks and eliminating the root cause of the disease.

Drug therapy

If a patient has panic attacks every day, then to alleviate the condition, a psychotherapist can prescribe drugs that relieve attacks. The choice of medications is a responsible task and is carried out in person. It is necessary to take into account the patient’s mental state, previous medical history, clinical manifestations of attacks and possible contraindications. Typically, your doctor will prescribe one of the following medications:

  • atarax;
  • grandaxin;
  • Hydazeepam;
  • seduxen;
  • imipramine;
  • phanazepam;
  • mirtazapine;
  • phenelzine;
  • fluoxetine;
  • paxil

The duration of the drug course of treatment is approximately 1–6 months. Cancellation of the prescribed drug is possible if attacks do not recur within 30–40 days.

It is important to remember that pills for panic attacks are not a panacea, but a temporary measure. They only relieve symptoms, but do not solve the problem causing the anxiety disorder itself. Moreover, tranquilizers like gidazepam and phanazepam are addictive and addictive. Therefore, in addition to issuing a prescription for medication, the psychotherapist teaches non-drug methods of controlling attack symptoms.

Non-drug ways to relieve panic attacks

When a person feels a rush of panic, he is recommended to follow these steps.

  1. Breath control. Teaching a person the methods of abdominal breathing allows you to stop an attack of hyperventilation (when a person, in panic, begins to breathe too deeply and often). For this purpose, they also breathe into a paper bag, which limits the access of oxygen to the body.
  2. Muscle relaxation. During an extreme situation, the body instinctively prepares to flee or attack, causing the body's muscles to tense. If tension is not relieved, it will itself cause anxiety. And if you manage to relax muscle tension during a panic attack, then, based on the feedback principle, the level of anxiety will also decrease. To do this, you need to tense your muscles even more, for example, clench your hands into fists, and then relax.
  3. Switching attention from internal experiences to external objects. You can pinch yourself, get distracted by a conversation, start studying advertising signs - just to be distracted by something neutral.
  4. Challenging negative thoughts. It is important for the patient to understand that panic attacks are not a manifestation of a serious pathology and do not threaten his life. All symptoms are completely reversible. After the attack is over, no damage is caused to the body. If, for example, a person begins to worry about a rapid heartbeat, he should remind himself that he has passed all the examinations and knows that his heart is healthy.


Psychotherapy helps overcome panic attacks. But it is important to choose a good therapist and be prepared for long-term therapy and often unpleasant work with your psyche. It is not necessary to contact clinical psychologists. Psychoanalysts, client-centered, existential and gestalt therapists also treat panic attacks. Among psychotherapeutic areas, cognitive behavioral therapy is considered the most effective in the treatment of PA.

Therapy for panic attacks typically takes several months of weekly meetings. Clinical experience shows that the sooner the patient seeks the help of professionals, the less self-medication, the sooner recovery occurs. Don't hesitate to contact psychotherapists. It's anonymous. Panic attacks are not registered with a psychoneurological clinic.

Hypnosuggestive psychotherapy

Many psychotherapists use hypnosis in their practice. It helps speed up the treatment of panic attacks and ease the client's emotional state. The advantage of hypnotherapy is its harmlessness, almost complete absence of contraindications and compatibility with any drug therapy.

Hypnosuggestive psychotherapy is a therapeutic suggestion perceived without critical evaluation in connection with its presentation to a person in a state of trance - maximum concentration on the voice of the hypnotherapist to the detriment of other stimuli. The suggestion formula contains individually selected expressions that have a positive effect on the course of neuropsychic and somatic processes.

How hypnosis works to treat panic attacks can be found in the video:

The duration of one session is approximately 60 minutes. The average number of hypnotic sessions varies depending on the severity of the patient's condition. As a rule, during the first session, the content of the suggestion is only an attitude towards good health, cheerfulness and optimism. And only at subsequent meetings do the hypnologists directly move on to working with the problem of panic attacks. Many clients experience noticeable improvements after 5 sessions. Sometimes there is a need for a second course of hypnotherapy.

You can sign up for a hypnosis course with the famous psychologist-hypnologist Nikita Valerievich Baturin.

Hypnosis sessions can also be group sessions. The advantage of an in-person individual consultation is that suggestions are selected specifically for the client’s needs, but general audio hypnosis for panic attacks also has a therapeutic effect:

Panic attacks. How to get rid of it yourself?

There is a huge amount of information on the Internet on the topic of VSD, neuroses, various phobias, and, finally, panic attacks. However, not all the material is presented in accessible language, and most importantly, few people will be able to understand the very essence of this issue. And in this article I will tell you my personal experience with this problem, and then how I got rid of it.

What is a panic attack?

PA is an acute fear of death or madness that lasts from 15 to 30 minutes.
This information is written on almost any website, and therefore I will not go into detail here. It will be much more important to find out what causes a panic attack? This extremely painful condition occurs due to the sudden release of a huge amount of adrenaline into the blood. Essentially, it is the same as if you were next to a hungry and angry lion. Only, the fear of this predator would be quite natural, but in the case of the PA, things are a little different.

Remember when you had your first panic attack? Let's give an example with the most common case - traveling on public transport. One fine day you were driving about your business, and suddenly your heart began to beat strangely. From this moment on, you began to create your own panic attack with your own thoughts and assessment of these interruptions in your heart.

To make it clear what I mean by this, try to remember your first thoughts when you had interruptions, or, say, you felt dizzy. Usually these are the following thought forms: “There is something wrong with my heart, what if it’s a heart attack (or stroke) and I’m going to die? But I still have a lot of unfinished business, I’m still very young...”

As soon as you think so, adrenaline is immediately released into your blood, because your brain believes that you are in danger. Only, unlike a hungry lion, this “danger” is caused solely by your irrational assessment. So you have a panic attack and you confirm your thought form: “Exactly! It's a heart attack!” And you feel even worse.

Is it possible to die from a panic attack?

No. Moreover, you cannot harm your health or go crazy in this way. Because not a single similar case has been registered yet. And to think that you will be the first will be quite stupid. Think for yourself - how can you die from the fact that adrenaline is released into your blood? This is a natural fear reaction that is completely normal.

Why did I feel that something was wrong with my heart?

This is a very good question, and now I will try to answer it as clearly as possible for you.
From childhood, you were brought up in conditions where your life was too one-sided and inflexible. For example, your parents often told you: “Don’t play around in the minibus, otherwise that uncle over there will take you to his place!” Or: “You’re not a good boy, what will other people think of you?” And you get used to the fact that they may think badly of you simply because you somehow behave differently. And even when you grow up, your tension will remain about this. And if situations arise where it is too strong (for example, riding in a crowded minibus), then this tension will definitely find an outlet in the body. This may be in the form of a racing heart or other symptoms. Such as tachycardia, dizziness, a feeling of unreality of what is happening, and so on.

The fact that tension comes out into the body is also not dangerous. But you don’t know that it’s just tension, you think it’s a terrible disease or a heart attack. This is why you interpret the heart failure as something terrible and why you have a panic attack.

Why don't all people have panic attacks?

Because we were all raised differently. Some grew up to be anxious people, while others remained calmer people. This is a very long topic, and it cannot be described in a few words. But one thing is for sure: if you have often been put into strict boundaries since childhood (don’t cheat on your husband, sleep with men only after marriage, study with straight A’s), and your life has developed in such a way that you had to break these boundaries, then you have Problems will begin with the release of tension into the body. Especially if you feel strong guilt towards your parents for what you did. (they got bad marks, lost their virginity early, and the like) Although, in principle, this is absolutely normal.

How to deal with a panic attack once and for all?

So, now remember, or better yet, write it down.
The next time you feel like you are about to have a PA, tell yourself the following: “Okay, stop! It's just tension that comes out into my body. This is not some terrible disease, because my examinations say that I am healthy! My condition does not pose any danger, and I give it the right to be!” And really give your body the right to feel tension and discomfort for a while. But in no case should you think like this: “Not’s about to start again!” Damn, now I’m definitely going to die!” Because your brain will again accept such thoughts as a threat, with the known consequences in the form of another PA.

But if you say that, yes, I’m not feeling very well right now, but I understand that this is just my stress caused by life’s contradictions and circumstances, then you will never develop a panic attack. Because you won't interpret your heartbeat as danger. And from now on you will forget the problem of panic attacks once and for all.

To put it bluntly, allow yourself to die and you will never die. Give yourself permission to experience a panic attack and you will never experience one. I remember how often I mocked myself like this: “Ha! Tension again? And like, are you going to kill me now? Well, come on, start! And let’s hurry up, otherwise I’m not dying for nothing!”

I said this because I knew for sure that a panic attack would never kill me. And as soon as I started thinking in this sarcastic way, my tension quickly went away. And even more so, I didn’t have any panic attack.

So, if you truly believe that your condition poses absolutely no threat, then you will quickly forget your panic fear. However, when you get rid of it, don't think that your problems will end there. Now I don’t mean the problems of panic attacks, but the issues with your tension that comes out into the body.

To get rid of these problems, you need to find a good therapist! Not a psychiatrist, not a neurologist, and especially not a cardiologist. I know very well how after the first PA people start running around to doctors who send them to other doctors. I also know how exhausting it is that they can’t give you any normal information.

Therefore, I immediately recommend that you look for good psychologists or psychotherapists. If one doesn't work, then look for another. In our country there are very few such specialists who really understand this problem and which is generally called neurosis! And not vegetative-vascular dystonia! There is no such diagnosis even in ICD-10! Your problems are called neurosis, and only neurosis! A panic attack is just a tiny symptom, like the tip of the iceberg.

I will finish this article.

I hope that I was able to give you the information that you really needed. You may have a lot of questions, and I understand. I recommend that you do not look for answers on various forums, as you will most likely be misled there. Always critically evaluate what you read.

This also applies to my article - under no circumstances take my word for it. Just use this information in practice, and then you will understand whether it brought you results or not. But I will tell you that I myself got rid of panic attacks in exactly this way, and I have not experienced them for 2 years. In addition, I know thousands of people who have also successfully gone through this problem.

And I wish you a speedy recovery and more practice! Copy this article to your phone or print it, and then start acting right now. Go to the subway/cafe/minibus and wait for your tension. Don't be afraid of anything. And then just follow what I told you. And you will quickly see the result.

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