How to stop constantly thinking about your ex-wife after a divorce?

How to forget your husband or wife

Breaking up a relationship, even on your own initiative, can lead to serious psychological consequences for you. This is not surprising, because past relationships are a certain stage of your life that could not but leave a mark on it. However, after a divorce, your life moves on, so you need to say goodbye to the past. Let's talk about how to forget your husband or how to forget your wife after a divorce?

1. The first thing you need to do is speak up. You cannot keep your thoughts and emotions to yourself and become isolated. The best thing if you want to know how to forget your husband or how to forget your wife is to contact a psychologist, he will help you cope with your difficult situation, sort out your mistakes and start a new life.

2. There is no need to look for those to blame. Devote no more than two days to analyzing the situation, think about where you screwed up and what your mistakes were. Try to draw conclusions for the future.

3. It is necessary to take all your thoughts aside; for this you need to be distracted. Transfer all your thoughts to work. It’s not without reason that they say that the best way to forget about problems is to plunge headlong into work. You should not have free time to think hard about the past.

4. The third step, it is very difficult, but if you want to know how to forget your husband or how to forget your wife, then you need to complete it. It is this: you must forgive and let go of your spouse. To do this, remember all your grievances, griefs, quarrels; for visualization, you can write them down on a piece of paper. Re-read all the points and say out loud that you forgive your partner for everything and wish him happiness, but no longer with you.

5. To make it easier for you, try to cut off all contacts with your ex-spouse. Avoid places where you might meet, stop seeing mutual friends for a while. Try to exclude from your life everything that may remind you of past love and relationships.

6. Go towards new relationships. Do you want to know the best way to forget your husband or how to forget your wife? Try to start a new social circle as quickly as possible. To do this, it will be useful for women and men to take some courses and do something new. Go on vacation, and perhaps have a light holiday romance.

7. Change. To do this, try to remember what exactly your other half forbade you. Did your spouse not like that you loved to dance? Or did your wife forbid you to spend much time on your car and going to football? Now is the time to do just that.

8. The surest way to find out how to forget your husband or how to forget your wife is to devote maximum time only to yourself. At the same time, try to do this not only with pleasure, but also for your benefit. At first, analyze what has changed for the better for you after the breakup. You should feel the pleasure of freedom. Good and promising marriages are not destroyed, despite quarrels and conflicts. This means your marriage was doomed. The main thing for you is to draw conclusions and move on. After all, your life does not end when your wife or husband leaves the family. Perhaps this is her happy beginning.

How to stop constantly thinking about your ex-wife after a divorce?

Evgeniy, hello! First of all, you need to figure out what exactly makes you think about your ex-wife. In your head this is one common feeling: I think about her, it’s hard for me without her, I understand that she doesn’t want to be with me, but I can’t get her out of my head. These thoughts and feelings come in a continuous stream, because the wound is still very fresh, and it is difficult to separate them into any components. But in any case, loving a person who doesn’t want to be with you is a pathological condition. Unfortunately, many generations of people have been raised to idealize and romanticize unrequited love. But in fact, it is completely normal to love someone who loves you back, with whom you can be together, and who brings happiness, not suffering. It’s very good that you formulate your request this way: to rebuild and start living on. The power of intention is already half the success. What would I recommend? Perhaps something will resonate with you. If you clearly realize that your wife is really dear to you, the separation helped you understand this - perhaps you should talk about it with her. It is not clear from your message whether you tried to discuss this situation. Look: she left because, in her opinion, you did not love her enough. You helped her with the move (did you say that you didn’t want to leave?) - and in the woman’s interpretation this can be “let go easily and without regrets.” You continued to communicate, but were there any attempts on your part to explain to her how bad you feel without her? That you want to get her back, and not just date her occasionally? Perhaps your wife’s reluctance to return is due to the fact that she does not see and understand how much you want this? Sometimes what a woman lacks is a frank recognition from a man that she is dear to him. Now you are drawing conclusions “looking at everything from the outside.” Are you sure that your ex-wife does not draw the same conclusions, looking at you from the outside? Confessing your feelings is not at all shameful or shameful. Someone has to do it first. And even if you don’t get the expected response from her, it’s better than not trying and probably breaking up with her, and then possibly regretting it. If, after all, your wife really doesn’t want to be with you anymore, then you need to choose a different tactic - namely, make sure that you let go of this situation as quickly as possible. First, you should stop any communication with your ex-wife. At least for a while, until you realize that your feelings for her have passed. Your wound is now open, and every time you see her, you sprinkle salt on it. If you firmly understand that your wife is not going to return to you, and communication on her terms (we just meet without obligations) is, first of all, using you. She does what is convenient and comfortable for her, and she should not be bothered that you are suffering. It is your task to take care of your feelings and not let her hurt them. Secondly, it is worth understanding the reason why you are so attached to your ex-wife. Of course, it is best to do this with a psychologist, but you can try it yourself. Look at the situation soberly: there is a person with whom you feel good, but only when she loves you and is completely in your relationship. If she doesn’t love you and doesn’t want you as a husband, this is a different person, not the one with whom you feel good. Because we cannot get a person partially: she makes you happy precisely and only when she is your wife. But you still think about her. What else could tie you to her? Perhaps somewhere in the depths of your soul there is a glimmer of hope that she will still return, and realizing with your head that she is no longer with you, you on an unconscious level refuse to accept it? Perhaps it’s about some shared memories that “anchored” you to her? And again, at the unconscious level there is an attitude that “as happy as I was then, I can only be with her”? Perhaps the mechanism of desire for the unattainable is activated, and it is precisely because of her inaccessibility that your wife attracts you so much now? You say that your wife left you because she “stopped feeling your love.” Did you really pay less attention to her when she was around? Did your feelings flare up again just when she left? If this is the case, then perhaps it’s worth looking at it from a different angle: if you didn’t feel the same emotions for her when she was around, maybe you don’t need her as much as you think now? There is nothing wrong with this - these are normal human emotions. In any case, I am sure that you will be able to cope with this situation. With sincere wishes of happiness, Lyudmila Krugovykh

How to stop constantly thinking about your loved one?
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How to hurt your ex-girlfriend?

When a guy and a girl have a great relationship, both try to make it even better. They won't even think about hurting each other. A guy will never think about how to hurt a girl. But if suddenly a girl decides to break up with a guy, to leave him, then the male pride that was hurt immediately begins to wake up. And the guy is thinking about how to hurt his ex-girlfriend.

So, the girl decided to leave the guy. The guy will consider this decision a betrayal, he will feel that he is humiliated. , offended. And it won’t just leave it like that. He will want revenge. He will think about how to hurt a woman. It won’t matter to him whether it offends her or not, because he wants the girl to experience the same pain as the guy. What methods exist that explain how to hurt your ex-girlfriend?

There are many ways, but the main ones will be described in this article.

First method: You need to constantly flash in front of your ex-girlfriend, but so that the meetings always seem random. And at such moments, it is desirable that the guy already has another girl, beautiful, slender, well-groomed. It is necessary to show how dear she is to him, but the main thing is not to overact. The ex-girlfriend just needs to understand that she was stupid to let such a guy go.

Second method: Here we need people who know how to spread rumors. And the rumor must be connected to the guy. For example, a guy will soon go to the seaside on vacation, or the prom queen or beauty is running after him. The main thing is that this rumor reaches the ex-girlfriend, she will be unpleasant.

The third way, the most cruel: insult your ex-girlfriend, expose him to everyone's ridicule. Post, for example, photographs of this girl on the Internet, and somehow make an evil joke on them, comment on them. Others will support this topic, and the ex will be unpleasant that the guy offended her so much. How to hurt with words? Words sometimes hurt very deeply. You need to choose the right words and speech to say to your ex-girlfriend. You need to touch her to the quick, hurt her where she didn’t expect. This will be a victory for the guy, and the girl will remain insulted and offended.

There is also a way to take revenge, the following: if a girl has found herself a new guy, then the former abandoned guy can verbally offend the girl so that the new guy does not want to date her anymore. This, of course, is vile, but revenge will be taken.

How to hurt your ex-girlfriend. It is important that the girl really hurts, so that she feels insulted. If she simply smirks at her ex-boyfriend's attempts to take revenge, then she can admit defeat, and this is even worse than simply being abandoned.

What other ways are there to hurt a woman? You can consider a specific situation. The girl decided to leave the guy. She leaves, the guy is offended. What will he do? You can imagine that the girl loves clubs. Then the guy will need to get into the same club where she goes that same evening. Dress accordingly, take money. And be the center of attraction for girls all evening. You will need to learn a few phrases to attract the female sex. And show your ex-girlfriend complete indifference to her. Right in the same club, you can meet a beautiful girl, start a relationship with her, and try to make everyone, including your ex-girlfriend, jealous of this relationship. Perhaps this ex will understand what she missed, perhaps she will ask for it back. Here you can tell her everything to her face, insult her so that she runs away with tears in her eyes. You can assume that revenge has been taken and move on with your life.

Here's what else a real man needs to take note of. Of course, it’s unpleasant if the girl leaves. And the easiest way is to hurt her. But a real man should wonder why she left? Maybe it's all about him, maybe he didn't pay enough attention to her? Why then make it hurt? This is not at all masculine. You just need to accept this fact, if possible, then try to get the girl back. And if it doesn’t work out, just let it go.

But, if the reason why a guy wants to hurt a girl still exists, then you can already act on the advice given in the article. Let's say she cheated on you. This is very unpleasant for a man. Here you can already take revenge. You can even come up with this method. Just start dating her friend. The ex-girlfriend will be completely disappointed in life. She will believe that both her ex-boyfriend and her friend betrayed her. What could be worse? Nothing.

But it has been proven that guys are more vindictive than girls. Only a guy, if a girl leaves him, will think about how to hurt a woman. Only a retaliatory strike will calm him down. The girl, on the contrary, will delve into herself and think that only she is to blame for the breakup.

This article provided examples of how to hurt your ex-girlfriend. The reader will decide for himself whether to use them in practice or not. But I would like to say “the strength of the emperor is forgiveness.”

This relationship is already in the past, but the ex-wife has a different opinion. She believes that if you have lived together for several years or if you have children together, she has the right to interfere in your new life. Such situations occur frequently and this is not surprising, since it is very difficult for women to say goodbye to old habits. Many ex-wives believe that everything can be returned and they do not want to understand that the last train has already left. How to gently eliminate an annoying wife?

“I’m sick of my ex-wife”: what should I do?

Even if you have children together, this does not mean that your ex-wife can interfere in your new life. She must abide by the terms and conditions that you agreed on the day before. But she finds a reason to call or visit again and again. The result is quarrels, showdowns, problems with a new girlfriend or wife. Unfortunately, such situations are not uncommon.

What should I do if my ex-wife is annoying me? A question that is relevant for many men. It happens that he pursues an ex-wife for several years, even if the man already has a new family. But she remains hopeful and thinks that someday you will return to her. There are several options for how to deal with such situations. If “gentle” measures do not help, you will have to use “heavy artillery”:

Straight Talk. Stop putting up with this and arrange a meeting with your ex. We advise you to meet not at home, alone, but in a cafe or restaurant. This way you will prevent possible hysteria or scandal. Tell her that your life together has already ended and you have new acquaintances and interests. You are ready to participate in raising your common children, but no more. She shouldn't get her hopes up and wait for you.

Do not be nervous. Most likely, she wants to take you out and provoke a scandal. Do not react to her provocations and remain calm. This way she will understand that she has no influence over you.

Agree. If you don’t have children together, give her an ultimatum - she should no longer call or come to you. If you have children together, make a schedule that clearly indicates the hours and days that you will spend with the child. Present her with a fact: you are going to spend this time with the child, and not with her.

Above we have listed gentle ways to solve the problem and get rid of the constant attention of your ex-wife. If these options do not produce results, it is time to act more decisively.

How to get rid of an annoying wife?

Conversations and explanations did not help, after a few days she returns to her old ways - looking for a reason to meet, calling often. It's time to take decisive action:

Ignore. Just don't pick up the phone when she calls you. Better yet, blacklist her number; most mobile operators have such a service. If she comes to your house, don't open the door and continue to ignore her.

Contact the police for help. This should be done if your ex-spouse begins to stalk you or your family members. And if the persecution is accompanied by threats, s must contact the police without fail. You can’t even imagine what an angry and offended woman is capable of!

Moving. If everything is very bad and even contacting law enforcement does not help resolve the conflict, you can move. Do not share your new address with mutual friends and relatives. Where exactly to move - to another street, to another district, city or even country - is up to you to decide.

The best way to get rid of your ex-wife is to ignore her. Believe me, most women gradually cool down and calm down if they understand that a man is cold. Don't give in to provocations and live a full life!

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