There may be a temperature with depression and neurosis

What is neurotic depression

The description of the disease has been known since the end of the 19th century. Neurotic depression is a combination of diverse symptoms that reflect the state of the psyche, some neuropsychic and autonomic disorders. The disease greatly affects a person’s quality of life and leads to serious consequences if treatment is not started on time. You can get sick at any age. Experts note that signs of this disease can be diagnosed even in a one-year-old child.

Neurotic depression is a type of emotional disorder that combines symptoms characteristic of depression and neurosis at the same time. Moreover, the main symptoms, as a rule, are not clearly expressed, the patient maintains a sound mind, looks positively at his future, and enjoys ordinary everyday events. Often, the subtlety of symptoms makes diagnosis difficult. In some countries, experts do not distinguish this disease as an independent disease, but consider it a form of situational depression.

Differences between neurosis and depression

Despite the fact that depressive neurosis and endogenous depression are very similar in symptoms, there is a significant difference in the diagnosis of these diseases. First of all, differences are noticeable in the intensity of symptoms. With depression, the patient's mood decreases greatly, a tendency to self-flagellation appears, and suicidal thoughts appear.

Masked depression - what is it?

With depressive neurosis, the patient is optimistic about his future and present.

Experts consider anxiety and nervous conditions to be symptoms of neurosis, and depression and gloom associated with a deep mental state are signs of depression.

To distinguish between these terms, you should know that the concept of “neurosis” is understood as any disturbance of mental processes caused by sudden stress or an accumulated tense situation. The diagnosis of depression is a specific part of neurosis.

Important! An accurate diagnosis can only be determined by a qualified specialist. Treatment of any of these diseases must be started in a timely manner to prevent negative consequences.

Description of depression

Situational depression combines several psychological illnesses such as neurosis and depression. But you should not evaluate your health condition as serious based on these principles.

In stressful situations, the first signs of the development of a mental disorder appear. Despite the fact that the symptoms of neurotic depression are not severe, the patient perceives them very painfully. Heredity and predisposition at the genetic level of neurotic depression are minimized.

In the modern world, neurotic depression is becoming more common. The majority of people try to cope with neurosis and depression on their own, but this should not be done. Not everyone can cope with this condition on their own. Fear and a kind of shame in front of specialists can lead to a more complex form of neurotic depression.

Neurotic depression has a wide range of symptoms, which range from pronounced to hidden forms. It is the hidden symptoms of neurotic depression that lead to difficulty in making a diagnosis and carry a huge risk of underestimating the severity of the disease, thereby complicating the prescription of treatment.

The latent form of depressive neurosis is characteristic mainly of adolescent children. As a consequence of neurotic depression, adolescents radically change their lifestyle, thereby destroying their personality. This could be taking drugs, drinking alcohol, and the like.

Sometimes it happens that depression disguises itself as a physical illness. The patient has to undergo examinations and treatments many times, which do not lead to recovery, but on the contrary increase the depressive background.

When the peak development of the disease is reached, neurotic depression leads to serious consequences. A reactive neurotic syndrome develops. The person does not see a way out of the current situation, begins to blame himself for all sins, thoughts of death begin to haunt him and he is capable of suicide. To avoid this outcome, you should contact a specialist in time. A timely diagnosis of neurotic depression will allow immediate treatment to begin.

Symptoms of neurotic depression of various origins

Major depression - what is it?

Symptoms of mild neurotic depression:

  • chronic fatigue syndrome is a sign of the initial stage of the disease;
  • lack of vitality, depression;
  • tearfulness, self-pity;
  • apathy, sadness, melancholy;
  • inhibited mental activity;
  • loss of muscle activity;
  • decreased level of motivation;
  • insomnia, sleep disturbances;
  • full awareness and control of one’s personality;
  • a clear understanding of the causes of neurotic depression.


Neurotic depression, in addition to the above symptoms, can manifest itself as follows:

  • Pressing and squeezing headaches arise or intensify;
  • suffer from tachycardia and pain in the heart area;
  • blood pressure increases;
  • the coordinated functioning of the respiratory system is disrupted;
  • the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted;
  • joint pain appears;
  • problems arise in the functioning of the reproductive system (impotence and menstrual irregularities).

The symptoms of situational depression are the same, but they manifest themselves in a specific situation. The rest of the time the patient leads a normal lifestyle.

Does fever occur with neurosis?

The average normal temperature of the human body is 36.6ºC. Many diseases are accompanied by fever.

Often, this symptom is one of the first to occur in infectious diseases. But some people suffering from VSD begin to notice that their temperature stays between 37-37.

5ºC almost constantly or for a long time. This frightens and makes you constantly worry.

Why does this vital indicator increase during neurosis and what are the reasons? What to do: sound the alarm or ignore it? How dangerous is elevated temperature? The answers to these questions will be discussed in the article.

Temperature deviations are within normal limits

In fact, a person’s temperature level constantly changes throughout the day. If you measure it every hour throughout the day, then anyone will see that in the morning it is slightly lower, then gradually increases, in the evening, at 5-6 o’clock, it can reach 37.0 ºC, and decrease again closer to sleep.

And this is a completely normal process. Any healthy person never has a stable temperature of 36.6ºC throughout the day, and especially not a healthy person.

In medicine, cases have been recorded in which people experienced chronic hyperthermia and hypothermia throughout their lives, as a genetic feature.

So what thermometer readings are the norm?

The natural, normal temperature of the human body is considered to be within 36-37 ºC.

The lowest critical level is 27°C. With this indicator, the person falls into a coma.

Dangerous temperature – 40°С. And the highest, critical mark of the thermometer, at which irreversible processes begin in the brain and body, is 42°C. At a temperature of 45°C, a person faces death.

Low-grade fever with VSD

Low-grade fever is an indicator in the range of 37.1-38ºС. Doctors say that low-grade fever observed for 1-2 days, not accompanied by other symptoms, has no pathological significance for the human body.

This can happen from experiencing severe stress, when encountering certain viruses and bacteria that suppress our immunity, preventing us from getting sick.

But if a low-grade fever persists in the body for more than 3 days, this is a sign of a clear disorder.

With VSD, low-grade fever can last for a long time - a week, a month, or even several months. What happens in the body of a neurotic person, why does the temperature stay at 37-37.5ºС?

Causes of low-grade fever in dystonia

The autonomic nervous system controls all unconscious functions in the human body, including thermoregulation. With VSD (neurosis), a serious failure of this system occurs, and everything literally begins to work out of kilter. This is where these strange and numerous physical symptoms arise.

Thermoregulation control is simply disrupted, which is why the VSD sufferer feels hot, cold, sweating, or chills. It happens that during panic attacks the face burns, while the hands and feet are icy.

Acute neurosis is accompanied by constant tension and frequent surges of adrenaline. As soon as the next release of adrenaline occurs, the body mobilizes, the blood vessels narrow, and blood drains from the digestive organs and bladder. And since the blood supply to some organs slows down, the temperature drops.

The hypothalamus generates a signal about emergency heating of the body - the temperature begins to rise. There are cases when, during panic attacks, people's temperature rose to 38ºC.

And if the body is under chronic stress, then there is absolutely nothing surprising in the fact that a low-grade fever persists almost constantly, or is observed during anxiety attacks and for some time after them.

Typically, dystonics rarely experience temperature fluctuations. If, for example, with a cold, even a slight increase in heat in the body is felt quite clearly, then with VSD there is no fever or aches, since they appear due to infection. People with neuroses most often find out about their low-grade fever by constantly measuring their temperature.

Thus, low-grade fever develops into another hypochondriacal disorder - constant manipulation of the thermometer, anxious thoughts about possible diseases that cause chronically elevated temperature, new attacks of panic attacks... and so on ad infinitum.

What to do if the temperature stays between 37-37.5 degrees?

To begin with, of course, it is recommended to undergo diagnostics and rule out organic diseases. If no serious diseases are found in the body that provoke low-grade fever, then you should relax.

Low-grade fever is not dangerous and there is no need to bring down such a temperature. The following signs indicate that the cause of hyperthermia is a failure of thermoregulation:

  • The thermometer readings are unstable during the day - the temperature changes depending on the time of day and condition.
  • The levels increase during physical activity and often during panic attacks.
  • During sleep, the thermometer mark drops below 36.6°C. This can be recorded by setting the alarm clock for 2-3 am and measuring the temperature.
  • In a calm, lying, relaxed position, the temperature is close to the average norm.
  • There are no signs of acute infectious diseases.

Important! A temperature that rises sharply above 38°C, even if not accompanied by other symptoms, is no longer considered low-grade and requires urgent consultation with a doctor.

How to normalize temperature

There is no need to go out of your way to achieve the ideal thermometer reading. In general, it is better not to attach importance to this symptom of VSD and stop bothering with a thermometer.

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Classification and forms of neuroses

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Experts include some mixed-type disorders in the collective concept of depressive neurosis:

  • astheno-neurotic;
  • anxious-phobic;
  • anxious-depressive;
  • hypochondriacal.

Obsessive-compulsive neuroses (increased anxiety accompanied by obsessive mental and muscular activity) can be distinguished into a separate group:

  1. Fear neurosis, or anxiety-phobic disorder, is fears and phobias that arise uncontrollably and prevent an individual from leading a full social life. Most often they occur in the form of simple phobias, agoraphobia, social phobia or obsessive-compulsive disorder.
  2. Hysterical neuroses are unstable emotional states accompanied by demonstrative behavior, disruption of the systems of perception of the external world and muscle disorders. This type of neurosis appears as a defensive reaction to an insoluble life situation.
  3. The most common form of neurosis is neurasthenia, which arises as a result of excessive demands on oneself with a complete inability to meet them.
  4. Mild depression of situational or neurotic origin is a short-term disturbance in a person’s mental and physical activity, caused by severe stress, sudden overload, internal and external conflicts (more often manifested in adolescence).

Manifestations of neurotic depression

The above classification is based on the research of S. Freud. In addition, according to the clinical classification, 19 variants of the disease can be distinguished:

  • neurasthenia or attacks of irritability and weakness at the same time;
  • obsessive neuroses;
  • neurotic depression (protracted neuroses without proper treatment);
  • neuroses of fear;
  • phobic neuroses;
  • hypochondria (obsession with one’s own health, excessive attentiveness to the slightest changes in the body);
  • motor neurosis (obsessions and compulsions);
  • anorexia nervosa (deliberate refusal to eat);
  • Bulimia nervosa (constant feeling of hunger);
  • nervous exhaustion;
  • neuroses of the stomach (changes in the functionality and location of the stomach);
  • panic attacks;
  • neuroses of the heart (failures in cardiac activity);
  • somatoform neurosis (failure of some internal organs or periodic non-localized pain);
  • faringo, - and laryngospasm;
  • success neuroses (or wish fulfillment neurosis, which occurs when some long-standing plans and desires are unexpectedly fulfilled);
  • guilt neuroses;
  • neuroses associated with sexual intercourse.

Phobic neurosis

Any neurotic disorder begins in the presence of a complex of psychological (conflict of needs and capabilities) and physiological (presence of a large amount of endorphins, dopamine and adrenaline in the blood) factors.

Temperature changes during neurosis - what does this symptom mean?

Body temperature is one of the ways to understand whether a person is healthy or not. But in the absence of pathologies, the body does not always maintain an ideal value of 36.6. It happens that the figure deviates from the norm by plus or minus.

This can be affected by the condition of the blood, the weather outside and even the time of day, physical activity and other factors. It is surprising that even with neuroses there is a temperature - high or low, sometimes variable throughout the day.

Nervous hypochondriacs immediately sound the alarm, but how justified is it? And why is neurosis - a psychogenic disorder - capable of influencing heat exchange in the body?

Elevated thermometer readings in a neurotic person

Most often, neurotic disorders are associated with elevated – low-grade – temperature (37-37.5 degrees). Anything above this mark should already be considered pathology. Although there are cases when, with vegetative-vascular dystonia and panic attacks, the body could “heat up” to 38 degrees.

But such overheating is short-term and is not associated with organic matter. Neurosis, moreover, does not necessarily imply VSD and panic attacks, although with this nervous disorder the central nervous system suffers and becomes confused in the same way, and with it all organs and systems begin to work chaotically.

Elevated temperature during neurosis can be observed due to the following main reasons.

Hypothalamic failureThis central vegetative organ controls the heat exchange processes of our body. Any malfunctions in its operation will certainly affect the temperature.
ThermoneurosisOne of the varieties of neurotic disorder, the emphasis of which is precisely on temperature. Any stress, mental or mental tension, lack of sleep aggravates the condition. With thermoneurosis, antipyretic medications do not bring any benefit. Sedatives are more useful.
Spasm of blood vessels and capillariesDue to the stress that a neurotic person experiences, small capillaries may become toned. This also provokes the formation of increased heat in the body.
Adrenaline rushIf nervous shocks are regularly present in the life of a neurotic person (he can provoke them himself with negative thoughts and cheating), then adrenaline is constantly produced in the blood. Under the influence of this hormone, blood flows from the abdominal organs to the brain and heart, and to correct the situation, the brain gives the body a signal to warm up. And the temperature rises to 37 degrees or slightly higher. In a relaxed state and lying down, the thermometer mark usually returns to normal.
Obsession with temperatureNeurotics tend to dwell on unpleasant symptoms. If increased body heat scares them, they may hold the thermometer in their hands and constantly check the readings. And this, as luck would have it, provokes low-grade fever.

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If there is a sharp rise in temperature to 38 degrees, without accompanying severe stress or panic attack, this is a cause for alarm.

Do not try to normalize the temperature with antipyretic and antibacterial agents. It's useless. The best way out of the situation may be antidepressants, an orderly diet and rest, a contrast shower, working on yourself, and psychological consultations.

Low marks on the thermometer

Sometimes a low temperature can be observed during neurosis (34-36 degrees). Many patients are frightened by low thermometer readings, immediately thinking about the worst. But the reasons are often justified.

HypotensionIf a neurotic person has constantly low blood pressure, his body is in a “preserved” state. The tone of the organs is reduced, and anemia is often present. In such patients, a decrease in body heat is natural.
Respite for the bodyAfter a series of severe stress or PA, the body may get tired and take a “vacation” in order to regain its strength. During such a period, the heart slows down, the temperature drops, and a loss of strength is felt. With new stress, the indicators will be elevated again.
HypoxiaDue to stress, blood circulation is often disrupted, and many organs, including the brain, suffer from a lack of oxygen. This is another reason for the disruption of heat transfer in the negative direction.

The presence of neurosis is not a reason not to take into account other conditions of the body, such as intoxication or adrenal problems. If the low temperature persists for a long time, it is advisable to schedule an examination. But don't panic too much.

Only 27 degrees can make a person fall into a coma, everything else is basically tolerable - you definitely won’t die. When measuring body heat at night, a person should not be surprised by low readings. At night, the body prepares for sleep, and the temperature is always low.

It also happens that high body temperature during neurosis constantly alternates with low temperature throughout the day. This can be facilitated by psycho-emotional overexcitation, unhealthy diet, increased physical activity, autonomic failures and chaos in the functioning of the hypothalamus.

We recommend that you read: Will hypnosis help in the fight against VSD?

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Causes of occurrence and development of depressive genesis

The most common causes of depressive neurosis:

  • a sharp change in the usual way of life;
  • death of loved ones;
  • change of place of residence or work;
  • long-term complex illness;
  • echo of childhood mental trauma in an adult;
  • regular heavy loads for a long time;
  • personal or household unsettlement;
  • workaholism;
  • seasonal blues;
  • depressive background in work and home environments;
  • imbalance in the production of neurotransmitters;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • disruptions in biological rhythm;
  • initial stages of development of mental illness (schizophrenia);
  • ecological situation;
  • long-term exposure to psychotraumatic factors.

Autumn blues

Important! For neurosis and depression to occur, a combination of several differential causes and some reason is necessary that “breaks the dam” of accumulated and long-controlled factors.

Reasons for development

Mental disorder occurs under the influence of external factors, which is why it is sometimes called situational depression. The reasons for its development can be divided into the following groups :

  • situations leading to intense stress (death or loss of a relative, difficult divorce, dismissal, physical, psychological or sexual violence);
  • prolonged or regular stress that is not very intense (frequent conflicts in the family or at work, financial difficulties, the need to care for a sick person, bullying, unhealthy conditions in romantic relationships).

To the patient, his situation seems insoluble, even if there is no objective evidence of this. Efforts that might have been directed toward improving their situation or finding healthy ways to relieve stress are instead spent trying to hide their negative emotions. This leads to further concentration on negative thoughts and feelings, which is why despondency and general loss of strength develop, gradually leading to depressive nervousness.

Neurotic depression has some risk factors, which, although not the main causes of the development of the disorder, also play a significant role in its occurrence. Among them are:

  1. Adverse environmental influences, for example, living in a noisy metropolis. The bustle inherent in large cities, the need to be in a crowd, a very fast pace of life and environmental problems can have a negative impact on the human psyche, especially in combination with other external stimuli.
  2. Character traits. People who have difficulty making decisions, low self-esteem, anxiety, and difficulty adapting to unfamiliar situations are most prone to developing depression. Individuals with an overly serious attitude to life, perfectionists who strive to take responsibility and control every aspect of their own lives are also at risk. In addition, an important factor may be the inability or unwillingness to express one's emotions.
  3. Health status. Disorders in the nervous system can be caused by a general weakening of the body due to lack of sleep, poor diet, the influence of bad habits such as smoking and alcohol abuse, hypovitaminosis and a sedentary lifestyle. All these factors increase the overall sensitivity of the psyche to stimuli, which is why a person begins to react too strongly to them, which leads to a more intense development of neurosis and depression.

Neurasthenic depression can occur at any age, but males under 30 years of age are most susceptible to it. After this milestone, the likelihood of developing the disease is the same for both men and women.

Ways to combat the disease

Nervous depression is a treatable disease, treated by neurologists, psychiatrists, and psychotherapists. The regimen for combating the disease is prescribed individually, depending on the stage and severity of the disease.

Treatment usually takes place in 3 stages:

  1. Relief of severe depressive or neurotic symptoms (lasts from one to three months).
  2. Restoration of the patient’s normal physical well-being (lasts from 1 to 1.5 months).
  3. Maintenance therapy (for a long time until complete recovery).

Traditionally, after a diagnosis of depressive neurosis is made, treatment is prescribed with medication, physiotherapy and psychological treatment.

Pharmacological treatment usually consists of:

  • multivitamin complexes;
  • nootropic drugs;
  • antidepressants;
  • homeopathic remedies.

Important! It is easiest to cope with the disease in the initial stages of the disease.

Treatment of neurotic depression

On the positive side, the following have proven themselves in the treatment of neurotic depression:

  • restorative massage sessions and therapeutic physical training;
  • staying in the fresh air;
  • positive interests, hobbies;
  • hypnosis;
  • acupuncture sessions;
  • self-relaxation techniques (meditation, yoga, aromatherapy).

Prevention of violation

Prevention of neurotic depression consists of avoiding excessive mental and physical stress and maintaining a healthy environment in all areas of life. Effective mechanisms for coping with stress (playing favorite sports and hobbies, walking in the fresh air and simply learning to relax) also play a significant role in developing resistance to psychological illnesses.

It is also important to consult a doctor at the first signs of a disorder and undergo an examination. This will help to start treatment in a timely manner, to avoid the development of complications and the progression of neurosis into more serious psychological diseases.

Possible complications

Like any disease, the occurrence of neurotic depression is easier to prevent than to treat. Delayed treatment can lead to:

  • falling into deep, protracted depression;
  • committing acts of a suicidal nature;
  • neurotic personality disorders;
  • the emergence of addictions (alcohol, drugs, gaming);
  • violation of human social functions.

To prevent neurotic depressive disorder from starting, you need to take measures to prevent the disease:

  • observe the work and rest schedule;
  • create a favorable environment;
  • periodically review life principles and reassess values;
  • avoidance of traumatic situations;
  • if necessary, help people from your close circle (be attentive to the mood of other people, listen, support if necessary);
  • learn to listen to your interlocutor and not impose on others.

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