Long Distance Relationships: Some Date Ideas

Business trips, internships at distant enterprises, training courses abroad, contract work in another city or even another country - all these are quite common realities. Fortunately, today it has become easier to maintain relationships at a distance thanks to the widespread availability of the global network - you can not only often hear your loved one on the phone, but even see you when making a video call.

Of course, this does not mean that surviving separation will be easy and simple. You need to use a ready-made psychological strategy or develop your own so that parting for a while does not turn into separation for you forever.

For honest love, even the smallest distance is too great, but even the greatest distance is surmountable. Hans Nouveau

Long distance relationships: PROS and CONS

"It's sad that you're not nearby!"
- this phrase reflects the essence of long-distance relationships. Today, the majority of the population cannot imagine life without social networks. The rapid growth in popularity of this method of communication has led to the spread of the phenomenon of “love at a distance.”

Being thousands of kilometers away from each other, people show boundless trust in a partner whom they have never seen in reality, have great hopes of meeting, spend a lot of time talking on the phone and Skype, and correspondence on social networks.

Such relationships can last for several years, increasingly assuring long-distance partners that their feelings are eternal.

In 10% of cases of long-distance love, lovers actually meet in reality, but only in 2% of cases do they stay with each other for a more or less long time.

Why do people so stubbornly believe in love at a distance?

Love games for two. 9 romantic games for two lovers

What does it take to give your loved one an amazing evening? Of course, candles and music will come in handy, but for the perfect romantic evening, a game will always come in handy. The game is bewitching, enchanting, light, but at the same time promising a very serious, full of passion, continuation. I will write this post from the perspective of a guy. Well, just because I'm a guy :)


The players take turns taking off their clothes and putting them on a chair or on the floor. As you like... Whoever stops first loses. It is necessary to determine in advance whether keys, coins, tokens, etc. taken out of a pocket are considered to be a removed item.

Guess the word Let's write the word on the back of your favorite one with your finger. Her task is to read the secret message left on the back. Punishment can be a kiss. The more failures, the lower you need to go when kissing your beloved. This game can be a prelude or a consequence of a massage. Or maybe even something more...

Dancing with vinyl For this game you will have to prepare four records.;) One for yourself, and three for your beloved. The plates must be placed ... between the bodies). It is better to prepare slow music to start the game. The music starts and the dance begins. The goal of the game is not to lose a single record while dancing, and to do this you will have to dance closely clinging to each other. By the middle of the game, it is better to include rhythmic and fiery dances. You want someone to lose

For lovers of great cinema You can play this game with your loved one while watching a movie at home. It is necessary to make a wish for some specific action of the characters in the film. When these actions are completed, kiss each other. For example, you can guess the following actions of the characters: when the film hero drinks coffee, answers a phone call, etc.

Wind-Up Dice The first player rolls a dice with numbers from 1 to 6. The number that comes up indicates what he will do if it comes up: 1 - kiss, 2 - suck, 3 - chew, 4 - squeeze, 5 - bite, 6 - lick. The same player rolls the die a second time. The number drawn shows which part of the body he will do this with: 1 - lips, 2 - nose, 3 - forehead, 4 - cheek, 5 - right ear, 6 - neck. It’s better to write everything down on a piece of paper so you don’t get confused.

Magic word game Before the date, each person must think of a word. If during a date someone utters a word intended by another, then at the same moment he receives a kiss for it.

Draw and kiss Draw lip prints on the girl's body. You can use lipstick, confectionery paints, jam, cream, chocolate as a pencil... The next step is to kiss each print.

Twister This is the same twister that you play with friends. The only difference is that now you do it alone with your loved one and completely naked. Do not forget to press tightly against each other while playing. Although, even if you don’t want to, it’s a twister! Have to…

Reverse undressing When you have a lot of time and a good mood, you can fool around a little and dress up as each other. Each next thing will delight you more and more. Don't forget the underwear, it's the most fun.

Long-distance relationships: several pros

  • Love at a distance is a convenient thing. In order to type and send a couple of lines over the Internet to your other half, you don’t need to carve out scarce free time;
  • you don’t need to spend hours getting yourself in order—beautiful photographs taken in advance replace both of you with a living partner;
  • expenses are minimal - for communication, because rarely does anyone dare to send gifts, much less money, to the other side of the world. In addition, you do not need to pay rent and utilities (most often, fans of long-distance love live with relatives);
  • fans of long-distance love are spared the daily routine - this is precisely why their relationship lasts so long. Only romance, love and euphoria. No wearing socks all over the apartment, taking out brains and trash, or going to supermarkets.
  • On the Internet, people often dare to share very intimate things, which connects us even more. At such large distances, the protective barrier—the boundary of personal space—does not work. If long-distance lovers say that they know each other better than anyone in the world, they are more likely to be right than wrong.
  • Love at a distance is surrounded by a special romance. Loving from a distance is fashionable. It is not uncommon for partners to remain partners only to spite all the skeptics, whose voices begin to sound in their heads when the relationship has lasted long enough.
  • The opportunity to send your other half a couple of stickers, beautiful pictures and sensual melodies will more than compensate for the lack of gifts and meetings in a cafe. Oddly enough, people enjoy virtual attentions no less than real ones.

Long-distance relationships: several CONS

Skeptics are right about many things about long-distance love, for example:

  • Physical contact means a lot. And he’s just not in a long-distance relationship. It's not so much about sex (although it's about that too). Without touching, the smell of bodies, the feeling that a loved one is nearby, love at a distance is a set of symbols, albeit with a very romantic meaning. Words do not warm the way the warmth of a loved one warms.
  • The absence of this warmth often pushes lovers to cheat. And although their heart still belongs to their distant partner, this will not last long. Soon physical affection will outweigh terabytes of love messages.
  • No matter how much a person talks about himself, he will never talk about his facial expressions, his gestures, or his subconscious motives. He just doesn't know anything about it. And if he thinks he knows, then his information on this matter is incomplete at best.
  • People look different in photographs and videos than in reality. Usually much better, precisely because even the most modern cameras have lower resolution than the human eye. The camera simply hides minor defects in appearance from lovers.
  • Peer pressure also plays a role. Only the strongest feelings and the most stubborn people are able to resist him. In the end, under the pressure of friends and family, lovers begin to suspect each other of betrayal or cooling of feelings.
  • The lack of routine does a disservice to lovers. Spoiled by romance, they are completely unprepared for everyday difficulties. A banal difference in views on order in the house can kill almost any love.

The lists of “FOR” and “AGAINST” long-distance relationships can be continued endlessly. But the final word on the question of the existence of love at a distance still belongs to lovers - only they can decide: to refute all the arguments of skeptics or to join the ranks of the army of those disappointed in love at a distance.

But everyone who dares to let such love into their hearts needs to be prepared for great difficulties and be able to maintain such relationships for a long time.

Games for couples. Romantic game ideas for lovers.

Romantic games for lovers do not only mean those that can be played in bed and only for experienced couples. There are games specifically designed for those who, at the moment, are at the very beginning of a romantic relationship and are taking their first steps; There are also games for those who, perhaps not at the very beginning of a relationship, are just too shy to take the next step. There are a wide variety of games, about which many articles and blog posts have been written, revealing both the psychology of relationships between a wide variety of couples, and offering a huge number of options for where and how you can play these very listed games. In addition to your apartment, if you have one, all these articles suggest a change of scenery, forget about everyday life and other fuss, and go to some mini-hotel for lovers, where you can have a great time with each other, play romantic games and, In this case, you absolutely do not have to worry about neighbors who may complain about noise after the set time, or about anything else. Fortunately, there are enough mini-hotels in St. Petersburg that offer lovers a nest for relaxation. The only downside of many hotels is that, firstly, they are located far from the center, and sometimes even outside the city limits; secondly, it is problematic to find a mini-hotel that offers hourly rather than daily rates. So far, we know of only one mini-hotel for lovers in St. Petersburg, which combines the possibility of hourly payment and a chic location - the historical center of St. Petersburg, not far from the Petrogradskaya metro station - Kamennoostrovsky Prospekt. The mini-hotel on Petrogradka “On the Stones” combines the qualities most sought after by couples in love: hourly rates, location in the city center, a wide selection of rooms of various categories and reasonable prices.

The choice of place for romantic games depends on you and your capabilities. As for choosing romantic games, the list presented will help you find a game suitable for you and your partner.

  • Word game

If you are wondering how a word game can be romantic, let us explain: in this game you need to name words that have an erotic meaning or, conversely, have the most ordinary meaning. The game is quite simple and, at the same time, very exciting due to the fact that most words with a completely ordinary meaning can acquire erotic overtones. Everything depends on you. Throw a ball, name words and expand your vocabulary that only you two will understand.

  • "50 First Dates"

This game is intended for those who are at the very beginning of a relationship, but are already ready to take the next step. The essence of the game is to kiss your partner 50 times with your eyes closed. If you are a shy person, but are ready to develop a relationship and want to show it, the game is especially suitable for you. Blindfolds are an excellent excuse to kiss your partner not only on the cheek, but also an amazing justification if the partner is not ready for such a development of events.

  • Romantic game for gourmets

The game was invented for those who love to eat! The idea is to eat some food (it could be a cutlet, a banana, a tomato or something else), passing it to your partner without using your hands and trying not to drop a single crumb. The game allows you to combine pleasant things with even more pleasant ones: having a snack and kissing your loved one.

  • "A codeword"

This kind of game will appeal to partners at different stages of relationships: from the very beginning to those who have been in a romantic relationship for quite a long time. Playing the Code Word game is easy and fun: before a date, partners think of a specific code word. If on a date your partner says the word you wished for, then you reward him with a kiss. Lovers like this game because it is universal: those couples who have a long relationship experience behind them do not break away from each other because they know their partner well; those couples who are just starting their relationship get to know and learn to feel each other.

Romantic games are not a competition, not a way to show yourself and your abilities and virtues. These games are aimed at developing strong, conscious and healthy relationships, at your ability to listen, feel and understand your partner. And don't forget that these games are designed to have fun!

How to maintain a long-distance relationship with a guy

When communicating with your beloved guy who is far from you, it is important to maintain a middle ground. Too frequent calls, SMS, requests to come at least for a day, etc. can cause irritation, which is completely unnecessary in your relationship now. Below we will give some tips on how to maintain a long-distance relationship with a loved one who has temporarily moved to another city.

Discuss times to call and try not to call at other times.

This is especially true if the guy did not go on a tour of European cities, for example, but on an internship or on a business trip. It's clear that you're bored. But put yourself in his place: he is in a new environment, where he needs to show his best side, he is worried, and here you are with your constant calls. It is distracting, annoying, and creates additional problems. And now a person already has enough of them.

Try to talk less yourself and let your loved one speak out

Girls love to talk incessantly. Talk about the weather, new hairstyle, makeup, dorm roommate, etc. But think about it, does your boyfriend need all this information now? Ask him what he thinks, what he feels, what new things happened to him today. There are enough people left in your environment who can listen to you - mom, sister, girlfriends - but now he has no one nearby with whom he could share his thoughts and feelings. Support a guy in difficult times, and he will probably respond to you with his gratitude.

Write letters

When talking on the phone, it is not always possible to say out loud everything that is in your heart. If you don’t know how best to tell about your feelings, how much you miss you and how much you look forward to meeting you, write a letter. It’s better not to send an SMS, but rather a full-fledged letter that can be sent by email.

Spend time together on weekends

This can be done even if you are hundreds and thousands of kilometers apart. For example, watching the same movie, show, concert together at the same time. Or just cleaning the apartment with Skype turned on - walk past the laptop, look into it and see your loved one, as if he was cleaning up the order in the next room. This brings you closer together and helps you mentally overcome the distance.

Start a ritual

It is very important, even at a distance, to have something in common that is constantly repeated, day after day.
For example, mandatory exchange of SMS or mms before bed. Or breakfast with the same dishes (discuss the menu for the next day in advance). Or evening walks at the same time, during which you can chat on the phone without being distracted by anything. The ritual can be anything from cycling to going to the grocery store. The main thing is that the time coincides with you and him, and that you can then discuss whether you liked breakfast, how many kilometers you managed to cover while jogging, etc.

Don't try to control your loved one's every move.

Firstly, it is unrealistic, which means it makes no sense.
Secondly, it is very annoying. Sooner or later, the guy will have a thought: if she controls my every step so many kilometers away, what will happen when I return? Will he follow me like a tail? Annoy me with surveillance? Hire a detective? Do I need it?

In short, even wives are not recommended to try to control their husbands from a distance. What can we say about a guy with whom you do not yet have a legal relationship. You should be bound by love and devotion, not total control.

Make the most of your time apart

There is no need to shed tears from morning to evening and feel sorry for yourself, your beloved. Do something you haven't had time to do for a long time. Read a book, sign up for a swimming pool or fitness center, learn how to cook deliciously, master oriental dancing. There are plenty of options. After all, you have freed up a lot of time that you previously spent with your loved one. So make good use of it. Imagine surprising him with your toned figure or culinary talents when he returns.

Don't let your interest fade away

Men are known to love with their eyes.
Just talking on the phone is not enough for them, especially when there are a lot of unfamiliar and, quite possibly, pretty girls around. Therefore, do not forget to send mms to your guy or post your photos on social networks, showing yourself at your best - in beautiful outfits, makeup, hairstyle, etc. Quite candid photos would be quite appropriate (if your relationship has already gone beyond the candy-bouquet period) in sexy lingerie or without it at all. Of course, such photos should only be shown in private communication. Video calls on Skype are another great opportunity to stir up interest in yourself.

There are many options for exactly how to do this - you just have to use your imagination.

How to maintain a long-distance relationship with a girl

Not all guys know how to maintain a long-distance relationship with their beloved. Indeed, this is a difficult task, but if you really love your soul mate, then you will be able to do it. So, long distance relationships - how to maintain love?

Don't forget about romance in relationships

Daily calls are, of course, good. But they are not enough to save the relationship. Do romantic things - order flowers for delivery, pay for dinner for your loved one in your city, send a small gift by mail. It’s better if it’s unexpected - such a gift is doubly pleasant.

Use different ways to communicate

Email, video calls, even paper letters are all good additions to regular phone calls. There is never too much communication at a distance, especially for a girl who now feels abandoned and lonely. Don't let her be sad.

Come to each other

If you have the opportunity to visit a girl, be sure to use it. Of course, you can set the order of trips to each other, but all other things being equal, it will be better if you are the one who goes on the trip. Of course, there may be exceptions - for example, if you are on a business trip in Paris and not in Magadan. Any girl will be happy to fly to the capital of France without worrying too much about the difficulties of the journey.

be patient

Girls are jealous, emotionally unstable, excitable, and whiny. And all these traits can become aggravated in separation from a loved one, when there is no one to hug, reassure, or feel sorry for. Take it easy. Now it’s not easy for both of you, but you are the strong half in your couple.

Don’t shy away from discussing joint plans

Even if it seems ridiculous and inappropriate for you to discuss at the beginning of autumn where you will go on vacation next summer, do not deny your loved one the pleasure of dreaming.
After all, this is the time when you will be together. If you are going to get married, then get ready for endless discussions about the dress, suit, wedding ceremony and venue. You can plan anything - even the joint purchase of an apartment and the number of children you want to have. Believe me, this is really important for your girlfriend - shared plans bring you closer, reduce the distance between you and help maintain your relationship.

Take an interest in your loved one's life

There is no need to pester your friend with constant questions about where she was, what she did, why she didn’t answer the call right away. But you shouldn’t be completely indifferent to her life - ask her about friends, old and new, events in life, tell her how much you love her and how you envy all those who are now next to her. Remember - women love with their ears.

Give gifts

You don't have to buy expensive jewelry. Although, if you have such a financial opportunity, you can choose this option. But even cute trinkets, teddy bears, pendants will show your girlfriend that you do not forget about her, and will remind her of you during the hours of separation.

Stay close

Even though you are separated by kilometers, your girlfriend should know that she can always rely on you. If she ends up in the hospital or some other trouble happens to her, you must drop everything and immediately rush to the rescue. Perhaps she will understand if you fail to do this. But a crack in the relationship, as well as a hidden grudge, will appear.

How can you spend time together?

To avoid having to keep relationships at a distance, young people still need to find opportunities to meet. It is necessary to dedicate weekends from time to time to travel to each other, as far as study, work or other responsibilities allow. After completing the next visit with a girl, it is better for a man to immediately make plans for the next meeting, so that he has something to look forward to and something to strive for.

Here's how you can spend time together:

  • using video calls in different interesting places, simulating dates with a girl;
  • organizing common traditions for meetings, for example, every last weekend of the month a couple meets at their favorite restaurant;
  • organizing meetings in other cities for useful and interesting pastime.

You can determine the frequency of meetings by dividing the responsibility to visit between both partners. For example, this month a man comes to his beloved, next month the guest will be a girl who visited her man’s city.

How to maintain a long-distance relationship: advice from a psychologist

In addition to everything listed above, psychologists advise that you take separation as an opportunity to slowly think about your relationship.

From a distance it usually becomes more obvious whether your feelings are as strong as you thought. Are you willing to wait to meet this person instead of starting a relationship with a new guy or girl? And if you are ready, then for what exact reason - because you cannot imagine a relationship with anyone else, or because you are afraid to start a new relationship, even if the existing one does not really suit you.

It has always been the case that the depth of love is known only in the hour of separation. Gibran Kahlil Gibran

Go to a bar together

Include your partner in daily activities using modern technology. When you're outside and want to have a coffee or cocktail, show your surroundings through your smartphone. This is one of the long distance mini-date ideas.

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