Features of cognitive development of children with developmental problems. article

How to develop cognitive thinking?

It was believed that it was impossible to increase mental abilities, because their level was inherent in a person by nature - by genes. However, scientists discovered a multimodal learning method, and everything changed. This training assumes that a person whose mind needs to be improved will be given information in several ways at once (pressure on both hearing and vision). Training takes place in the following areas of activity:

  • communication;
  • actions in society;
  • a game;
  • rest.

Scientists Perring, Jaeggi, Bushkul and Jonides have created a unique system that improves intelligence through short-term memory training. After special exercises, a person’s cognitive abilities develop well. This system can even be used with autistic children.

A child who does not have developed cognitive thinking does worse at school because it is more difficult for him to remember material. Therefore, the development of cognitive thinking is an important part of a child’s education. After all, then a person can remember large amounts of information, concentrate on what is important, and not be distracted by trifles. It becomes easier for him to make key decisions and draw the right conclusions. This is why it is necessary to develop cognitive thinking in children. After all, before the age of 12, a child’s brain is the most flexible, it is easier for him to perceive information and get used to new skills.

What is cognitive thinking?

The Swiss Jean Piaget was the first to talk about cognitive development. He was a psychologist and philosopher. Piaget believed that cognitive thinking is already formed in an infant and differs from adult thinking. Only in youth can a person think abstractly and systematically, can come up with hypotheses and assumptions. As we get older, these brain functions disappear.

Cognitive thinking is a cognitive process aimed at developing memory, attention, imagination, logic, and perception. Thanks to this type of thinking, a person can solve the most complex problems. Because of cognitive thinking, people have a connection with the outside world.

Cognitive thinking is divided into three types:

  • Visually effective – solving problems using manual manipulations.
  • Visual-figurative – solving problems using mental images.
  • Abstract – the use of abstract concepts that are difficult to imagine.

A person cannot live a normal social life, learn and develop without cognitive thinking. It works closely with visual thinking. Visual thinking is a mental activity that creates new images and forms and operates with them. The collaboration of these two types of thinking is used in learning, for example, in the exact sciences. In this case, visual objects and animation are actively used. This promotes the development of two hemispheres of the brain: right and left. Visual thinking is used for a thought experiment. The Seven Wonders of the World, rockets and airplanes appeared not thanks to the rules of mathematics and physics, but because they were once imagined.

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