Article “Motivation to achieve success in children of primary school age.”

June 16, 2020 Author: Alexander Kharin

Category: Setting goals, realizing desires, Articles by Alexander Kharin, Articles by our authors, Articles on achieving success

The carrot and stick method, what could be simpler? Have you ever thought that our whole life comes down to two things: the desire to have fun and the desire to avoid failure. Whatever one may say, all our motives come down to these two. They have their own name in psychology: motivation to achieve success and motivation to avoid failure.

I would like to describe each of them as much as possible, I think this would lead to the fact that each person would be able to understand his main driving motive. I would also like to describe in what cases each of the motives is more effective and more relevant.

How does motivation to achieve success differ from motivation to avoid failure?

In other words, they are called “To” and “From” motivations.

  • Motivation K.

This motive speaks of the desire to achieve goals, move towards the future, and seek pleasure in life. What drives people with motivation for success is the good that they see ahead in their lives: goals, dreams, desires.

  • OT motivation.

Its main idea is to avoid difficulties, difficulties, etc. both in life and in interpersonal relationships. As they say: “it’s not bad to live in such a way that we have everything, and we don’t have to pay anything for it.”

People with the “From” motivation are driven by the bad things that need to be avoided. And this motive is sometimes stronger than the motivation to achieve success.

Article “Motivation to achieve success in children of primary school age.”

Motivation to achieve success in children of primary school age.

The essence of learning is also considered in pedagogy in the organization of students’ cognitive activity. First comes the perception of the educational material. Students understand a cognitive task based on observations of an object or preliminary familiarization with factual material. Next comes the comprehension of theoretical knowledge and ways to solve the educational problem. Students come to understand the educational material and gain new knowledge. Then the acquired knowledge is consolidated and incorporated into practical activities. At all stages, students’ knowledge is monitored and tested, which allows the teacher to make adjustments to the learning process, maintaining the general course of cognitive activity from the first stage to the subsequent ones.

A correct understanding of the essence of learning helps the teacher to effectively manage the educational process. And the motives of learning determine the direction of the student’s personality, his successes and failures.

In a learning situation, there are four types of explanations for success or failure: ability, task difficulty, effort, and luck.

To find out how the development of the motive for achieving success proceeds and what influences it, it is necessary to identify the level of aspirations and self-esteem of students. Typically tests show that only a few in a class can succeed on their own, i.e. They have a developed motive for achieving success. The rest need adjustments to their self-esteem and level of aspiration, that is, the help of an adult. This was the reason for studying this topic - motivation to achieve success in children of primary school age.

What is success? In S.I. Ozhegov’s explanatory dictionary I found the following explanation:

Success, a.

1. Luck in achieving something Achieve success. Develop (maintain a high rate of attack; also figurative meaning).

2. Public recognition. Noisy performance. The book has

Motivation to achieve success

– a person’s desire to achieve success in various activities, especially when his results are compared with the achievements of other people or evaluated.

Junior school age is the time when the motive for achieving success is consolidated as a stable personal property of a person. During this period of time, educational activity becomes the leading activity for the child. And in learning, as in other types of activity, at this stage many of the child’s business qualities are formed, which then clearly manifest themselves in adolescence.

Let's figuratively take a journey to the Sun, where the sun is success. “If you want to take a place in the sun, don’t complain about the burns” - this statement by journalist Abigail Van Beuren will become our motto. The student is an astronaut. Rocket - lesson.

At the beginning of training, the personal qualities necessary to realize the motive for achieving success are finally formed. In our “flight”, a complex of these properties: activity, hard work, courage, will, perseverance, concentration, overcoming obstacles, enthusiasm, habits, health, self-control, self-respect, good manners, honesty and truthfulness, cheerfulness and goodwill, will be the “fuel” with which the rocket was fueled - a lesson.

During the “flight” to the Sun—success—we will have to “land” on planets—factors in the development of motivation to achieve success.

Planet "Authority".

A feature of children of primary school age is unlimited trust in adults (teachers), submission and imitation of them. An adult is an authority for them, children unconditionally accept his assessments.

Planet "Self-Esteem".

This directly relates to such an important personal education, which is consolidated at this age, as self-esteem. It directly depends on the nature of the assessments given by adults to the child and his success in educational activities. Younger schoolchildren already have self-esteem of various types: adequate, overestimated, underestimated. This requires great responsibility from the teacher and careful moral control over his judgments and actions.

Planet "Target".

Conscious setting by many children of the goal of achieving success and volitional regulation of behavior. Children of primary school age can already control behavior based on a decision, intention, and goal. This is when, being carried away, they can spend hours doing interesting and favorite things.

Planet "Stimulus".

A person has not one, but two different motives associated with achieving success: the motive for achieving success and the motive for avoiding failure. If adults reward children little for success and punish them more for failure, then as a result, a motive for avoiding failure is formed and reinforced, which is not an incentive to achieve success. Or, on the contrary, attention from an adult and most of the child’s incentives come from success, then a motive for achieving success develops.

Planet "Claim".

In the process of developing the motive for achieving success in younger schoolchildren, it is necessary to take care of such personal education as the level of aspirations. It may depend not only on success in educational activities, but also on the position occupied by the child in the system of relationships with peers. Children-authorities, who occupy a fairly high status in the children's team, are characterized by adequate self-esteem and a high level of aspirations.

The level of aspiration is the achievements in one or another type of activity and in one or another area of ​​communication that a person expects when assessing his abilities and capabilities. And the child’s awareness of his abilities and capabilities, the difference between one and the other, strengthening on this basis faith in his successes, internally strengthens the motive for achieving success.

How to create a situation of success in a lesson or lesson? Let's look into the rocket compartments - the structure of the lesson.

1 In the lesson system, a “success situation” can be the first stage of the lesson structure - setting a learning task. Creating a situation of success necessarily begins with a specific practical task, which is based on the child’s past experience. Children must first of all demonstrate to themselves and others what they can and know, i.e. Show students certain ways of working. You should not start the lesson with memories of the past. The child needs specific practical actions. At the same time, the teacher’s task is to select such a necessary practical task that would be solved in a way known to the child and would be a certain step towards the further unfolding of events in the lesson. The result of creating a situation of success is children’s emotional satisfaction with their knowledge and skills, and a positive assessment by the teacher of students’ achievements.

2. A situation of success can also arise during the resolution of a problem situation in the lesson. Posing a problem increases cognitive activity and interest, but you need to be able to solve the problem. It is the solution of the problem that leads to the assimilation of educational material and the creation of a situation of success in the lesson.

3. A situation of success is created in the lesson by exercises of different levels. The teacher’s task is to select or compose exercises in such a way that they correspond to the child’s level of development, i.e. were feasible for them. So, when preparing stories on oral subjects, it can be suggested for children of a low level of development to complete the sentence at the given beginning; for children of average development level - compose a story according to plan with supporting words; Children with a high level of development use only a plan. Exercises of different levels make solving a learning task realistically feasible (everyone was able to cope on their own), which leads to the creation of a situation of success in the lesson.

At primary school age, on the basis of the experience already gained in educational, play and work activities, the prerequisites for developing motivation to achieve success are formed.

Between approximately six and eleven years of age, a child develops the idea that his lack of abilities can be compensated for by increasing his efforts and vice versa. Consequently, the age at the beginning of school can be considered as the period of emergence and consolidation of a very important personal characteristic of the child, which becomes quite stable and determines his success in various types of activities, including academic ones.

The need to achieve success is not innate; it develops and develops in preschool childhood and by the time he enters school it can become a fairly stable personality trait of the child. Children who have a strong need to achieve success usually achieve more in life, both in personal development and in professional growth.

"Only when we reach the goal,

We decide that the path was correct."

Paul Valéry

Achieving success or avoiding failure? What suits whom?

There are two types of people. Each of these types is designed differently. And, naturally, the motives for each are completely different.

  1. Conservatives (OT Motivation) . These are people who strive to keep everything as it is. They do not like change and strive to avoid change. They thrive during what others call “down time.”

Of course, such people strive to preserve everything that has been “accumulated through backbreaking labor.” They are more likely to react to avoiding failures and retaining old, albeit difficult, experiences.

For them, a bad peace is better than a good quarrel. They hold on until the last minute and try to avoid troubles: quarrels, dismissal from work, separation. Therefore, it is natural for them to be motivated to avoid failure.

  1. Innovators (motivation K) . These people do not tolerate life “the old fashioned way.” They are interested in adventure, innovation, and change. They tend to often change their lives, their interests, their attachments.

They live by the motto: “Down with the past, bring a happy future!” Therefore, of course, they are looking for new hobbies and goals in life, and strive for know-how. Their hearts are looking for change.

They are eager to buy a new gadget as soon as it hits the market and take advantage of fresh advice as soon as they hear it. Naturally, the motivation to achieve success is more acceptable to them. This is their driving force. They prefer not to think about the bad.

Here's what conservatives and innovators might look like:

The cartoon interestingly shows two characters - Winnie and Rabbit. And their driving motives of achievement and avoidance. Because of his desire to get the most out of life, the bear ate too much and was unable to get out of the rabbit's hole. And the rabbit, afraid of losing face, left his friends to overeat. Both paid ;)

In what cases are positive and negative motivations used?

In what cases is the motivation to achieve success used, and in what cases is the desire to avoid failure? Let's try to figure it out:

  1. Motivation to achieve success

Only the desire to succeed makes us happy. Therefore, it is believed that this way of thinking and such motivation are characteristic, first of all, of successful people.

Far-reaching goals are possible only with positive motivation. It is believed that a true goal is one that comes from motivation for success. Therefore, the test of whether this is your goal, whether it is true, is positive motivation.

To view future prospects in life, motivation to achieve success is very useful.

  1. Motivation to avoid failure

Often people with positive motivation do not see what is happening under their own noses. They are sometimes unable to notice problems. Negative motivation is very useful for drawing attention to problems and their solutions.

It is often used in health issues: “How to stay healthy?” It is useful when working in emergency situations, safety issues and occupational health. Therefore, it has its own key place in life. And we must pay tribute to this.

Examples of positive motivations:

  • “Do you want to be happy? Be it!” – motivation from the book “Think and Grow Rich”
  • “Successful people think about opportunities, and unsuccessful people think about disadvantages.”
  • "One head it's good, but two better".

Examples of negative motivations:

  • “Don’t get involved, he’ll kill you” – on transformer booths
  • “Don’t drive 100, live 100” – posters on highways
  • “Smoking is harmful to your health” - the inscription on cigarette packs
  • "How are you doing?" - “You can’t wait!”

Therefore, accept into your life two ways of thinking, two different motives. Give each of them their place and...

Classes at the School of Personality Development will help you understand the nature of your motives and begin to use them correctly in your implementation.

Ways to motivate yourself for success.

There are many techniques known to help a person achieve self-realization. First of all, this is due to inspiration, in response to which specific actions begin. How do you get this inspiration? How to motivate yourself and others to succeed? Let's look at the most effective methods:

  • Wise phrases;
  • Stories of outstanding people;
  • Positive thinking;
  • Visualization of the goal;
  • Affirmations;
  • Successful friends and acquaintances;
  • Success Diary.

Each of these methods is effective on its own, but if you combine them, the results will appear faster. So, let's look at them in order.

Wise phrases.

Aphorisms of famous people sometimes have a powerful motivating effect. For example, the words of American writer and business consultant Brian Tracy : “You can have anything you can think about all the time.” Winston Churchill, is energizing : “Success is not final, failure is not fatal, what matters is only the courage to continue.” Colombian writer and journalist Gabriel García Márquez noted, “Every moment of life is another opportunity.”

French writer, screenwriter and film director Jean Cocteau said, “Will can even change the lines on our palms.” German playwright Christian Hebbel argued, “Whoever believes in his own luck is lucky.” David Brinkley motivate for success : “A successful person is one who is able to build a strong foundation from the stones that others throw at him.” The ancient Chinese sage Lao Tzu said, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with one small step.” We hope that this article will be the first step that will begin the path to success for every reader.

Take a self-confidence test

Stories of outstanding people.

In addition to statements, the biographies of many famous personalities themselves motivate success. The fact is that not all rich and famous people received their wealth by inheritance. The majority of celebrities achieved all this themselves. Many of them come from poor families who, as children, could only dream of food.

For example, mixed martial arts star of Cameroonian origin Francis Ngannou, in his memoirs about his childhood, said that he didn’t even always have something to eat. The iconic American TV presenter and the richest woman in show business, Oprah Winfrey, was born into an extremely dysfunctional family, and until the first grade she did not even have personal belongings. Popular comedian Jim Carrey spent his childhood years in poverty. Starting at the age of 15, he was forced to become a cleaner in order to somehow earn food for his family. The famous movie character Jackie Chan was born into such a poor Chinese family that his parents wanted to sell him to an obstetrician.

Remembering his difficult childhood, American film actor Tom Cruise notes that he managed to study in 15 schools in the USA and Canada. In addition, as a child he had crooked teeth, which clearly did not fit into the standards of a “Hollywood” smile. One of the richest people in America, Andrew Carnegie , was born into a very poor family, going from a handyman to a multimillionaire. Las Vegas tycoon Sheldon Adelson shared a room with his three brothers and his parents during his childhood. To list examples of all outstanding personalities, a huge encyclopedia would not be enough.

Positive thinking.

An excellent motivation for success is the habit of thinking positively. The more optimistic a person is about his future, the more often he succeeds. The principle of feedback works in all areas of life. People get the results they believe in. If you set yourself up for success, you are much more likely to achieve it. A striking illustration of this principle is the view of the world through the eyes of a fly and a bee. The first sees complete garbage dumps, and the second sees flower meadows. The paradox is that both are right. Depending on the point of view, a person himself shapes his reality. Optimists are more likely to succeed than pessimists - this is a law of nature.

Take the test: optimist or pessimist

Visualization of the goal.

A good way to motivate yourself to succeed is to clearly visualize the result. Why is this necessary? A detailed mental depiction of a dream helps to evoke the necessary positive emotions that feed a person with “hormones of happiness.” They charge you with energy for work. In addition, thanks to strong emotions, a person influences his subconscious. The fact is that logic is an attribute of consciousness, while emotional intelligence affects the deep mechanisms of the psyche. If you use your subconscious to realize your goals, you are much more likely to achieve success. This is exactly what the visualization method is aimed at. A person stimulates the emergence of strong emotions that “turn on” the subconscious, thereby activating the body’s hidden reserves.


You can be motivated to succeed using self-hypnosis. It’s not for nothing that they say that “water wears away stones.” Even if a person does not believe in himself at all, but if he regularly repeats the opposite to himself, he will become much more confident. Gradually, the mind stops resisting and begins to perceive the new psychological attitude as truth.

For example , a girl cannot find a guy for a long time, considering herself ugly and uninteresting. According to the principle of feedback, all events in her life only strengthen this confidence. If at a certain moment she decides to change everything, then the technique of affirmations - short positive phrases in an affirmative form - will come to the rescue. Let’s say, looking in the mirror every morning, she will regularly say “Guys like me.” After a certain period of time, this statement will penetrate the subconscious, become stronger in it and begin to form a completely different reality.

Successful friends and acquaintances.

An effective technique to help motivate success is to create the right environment. If a person wants to become the best, he needs to communicate with the best, otherwise friends, acquaintances and colleagues will have an inhibitory effect. For example, someone decided to become an entrepreneur and open their own business. It is important for him to surround himself with people with the same values ​​and priorities. If his environment considers businessmen to be “speculators” and “hucksters,” then subconsciously this person will evaluate entrepreneurial activity in the same way. Sooner or later, he will abandon his idea, joining the ranks of “huckster haters.” If he communicates with business owners, he will begin to adopt their way of thinking and behavior, thereby turning his dream into reality.

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