Article “The concept of the definition of “personality” by foreign and domestic psychologists”

Personality category in psychology

Personality is a mental new formation, the essence of a cat. consists in the development and functioning of special mental mechanisms, the conscious implementation of one’s activity (i.e., behavior, consciousness, self-control, responsibility for actions, etc.).

A person is not born, but becomes one in the process of communication in society.

An individual is a person as a whole and unique representative of a species with its psychophysiological properties. acting as a prerequisite for the development of personality and individuality.

Individuality is the uniqueness of the psyche and personality of an individual, that is, uniqueness (form, properties, ways of expressing personality).

Personality structure. There are 3 areas of personality:

· need-motivational (aspirations, motivations, interests)

· sphere of self-awareness, cat. considered the core of personality

· emotional-volitional, those experiences of personality, cat. she is driven

Personality structure according to Freud: “superego”, “I”, “It”

In the process of interaction between “It”, “I”, “super-ego”, anxiety may arise, warning the person about some threat to his stable existence, which makes it possible to adapt in threatening situations.

1.Projection - consists of attributing qualities that are unacceptable to someone else; this allows you to place the blame for your failures on someone else.

2.Reactive education consists of protecting the “I” from forbidden impulses with the help of opposite behavior.

3.Substitution occurs in that case. when a person cannot express his feelings about someone stronger physically or socially

4.Rationalization is the search for convenient reasons to justify one's mistakes; h-k uses false reasoning to justify his ability to do something.

5. Cublimation - relieves stress and anxiety of a person, redirecting his unconscious impulses to socially acceptable goals, energy is used to achieve socially high goals.

Personal self-awareness. I am a concept. Self-esteem. Level of aspiration.

By being involved in the system of social relations, interacting and communicating with people, a person distinguishes himself from the environment, acts for himself as “I”, opposed to “others” and at the same time inextricably linked with them. “I” is expressed primarily in the fact that a person understands his identity

to yourself in the present, past and future.

The experience of having a self is the result of a long process of personality formation that begins in infancy. In adolescence and adolescence, a comprehensive system of social and moral self-esteem begins to form as a result of active inclusion in social life and work activity, and the development of self-awareness

and basically
the image of “I” is formed.
The image of “I” (I-concept) is a relatively stable, more or less conscious, experienced as a unique system of an individual’s ideas about himself, on the basis of which he builds his interaction with others.

The image of “I” acts as an attitude towards oneself. It includes 3 components:

1. cognitive component (idea about one’s abilities, appearance, social significance, etc.)

2. emotional-evaluative component (self-esteem, self-criticism, selfishness)

3. behavioral or volitional (the desire to be understood, to win sympathy, etc.)

The “I” concept can be divided into three components:

1. “Real Self” (self-image)

2. “Ideal Self” (what I should become in order to meet social norms and the expectations of others)

3. “Fantastic Self” (what I would like to become if it were possible, how I generally imagine myself (fantasies, dreams)).

Self-esteem is a person’s assessment of himself, his capabilities, qualities and place among other people.

With the help of self-esteem, the behavior of an individual is regulated. The existing assessments of one’s own “I” are the result of a constant comparison of what a person observes in himself with what he sees in other people. Inflated self-esteem leads to the fact that a person tends to overestimate himself in situations that do not provide a reason for this. Excessively low self-esteem may indicate the development of an inferiority complex, persistent self-doubt, indifference and self-blame.

The level of aspiration is the desired level of self-esteem of an individual, manifested in the degree of difficulty of the goal that the individual sets for himself.

The formation of the level of aspirations is determined not only by anticipation of success or failure, but, above all, by a sober, and sometimes vaguely conscious, consideration and assessment of past successes and failures.

Personality is the mental, spiritual, social essence of a person, acting in various qualities. The set of socially significant properties of a person: 1. System of relationships to the world and with the world, to oneself and with oneself; 2. System of activities carried out by social roles; 3. Awareness of the world around and oneself in it; 4. System of needs, etc. .

Individuality is dissimilarity, difference from another person, which gives a person uniqueness. Personality is constantly evolving. Indicators of development are qualitative changes in consciousness, activity, attitude towards the world and towards oneself. The main factors in personality development are:1 Heredity

A child develops according to a biological program, he has natural inclinations, and under certain conditions, inclinations turn into abilities and inclinations for a certain type of activity.
2 Wednesday
When talking about the environment, they mean: social, economic, home, etc. the child gradually accepts the main parts of culture, norms of behavior, morality, i.e. his socialization takes place. The environment may also be unfavorable for the development of the child 3. Education.
Education can be considered as a factor of development from two positions: as part of the environment of socialization, as a factor governing socialization.
Let's consider different points of view on the problem of personality development. 1The theory of preformationism
, the oldest theory, according to which all the qualities and properties of a person are inherited. 2
theories, for example, Freud’s theory - human activity and behavior are controlled by the sexual instinct;
Dewey's theory - consciousness and psyche are determined by special genes.3. A theory based on the biogenetic law
, there is an analogy between the development of a child and the development of the human race. In modern pedagogy, the development of a child is considered as a synthesis of biological and social properties and qualities.
Patterns of development: continuity of development and integration of the psyche; uneven development; plasticity of the nervous system, leading to the manifestation and compensation of some properties with others; acceleration (accelerated development).


The structure consists of a number of elements - personality abilities, among which the following can be distinguished:

  • Self-awareness. That is, she is aware of any actions and considers only herself to be the source of her life. Self-awareness is aimed at the consciousness of one’s own self, and next to this concept is self-improvement, which also plays an important role in the formation of the human essence.
  • Direction characterizes its character traits, goals, directions for achieving them. Direction is the most important element and characterizes social and spiritual development. Direction is the leading element in the structure, and also allows you to get an idea of ​​the personality as a whole.
  • Temperament and character. These qualities are formed under the influence of public opinion and are also transmitted genetically. Temperament refers to certain mental properties that act as the foundation for formation. Such qualities are equally manifested in any human activity, since they are basic.
  • Mental processes and states. They can be transmitted genetically, but, as a rule, they are formed throughout life.
  • The abilities of the individual, as well as his inclinations, must develop continuously; it is thanks to their development that growth is supported. The abilities of any individual are acquired and are formed depending on a number of factors.
  • Psychic experience. This fragment is also very important in the formation of the entity.

Thus, the structure is quite extensive and unique, each link must be fully implemented. The concept of personality is quite broad and versatile; it is characterized by such factors as temperament, behavior, abilities, and mental health. The problem of personality lies in the main points of its formation, which are associated with behavior, development, skills and abilities. Human nature is versatile and special, and the main task is to create the most comfortable conditions for further development.

Directional forms

A person’s main life orientation is expressed in his goals for life, priorities, hobbies, worldview, and beliefs. Let's consider all forms of directionality:


This form implies not only the desired object, but also the methods of obtaining it. Also, the desires of the individual give rise to the formation of goals.


It is a desire with a deliberate choice and a plan to achieve what you want.


This is a focus on learning new information, a manifestation of a person’s cognitive needs.


It is expressed in a person’s desire to engage in any particular activity. As a result, he improves his skills in his chosen field to achieve success.


Includes views on life, as well as a person’s place in it.


A form of direction that encourages a person to act in accordance with his views on life.


An ideal image for a person, which he strives to embody.


The attitude can be: positive, negative, neutral and consists of a person’s outlook on life and values.


Includes the motives and desires of a person that guide him in life.


The result that a person wants to achieve in his activities.

Focus and motivation

The result of an individual’s activity depends on motivation, which can be external and internal.
Extrinsic motivation may involve gaining approval from others. Intrinsic motivation lies in the interest of the individual himself to complete a specific task. Internal motivation has a much better effect on a person, because in this way he develops himself. The better motivated a person is, the more he believes in his own abilities and the more desire he has to work to achieve his goal. It is extremely important that a person understands why he is doing his work, only in this case he will do it efficiently. If work does not provide any benefits and does not bring you closer to the goal, then any person will quickly get bored with it

Professional orientation

Each profession requires the possession of specific character traits that are necessary to achieve success in that field. In psychology, several personality types are defined:

Realistic type

They prefer physical labor and working with real objects. The following professions suit them most: builder, technician, mechanic.

Conventional type

The personality is attentive, focused and calm in nature. Such people are responsible and always complete their work on time. Preferred professions: librarian, merchandiser.

Intelligent type

These people love to think and learn new information. They love to do research work. The most suitable professions: teacher, writer.

Enterprising type

Such individuals have leadership qualities and are excellent at managing. The following professions are suitable: manager, businessman.

Social type

People with a well-developed sense of empathy who strive to help others. The following professions are suitable: doctor, social worker.

Artistic type

Such individuals do not like to work according to a schedule and put themselves into any kind of framework. They are unpredictable and creative. Best professions: artist, poet.

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