Why do people love

Relationships between a man and a woman have existed at all times of human existence. Over the course of historical eras, moral principles and customs have changed, requirements for partners have changed, the functions of spouses in the family have been revised, but the norm that every woman needs a man has remained unshakable.

In our age of rapid emancipation and so-called “gender equality,” most women voluntarily take on traditionally male functions. The “norm” of our time sounds more and more often and more confidently: every woman should be independent, decisive, strong and rely only on her own strength.

But still, the need for personal communication with representatives of the opposite sex remains one of the most significant needs of an individual. Moreover, the happiness, success, status, mood and health of a person as a whole often depends on the satisfaction of this “vital necessity” laid down by the Creator.

Let's try to figure out why our contemporaries - smart, beautiful and simply beautiful women - need a guy. Why do representatives of the “weaker” sex strive to tie the knot and voluntarily take on additional burdens?

Argument 1. To get rid of loneliness

Many women call themselves free and independent, and quite skillfully hide the bottomless loneliness that torments them from strangers. It seems that business is in full swing, and there is a huge social circle, there are exciting hobbies, and from time to time there are dates with the opposite sex. But the absence of a permanent beloved man often makes itself felt. When a woman is left alone, she is often overcome by worries and sadness, haunted by a melancholy mood, and even begins to experience prolonged depression. The woman feels that the years are passing, a competing younger generation is growing up, and her loneliness is doomed to eternity.

It is the fear of living your life without a permanent boyfriend that pushes women to meet with members of the opposite sex. It is for this reason that ladies cling to any first opportunity that comes their way and begin to communicate with unworthy, frivolous persons. They are not afraid to live with a person who systematically ruins their mood, humiliates, mocks, or openly uses them.

Psychologists say that relationships based on this factor are unpromising and destructive to a person’s personality. However, even after a fiasco in love, you cannot withdraw into yourself and deliberately condemn yourself to loneliness. You need to overcome your fear, not sit still and not wait for water to run under a lying stone.

When you don't need a partner

A couple sometimes gives meaning to life, not everyone is ready to achieve something for themselves, it is important to do something for the other. If there is someone in life for whom life is worth living, then love for the opposite sex is not needed. If you have children, then this is enough for happiness. Sometimes parents or even pets become such objects.

A career can replace a family. Striving for goals and conquering peaks gives special emotions, they are very strong and sufficient to feel happiness. Careerists understand that they cannot always combine their employment and relationships, so they make a choice in favor of achievements, and this gives them satisfaction.

Those who have experienced personal tragedy often give up on love. For example, the death of a husband may result in a widow always living alone. But this limitation does not deprive her of happiness; she can find herself in creativity, work, and surroundings. Having a partner is not so important, because there are other activities.

Difficult alliances in the past can discourage building something else in the future. If you have experienced negative love, then you don’t want to go into emotions again. And such people can be called happy, they simply learn to fill their space with other things and do not feel deprived. They choose to live by their own rules, and this gives them satisfaction.

Argument 2. To create a family

This stereotype has been instilled in our contemporaries since birth. Like, a normal woman must have some sort of husband. Let’s not break established traditions and argue that relationships without a stamp in the passport can be quite comfortable, long-lasting and happy. The fact has been confirmed by numerous surveys that one of the most significant values ​​for women is to start a family. Most girls see their life purpose in marriage and motherhood. The honorable fate of Slavic women is to be the mistress of the house, a loyal friend and a reliable support for her husband.

However, when building relationships specifically for this purpose, you need to have at least minimal knowledge of how to create and maintain a happy family. And you need to approach the choice of your future husband with a clear understanding of what and who you want to see next to you. Accordingly, you need to look for a guy in a suitable place for this, and not waste your time on men who, apart from one meeting, don’t need anything else.

Do they love for their strengths or for their shortcomings?

They love a person not at all because he is handsome, smart, talented, earns good money and has no bad habits.
They love him simply because he exists in the world. Anyone who falls in love with someone's virtues risks becoming a victim of disappointment. Indeed, at the early stages of falling in love, people tend to idealize their chosen one. It’s completely different if a person sees all his shortcomings, but continues to love even for them. Mutual love is wonderful when people live for each other, and everyone tries to make their loved one happy. However, it often happens that one of the partners loves, and the other only allows himself to be loved. Of course, one of them is selfish, but the one who truly loves is able to forgive everything and be happy only with his own, even unrequited, feeling. Mutual sympathy is often born when people become interested in communicating with each other. But when they truly fall in love, it’s good for them to just be silent together. Love is born not during nights full of frantic passion, but during calm, leisurely walks, when people simply hold each other’s hands.

Sometimes very young girls cynically argue that you can’t live on love alone, that you need to find a wealthy person who stands firmly on his own two feet. However, when real feeling comes, it doesn’t matter at all how much money a person has, whether he has the opportunity to bring armfuls of flowers and take his chosen one to expensive restaurants.

Argument 3. To get attention

When a woman starts dating a guy, she expects the man to first of all pay attention to himself. Every reasonable girl tries to find the guy of her dreams who will make her happy. It's no secret that attention, recognition, and respect occupy by no means the last place in the hierarchy of human values. A representative of the opposite sex can satisfy this need.

Agree, no one will refuse a couple of sincere compliments, amazing surprises and other signs of attention. Of course, you can convince yourself that you are the most charming and attractive. However, if these secret phrases are heard from the lips of a loved one, then this will elevate any lady to the pedestal of honor and lift her spirits. To be loved, desired and unique is the cherished dream of any woman.

Although, according to psychologists, if when building a relationship a girl is guided solely by her own egocentrism coupled with damaged self-esteem, such an alliance will not last long.

Why love

One might even say it's bland. But since a bland taste is not needed, it’s worth adding pepper, and then answer the question: “Why love?”

Love is a very rich feeling and sometimes it can motivate you to do absolutely incredible things. An interesting view of this feeling is revealed in the story by Henri Barbusse - Tenderness.

Why love? - cheer yourself up

And these are not just abstruse thoughts from the field of psychology. It is worth comparing yourself in a normal state and in love. It is no coincidence that they say that lovers do not notice the clock. It really is like that. The world around begins to play with different colors. The same familiar birch tree outside the window seems more beautiful than yesterday. Ordinary problems fade into the background. And in general, everyone around you becomes so good. To cheer yourself up and see the colors of life is the first argument in favor of the question “Why love.”

Why love? - to look good

It's no secret that a woman in love can be seen from afar. The eyes light up, there is a mysterious smile on the face, the gait becomes more confident, the shoulders instantly straighten. And the most interesting thing is that I want to continue to work on myself. I want to paint my eyes every morning, choose new dresses, wear heels. Therefore, if there have been no new emotions recently, the situation must be corrected immediately. All you have to do is fall in love.

Why love? - to lose weight

This is also an important argument in favor of the question “Why love.” As mentioned earlier, lovers do not notice hours and problems, and therefore experience less stress than everyone else. If there is no stress, then there is simply nothing to eat.

And lovers are so passionate about themselves that they don’t care about such nonsense as “food” and “eating.” As a result, the number of calories consumed is significantly reduced. And along with this, extra pounds go away. Why love? - to discover new talents in yourself As people say, lovers “blow the roof off.” There are many known cases when many talented poets and writers were discovered during the period of “love”. And you don’t have to study literature. You can work as a cook, and at the same time create a dish that all your friends and acquaintances will simply eat with a plate. As you can see, love has many benefits. And the question naturally arises: “Who should I fall in love with?” If the girl is free, there is practically no problem. The paths of life are mysterious. Maybe tomorrow the betrothed-mummer will step on his foot on the bus, and then begin to apologize and... fall in love.

Or maybe find out one important point - why men fall in love, and is it possible to make a man fall in love with you? And if the lady is not free, that’s also not a problem. You can easily fall in love again with your own husband. After all, if you look closely, he’s also a good person.

Argument 4. To feel cared for

When a person is unwell, loneliness is especially acute. And a situation where you don’t even have anyone to talk to leads to despair and a feeling of hopelessness. I really want to cuddle up to a loved one and know that someone will go to the pharmacy, call a doctor, will carefully monitor compliance with bed rest and simply say words of support. And a permanent partner will probably be there when his life partner gets sick. During illness, any person understands how important care and attention are. Many women want to insure themselves in advance in case of such unforeseen moments and start an affair with a guy, counting on his support.

This is a pretty good argument for developing relationships. Only if the only condition is met: help comes from both partners, and of their own free will and from a pure heart.

Argument 5. As an opportunity to release emotions

No matter how unpleasant and cruel this argument may sound, let's face it. Often the only way to relieve accumulated irritation is to let off steam on the person closest to you. We are forced to keep our emotions under control in any society: at work, at school, in public places. Most people bring problems, bad mood and irritation into their home. Moreover, he frees himself from tormenting emotions, throwing out his negativity on his beloved partner. Most women are confident that their partner will forgive these outbursts of emotions and will not be offended at all by the concert. Indeed, many men have nerves of iron; they patiently endure women’s hysterics. They can reassure, wipe away tears, advise, offer their help and act appropriately.

In this situation, we will give one argument: any, even the most ingenious, idea gets boring, and any man will sooner or later run out of patience. And then a global catastrophe awaits the person, when he will have to cope not only with daily minor difficulties, but also look for ways to return the runaway gentleman.

Argument 6. For protection

Every man is capable of protecting his lady love and is ready to rush into battle with any difficulties. Wherever and whenever a woman is in trouble, a loving gentleman will go to the rescue of his princess. It will help overcome fear when a woman is afraid. He will stand up like a stone wall, shielding his soul mate from offenders. In addition to physical protection, he will lend his courageous shoulder, helping his lady financially. He will protect the woman from evil gossip and caustic ridicule. But all this will happen only if the girl is not indifferent to him and is dear to him.

However, such gentlemen are increasingly rare in the modern world; there are fewer and fewer individuals who are strong both spiritually and physically. Therefore, a woman should not rely solely on a man’s abilities, but also learn to confront difficulties on her own. Develop spiritually, play sports, gain life knowledge, then you will be able to cope with problems yourself and help others.

How is love different from passion?

People sometimes confuse true love and sudden passion, although it is quite easy to distinguish between them. When they truly love a person, first of all, they want him to be happy, even with someone else. And the indispensable desire to possess it is a strong, but fleeting passion.

Passion is most often caused by external attractiveness, but a person can become seriously ill, have an accident, and even simply begin to grow old. Then the flash of passion will quickly fade away, and the one who is still healthy and good-looking will find a new object for himself.

There are many people with whom you can feel good when there are no problems in life. If trouble knocks on your door, you need a loving and reliable person nearby who will never betray you and will help you overcome any difficulties.

Every person should have someone who loves and accepts him as he is. Then he will feel protected from any life's adversities and shocks.

Argument 7. To obtain material benefits

An unpleasant argument, but it is not uncommon among mercantile ladies. For some women, a man is a source of income, a “money bag” with inexhaustible cash. Such girls need a guy for new entertainment and comfortable rest, and they agree to be a man’s “personal possession” with an appropriate attitude towards themselves.

Indeed, there is a category of wealthy people who prefer to “buy” a partner for themselves rather than build a normal relationship. Moreover, these rulers of life clearly understand that when the money runs out or there is not enough money, the “acquired” girl will begin to look for another, richer alternative.

But the point is not at all in such male practices, but in the incorrect perception of life and unhealthy way of thinking of such women. We will not read moral teachings, we will only report a fact that has been proven many times: relationships built on selfish gain will not bring true happiness, not to mention the greatest earthly joy - love.

The most important, truthful and valuable argument: because of true love. A man loves a woman, considers him his only deity, and his chosen one responds with the same feeling. Love between a man and a woman is the true purpose of a person, a unique feeling that makes you forgive, overshadows shortcomings and fills you with colossal energy. Love gives life to people, heals many diseases, and creates unearthly miracles. Indeed, a woman needs a man only in order to personally experience this all-consuming and all-encompassing feeling.

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