Human character: positive and negative traits

Numbers, actions with numbers Now we will analyze positive and negative numbers . First, we will give definitions, introduce notation, and then give examples of positive and negative numbers. We will also dwell on the semantic load that positive and negative numbers carry.

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  • Positive and negative numbers - definitions and examples.
  • Interpretation of positive and negative numbers.

Personality and actions

Personality is a set of mental characteristics and unique properties of the inner world of an individual. They are expressed through activities and play a crucial role in various aspects of life. Character translated from Greek means “sign, distinctive feature.” People build their entire lives thanks to the type of psychological organization they have. Depending on this, they build relationships and find their soul mates.

Only by analyzing all a person’s actions can he be characterized. However, opinions about morality can only be subjective, since not everyone commits any actions, relying on what their heart tells them. By studying the behavior of an individual over a long period of time, it is possible to reveal individual traits of his character. The presence of a particular trait is indicated by the same behavior in different situations. He can draw similar conclusions and demonstrate the same reaction to what is happening.

For example, if an individual is responsible by nature, then his behavior at home and at work will correspond to this criterion. If someone is cheerful by nature, then a one-time manifestation of sadness will not become a separate character trait against the background of general positive behavior.

Formation of personality character

From the moment of birth, negative and positive qualities of a person are formed. This first occurs upon contact with parents. For example, excessive love and care from mom and dad can make a person spoiled and dependent. That is why many parents pay special attention to the upbringing and development of their child’s personal growth.

So that the baby can feel responsible, many people have pets. Simple chores, such as picking up your toys, help develop this useful trait from early childhood. This allows you to correctly and in a playful way explain to the baby that not all whims and desires can be fulfilled. For the next stage of personality development, kindergarten and school play an important role. It is at this stage that the already established basic character traits are corrected.

Here you can help a small human personality get rid of excess shyness and greed. At a later age, changing and forming new character traits is only possible when working with a psychologist.

Definition of character type

How can you determine what type of accentuation is typical for you? It can be difficult to do this after reading the description of types, because there are many common features between different accentuations. For this purpose, the science of psychology provides characterological questionnaires. To determine the type according to the presented classification, the “Character Accentuation” test was developed by Lichko. We also recommend Leonhard's character profile. To compare the types of accentuations according to Lichko and Leonhard, there is a table of approximate correspondence (Table 2). Also watch an interesting video about the principles of the structure of the human psyche, which ultimately affects the character of everyone.

Difference from temperament

It is known that character and temperament jointly shape the behavior of an individual. However, these concepts have a fundamentally different nature. They are often confused with each other. Character is a list of moral mental properties that were acquired over time. But temperament has a biological origin. People may have different characters, but have the same temperament. It is divided into 4 types:

  1. Impetuous and unbalanced choleric person.
  2. Slow and imperturbable phlegmatic.
  3. An easy-going and cheerful sanguine person.
  4. Emotionally sensitive melancholic.

At the same time, character can compensate for temperament, and it, in turn, can suppress certain character traits.

Factors influencing behavior

As a rule, people's behavior is dictated by generally established standards. From birth, each individual is assigned positive and negative qualities. Their manifestation is due to upbringing and the ability to cope with critical situations. There are 4 types of human behavior:

  • Attitude to one's own "I". The system of symptom complexes is determined by a characteristic combination of self-esteem and critical self-esteem.
  • The peculiarity of people's attitude towards others. The main benefits of collectivism include sensitivity, communication skills, kindness and respect. But harshness, secrecy, callousness, deceit, contempt, inherent in individualism - all this refers to negative qualities.
  • Character traits, the list of which determines a specific approach to business. Creativity, initiative and perseverance, responsibility and conscientiousness in completing assigned tasks are positive human qualities. Negative traits include laziness, inertia and indifference.
  • Attitude to things. The assessment of a person’s character occurs through one’s attitude toward material wealth. Neatness, neatness and cleanliness or disdain towards things says a lot about a person.

Inertia is the property of a body to remain in a state of rest or uniform motion until some external force changes this state.

Inertia (from Latin inertia) - inactivity, inertia

Inertia is the property of a body to maintain a state of uniform rectilinear motion or rest when the forces acting on it are absent or mutually balanced

Inertia (from Latin Iners) - laziness, lack of activity, inactivity. Inertis - inactive.

The benefits of inertia

Thanks to inertia, any object maintains speed the longer, the less it is influenced by other bodies; this is used in different areas of our lives, in everyday life and in technology.

A car, train or plane, picking up speed, continues to move and consumes less fuel.

They reduce their speed and stop not on their own, but only under the influence of other bodies: friction with the air and gravity of the earth.

Swings, roller coasters and many other attractions could not exist without inertia, since they use the principle of inertia of a rigid body that has received a push.

But in addition to its benefits, inertia can cause harm!

Harm of inertia

Collisions with pedestrians who suddenly jump onto the road, and many other traffic accidents occur because the car cannot stop instantly due to inertia.

When suddenly brakes , the speed of the legs will decrease due to contact with the floor, and the speed of the body and head will remain unchanged; This will cause the passenger's body to lean sharply forward in the motion.

On the contrary, with a sharp increase in the speed of the carriage or car, the torso and head, maintaining the same speed by inertia, will lag behind the legs being carried forward, and the passenger’s body will sharply lean back.

All this is fraught with injury.

The same thing happens when a walking person suddenly trips over an obstacle. The legs remain in place, and all other parts of the body rush forward by inertia and the person falls.


I learned that if no other bodies act on the body, then the body remains inert , that is, a state of rest or uniform linear motion relative to the Earth.

Bodies receive acceleration under the influence of other bodies. If the actions exerted on different parts of the body are different, then these parts will receive different accelerations and after some time will acquire different speeds. As a result, the very nature of the movement of the body as a whole may change.

This happens due to inertia .


Positive human qualities

The positive list of human qualities is huge. All definitions have subjectivity - this concerns the nature and essence of the individual, his behavior. In our society, certain norms have been established with the help of which we can determine how positive or negative a particular personality trait or action is. However, there are the highest qualities that demonstrate virtue:

  • manners are good manners in society. A well-mannered person is always polite and correct with others, regardless of their social status. There is never any shame in him. He knows the rules of behavior in society and has respect for other people's property, nature, and society.
  • Honoring elders is recognizing the value of outside views, especially the views of older people. A courteous and respectful attitude towards others indicates that a person sees an individual in everyone. In any work process, this quality is indispensable and is expressed in distance and subordination.
  • Kindness is a gentle and considerate attitude towards people. Responsiveness and caring towards others, a tendency to support and help out of difficult circumstances without expecting anything in return.
  • Friendliness is a friendly and supportive attitude towards others. This is the ability to behave sincerely and attentively towards people. A friendly person will always strive for mutual pleasant communication, therefore he has not only loyal friends, but also many useful acquaintances.
  • Modesty is the absence of the intention of praising oneself. Lack of boasting and tactfulness in relation to others is inherent in a modest person. This quality can be expressed both due to respect for other people and due to shyness.
  • Responsibility is a person’s ability to answer for what is entrusted to him. A responsible person is able to make decisions in difficult situations and assess their consequences. Husbands are responsible for their wives, mothers for their children, employees for professional tasks. Only an independent and mature person is not afraid to take responsibility for something.
  • Loyalty is devotion to one’s own worldview, ideas and views, as well as to close people. This quality is an important aspect of the relationship between a man and a woman. After all, it is associated with such a negative trait as jealousy. A faithful personality is reliable in the stability of the personality.
  • Perseverance is the ability to achieve your goals. This quality is possessed by strong people who do not succumb to difficulties and failures. Persistence in achieving goals and implementing plans shows strength of character and invincibility of spirit. It is thanks to their own strength that persistent individuals achieve heights.
  • Confidence is a positive assessment of one's personal qualities. Confidence is closely related to a person's ability to manage himself in ambiguous environments. About such a person you might think: “He knows what he’s doing.” As a rule, he knows his worth and is not afraid of publicity. He is also able to control himself in stressful situations.
  • Responsiveness is the willingness to help and the ability to selflessly respond to any request. The advantage of this quality is not only the self-perception of a kind person.
  • Honesty is not allowing lies towards others. This quality speaks of strong character, integrity and ethical standards. An honest person always treats his interlocutor with respect, so he always tells him the necessary truth, sometimes even offensive.
  • Selflessness is the absence of inclination to acquire profit. Only personal gain motivates selfish people. People who are sincere and selfless are trusted much more. Because their own benefit has no significance. They are able to help others without demanding anything in return.

What is character?

Soviet psychologist B. G. Ananyev defines character as attitudes towards oneself, other people, property or various activities that are rooted in a person. To make it clearer, here are some examples:

  • If a person looks
    down on others, he can be described as arrogant.
  • Another is inclined to find fault
    with little things, remember the slightest grievances and pay increased attention to trifles. In describing the character of such a person, we will add the characteristic “pettiness.”

Important! Character is not an innate property, although some traits may be determined by the characteristics of the nervous system. It is formed throughout life and, despite its relative stability, is amenable to change - it is brought up.

Character is a structure of persistent, relatively stable mental qualities of a person that determine his behavior and relationships with people.

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