An inferiority complex is one of the main causes of all neuroses.

Neuroses, VSD, panic attacks have become a real epidemic. Today, a huge number of people suffer from these disorders. The symptoms of neuroses are so varied that it is difficult to immediately understand the essence of what is happening. Books about panic attacks, neuroses, anxiety, and VSD help people understand what they are faced with and cope with the disorder on their own.

Mental disorders of a neurotic nature are not diseases. They are functional in nature and are considered completely reversible. But they have one peculiarity - until a person himself understands all the mechanisms of symptoms and the root of his problem, it is difficult to get rid of dysfunction of the autonomic system.

Not everyone has the opportunity to immediately see a qualified psychotherapist and undergo expensive sessions. The books presented in the top list explain the origin of neuroses, panic attacks, increased anxiety, and VSD. They also provide various self-help techniques that you can use on your own. When a person understands his “illness” well and knows that it is absolutely curable, this is already a huge step towards restoring health. Then all that remains is to try different techniques and see which one is more suitable or is most effective.


Under the mask of VSD, other serious diseases may be hidden, especially those related to the endocrine system. Only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment! All information on the site is for informational purposes only and is not a reason for self-diagnosis or self-medication.

At the time when I experienced a crisis of VSD and started having panic attacks, I was sure that I had fallen ill with a very serious illness. I had no idea about any neuroses back then, and I mistook panic attacks for heart attacks.

Later, when during the examination one of the doctors explained to me what VSD was and gave me the right direction, I began to look for information and gradually understand what had happened. So, I began to read thematic books, practice various techniques, try, study, apply, and as a result, I completely restored my health and nervous system within a year.

Read the author's story:

The story of the VSD crisis How I managed to get rid of neurosis

I never got an appointment with a psychotherapist; books replaced it for me. Not everyone manages to overcome a neuropsychiatric disorder on their own. In such cases, of course, it is necessary to seek help. But reading useful literature, and most importantly, applying techniques, is definitely a plus for those who are faced with panic attacks, neurosis and anxiety syndrome.

The best books for those who suffer from PA, neurosis, and increased anxiety

So, a list of the most useful books about panic attacks and ways to deal with them for a wide range of readers.

Alexey Krasikov “Neuroses of the metropolis. VSD, panic attacks, anxiety, fears. Self-help book."

Publisher: AST, 2020


This book is intended primarily for those who are looking for answers to questions about the causes of vegetative-vascular dystonia, panic attacks, and health fears. In it you will find detailed information about the reasons for the development of these conditions, as well as special exercises and tips that will teach you to avoid panic, help reduce anxiety and return to a full life.

And most importantly, after reading this book, you will understand in detail what is happening to you and why, what causes these conditions and how to cope with them without frightening or confusing yourself.

You will learn the whole truth about VSD, OCD, depressive states, panic attacks and other neuroses of the metropolis and start a new life, free from fears and anxieties.

Kurpatov A.V. “4 terrible secrets. Panic attack and cardiac neurosis.”

Publisher: M., St. Petersburg: OlmaMediaGroup/Prosveshcheniye, 2013

Vegetative-vascular dystonia is a diagnosis that, unfortunately, is familiar to many. However, few know that you can get rid of this disease, completely and forever.

Strange as it may seem, palpitations, pain in the heart area, fluctuations in blood pressure, a feeling of lack of air, weakness and other symptoms of VSD should be combated with means that can use the internal resources of our body.

From the author

When the publishing house decided to release my books, giving them new – “understandable” – titles, they asked me a remarkable question of its kind: “What is this humanly called - vegetative...” - and then they hesitated, recalling the complex title of the book “A Remedy for Vegetovascular Disease.” dystonia."

Indeed, if doctors have not given a person such a diagnosis, it is difficult for him to understand what kind of beast this is - dystonia, and even vegetative-vascular. In addition, recently doctors have become smarter and, looking at the same symptoms, make different diagnoses - “panic attacks”, “vegetative syndrome”, “cardiac neurosis”, “angioneurosis”, “respiratory neurosis” and so on .

In fact, in all these cases we are talking about “somatoform disorder”. But this international term, denoting “vegetative-vascular dystonia” (and other listed diagnoses), has not yet taken root in Russia and is unlikely to take root soon - it is painfully tricky. Even though this diagnosis is the “underlying disease” of every fifth person seeking medical help! Just imagine - every fifth!

In general, you are holding in your hands a book that was once “A remedy for vegetative-vascular dystonia”, and now has become “4 terrible secrets of a panic attack and cardiac neurosis”. I hope this title is really more understandable, and many who vitally need such a benefit will find it at bookstores and will be able to get information about what is happening to them, and most importantly, they will understand what to do with it.

Probably the most common question I get asked is: “Is vegetative-vascular dystonia (panic attacks, cardiac neurosis) curable?” And I never tire of answering – 100%! And now you can see for yourself!

Buy books online

Andrey Goloshchapov “Anxiety, fear and panic attacks. Self-help book"

Publisher: Ves Publishing Group, 2020

Preface by the author

This book is not for everyone. If you think that there is some simple remedy, a good doctor or one pill that can relieve you of anxiety and fear overnight, I have to disappoint you, there is nothing like that. To change your condition, you will have to work on yourself, this will require your active participation and perseverance. But all your efforts will be rewarded a hundredfold when you finally overcome your own resistance and triumph over the problem - be it fear, anxiety or panic attacks. It is a journey at the end of which there will be a reward worth every step taken along the way: greater awareness, self-control, inner peace and self-confidence.


You can get rid of fears, anxiety, unpleasant memories, psychological trauma and mental wounds if... quickly move your eyes from side to side or press on a certain point on the body. Incredible? Meanwhile, today it has been proven that EFT and EMDR methods are indeed capable of solving many emotional problems.

The first part of the book is a description of EFT and EMDR. The author talks about the history of these techniques, explains how they work, gives points on the body and face that need to be worked on, and talks about possible difficulties when working with the techniques.

The second part of the book is auxiliary techniques and exercises that you can use in conjunction with EFT and EMDR. You'll also find tips for coping with negative emotions in difficult situations and self-help strategies for other anxiety disorders.

All the described methods combine well with each other; they can be practiced alternately or in parallel. Choose the technique that suits you now and see how your body and your emotions change.

Pavel Zhavnerov “Psychotherapy of fear and panic attacks.”

Publisher: KTK Galaktika, 2020


This book will be useful for both psychologists and people who want to learn how to change their perceptions and reduce their anxiety, become more aware and get rid of panic attacks. For those who want to learn the intricacies and effective techniques and methods of cognitive behavioral psychotherapy, which have been tested in practice and have given real results. Also for those who have problems in one way or another related to fear, anxiety and stress. Zhavnerov Pavel Borisovich - clinical psychologist on anxiety disorders, candidate of sciences, expert of the newspaper and radio "Komsomolskaya Pravda". The main profile is the treatment of anxiety-phobic disorders within the framework of cognitive behavioral psychotherapy. Author of a YouTube channel with more than 45,000 subscribers and more than 4 million views of video lectures.

Skibo E. “Panic attacks and how to get rid of them”

E-book, 2020

“ANXIETY is a negatively colored emotion that expresses a feeling of uncertainty, anticipation of negative events, and difficult-to-define premonitions. Strong emotional disturbance, anxiety, confusion.

A signal of impending danger. Unlike the causes of fear, the causes of anxiety are usually not conscious, but it prevents a person from engaging in potentially harmful behavior or motivates him to take action to increase the likelihood of a favorable outcome of events.”

Preface from the author

Hello, panic-stricken readers and other readers of the book. I have been practicing psychotherapy for almost 20 years; over the past 7 years, many patients have been diagnosed with panic attacks. I want to tell you about panic attacks, and if you understand what I have explained and follow a few clear, accessible recommendations, you will get rid of panic attacks.

The result of psychotherapy: “I understand! I know what to do!". Guarantees – 100% if recommendations are fully followed.

“The existential vacuum is a widespread phenomenon these days. This is quite understandable and can be explained by the double loss to which man has been subjected since he became truly human. At the beginning of human history, man lost some of the basic animal instincts that determined the behavior of the animal and by which it was protected. Such protection, like heaven, is closed to man forever; a person must make a choice. In addition to this, in subsequent development, man has suffered a second loss: the traditions that served as the support of his behavior are now rapidly being destroyed.

No instinct tells him what he is forced to do, no tradition tells him what he must do, soon he no longer knows what he wants to do. More and more he begins to be guided by what others force him to do, increasingly becoming a victim of conformity.

The existential vacuum manifests itself mainly in a state of boredom.

Now Schopenhauer when he said that humanity is apparently doomed to oscillate forever between two extremes - need and boredom. Indeed, boredom in our time often poses much more problems for the psychiatrist than need. And these problems are growing at an alarming rate as the process of automation is likely to lead to a significant increase in free time.

The trouble is that most people don’t know what to do with their newly acquired free time.

Let's think, for example, about “Sunday neuroses” - a type of depression that grips many when they are aware of the lack of content in their lives, when the onslaught of the week's activities breaks off and the emptiness of their existence becomes obvious. Many cases of suicide could be explained by an existential vacuum. Widespread phenomena such as alcoholism and juvenile delinquency will remain incomprehensible until we discover the existential vacuum that underlies them. This is true also in relation to criminals and in relation to the crises of the elderly.

Moreover, there are various hidden forms and false manifestations behind which an existential vacuum is revealed. Sometimes the frustrated need for meaning in life is compensated by the desire for power, including the most primitive form of the will to power - the desire for money. In other cases, the place of a frustrated need for the meaning of life is taken by the desire for pleasure.

Existential frustration therefore often leads to sexual compensation. In such cases, we observe a strong sexual desire that has grown out of an existential vacuum.

A similar phenomenon occurs in the case of neurosis. Logotherapy is therefore prescribed not only in nusogenic cases, as noted above, but also in psychogenic cases, in particular in those that I have called pseudosomatogenic neuroses.

Let us now consider how we should behave if a patient asks what the meaning of life is. I doubt that a doctor can answer this question with one general phrase, since the meaning of life differs from person to person, from day to day, from hour to hour. Therefore, what is important is not the meaning of life in general, but rather the specific meaning of life for a given individual at a given moment in time.

Posing the question about the meaning of life, when asked at all, can be compared to the question posed to a chess champion: “Tell me, teacher, what is the best move in the world?” There is simply no such thing as the best or just a good move, apart from the specific game situation, apart from the specific personality of the opponent. The same is true of human existence. We should not look for the abstract meaning of life. Everyone has their own calling and mission in life, everyone must carry in their soul a specific purpose that requires its implementation. Human life therefore cannot be moved from place to place; the life of a particular person is unique. So, everyone’s task is unique, just as the specific possibilities for its existence are unique. Logotherapy sees responsibility towards life as the very essence of human existence. […]

By declaring that man is the creator of responsibility and must actualize the potential meaning of his life, I wanted to emphasize that the true meaning of life is more likely to be found in the world than within a person, or within his psyche, even if it were a closed system. Human existence is self-transcendence rather than self-actualization. Self-actualization cannot be a possible goal also for the simple reason that the more a person fights for it, the more he will lose it, since only to the extent that a person devotes himself to the fulfillment of his life meaning, he also actualizes , manifests itself. In other words, self-actualization cannot be achieved if it is closed in on itself. It is only achievable when it is a side effect of self-transcendence.

According to logotherapy, we can discover the meaning of life in three ways:

1) doing a deed (feat);

2) experiencing values;

3) through suffering.

The first way, the way to achieve or realize the goal, is obvious. The second and third require further consideration.”

Viktor Frankl, Search for the meaning of life, in Reader: Personality Psychology / Ed. Gippenreiter Yu.B., Buzyrey A.A., Arkhangelskaya V.V., M., “Ast”; "Astrel", 2009, p. 244-245.

System of goals of a creative personality according to G.S. Altshuller

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