Treatment of fear with folk remedies

The fear experienced by a person signals impending danger and implements the instinct of self-preservation. This is an adequate mental reaction to a threatening situation. However, some people may experience fear for no known reason and may also have phobias. These conditions cannot be called a variant of the norm: they need to be gotten rid of. The Salvation Clinic treats phobias. Our specialists will quickly relieve patients from obsessive states: phobias and pathological fears, recognized as mental disorders. The extensive experience of doctors in this area effectively treats these pathologies, and to start effective therapy you just need to call the clinic using the specified contacts.

What is fear?

Fear is a normal human emotion that everyone is born with. The feeling of fear activates a protective resource in the body: it is assumed that it prepares a person to respond to a threat.

However, there are fears, the complex of which represents a mental disorder. When diagnosing, doctors rely on signs that are not a variant of the norm and cause an unusual feeling of fear and the ensuing consequences. Fear cannot be called a normal reaction of the body if the following circumstances are present:

  • No real danger or threat thereof.
  • Avoiding situations that are a source of fear.
  • Long-term accompaniment of a person’s mood with fears.
  • The presence of an imaginary threat that is perceived as real.
  • Sleep disturbances, general condition, problems in the socialization of the individual.

The feeling of fear, if it does not develop into horror and panic, is a natural reaction of the body to a situation that threatens human values. The threat may be real or imagined.

Forms of fear can be different, but the most relevant in psychotherapeutic practice are:

  • Real – a person’s anxiety arises in the presence of some kind of threat.
  • Neurotic - this type is usually formed in the subconscious of a person, without real reasons for this. Fears are formed when meeting certain people, as well as in specific situations. Anyone who has a fear problem prepares for the worst events.
  • Phobias - the internal psychology of fear is that a person invents it on his own. An example would be an internal fear of going to the dentist or flying on an airplane.

In child psychology, general fear syndromes are called, which include:

  • obsessive fears;
  • super valuable;
  • panicky;
  • delusional;
  • night terrors, nightmares.

From the birth of a person until his death, it is common to experience a feeling of fear. The intensity of manifestations can be different; it does not happen that a person is not afraid of anything. Most often, the source of fear is logically explainable. If such a condition occurs for no reason, you should contact a doctor at the Salvation Clinic.

Causes of anxiety

Fear and anxiety are emotional reactions to events happening around us. But they must be within the normal range, which does not throw you out of balance. These feelings mobilize a person to take actions that under normal conditions he would not dare to take. If anxiety and worry become constant companions, then it is necessary to urgently take action before they develop into permanent depression.

The main causes of such conditions are:

  • constant tension due to external circumstances: scandals in the family, problems with loved ones, troubles at work;
  • concomitant mental disorders;
  • chronic fatigue syndrome, complicated by various disorders in the body;
  • interaction with people who evoke negative feelings;
  • fear of coming into contact with the surrounding reality in any manifestation due to errors in upbringing;
  • a large number of traumatic factors in life;
  • special conditions - pregnancy, session, death of loved ones, cases of violence, after the cessation of circumstances a person cannot get rid of stress;
  • toxic relationships with other people;
  • low self-esteem, constant feelings of guilt;
  • heredity - a tendency to such conditions can be passed on from one generation to another.

Phobias: concept and signs

The presence of phobias in a person is considered a mental disorder. Unlike depression or anxiety, phobias are associated with a specific object, so most often a person is able to understand and also tell the doctor the cause of fear.

It is important to understand that everyone has phobias to some extent. This may be due to negative experiences coming from childhood. For example, a child was greatly frightened by a dog and still, as an adult, a person experiences fear of this animal.

If the feeling of fear is of a standard nature, do not consult a doctor. But you need to understand in what cases you need the help of a specialist. And the symptoms of an obsessive feeling of fear, phobias are:

  • cardiopalmus;
  • suffocation;
  • nausea;
  • diarrhea;
  • profuse sweating;
  • fear of premature death.

The presence of negative symptoms and the inability to remove feelings of anxiety, fear, and panic from your consciousness is a reason to consult a doctor for advice. Specialists at the Salvation Clinic help patients get rid of phobias and fears. You should not hesitate to visit the clinic, as negative emotions lead to a person feeling unwell, anxious, and stressed. He cannot concentrate on his usual activities and professional responsibilities, which negatively affects his career. If a pathological condition makes adjustments to normal life, you must not delay treatment until later and call the Salvation clinic.

The lack of adequate treatment for phobias and fears can lead a person to advanced forms. This manifests itself in cases where, due to obsessive anxiety and fear, one cannot go outside. A person withdraws into himself, communication with loved ones and relatives does not bring him satisfaction. The individual loses connection with society. In this situation, he urgently needs psychiatric help: doctors recommend placing the patient in a hospital to undergo treatment, identify problems, and make a correct diagnosis.

Why do phobias occur?

Hereditary predisposition plays a huge role. Perhaps one of your close relatives suffers from obsessive fears, increased anxiety, and other types of neuroses. Birth injuries and frequent illnesses in early childhood aggravate the situation and increase risks. The trigger for the development of a phobia is often a negative event, especially if it occurred in childhood. It could be the death or serious illness of a relative, divorce of parents, scandals in the family, a dog attack in the yard.

Sometimes obsessive fears begin after head injuries or the use of psychoactive substances.

Often, a person who suffers from a phobia feels like they are “going crazy.” It’s scary to go to the doctor: what if they “recognize you as abnormal”? In fact, there is a big difference between obsessive fears and mental disorders, such as schizophrenia, and any doctor can see it. There are clear criteria. Phobia, like any other neurosis, is a neurological disease, not psychosis. Psychiatrists, neurologists, and psychotherapists treat such conditions.

There are sections in the brain that store information about past traumatic events. When a person finds himself in a similar situation, the brain “gets” this information, and a feeling of fear arises. With phobias it is very strong and irrational. There are parts of the brain that are responsible for suppressing stress and feelings of fear, but they are unable to cope with obsessive fears.

Often, the origins of phobias need to be sought at the age of 4–8 years. But this does not mean that an adult cannot be helped. Effective treatments exist.

The main causes of phobias

To provide patients with effective help in getting rid of a phobia, it is necessary to understand where it comes from. In particular, two points are examined: what fear looks like and what provokes it. The main condition for the emergence and progression of phobias is anxiety, which seems to researchers to be the result of a conflict within the individual. And this conflict develops in any person, regardless of social status, age, gender.

The main reasons why fear appears are as follows:

  • uncertainty in people and situations;
  • the presence of psychological trauma, which causes fear within the individual of certain events in life;
  • an incorrectly organized educational process, consisting in excessively high demands of parents for the child, non-compliance with the expectations of legal representatives causes nervous tension in the child, which persists for a long time;
  • wrong lifestyle;
  • a person has had life experiences that evoke unpleasant memories.

The main reasons for the emergence of fear include the characteristics of the psyche and the type of human temperament. For example, people with an asthenic type of psyche are pessimists by nature. Often fear, horror and panic are constant companions of their lives. Just like melancholic people, who are prone to despondency, also cannot do without negative emotions. For choleric people, tense situations cause excessive excitement and anger, which can also awaken anxiety and excitement to settle in the soul for a long time. The result is insomnia, fear of lack of sleep, as well as various types of phobias that have not been observed before.

Hormonal imbalance in the human body, in women before menopause, can also provoke the appearance of fear. The peculiarity of the endocrine system is that the hormone corticotropin is responsible for fear. The release of this substance into the body causes the adrenal glands to start working harder, and an excessive amount of adrenaline and norepinephrine enters the blood. Excess hormones constrict blood vessels, increase blood pressure, provoke tremors in the limbs, and increase the feeling of fear.

Types of phobias

A person experiences phobias in front of various objects:

  1. Dentophobia: Most often, fear arises due to a negative experience visiting the dental office. People who are terrified of dentists do not come to them for years. There have been cases where attempts were made on their part to remove teeth on their own. It is quite natural that this led to negative consequences.
  2. Cynophobia: fear of dogs. A phobia most often develops after a negative experience with animals. For example, a person was bitten by a dog. Now he not only avoids these animals, but any mention of them, pictures, photos can cause fear, uncontrollable, as well as panic. In the process of treating phobias, various methods are used, including the method of bringing the dog and the person closer together in a safe environment for the latter, combined with relaxation. A person sees an animal from afar, the dog is brought to him with a muzzle and a leash. Gradually, the leash is released and the muzzle is removed. Therapy lasts not one day, but several: it all depends on how advanced the form of the disease is.
  3. Trypophobia: The fear involves the fear of cluster holes. A person is afraid of holes and accumulations in organic objects. For example, fear can be caused by honeycombs of bees, holes in dishwashing sponges.
  4. Loneliness phobia: This form of fear is the most common. More often this feeling develops in adults. As an example: destructive relationships between a woman and a man. In this situation, the woman is in a subordinate position in relation to the man: she is not able to part with him, as she experiences a painful feeling of loneliness.
  5. Phobia of change. A person is afraid of changes that arise in his usual way of life. This could be moving to another area, changing jobs. It seems to him that everything that is happening will not bring any benefit. And fear intensifies, it paralyzes the will and does not allow one to act in accordance with the current situation.

These are not all types of phobias, but only the most common ones.

There are also unusual phobias:

  • Body dysmorphophobia is a mental disorder when a person is dissatisfied with his appearance. In particular, some part of your body. It seems to him that everyone is looking at his body, discussing his shortcomings, laughing, although in reality this does not exist. As the disease develops, a person withdraws into himself, does not go to work, and does not communicate with loved ones. In the absence of adequate treatment, an individual may voluntarily die.
  • Nomophobia - with the development of technological progress, a pathological fear of losing, losing, a means of communication has arisen: a touch phone, tablet, computer, laptop. According to studies, the majority of citizens tested experience severe anxiety if they are left without a phone, when the means of communication is not available, for example, it is lost. In this case, the level of stress is comparable to visiting the dentist's office. About half of the subjects admitted that they never part with their mobile phones.
  • Phobia – fear of the number 666. Usually observed among religious fanatics
  • Ablutophobia is the fear of washing the body, washing the face, and brushing teeth.
  • Atychiphobia is the fear of making a mistake or experiencing a fiasco. To some extent, fear is expressed in every person.
  • Aerophobia is the fear of flying on airplanes and drafts.
  • Ephebiphobia is the fear of teenagers.

Treatment of phobias reviews

Effective treatment is possible only with a combination of several favorable factors. These include:

  • a well-formed drug therapy regimen;
  • correct psychological correction of the patient;
  • his active participation in the process of changing his life and his thinking.

If someone succeeded in this to the fullest extent, this does not mean that other people will succeed as well. In the same way, negative reviews do not mean that the treatment was somehow incorrect. There are many disorders in psychiatry that cannot be completely cured. Therefore, the quality of medical care must be assessed on the basis of other factors.

Reviews can characterize any treatment for a phobia to the least extent. However, approximately the same can be said about the therapy of any psychiatric disorders.

Where does fear come from?

The issue of the origin of fear is controversial; in particular, most researchers are based on a multifactorial theory. A scientific approach explains where fear comes from. Usually it is provoked by several reasons, but sometimes only one factor leads a person to an unreasonable feeling of constant anxiety.

The origin of fear is based on the presence of various causes:

  • The presence of organic pathology in humans. The formation of phobias is caused by the presence of injuries and infections in the human body. As a result, the structure of the brain changes and phobias are formed.
  • Genetic factor. It has been proven that some phobias can be inherited. If a child’s parents have been diagnosed with neuroses, most likely the offspring will be susceptible to them.
  • Stress. The cause of fear may lie in the presence of a one-time situation, as a result of which a person developed fear. The formation of individual phobias can be influenced by long-term stress and nervous strain.

The psychomatics of fear and its formation differ from each other depending on the etiology of the mental state, which is the root cause of the phobia. If we take into account its neurophysiological origin, the physiology of fear is determined by the excitation of neural areas of the brain, after which the reticular formation is activated. It transmits information through nerve fibers to the brain.

The motivation of the human body is satisfied by specific areas of the cerebral cortex. Fear and its development blocks the sequence of the transmission mechanism. As a result, a person begins to experience horror and panic, that is, in his arsenal, these emotions become the only ones that he is able to think about and reproduce. In extreme cases, stupor may develop, or vice versa – panic.

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Symptoms and signs of severe fear

Every person experiences fear; this is a normal reaction of the body to an external stimulus. But there is a pathological fear that must be dealt with not independently, but under the strict guidance of the attending physician, for example, at the Salvation clinic.

External signs indicate that a person’s fear has acquired a painful form. The most common external manifestations are the following:

  1. Pupil enlargement. The human brain receives a signal that a more detailed analysis of information about the impending danger is necessary. Information about the object is received by the human eyes, thereby activating the parasympathetic nervous system, which produces adrenaline, causing pupils to enlarge.
  2. Decreased muscle tone. In a state of strong fear and panic, the body throws all its resources into fighting the upcoming danger. A frightened person is full of energy, but he may experience some numbness, manifested in muscle stiffness. As a result, it is difficult to run away from the threat that has arisen, or in extreme cases, to stand on your own two feet.
  3. Tremors and tremors in the limbs are similar to the manifestations of numbness as a result of muscle stiffness. All this is caused by muscle spasms, which are a consequence of the body’s reaction to fear and its excess energy. A person may experience trembling of the eyelids, chin, and lips.
  4. Change in skin color on the face. The person experiences fear. If the state of anxiety increases, the intensity of the state does not subside, then the body begins to mobilize all its resources in order to overcome this feeling. All this provokes an increase in blood supply to the heart and muscle tissue. Other areas of the body are deprived of blood, which causes pallor and a bluish tint to the skin.
  5. Voice change. Fear changes the voice, which takes on the character of a squeal or vice versa: hoarseness appears, which was previously not characteristic of a person.
  6. Constricted state. The moment a person realizes that he is in danger, he experiences a burning desire to become invisible. This manifests itself in the fact that, unconsciously, he begins to shrink, trying to become invisible. He pulls his head in, closes his eyes, and hides behind his outer clothing. There are many options; a person’s goal in this situation is to protect himself from an external threat.

If a person experiences these sensations, provided that the fear is far-fetched and does not pose a real threat, it is necessary to seek advice from a specialist at the Salvation Clinic.

How to treat panic attacks with folk remedies

In addition to the listed methods of self-control and exercises, it would be useful to start taking herbal infusions and decoctions. Here are the most popular traditional medicine recipes that will help you cope with uncontrollable fear, put your nervous system in order and feel better:

  • Ingredients: lemon balm, St. John's wort, juniper, chamomile, valerian, hop cones, tea rose and mint. You will need 50 g of each component, 20 g of hop cones is enough. Pour boiling water over the ingredients and let cool to an acceptable temperature. Take warm twice a day for two weeks. A new drink is prepared for each dose - taking a heated drink is unacceptable, since precious vitamins are lost.
  • Pour 2 tablespoons of peppermint into a liter of boiling water and cool. When taking the infusion at night, you can add a little milk for taste. This drink is taken if there is a premonition of an approaching attack, so it is prepared in advance. Although the product can be used not only to combat panic attacks, but also to get a boost of energy in the morning.
  • Pour a glass of dill seeds and 2 pinches of crushed valerian root into a liter of boiling water, let it brew, and in the morning add 2 glasses of honey. This infusion is enough for a month and you need to take a tablespoon three times a day.
  • Chop three tablespoons of straw and pour two cups of boiling water. Take the cooled infusion once a day for a week.
  • For the last effective folk remedy for treating panic attacks and fears, you will need 80 ml of red beet juice and the same amount of honey. The mixture should be mixed and consumed 2-3 times during the day, half an hour before meals.

The above are the most proven folk remedies for combating panic attacks.

Although panic attacks do not pose a threat to a person’s life, they can still disrupt internal harmony and exhaust the patient’s nerves. It is quite possible to cope with attacks without the intervention of doctors or strong drugs. To do this, you should turn to such treatment methods as meditation, sports, help from Internet resources, as well as take medicinal infusions and decoctions that help cope with panic attacks at home.

Consequences of fear

The negative impact of emotion on the human body is quite large. In particular, the activity of the main systems of his life activity decreases, and a state of stupor develops. A person thinks a lot about the impending danger, and in the pathological course of the condition, about a fictitious one that does not pose a real threat. As a result, the perception of reality is distorted. If fear has a long-term effect on a person, exhaustion of all body systems develops.

However, the appearance of fear, if we talk about a standard but not pathological human emotion, brings not only a negative impact, but also a benefit. For example, the advantages of fear are that the sensation lays the foundation for active action in the body, forcing it to leave its usual habitat, in which it may not have seen certain circumstances or situations that are very useful for it. As a result, an individual can change his life and destroy previously existing but ineffective stereotypes.

Some types of fear help maintain order. For example, fear of punishment before the law for committing an offense or crime.

Any type of fear forces a person to remember situations in which the condition arises: in the future he avoids them. This helps to avoid serious dangers in life. Fear does not always bring obvious harm to the human body.

Phobias and fears: treatment methods

Treatment of phobias and fears requires a full-fledged, comprehensive approach of specialists to the existing problem of patients. The Salvation Clinic has been treating various phobias and pathological fears for many years. Self-treatment of these conditions is not recommended, since, in practice, they lead to the following:

  1. Uncontrolled use of medications. Such self-medication leads to side effects and complications from medications.
  2. Using psychotherapeutic techniques independently. These attempts lead to aggravation of the person’s condition, since only a specialist has the appropriate techniques.

To get rid of phobias and fears, you need the assistance of a doctor. Only together with him will a person be able to overcome causeless anxiety and fear, a specific problem. As independent therapy, it is possible to take herbal infusions and plant-based sedatives. This is not prohibited, although it is not enough to fully treat the phobia. Only in a clinical setting can doctors be guaranteed to help patients. Conventionally, treatment is divided into three groups: medications, psychological effects, additional and alternative methods.

Treatment of fears and phobias at the Salvation clinic

Specialists at the Salvation Medical Center approach therapy only in a comprehensive manner and use various methods of treating phobias and fears. When prescribing treatment, doctors are based on an individual approach to each client. The patient will achieve a successful result by strictly following the instructions of the treating specialist and following the medication regimen. It is not recommended to take them without permission, without a doctor’s prescription, since medications will not only not help in this case, but will also aggravate the person’s already difficult situation.

Use of medications

Medicines are not the main components of treatment. They are intended to relieve symptoms of the disease. Doctors prescribe different groups of medications - psychotropic, antidepressants, others - aimed at eliminating somatic and psychological symptoms.

When treating phobias and panic attacks, the following medications are most often prescribed:

  1. Beta blockers are used to relieve somatic symptoms. The mechanism of action of the drugs is based on blocking the production of stress hormones. That is, medications cannot stop psychological manifestations, but physiological ones are eliminated. The use of beta blockers is justified by the fact that it improves the physical condition of a person with phobias, including the psychological background. The consequences of phobias and panic attacks are that a person develops anxiety symptoms, such as fear of death, the occurrence of chronic diseases, etc. Taking medications can alleviate the physical condition, and as a result, eliminate fear.
  2. Antidepressants. In severe patient conditions, these drugs are necessary in treatment. In pharmacies, antidepressants are sold strictly according to a prescription from a doctor. Drugs of this type, such as heterocyclic and tricyclic, and the SSRI group, successfully cope with the task of blocking phobias.
  3. Tranquilizers and neuroleptics. Their use is justified, since the drugs are prescribed to eliminate a person’s anxiety. Long-term courses of treatment are not recommended, as they lead to a person’s dependence on the drugs and withdrawal syndrome. It should be understood that the doctor prescribes hydroxyzine, benzodiazepine and meprobamate in critical cases. Neuroleptics help get rid of behavioral disorders, inappropriate and aggressive reactions, and violent physiological manifestations. These are attacks of panic, aggression, a tendency to leave life without permission, delirium, and the presence of hallucinations. Neuroleptics block a person’s intense response to external stimuli. The patient after taking them is calm, but may be inhibited, intern, apathetic and lethargic. Thus, it is obvious that antipsychotics are characterized by the appearance of side effects, so their use may be justified in the presence of a severe situation, in cases of advanced conditions. Long-term treatment with an antipsychotic drug helps relieve anxiety and stress. But it is better not to let the disease progress; consult a doctor promptly if you have certain symptoms.

Psychotherapeutic methods in the treatment of phobias and fears

The Salvation Clinic successfully uses psychotherapeutic practices in the fight against these painful conditions. They are focused on identifying the true causes of phobias, their relief, elimination, rehabilitation of patients, reducing anxiety, correcting inappropriate behavioral manifestations, and mastering relaxation techniques. Psychotherapeutic treatment at the Salvation Clinic is based on the following methods:

  • psychotherapeutic assistance;
  • rational psychotherapeutic method;
  • treatment of fears using the NLP method;
  • cognitive-behavioral method;
  • hypnosis;
  • other methods that come as a supplement to the main one.

Psychotherapeutic assistance

The method consists of communication between the doctor and the patient, based on trust in each other. Conversations are conducted individually, during which it becomes clear what the person is experiencing, what fears put pressure on him, and situations of working through are modeled. Conventionally, a conversation between a doctor and a patient consists of the following stages:

  • psychological information;
  • consultation with a specialist on the patient’s specific problem;
  • adjusting the patient’s perception of the problem and the intensity of the response to it.

Psychological information gives the patient information about his disease, the nature of its course, and the mechanisms occurring in the brain in a state of fear. The patient learns to control consciousness and psychological state. A person receives information about pathology from reliable sources, which allows him to understand the nature of his experiences and not be afraid of them.

Consulting with a specialist is aimed at giving the patient practical knowledge about his disease, as well as how it should be treated. During the sessions, patients learn the correct behavior at the time of a crisis situation, under atypical circumstances. In addition, they work on themselves, self-control, and master techniques for managing fear.

Psychological assistance is a situational influence on the client and careful work with him. Situational shock therapy is aimed at use during a psychological crisis. And long-term work with the patient is aimed at forming contacts with the outside world, people, loved ones and relatives in case they were lost during the person’s illness. The patient develops skills of psychological flexibility and analysis of his behavior in certain situations.


Neurolinguistic programming studies the behavior of other people in society and allows the patient to instill positive skills and beliefs in order for him to develop. The difference in the classical psychological influence on a person and NLP is that with the latter method used, the specialist does not force the patient to change, but puts a ready-made model of effective behavior into his mind. The advantages of such therapy are based on the fact that any behavior and existing worldview in an individual manifests itself structurally, and not randomly. And any structure can be decomposed into components and understood.

NLP is based on language patterns and human body signals collected using expert methods while observing people. NLP is based on the fact that subjective reality determines the perception of the environment, beliefs and behavior of people. This means that it is possible to correct behavior, change a person’s beliefs, and therefore treat psychological trauma.


When a specialist has a hypnotic effect on a person, the latter partially loses control over himself. To effectively treat phobias, hypnosis is carried out in a course. The number of required sessions is selected by the treating specialist depending on the patient’s condition. Getting rid of fears is carried out in several stages:

  • Determining the cause of a phobia or fear.
  • The patient's awareness and acceptance of fear.

The patient's awareness of the existing phobia is important from the point of view that by understanding its nature, a person can control his condition. As a result, he does not run away from fear, does not hide from phobia, but tries to make the only right decision in a stressful situation. The main thing is not to succumb to panic at this moment. The hypnologist puts the patient into a state of fear using available techniques. During the session, the doctor gives him the opportunity to not give in to panic, to try to change his attitude towards the current situation. During treatment, the doctor can simulate a situation in which a person faces a phobia one on one. To help the patient, the hypnologist turns to his subconscious and speaks to him in a clear and understandable language. Thus, the doctor influences the brain structures that control the triggering of the fear mechanism.

The use of herbal preparations

Vegetative vascular dystonia, accompanied by panic attacks, is well treated with herbal remedies. Medicinal plants with sedative properties have a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

Tansy, calendula, oregano

All ingredients need to be taken in 1 teaspoon, mix them, brew 360 ml. just boiled water. Then the product must be left for 180 minutes, strained thoroughly using a strainer.

For panic attacks, this collection should be taken in 1/2 tbsp. 3 rubles/24 hours. The positive effect occurs within 3-4 days.

Mint, oregano, sweet clover, valerian

Take 5 tsp each of sweet clover and oregano stems and mix thoroughly. Then add 2 tablespoons of mint leaves and 3 tsp. valerian roots. Boil 1/2 liter of water, pour in the prepared ingredients for the collection. Leave for 120 minutes. under the lid, strain thoroughly.

You need to drink this remedy 1/2 cup, 3 times/24 hours. The use of this medicine has a beneficial effect on the state of the nervous system. Having a mild sedative effect, it relieves the symptoms of VSD and stops panic attacks.

Hawthorn, motherwort, cucumber, chamomile

Herbs motherwort, cudweed, as well as hawthorn flowers, you need to take 2 spoons each, then add 1 spoon of chamomile and mix well.

The collection is poured into 180 ml. just boiled water. This remedy must be infused for 4 hours, covered. After this, the infusion is filtered using a strainer or gauze. Taken after meals, 3 times/24 hours.

Cumin, valerian, chamomile

You need to take 1 tsp. caraway seeds, mix it with 3 tsp. pharmaceutical chamomile and 2 tsp. valerian roots. Then you need to do the following:

  • mix all components thoroughly;
  • pour 2 spoons of the collection into 360 ml. just boiled water;
  • Brew for 30 minutes, strain thoroughly.

With the help of this drug, unpleasant symptoms such as anxiety and causeless fear are relieved. You need to drink the decoction after waking up and before going to bed, 1/2 cup at a time.

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