Loneliness of the soul, a lonely person and his sense of life.

The topic of loneliness is becoming increasingly popular nowadays. Why do so many people live on the planet, and people increasingly feel their loneliness? In fact, there are many reasons for mental loneliness here. One of them is that a person does not show love to himself.

The desire to escape from loneliness is dictated by the fact that a person does not experience the feelings and emotions that he receives in the company of other people. It turns out that the only sure way to overcome your loneliness is to give yourself all the emotions and experiences that you need when striving for other people. And the most important feeling is love and recognition.

Man himself is a solitary being. He is born, spends a lot of time and dies alone. Many can say that relatives are always nearby, especially at birth or death. And yet a person is born and dies on his own, and not together with other people.

Already from birth, a person begins to be afraid of loneliness. This is dictated by the instinct of self-preservation, when the child cannot survive alone. That's why he cries and screams when mom isn't around. If she does not come to him, he will die. However, even as adults, everyone feels lonely. Psychologists distinguish loneliness depending on a person’s age, gender, desires, social status, etc.

A person can be in a crowd and still feel lonely. Having someone else around does not mean that a person is not lonely, since this state is related to the sense of self, and not to external attributes and people.

How to get rid of loneliness? The easiest and most effective way is to love your condition. Usually people try to escape from loneliness like from fire. But that is how they continue to remain lonely, because it is impossible to escape from what is inside you and not outside. Loneliness is your inner state, not the state of affairs of the world around you. And if you are lonely inside, then among a large crowd of people you will feel lonely.

The surest way to get rid of loneliness, according to the women's magazine prettysecrets.ru, is to fall in love with it. The opposite of being alone is freedom. Learn to live freely and enjoy your existence. Start keeping yourself busy with interesting things and creating a colorful and happy life for yourself. Don't wait for someone to come into your life for you to finally start enjoying yourself. You have a chance to do everything yourself: accept your loneliness, rejoice in the fact that you are free. Make your existence such that it makes you happy. And let all this be shaped by you personally, so that you know how to please yourself, make yourself a happy and fulfilling person.

Whatever one may say, in our thoughts we are always alone

  1. Rainy weather says so much about what's on my soul that I even love it.
  2. Petty grievances cause us not to make important calls to important people. Even for unimportant reasons.
  3. If you run from yourself, you face loneliness. If not, then with freedom.
  4. It's sad when it's already October and you still haven't found the person who will warm you in winter.
  5. They say it is impossible to feel happiness alone. Well, they're right.
  6. Loneliness truly sets in when you no longer try to get rid of it.
  7. The more often you follow other people's lives, the more lonely you are. At the same time, you may even have someone.
  8. The norm of the 21st century is to be misunderstood with a huge list of friends and the same list of contacts.
  9. Every person should be loved. Let this be the main law of life.
  10. And yet, being alone has its charms. But a normal person rarely finds them.
  11. I want to celebrate my birthday with friends, but it turns out like this.
  12. Loneliness in itself is not a problem. It just brings a lot of problems.
  13. Loneliness is when memories come over you more often than usual.
  14. If you have no one to spend a cozy Sunday evening with, it's sad. If Friday's carbon dioxide is serious.
  15. When there are so many thoughts that they get confused with each other, the main thing is to be at least with someone.
  16. You learn sarcasm when you simply have no one to bite your tongue.

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Loneliness is like wine: I drink it to the dregs

Time alone is given to think about what you cannot trust in words. And sad statuses about loneliness to the point of tears in order to talk about it on any social network.

  1. In a crowd you can clearly feel loneliness, but with two people it is much less common.
  2. Anyone who has not been alone, unfortunately, does not know life at all.
  3. I don't have to hide my tears from anyone. More precisely, from no one.
  4. Who will call you when you're lonely? At least one of your current friends?
  5. How painful it is to smile through tears! How painful it is to smile through loneliness!
  6. There is too little warmth in solitude. It feels so cold.
  7. The older you become, the more you understand: you don’t have to be completely alone to feel loneliness.
  8. Some people cannot stand loneliness, but I am ready to agree even to it, just not to be unnecessary with someone.
  9. Loneliness is scary because it leaves too many questions that cannot be answered.
  10. I’m not the first, I’m not the last, who will be burning with loneliness this fall...
  11. May God grant us all such loved ones who will not let us feel loneliness.
  12. Loneliness is when you are not understood. And it doesn’t matter at all whether someone is nearby or not.
  13. Loneliness is when you care about how you look in a photo. When you are together, you look at something else...
  14. It becomes scary that you are no longer sad because you are so lonely.
  15. If you are constantly surrounded by only four walls, try changing them to at least others.
  16. Loneliness, no matter what you say, doesn’t feel that way in the morning. That's why I loved him...
  17. If anyone loves me, it's loneliness. Guys don't seem to care about me

Loneliness and solitude...

“To be able to endure solitude and enjoy it is a great gift.”

George Bernard Shaw.

People most often associate the concept of loneliness with negative emotions. An image of an abandoned person, cut off from society, from loved ones, deprived of love, warmth, understanding and support, appears in one’s thoughts. In general, this is how it is. When a person is left alone, this, first of all, indicates that he should think about his actions, about his character as a whole. The very problem of loneliness is that not everyone understands its definition, because it is associated with many interpretations of this concept. Some people experience a feeling of loneliness due to their social status, the number of people surrounding this or that person. This so-called physical isolation is most often regulated by the person himself, because everyone selects the right number of acquaintances for themselves. Another thing is when a person does not know how to find a common language, most often this happens to people who have difficulty making new contacts - this is forced isolation. Many people endure this condition quite painfully, which cannot be said about those who retire of their own free will - we’ll talk about this a little later.

Mental loneliness

But there is also the concept of mental loneliness, when a person seems to have the opportunity to talk, communicate with other members of society, but inside this feeling almost does not leave him. I think many people know the situation: there are a lot of people around, but no one hears. Each of them has their own difficulties and problems, and they have neither the time nor the desire to listen to someone. This is where loneliness is felt most acutely. It is very similar to loneliness, but it does not entail deep changes in the psyche, a lack of feedback due to the current situation, or due to character traits, as mentioned above. The state of loneliness itself in many cases can lead a person to a state of deep depression, and in childhood, a lack of communication can lead to a mental disorder such as autism.

Loneliness without internet

Today, many people use social networks for communication purposes; mobile phones have become widely popular over the past ten years. One of these social networks describes an experiment by a family psychologist. In it, teenagers aged 12 to 18 years were asked to give up all means of communication, communications, and to be left alone with themselves. It was forbidden to talk on the phone, turn on the computer and TV, turn on any gadgets, or listen to the radio. But you could read books, draw, walk and do other things. Only 8 hours, it doesn’t seem like much, the idea at first glance looks absolutely harmless. The author of the experiment wanted to prove her working hypothesis that modern youth are unable to occupy themselves, to show that young boys and girls today have too many opportunities to have fun, and this affects their psyche, just like alcohol and drugs. The young people were allowed to interrupt the experiment at any stage, but they were obliged to report to the psychologist the next day and share, so to speak, their “impressions.” The results were stunning, and to some extent, even frightening. Of the 68 participants, only three people completed what they started, but this is not scary at all, what is frightening is that three more had thoughts of suicide, five experienced a feeling of acute panic, 27 people (!!!) experienced nausea, dizziness, pain in the stomach, sweating, hot flashes and a sensation of hair moving on the head.

Many tried to fall asleep, but due to obsessive “stupid” thoughts, none of them succeeded. At the end of the experiment, the described thoughts and symptoms instantly disappeared. Analyzing their actions, more than 50 people used words such as addiction, withdrawal, dose, said “I need it all the time”, “it turns out I can’t live without...”, etc. The teenagers admitted to themselves that their thoughts for they themselves were terrifying, only they realized this after the end of the experiment, during its discussion. Having received such results, we must take a serious turn, because the Internet and everything described above have radically changed our lives, which is certainly convenient in its own way, but everyone should be able to control that very “dose of intake” so that virtual life, life in front of the TV and monitor did not become a reality for us, did not delay and did not replace the simple, natural joys of life.

Loneliness is good

Keeping our promise, we return to the topic of solitude of our own free will. Very often people confuse it with loneliness. Yes, a person is alone, but this is a completely different state. Sometimes it happens that a person becomes mentally tired of all the fuss that surrounds him. In our modern society, there is a frantic flow of information, a stunning speed of life, and sometimes you want to hide from all this “madness”, to hide from it all, this is where solitude comes to the rescue. Often it is in this state that people get the opportunity to look around, think about their behavior, re-establish life priorities and, of course, try to understand the meaning of life. Many admit that by solitude, they can calmly find a way out of a seemingly very difficult situation. A person, left alone with himself, relaxes mentally, sometimes it is very important to relax, relieve nervous tension in order to avoid the stress that haunts us so much.

There will come times when loneliness can save

Abu Sa'id al-Khudri reported: “The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “ The time will soon come when the best property of a Muslim will be a sheep, which he will take to the top of the mountain and to places where it rains, running away to save his religiosity.” from misfortunes " (narrated by Imam Bukhari). This hadith indicates that in order to save his faith, it is useful for a person to move away from people.

Solitude is preferable in times of unrest and misfortune. After all, society can both have a positive impact and harm. The best thing for us is to endure difficulties with patience and humility, for which Allah willingly promises forgiveness of sins.

Report narrated by at-Tirmidhi (5207) and Ibn Majah (4032), which says that the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “A believer who associates with people and tolerates them will receive a greater reward than a believer who who does not communicate with people and does not tolerate from them .”

It is worth remembering that many things done together are preferable to those done alone, for example, praying in a group. Communication with people within the framework of Sharia, which will bring benefits, is, of course, preferable to solitude. Doing good deeds is great, but when people unite to do something unlawful, first remember that we will come to Allah alone and everyone will be responsible for certain actions for himself.

Loneliness of Doomsday

Allah will deprive him of what he was proud of in the earthly world: wealth and offspring, and he will come to the Hereafter without property, without offspring and without supporters ” (Sura Maryam, verse 80).

Each of them will appear to Him on the Day of Resurrection alone ” (Sura Maryam, verse 95).

“O son of Adam! I am surprised at the person who knows that he will die alone, will enter the grave alone, will give an account alone... However, he seeks joy in people” (hadith al-Qudsi).

Still, solitude and being in society have a dual meaning. There is a fine line between what is beneficial and what will cause harm. Each person has the opportunity to choose for himself what he needs, what is important to him. Allah, in His wisdom, created the world and people like this. There is great edification in everything, which for people who reflect, striving for the pleasure of their Creator, will help to penetrate deep into themselves and skillfully set priorities so that everything will only benefit him.

Every time you stand up for prayer, solitude directly with the Almighty, ask Him, pray for forgiveness of sins, so that on the Day of Judgment, appearing before Allah, again alone, it is this solitude that will become your salvation from the fires of hell.

The power of ritual

When the ritual is performed, the master attracts power to help. The same rituals can manifest themselves differently with different people. This is important to consider because attracting people is always a job on the edge. You become popular, known, even in a limited circle. But popularity also means reputation. They may discuss you, especially if the ritual is to attract attention in a group.

For example, when attracting new partners into life, a man may start walking around “as if he’s lost his chain.” For a man in the eyes of society this will not be a sin. But if a woman starts walking, it will harm her good name and may ricochet on the results. They will turn away from her again, but for a different reason.

How to get rid of loneliness by eliminating the causes

Depending on the reasons that caused the isolation, the master selects rituals. If the reason is the person himself, his attitudes and blocks that do not allow him to approach people, the master helps to remove them. Sometimes you may need to learn lessons to change your life.

The cause of loneliness is a difficult emotional state. A person is going through a breakup. Or lost a loved one or loved one. The experiences are so strong that life loses its meaning. Then the task of the ritual is to bring a person out of an emotional impasse, to give him new emotions. Even if it's temporary. But they open up new meanings of life for him.

If the reasons are karmic, the work becomes seriously complicated. It's like trying to drive a car with the hand brake on. The result may not be the same or insignificant. Karma may not allow the impact to pass through, distorting it.

To remove karmic causes, it is important to have the permission of the soul itself. Also, the desire should not come from third parties. If you violate a person’s will, interference will be tantamount to damage. Therefore, such rituals are usually not performed at the request of third parties.

How can a man get rid of loneliness, situation

Dealing with loneliness is like polishing a diamond in the rough. The reasons often lie in adolescence, when a person has not learned some lessons from fate. Later he will focus on them all the time and avoid such situations. This is how complexes and blocks appear, forming a vicious circle. Every time such a situation arises, a person runs away from it. The ritual will show the reason why this happens.

To find the cause and correct it, to go through these lessons, you need to surrender into the hands of a master, trusting him. Such rehabilitation, relearning to live differently, is a very difficult process both for the person asking for help and for the master. It's almost like being born again.

The second reason is karmic

If the soul comes to earth not for the first time, there may be karmic reasons. For example, a person committed a serious offense in a past life. In this incarnation he pays for it with isolation. This may involve more than just the inability to find a spouse or partner. Such a person may, in principle, have problems with his environment: at work, in a team, with his circle of friends. He may not be taken seriously, avoided, made a scapegoat, or offended for no reason.

The choice of the soul itself, which in this incarnation has chosen the path of self-restraint, can also be karmic. Working with karma is more labor-intensive and complex. In such cases, the master is not limited to this incarnation, he looks at the past life. It is necessary to extract psycho-emotional energy from her in order to find out the reasons for such a decision. You will need to cancel the program, the installation of the past life. This is a complex process.

What's next?

Work to find and eliminate the causes of loneliness has been carried out. The activity is called. What's next? And then the choice is up to the person. The force attracted a partner into life, the first meeting took place. But meeting is not marriage yet. You still need to keep your partner. And a person has complexes, for example, age - I am old, unworthy, etc. It is necessary to work through these complexes, remove their significance and influence. You can also use the ritual to help keep your partner.

The next step is to determine the steps to realize the power. Here an important question arises: what is the shortcoming of the person himself? Why does he, even having entered into a relationship, not live up to it? Maybe the girls leave because he can’t put two words together? Or the girl doesn’t know how to present herself, and the guys run away from her. These are banal reasons to work on yourself. But the result depends on it no less than on the ritual itself.

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