Take the Leonard test and find out your personality type

Hello, dear blog readers!

I suggest you take Karl Leonhard's test and determine what type of personality you are.

Purpose of the test

– determination of the accentuation of the character of your personality. This is necessary in order to determine in which areas of your life you are most exposed to the influence of stressful situations, from which side the stress hits you the main blow. Knowledge will be useful to you in the future to avoid possible troubles, as well as associated stress and their consequences. Read more in the article.

The test is simple but long. There are 88 questions in total. Answer “YES” or “NO” to each, you can (I recommend) put “+” or “-”. Don’t think about your answers for a long time, answer the first thing that comes to mind. Try to answer honestly and sincerely. There are no right or wrong answers! There are only your answers. You are doing this only for yourself, and only you will know the results.


So, take a piece of paper and a pen, maybe a pencil.


Write the numbers from 1 to 88 on the sheet of paper in a column (in 2-3 columns).


Ready? Then let's start!

The essence of the technique

The method consists of presenting a person with 88 questions to which he must answer briefly “yes” or “no” without thinking for a long time. It is important to give answers based on your current mood. As a result of the survey, after further processing of the data, the accentuation of the human personality is determined, which is selected from the following ten types classified by Leonhard Shmishek:

  1. The demonstrative appearance is characterized by the desire to constantly oust other individuals from the environment.
  2. Pedants, inert behavior with sufficient rigidity, unable, as a result of inhibited mental activity, to remove traumatic experiences from thinking.
  3. The stuck personality type is characterized by persistent preservation of the resulting effect in the psyche.
  4. Excitable individuals do not control emerging impulses and drives; they are characterized by high impulsiveness of behavior.
  5. Hyperthymic people are characterized by high spirits, which is accompanied by vigorous activity and constant optimism.
  6. Distic nature is characterized by the manifestation of a low mood, pessimistic thinking, highlighting unsightly life situations and the shadow sides of existence, and slow-wittedness.
  7. Anxious-fearful individuals are afraid of habitual actions, show timidity, and are unable to take action due to constant timidity.
  8. The cyclothymic type is characterized by a constant change from vigorous activity and optimism to pessimistic reasoning and inactivity.
  9. Affectively exalted individuals in all manifestations of life experience extreme delight or unrequited sadness; people of this type are constantly in these extremes.
  10. The emotive character in terms of mental manifestations is close to the previous type, but the peculiarity is that the mood is not so violent and is located in an average emotional background.

Two types of techniques

The maximum result value for each type of accentuation was selected as 24 points . A sign of a certain personality type is considered to be a score exceeding 12 points. Variants of the technique have been developed for adults and children:

The method for determining accentuation reveals:

  • character type and personality;
  • motivation of actions;
  • temperament;
  • relationships with other individuals;
  • intellectual development;

The difference between the children's and adult questionnaires is that the first determines the individual's professional relationships, and the second examines the child's behavior in educational and play activities. Different wording of questions helps to identify the prevailing personality accentuations for both a child and an adult; the results are processed in the same way for the two options.

Classification of accentuations

Accentuations of character according to Shmishek are divided into accentuations of character and temperament.

Accentuations of temperament, reflecting the depth and pace of response to surrounding events, include:

  • hyperthymia,
  • cyclothymic,
  • dystimacy,
  • emotiveness,
  • exaltation,
  • anxiety.

Direct accentuations of character are considered:

  • excitability (epileptoid type of character),
  • demonstrativeness (hysteroid type),
  • stuck (paranoid character),
  • pedantry (anancastic type of character).

Sometimes additional types of accentuations include a sign of personality orientation, supplementing the classification with extroverted (conmorphic) and introverted types.

Conducting a survey

The survey is based on the theory of accentuated personalities , developed by Leonhard Schmishek. In accordance with it, all characteristic personality traits are divided into basic and additional. Basic personal qualities determine the core of character, development, adaptation in society, the integrity of the mental state, that is, they characterize a person’s character. If unfavorable external conditions arise, then the main features can become a destructive force for the individual personality and acquire a pathological direction.

Leonhard Šmishek considers a person with pronounced basic traits as an accentuated personality and the manifestation of emotional traits to be pathological if they do not go beyond standard manifestations. The psychologist believes that a character with pronounced accentuation has the potential for both positive and negative actions.

Instructions for determining personality accentuation

The person being tested is offered 88 statements, which are called questions. If the subject agrees with the statement, he answers “yes”, otherwise he gives a negative answer. You need to react intuitively and without much thought.

Processing of the received information is carried out by an initial count of responses that match the standard key, and a separate check for matching sincerity is carried out. The maximum sincerity indicator is determined on a scale and is 10 points. If the total score is not higher than 5, then the majority of answers are considered sincere. A range of values ​​from 6 to 7 indicates that some of the answers are implausible. Increasing the indicators to 8–10 points negates the veracity of the answers, and the survey is considered unreliable.

The points on each scale are added up, and the sum is multiplied by the coefficient recommended in the key, with the maximum number of points scored not exceeding 24. The result after multiplication is determined in accordance with four developed levels of accentuation of a certain personality trait:

  • low manifestation are considered values ​​in the range from 0 to 6 points;
  • average values ​​of trait severity are between 7 and 12 points;
  • increased manifestation of a characteristic trait - from 13 to 18 points;
  • the expression of emotional traits gains an accentuation value in the range from 19 to 24 points.

Human character profile chart

The results obtained during the processing process serve as data for drawing up an analytical graph .

They begin to study the graph by considering the general shape, taking into account how the indicators are located relative to the upper (18 points) and lower limit (7 points). Among the numerous cases of placement, several standard forms are distinguished; sometimes all or the vast majority of points corresponding to the indicators are in the area of ​​low values ​​(from 0 to 6 points). In this case, data interpretation is carried out in two directions:

  1. The first direction, if a person is characterized from the point of view of demonstrating social norms of behavior, at his discretion, such individuals show reduced self-criticism, insincerity, and sometimes demonstrate pretentious traits. Such data is usually designated as unreliable, although some information can be gleaned from it.
  2. Other indicators are given by people with traits of passivity, inconspicuousness, and who do not crave high achievements. A person does not control his destiny, he does not have the opportunity to become a leader. Often individuals with this character are interested in mystical help or become hostage to religious beliefs. The personality cannot withstand troubles and difficulties and is not inclined to change.

If the indicators on the graph are within 19 points , then the accentuation of character traits is obvious and it is worth talking about a bright personality with a complex and multifaceted emotional manifestation. Raising the bar to 22 points indicates obvious accentuation, but such indicators indicate the emergence of communication problems.

Very often in practice there is a graph where the line has a jagged shape, alternating low and high values. Studying this nature of the curve requires special care, since the values ​​can indicate the liveliness of nature with the manifestation of shortcomings and advantages, as well as determine a problematic personality in upbringing and behavior in society.

one high indicator stands out in the overall uniform flow of the curve , this indicates a clear manifestation of accentuation or the need to behave in accordance with the main features of this type of personality.

On the generally flat position of the curve, several sharp jumps in values ​​stand out, sometimes reaching the zone of the highest indicators - which means that when characterizing this nature, one should talk about a combination of accentuations of various types.

Leonhard method. Part 1. Theoretical foundations and basic principles

The method of hearing-speech and language development of deaf and hard of hearing children was developed in the late 60s of the twentieth century. It was named after the author – Emilia Ivanovna Leongard. Over the past decades, thousands of children with hearing impairment have been trained using the Leonhard method. The stability of the results obtained in different educational conditions for children with hearing loss and the high level of their social rehabilitation prove the practical effectiveness of this method. We offer you a summary of E.I.’s speech. Leonhard at a seminar that took place in February 2011 in Moscow at the Center for Curative Pedagogy.

Theoretical foundations of the method

Deaf and hard-of-hearing children are normal children, and if appropriate assistance is provided, hearing-impaired children can develop according to the laws of development of a hearing child.

The problem of hearing and speech is a social problem. In a child with this disorder, nothing hurts anymore, but deafness creates isolation and an increase in secondary defects. The primary defect in this case is deafness or hearing loss, but in the absence of conditions for the child’s development, a secondary defect occurs, primarily muteness. Further, even a tertiary defect arises - something that prevents a person with impaired hearing from adapting to a hearing society and disrupts the development of his personality. With the growth of a tertiary defect, not only society rejects such a person, but the person himself begins to reject society and treat society in a dependent manner. Such a person cannot build full-fledged social relationships, cannot build relationships in groups of hearing people.

The basis for mastering speech is hearing, which is aimed at perceiving speech. The development of speech of children with impaired hearing is carried out according to the laws of speech development of a hearing child, but at a slow pace and only under the creation of special conditions, which will be discussed below. Speech communication of children with hearing impairment is possible, feasible and necessary to prevent the occurrence of social dislocation. At the same time, it is necessary to achieve communication not only by means of dactylology or sign language, but also by verbal communication, including with people whose hearing is not impaired.

The development of perception, which is the basis for the development of thinking, is also important. In this case, perception should be active, exploratory in nature. Looking does not mean seeing. When studying a subject, it is necessary for the child to understand the spatial location, size, purpose, etc. Only in this way is the basis for the development of speech created. Perception must go ahead of speech development. Often this fact is not taken into account, and the child is taught words before the object has been fully explored, its purpose and ways of playing with the object are understood. Before receiving the designation of an object, the child must become familiar with the object in various situations.

Activities with a child should be in the form of a game. And this game should be real and interesting for the child. Only under this condition will the child have a desire to study, a desire to listen and communicate, a desire to learn something new.

Basic principles of the Leonhard method:

Early diagnosis of hearing disorders. Hearing testing should be carried out at an early age at the slightest suspicion of hearing or speech impairment.

Hearing replacement, usually binaural, should be carried out immediately after diagnosis. At the same time, hearing aids are also necessary for children with partial hearing loss and hearing loss in different tones. For example, if a child does not hear high frequencies, he is not able to correctly perceive endings, prepositions, correct grammatical forms, etc.

After selecting hearing aids, it is necessary to teach the child to hear, since instead of the usual perception of vibration, he finds himself in a chaos of sounds. It is imperative to conduct classes on the development of speech perception and differentiation of auditory discrimination. Parents must be included in the system of habilitation (creation of missing skills) and rehabilitation (restoration of lost skills).

It is necessary to carry out the formation and development of two types of speech in deaf and hard of hearing children: oral and written. Sign language should not be used in the education and development of deaf and hard of hearing children before they have mastered oral and written speech, since such a language can lead to the disintegration of speech that is beginning to form.

Development along with auditory perception of other types of perception. The development of perception should be carried out throughout preschool age, with a gradual complication of the program. Early hearing loss (especially in the first months of life) leads, first of all, to the inability for a child to perceive the world three-dimensionally, spatially. In addition to contact influences, a deaf child reacts only to those influences that occur in his field of vision, so it is difficult for him to develop a full-fledged polysensory perception of the surrounding world, i.e. one of the main conditions of normal development is violated. That is why classes such as school ones, when the child is required to sit motionless at the table, are unacceptable for deaf children. The child must have freedom of movement in order to see the object under study from all sides and participate in various practical situations.

Development of thinking. The development of thinking should be carried out in all types of activities of the child (game, communication, etc.), however, additional classes are also necessary to develop thinking itself - classification, development of mathematical and spatial perception, development of understanding of temporal and cause-and-effect concepts.

Development of visual activity , which is of great importance for the emotional and personal development of the child. We proceed from the fact that the word has an image, but the image is of a personal nature, which implies a ban on a sample for a drawing. A child does not draw those details that do not matter to him; he may, for example, when drawing a portrait, not draw the eyes - perhaps he has not yet realized what they are needed for. You can’t tell him, “Why didn’t you draw eyes? Let's draw...” Systematic correction of a child’s drawing by a teacher is unacceptable, because the child is aware of the shortcomings of his drawing and subsequently refuses to draw, because he “doesn’t know how.”

Moreover, in addition to drawing itself, there are classes in decorative arts, where children are taught to reproduce individual elements or classes in sensory perception, when the child learns to perceive objects, their spatial relationships, etc.

Physical development of the child. Great attention is paid to movements. Speech is a type of movement. It is also known that when motor skills are impaired, speech is usually also impaired. First of all, such classes should be aimed at developing coordination of movements, since deaf children are characterized by motor awkwardness, which is subsequently reflected in pronunciation.

There are special classes on phonetic rhythms, when speech exercises are superimposed on motor activity, however, first of all, it is necessary to teach the child to perform the movements themselves. The combination of speech and motor movements is quite complex for preschoolers.

Organization of communication. Nonverbal social communication between children or children and adults occurs initially around an object. In this case, the adult must organize communication and instill a culture of communication, giving the child an understanding of his actions (you are rolling a car, let's exchange toys, etc.). In kindergarten, interaction is organized with the help of a teacher. Speech communication should be further improved in various types of activities. At the same time, it is the teacher who bears the main burden of organizing communication, since it is the teacher who organizes communication in an informal situation.

Musical education. Speech hearing and musical ear have different organic bases. A child who is deaf or hard of hearing may have a good ear for music and is often able to engage fully and successfully in music. You need to listen to music, and for a preschooler it is important not only to hear the music, but also to see the person performing this music, which helps him perceive the emotional state of the performer. It is necessary to primarily pay attention to classical music and singing. Children who are deaf or hard of hearing often play the piano, violin, and flute, distinguishing very subtle nuances of sound. Singing and musical activities are important for emotional development, development of intonation, and speaking.

Organization of integration of deaf and hard of hearing children into public schools and the social environment. Inclusion of children in social events of the district, city, etc. In addition to the integration of the children themselves, this is also educational in nature, when the fact of childhood disability is not hidden by society. At the same time, it is necessary for specialists to work not only with the children themselves, but also with educators of mass groups, teachers of mass schools, and parents of healthy children for the purpose of education. Such a conversation should not be pleading, but informational in nature.

Next, we will look at the speech hearing formation system. (To be continued…)

Description of personality types in accordance with the development of Leonhard Schmishek

Demonstrative type of behavior

The sociability and courtesy of these individuals is obvious. Artistic and extraordinary personalities prefer everything non-standard and bright. They inspire trust and affection among others, are able to inspire ideas in themselves and others and influence their interlocutors.

Strives for leadership positions in the team, easily makes connections and contacts . In the most unsightly situations, he knows how to consider the advantages and use them for his own benefit. Despite the gentleness in communication, there is a tendency to initiate intrigue.

This type of personality is characterized by jealousy and envy, and often treats the success of others as their own failure. The personality can provoke conflict situations; some interlocutors are irritated by increased claims or self-confident statements. He strives to get the attention of others, and on this path all methods are good for him. People of this type are decisive, courageous, charming, bright individuals with well-developed intuition.

Pedantic personalities

Adherents of order in everything, follow the plan in their actions, and if they fail, they experience some irritation . Changes in life cause protest, as pedants have difficulty switching to new circumstances. They pay attention to external trifles and demand this from others; this trait is determined by the desire to control the situation, an attempt to subjugate objective circumstances.

In the business sphere, pedants are thorough, finish the work they start, and are scrupulous. In terms of health, such individuals behave reasonably and do not destroy it by drinking alcohol or other bad habits. Accuracy and strict adherence to standards are often combined with difficulty in making new decisions. Individuals have difficulty adapting to a team; they are indecisive, avoid bright actions, have inert thinking, and savor traumatic events for a long time.

Stuck Type of Human Nature

It harbors within itself for a long time and constantly experiences anger, resentment, fear , sometimes such feelings arise again after a long period of obvious attenuation. The most characteristic manifestations of feelings are envy, injustice, and jealousy. The type that gets stuck for a long time experiences the success of its activities vividly and for a long time.

A persistent and persistent nature, it is very difficult to change the type of activity, but in his field he often achieves outstanding results, strives to surpass other employees, and demands gratitude and real respect.

Stressful situations for the stuck type are uncertainty, violation of developed plans, dissatisfaction with oneself and lack of self-confidence, situations when there is a real leader who can take over his power.

Excitable type

This individual has increased reactivity of the nervous system , developed impulsiveness, hence rash actions and high excitability. The actions of others cause this type of personality a strong impression, such that thinking cannot quickly find the optimal way to react, and he responds with reactive actions.

The perception of someone else's opinion is difficult for excitable individuals, therefore, in order to achieve an adequate response, one has to resort to a long explanation. Often irritable and dissatisfied people respond sharply to criticism and show physical aggression, which they later regret.

Adaptation in society is difficult due to low contact , weakened self-control, disregard for ethical standards, despoticism and conflict. Their stress causes opposition, material and moral damage, the need to choose from many options, punishment for actions, and self-doubt.

Hyperthymic personality type

The mood of these people is constantly elevated, they are full of optimism, active, and cheerful . Kind, carefree and sympathetic, they have a lively mind and talkative nature. Often hypertims are interested in many things at the same time, but since they have unstable attention, they approach all interests superficially and often switch attention.

They have a negative attitude towards critical remarks, love freedom, and easily get used to difficulties. Failures that are difficult to overcome do not knock them out of their usual flow; duties and rules are considered optional. The mood and emotions of a person with this type of character are open and understandable to others. Irritability can be caused if his communication is limited.

Loneliness is an aggravating circumstance, so the type is indiscriminate in making acquaintances, easily finds new contacts and quickly adapts to society. Stress is caused by monotony of the surrounding space, monotonous work, excessive care and control, and lack of competitive spirit.

Dysthymic type of behavior

Due to decreased tone and inhibition of thinking, individuals rarely participate in sociable conversations. Shyness and indecisiveness reveal sublime feelings in nature in the complete absence of egoistic manifestations, and form ethical behavior. Individuals are characterized by a serious attitude to life, conscientiousness, responsibility, and a sense of justice.

Dysthymic natures are distinguished by independent judgments and have their own opinion on each issue. What prevents them from settling into their surroundings is pessimism, isolation, rudeness with friends and family, inertia, and the inability to participate in general joy. Stress is caused by the need to make new acquaintances, excessive moral and physical stress, noisy companies, responsibility for strangers, and rapid changes in situations.

Affective-lobal individuals

Realists by nature , such people do not consider themselves better than those around them, they calmly tolerate their shortcomings, with some temper, they quickly calm down and do not hold a grudge. If a period of sociability begins, then individuals easily make acquaintances and communicate, but as soon as the time of decline comes, a pessimistic mood makes you gloomily experience the smallest failures, avoid contacts and prefer loneliness.

Adaptation in society is hampered by excessive prudence, unstable self-esteem, resentment, pickiness towards others, a wide circle of friends, and the subjectivity of one’s own judgment . Stress causes the collapse of previously planned actions, the need for increased stress, separation from dear people, a change of environment, emotional reproach from people significant to him.

Affectively exalted nature

Characterized by speed of thinking and intensity of response to any events. The mood of a person changes at lightning speed from depression to happy euphoria, victories cause delight, failures unsettle . The motivation for actions is an altruistic mood; selfishness is extremely rare. Empathy for the troubles of friends, compassion for unfortunate animals drive exalted natures to despair.

Stress arises due to a tendency to self-examination, the need for responsibility, weakening of personal self-control, lack of necessary time, lack of communication, accusations of dishonesty, the presence of serious obstacles to the goal, public indications of shortcomings, monotonous work without change.

Emotive type

Nature is prone to long-term experiences from life impressions, mutual negative and positive experiences. A humane and sympathetic person, he subtly perceives surrounding events, and experiences the joy of full communication. Insight and developed intuitiveness allows you to unmistakably feel the change in the attitude of friends and loved ones; all feelings are reflected in facial expressions.

Difficulties with adaptation arise due to a tendency to long experiences, outbursts of anger or jealousy, increased suspiciousness, indecision in unfavorable situations, confusion, partiality and subjectivity of thinking. Stress causes violation of ethics by people around them, their indifference, callousness and rudeness, loss of friends or loved ones.

Neurotic anxious-fearful personality type

Behavior and thinking are characterized by constant anxiety, tension, and anticipation of troubles and sorrows. A person doubts the correctness of his own actions, thoughts and actions; when conflicts arise, he tries to avoid them or smooth them out by any actions. Suspiciousness for no reason is caused by internal experiences; since childhood, such people are afraid of the dark, cemeteries, dogs , thunderstorms, and communicating with new people.

The inability to stand up for their thoughts when the enemy is persistent sometimes leads such people into a state of timidity, humility, even humiliation, so there is a need to be harsh in order to defend their “I”.

Adaptation in a team is hampered by low self-esteem , the inability to defend one’s opinion and fight back, a feeling of constant helplessness, uncertainty, powerlessness, and vulnerability. Stress is dangerous in situations when an individual finds himself in an unfamiliar circle of people, there is a need for a public speech, an exam, a tournament, or a competition. The deterioration of morale is influenced by other people's ridicule, implausible accusations, loneliness and loss of loved ones, and talk of their imminent death.

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