Game "Do we always do the right thing?" methodological development (grade 7) on the topic

I lay there and looked at the ceiling with my broken heart.


I became attached to them and still am. Looks like I can't get this out of myself. Maybe it's just being human.

Getting attached to someone and feeling like a piece of shit when it all goes away.

I told her myself that I didn’t want to talk to her.

Well, what should we do?

She told me all sorts of things, and then calls me as if nothing had happened.

After all, one of the most common problems a man has in a relationship with a woman.

Tolerate or say: “If you behave like this, I won’t be in your life.”

It will hurt anyway. If it comes to this, it will hurt anyway.

Many people choose the first option.

I have been asked this question more than once.

They chose to swallow the insult, but something wouldn’t let them go.

The conflict was not resolved, and they pretended that it did not exist. They tolerated it when a woman treated them lousy.

I chose both options at different periods of my life - I endured it and told them to go to hell.

Most often, you win more from the second one - I’ll explain now.

In the book “The Prince,” Machiavelli talks about how to govern a state, and one thing seemed extremely interesting to me.

He said that it is necessary to raise taxes in the state not constantly and little by little, but once and a lot.

He said that if you increase it once, even if by a huge amount, then people will grumble and grumble and calm down.

If you increase it by a small amount over a long period of time, people will be in a state of irritation. Hatred against the sovereign will accumulate.

If you think about it, this thing applies not only to government.

This means that if you have to experience pain, it is better to experience everything at once.

Are there difficulties ahead? This means that you need to rush towards them headlong.

You will meet them anyway. The sooner you meet, the sooner you recover.

It will be difficult at the very beginning, but once you get over the first shock, then it will be easy.

That’s how I once read books about war and realized that the issue with women should also be resolved quickly and swiftly.

When she misbehaves towards you, you can tolerate it. Pretend as if nothing happened. Pretend as if this is how it should be.

And then hatred for her, and, more scary, for yourself, will slowly accumulate in you. It will accumulate a little at a time, like the people whose taxes are regularly raised by a small amount.

After all, if you endured it once, it will be followed by a second and a third. It's just human nature, it doesn't even have anything to do with women.

We always want to find out how far we can go in our arrogance.

Deep down you will know that you shouldn’t have let go of your bad attitude, but you did.

For what?

Being with a girl who doesn't respect you?

So I lay there, heartbroken, again, and brooding.

It was hard on my soul, but I knew I did everything right.

She doesn't want to be a good girl - so why should I bend over backwards?

It was possible to endure and not notice. The sex was great, it doesn’t happen often. Chemistry and head rupture.

But ultimately, in addition to sex, you need a human attitude towards yourself.

It was possible to endure it - but who would I be then? A person who respects himself, or a doormat?

So I told her I didn't want to talk to her.

Yes, I'm lying there, looking at the ceiling, and it hurts.

It would be great if she came back and admitted that she behaved wrongly, but I am not under any illusions.

It's nice when a woman is reasonable and comes back, but if you expect that from her, you'll go crazy.

You will think: “Come on, you know how to do the right thing,” and at this time she has already forgotten about you and is going to hell.

Or maybe she hasn’t forgotten and is shedding tears for you to her girlfriends - this can also happen.

But will she do what needs to be done, will she think with her own head, or will it all just end in a game of silence until you both become strangers to each other?

What will the magic cubes tell you?

Magically, cubes are ancient accessories that have a thousand-year history. Many centuries ago, these attributes for fortune telling were made from different materials (wood, precious stones), although the raw materials for the first cubes were, as scary as it sounds, human bones. Ancient magicians and soothsayers claimed that such magical accessories most accurately foreshadowed the future, because they stored wisdom, knowledge, experience and human energy.

Free guessing on what to do in a situation, which we propose to do on the site using cubes, will allow you to get an accurate answer to this question and make it easier for yourself to make a decision. Online, the dice will give you a warning about what to do in the future, how to avoid dangerous mistakes and not commit the irreparable by making the wrong choice.

You can't know for sure - these are women.

In the process of my adventures, I understood about them the same thing that I understood about life in general - you can only do what depends on you and relax.

You can let her know that you should be respected, and if she doesn't, then let her get lost.

Will she change her behavior when you say she shouldn't do that?

Fuck knows, man.

The only thing you can control is your behavior.

And when your self-esteem stands on the scales on one side, and on the other - a woman whom you even, perhaps, love, then you need to choose the first.

When you cut the roots, you have a hard time. You have an impulse to return yourself. Run like a dog with his tail down.

And it will be worse than lying and looking at the ceiling with a broken heart. I'm telling you the truth.

When you yourself returned and didn’t push it, then you both will know which of you is the weakling.

Next time, expect the same attitude towards yourself, if not worse. I endured it once and it got worse.

You have to be tough with your feelings in this matter if you want to save your soul and your self-respect.

You were treated unfairly - chop it off and break it. If you don’t respect yourself, no one will.

Looking at the ceiling, I realized that I was doing everything right. It hurts me, but I did what was necessary.

I'm not vindictive, and she still has a few chances. But most likely she will not return.

And it’s good that I sent her right away and did not tolerate hundreds of scary situations. It's better to end this immediately.

You suffer in any case, but many choose a slow and painful death, short and clear.

The choice, of course, is up to you. I just told you how I do it myself.

I have heard many stories about how people come together and diverge.

Yes, you can say that it’s just a young wind blowing through your head, but in fact it’s not youth, but a lack of standards and personal boundaries.

This is what I'm talking about:

Rules for performing a ritual using magic cubes

How to correctly conduct truthful fortune telling using magic cubes? To carry out the ritual, you do not need any special experience or skills - just faith in the results and following simple rules. Before fortune telling, try to distract yourself from pressing matters and concentrate on the problem that needs to be solved. Are you ready for the ritual? Ask the cubes what you should do and click on them. The dice will show two values ​​- their sum is the key to unlocking your future. The results are given automatically, and it is in the combination of numbers that the correct answer is hidden.

Free fortune telling on what to do in a situation will help you not only make a decision, but also warn you if difficult problems lie ahead. Use magic cubes that will not allow you to make a mistake and will lift the veil of mystery over your future!

You need to have a clear picture of what you want in a relationship.

You, a man, cannot be willful and reckless like a woman.

If you don’t think with your head, she certainly won’t think.

You have to dig deep into yourself and figure out what you want to see in your partner.

Everyone has their own picture and their own attractions. Determine what you like and what you want. And then don't back down from it.

For example, you want a feminine girl, a Barbie doll. But then you meet a girl you like sex with and you think you can turn her into a weak little princess?

It doesn't work that way.

You want a homebody waiting for you at home with dinner. But then you meet a party queen and you think locking her in the house will change her?

That doesn't work either.

What if you're on the road right now and want a wild, sexy partner to have some fun with and let off some steam? Then you shouldn’t be surprised that a good girl, raised with clear family values, says to you after sex: “So we’re dating?”

(Now I'm touching on a subtle topic bordering on the Madonna complex.

The Madonna complex is a man’s attitude towards a woman either as a lustful harlot or as an immaculate virgin.

In the language of my young and hungry readers, the Madonna complex is when you think that there are “chicks for sex” and there are “chicks for relationships.”

In most cases, this perception of women will completely kill all the pleasure from life. You won't be able to get excited by girls with whom you have something serious, and you won't be able to build relationships with girls with whom you have good sex.

I don’t deny that there are women from whom you will get nothing but sex. Just like there are women who would be good and reliable companions, but they do not evoke any desire in you.

I am far from a fan of the hackneyed truth “not everything is black and white,” but here it is - not everything is black and white.

There are many girls with whom you can have great sex and strong relationships - no need to divide them into two different categories).

In order not to fool yourself and have clarity in your relationships with girls, you must have a clear picture of what you want.

You designate this picture, and either she fits into it, or you are looking for another girl. It's that simple.

There is no need to torment another person simply because she does not fit into your ideal image.

All you can do is show what you need.

She may want to change herself for you - you're welcome. A woman, to some extent, always changes herself to suit the man she wants to be with (unless the man is henpecked and does not change himself).

There is no need to fuck your head with eternal showdowns. You just need to be honest with yourself.

What do you want?

Can this girl give you what you need or not?

If she can give it, then calm down and enjoy it.

And if he can’t and will never be able to, then why should you meet and break up, argue and make up?

Why showdowns and showdowns?

She lets you know (sometimes even directly) that she doesn't want to live up to your standards.

If your standard is that she will listen to you and not contradict you, then stick to that.

She can make some millennial arguments about how men and women are now equal, patriarchy is a thing of the past, you have toxic masculinity, you are not confident in yourself if you want a woman to obey you.

What she's basically saying is, "I'll never give you what you want, okay?"

The worst thing you can do in this situation is to listen to such stories and say: “Yes, you’re right.”

If you want to be in charge, just say: “I don’t care what you read about equality. If you want to be with me, do so. But no, there is no trial.”

If she doesn't agree, you should get out. You'll find another one.

Tell her, "I don't want to talk to you," because that's the best thing you can do.

This is a difficult situation that almost everyone will find themselves in, and I want to give you a little preparation and support for this.

Because if you are young or have little experience, you do not yet understand that sometimes in a relationship you have to choose the lesser of two evils, but even the lesser can sting your heart like a thousand needles.

No matter how alpha male you are, dangerous and brutal, sometimes it’s hard and the choice is painful, but you have to choose, and rightly so.

Very often, applicants choose the wrong university and pay dearly for their mistakes. They apply for just any Unified State Exam, and then try to find a compromise between their desires, their scores, and the real offer of universities. We explain where to start so as not to step on this rake. Don't get confused!

Choose a profession

Yes, yes, the first and most important thing is the profession, and not the Unified State Examination. This is what you need to start from. A profession is the foundation on which you will build your educational choice. Absolutely everything depends on her.

If you know what you want to become, skip this step and move on to the next one. If not, use services that will help you.

  • Look at the atlas of professions. There you will learn what professions exist in different fields, what all these people do and how much they earn.
  • Take career guidance tests. This way you can understand in which direction you need to move.
  • Talk to a career counselor. An experienced specialist will help you make a decision and model your future.

Select a specialty and program

Attention: specialty and program, not university or faculty! The same specialties and programs are available in dozens of universities and hundreds of faculties throughout Russia.

What is the difference between a specialty and a program? The program is a narrow, specific track along which you will actually study. And a specialty is an “umbrella” that brings together many different tracks of the same focus. For example, within the specialty “Journalism” there are 31 programs: “Television (journalism)”, “Broadcasting (journalism)”, “International journalism” and others. And they all train completely different specialists!

That is why it is important to choose not only a specialty, but also specific programs that will be of interest to you. They will become the basis for the profession that interests you.

  • Look at the program catalog and use the filters.
  • Take a look at the catalog of bachelor's degrees (study for 4 years) and the catalog of specialty specialties (study for 5 years).
  • Get help from a consultant.

Select a university

Once you decide on your specialty and program, you can choose a university. This is very important, because not only the inscription on the diploma, but also the environment in which you will be immersed for many years, your surroundings and opportunities for a future career depend on the university.

  • Look at the catalog of universities, use filters.
  • Use the “University Comparison” service, which allows you to create a personal ranking of universities, customized exactly for you.
  • Visit the online consultation on choosing a university.

And finally - choose the Unified State Exam

You may ask why only now? Yes, because the choice of Unified State Exam subjects depends not only on the profession, specialty and program, but also on the university! Different educational institutions may require USE results in different subjects when applying for the same major. The new admission rules, of course, allow the applicant in some cases to choose which Unified State Exam to submit to the admissions committee. But this is a new mechanism, and in principle it will not always be used.

The pages of universities, programs and specialties that interest you indicate which Unified State Exams are needed. Also look at the passing score - will you pass it?

In addition, when you already know what you want, you can model your choice of exams using special selection services for the Unified State Exam:

  • choice of profession,
  • choice of universities,
  • program selection,
  • choosing a bachelor's degree direction,
  • choice of specialty specialty.

You can also get help from a consultant.

Don't put off an important decision until the last minute! Decide what you will do after 11th grade now. If you do this now, it will be much easier to get in, and the university will end up being better. Because the choice will be smart and the scores will be good.

Are you afraid that you won't do it? We will help you find the right university where you definitely have every chance. Talk to an experienced consultant, create your own personalized ranking of universities, or compare majors using our smart service.

Text prepared by Natalia Kienya

How to make the right choice?

Stick to yourself. I realized a long time ago that in this whole relationship story, the most important thing is to preserve your soul.

When you adapt to women's boundaries instead of bending your own, you lose what makes you a man.


It’s not so easy to bend your limits.

You need to reinforce in your head the idea that your desires come first.

Boys are not taught this.

There is a cult of “yield to the lady,” and everything else tied to how a woman will feel.

I'm not saying it's necessarily a bad thing to give a girl your jacket if she's cold or anything like that. This is a natural act of caring.

I'm talking about the fact that a young man is not taught to manage his emotions, adequately express his desires and have his own assessment of what is happening.

What we end up with is that a grown boy, who becomes a boy and then a man, is faced with a woman who has been told all her life that she must give in to her. The woman will tell him that she is the queen here because she really believes it.

And the man has nothing to answer. He was never told that he was actually in charge. He was not focused on the fact that most of the kings, scientists, creators and builders of this world are men.

And if he wants to get even a little closer to his masculinity, then he must first of all not hang his ears about what a woman wants, but think for himself who he is and what he himself wants.

It's not so easy to do this the first time. It makes your heart pound to tell a girl that she is wrong and should listen to you.

You will think you are doing something wrong. She might cry. Again, her tears are not a sign that she is right.

Being a man is difficult.

You have to do what you have to do, even if it hurts. That's what I wanted to convey here.

And if a woman is not ready to listen to you and is not ready to be what you want, then there is no need to torture either yourself or her.

Let go.

Find yourself that person who will be happy to give you what you want.

Don’t listen to the story about “relationships are work,” and so on. Because if it's meant to be, then everything will be fine. Even if you swear (and you will), then this swearing will be for your relationship, and not against each other.

If they tell you in plain language that you won’t get what you want, or show it with all their appearance, then it’s time to move on.

Even if you have developed feelings for her. Even if you love her. Even if it will be difficult for you without her.

You lie there and spit at the ceiling with your broken heart...

And then you will go further and cure him.

This always happens.

See you later.

Vlad Makeev.

PS For the last few months I’ve been writing just for myself and have already forgotten how to post it. Maybe I was attacked by impostor syndrome and every thing seemed second-rate and lousy to me.

I wasn’t going to post this either, but one of my best friends called me and told me how his heart was broken.

And I told him what I wrote here, and I thought: “Maybe someone else needs my word?”

My friend's call was a sign that it was time to return.

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Guessing what to do in a situation

Does it often happen to you that you have to make an important decision, but you can’t do it yourself? You should not rely only on experience or intuition - there are forces from above that will help you find a way out of even the most confusing situation and not make a mistake that could become fatal. A truthful and accurate fortune-telling of what to do in a situation, which we offer to give you online on our website, is an excellent opportunity for you to make an unmistakable choice, take advantage of the unique chance! Understand the questions and problems that are difficult for yourself - the magic cubes will tell you the answer to any question.

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