Methodological development for preparing for the Unified State Exam in the Russian language 2020 “Task 6”

Anyone, even an adult and strong man, always remains a child at heart, remembering the caring, warm hands of his mother that caressed him in childhood. Subconsciously, he tries to return to those distant times when the warmth of his mother’s touch gave him a feeling of complete security and selfless love.

In adulthood, he projects his childhood memories associated with boundless serenity onto his life partner and expects affection, simple touches and hugs. And you are able to give him warmth and tenderness, thereby strengthening your relationship. A woman just needs to pat a man on the head or back, or hug her, so that the climate in the relationship improves.

Simple truths, strong relationships:

  • the atmosphere of sincerity strengthens the family;
  • a person who has received a portion of affection is ready to give much more;
  • love serves as the battery of any man; he is ready to move mountains for the sake of his loved ones;
  • in his chosen one, a man sees not only his beloved, but also a caring mother and a friend who understands at a glance.

Due to the characteristics of their upbringing, some men are wary of their partner’s sentimental mood. External manifestations of feelings can irritate them. And they themselves are often unable to bring tenderness into relationships. There are as many characters as there are people, but such a union will definitely not be trustworthy.

How to care for a girl?

Courtship can be very diverse. It all depends on the person’s temperament, his capabilities (money) and imagination. Courtship is a demonstration of positive emotions, pleasant communication, visiting various interesting and beautiful places, giving gifts, light and exciting touches. How to care for a girl? Here you can use the following typical methods:

  1. Giving flowers and other gifts.
  2. Trips to restaurants and cafes.
  3. Seeing you home.
  4. Giving compliments.
  5. Opening doors for a girl and pulling up chairs for her to sit down.

In other words, courtship is the performance of actions that should be pleasant to the one for whom they are performed.

Let's look at the hidden meaning of courtship:

  • In nature, animals and birds groom each other in order to charm each other with their beauty, please, appease, position and then gain access to the body.
  • The same thing happens in human nature. Let us disappoint the men themselves a little by the fact that they are guided by instincts, that is, they become animals, which is why they begin to care for women. Their main goal is the desire to sleep with the ladies they like. When does the desire to have a relationship with them arise? During those days, while the man courtes and gradually gets to know the woman. That's why many psychologists advise not to rush into intimacy. Let the man look after you, get to know you better, so that he can think not only about sex, but also about relationships, if he likes you as a person.

From this we can draw two conclusions if ladies read this article in the online magazine Firstly, if a man is courting you, it means he likes you. Does he want a relationship? Not yet known. It all depends on how quickly he offers sex and how he reacts to your refusal. If a man takes care of you for a long time, does not get lost after rejection, and also takes care of you even after sex, it means that he wants a relationship with you.

Secondly, a man must look after you. If you met a man, but he doesn’t call you, doesn’t invite you to meetings, doesn’t make surprises, then forget about him. This man is not interested in you, so all your actions in his direction can only result in one time in bed.

If a man is attracted to a woman, he tries to see her, hear her, and please her with surprises. If you are being courted, then pay attention to this gentleman. But if he is lost, then forget about him.

Men are not that primitive, just straightforward creatures. If they need something or are interested, they will do everything to make sure they have it. If they are not interested, then even under the threat of death they will not change their minds. This is why a woman needs to understand this, especially if she is wondering if a man loves her. If he calls you, tries to see you, listens to your stories, tries to please you with something, then he is interested in you. But if a man seems lost, then he is not interested in you. Your attempts to call him, see him, or have some kind of relationship may result in only a few cases of intimacy, but no more. It is impossible to force someone to fall in love with you, especially since a man always understands whether he likes a woman or not. If a man doesn't look after you, then he doesn't like you. It’s better to understand this, accept and let go of someone who is not interested in you. Pay attention to those who are already courting you, or just wait until someone who is interested in you appears in your life.

If you do not want to be a victim of a manipulator or suffer from unrequited love, then better understand what is happening. Fairy tales and illusions are nice. But it’s better to look at the world soberly and with understanding. If you are lonely and running after a man just because you don’t want to be alone, you better try to cope with your fear. Love your loneliness, get used to it, understand that being free is good. Then a man will appear in your life who will be interested in you and want to make you happy and loved. A man must look after a woman, otherwise he is simply not worthy of your attention.

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How to properly take care of a man

By turning off your warmth in order to pacify your maternal instinct, you will not achieve anything good. He won't change his mind. The desire to be taken care of will not go away, and if you cannot do this, he will go to seek this care from someone else.

How important it is to take care of a man

Here the whole point is contained in the words “to be taken care of.” Men really like it when there is someone nearby who can act in their interests. But no one said that his number one woman should do literally everything for him. This is the main difference between you, a girlfriend or wife, and your mother. A loving mother will do everything to provide her offspring with a successful start in life and instill in him the ability to survive in the world without outside help. You, on the other hand, do not exist in his life to continue this educational process. Yes, you took over the baton from his mother, but you must perform exclusively supervisory functions. If you feel like you're becoming more like his mother than his girlfriend, pay attention to everything you do for him. Here are the first things you should notice about your behavior:

□ Does he remember that he needs to take medications, or do you have to feed him pills?

□ Do you cook all his meals?

□ Do you buy all his clothes?

□ Do you call your doctor or dentist to make an appointment?

If you have to make all these and other decisions regarding his well-being, then you are doing too much for him. It’s one thing to be a responsive and caring partner, and quite another to babysit him like a child. The cure for this case is very simple: stop running around with it. Take on control functions. Tell him that it's time to take his medication, but don't run after him with pills. If he is going fishing tomorrow, you can remind him to pack something to eat, but there is no need to prepare a whole feast and equip a cooler bag. If he starts to resist, remind him that you are his lifelong friend, not his mommy. The excuse is, of course, a cheap one, but it can help to put everything in its place.

How important it is to take care of a man. Any guy wants to have a woman who can take care of him and listen to him in times of crisis, but there is absolutely no point in turning into his nanny. He needs a person he can rely on, and not on whom he will be completely dependent. The more you treat him like a real man, the more he will realize that you are his favorite woman.

August 13, 2020 at 10:07 am

Julia Gippenreiter

What does it mean to court a girl?

Courtship is an attempt to immerse a girl in the fairy tale she dreams of. Remember the fairy tale about Cinderella? So, every girl wants to meet her prince, who will make her life beautiful, rich and happy. To look after a girl beautifully, you need to constantly please her. And how you will do this depends on your capabilities and imagination.

To court a girl means to become her prince, who:

  1. Takes care of her. Open doors, carry her bags, solve her problems, etc.
  2. Makes her happy. Give gifts, take you to beautiful places, be beautiful yourself.
  3. Protects her. Solve her problems, protect her, understand if something worries her.
  4. Communicates with her using various gadgets. If you are not together, then be sure to write or call her.
  5. Pays attention to her. But here you need to be careful not to infringe on her personal space. You shouldn't follow a girl everywhere. Be with her only sometimes, the rest of the time leaving her alone with your thoughts, desires, positive emotions and life in general.

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How to properly care for a girl?

Courtship begins literally from the first days of acquaintance. Of course, the first meeting when you first met should not be of the nature of “throwing money left and right.” However, you can buy a cup of coffee or give a girl a ride home.

Already on the second date you can court a girl. Don't think that courtship consists of giving gifts, driving a girl around a cafe or paying compliments. These are all included, but they are not the only ones. Humanity remains important in courtship - you must show the girl what kind of person you are, despite the fact that you are trying to make her life bright and fabulous.

Chat with the girl, go for a walk, talk about interesting topics, help in difficult situations. Sometimes make unexpected surprises and surprise. You don’t need to immediately dump your feelings on the girl. Let it take a few dates before she gets used to you, gets to know you better, and begins to experience something herself.

It is better to make a declaration of love beautifully and romantically, and not unexpectedly. Let your confession be what the girl wants to hear from you. You will understand this by her behavior. At first, the girl will act cold, distant, or simply friendly. But after a few dates, you can see that she begins to reach out to you, talks about relationships, makes plans for the future with you, etc. If you notice that a girl is always happy to see, hear, meet and spend time with you, you can confess to her that feelings.

A girl should feel safe around you. It doesn't just show up in your ability to protect her from bullies. You can demonstrate your ability to solve any problems:

  1. Call a taxi and pay for it if the girl cannot leave by other means of transport.
  2. Solve her life problems or just listen.
  3. Buy her new shoes if the heel suddenly breaks during a walk.

Beautiful courtship means, of course, gifts, compliments, trips to beautiful places and spending your money. You are creating a fairy tale for your lady whom you want to conquer. This requires considerable financial expenditure.

  • Learn to give compliments. The main rule is to pay attention to what the girl can also notice about herself. Praise what the girl really has.
  • Give gifts. Just don't overload her with them.
  • Go to beautiful places. They are not always cafes and restaurants. You can walk through parks, go boating, and be in nature.

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How to care for a girl in a relationship?

Courtship often begins and ends during the candy-bouquet period. This often leads to constant whining on the part of the weaker sex, who enjoyed pleasant moments and are now deprived of them. Guys and men must understand that they need to court ladies not only to make them fall in love with themselves, but also later, when relationships begin, everyday life is formed, or even family life begins.

Of course, there is no need to give gifts and compliments every day. But you shouldn’t forget about them. Courtship a girl in a relationship periodically, but don’t deprive her of courtship altogether. Give gifts, give compliments, hug and kiss, have a pleasant conversation, take you to beautiful places from time to time, so that sometimes you can arrange a holiday for your beloved.

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Abandoned - burned out all living things inside

There are especially sensitive people who, without love, have no reason to breathe in this life. The owners of the visual vector are defined by the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan as the most mentally tender natures. Visual seekers of love can be girls, boys, women, and men.

Girls are luckier. Somehow it has become a tradition in society that they can and should openly express their feelings - everyone is just touched. But for boys - no, no! The folder will call you a girl. The girls will call you a weakling.

And finally, I met my soul mate! Smiling, kind, with big eyes full of understanding. Finally, you can open up and be real! And she is suddenly a knife in the heart. She said “I don’t like you”, still smiling sweetly.

For a person with a visual vector, breaking an emotional connection is akin to micro-death. It’s as if a part of you is dying, painfully drying out all the lavender fields of anticipation of bright, warm happiness together. It is now difficult for emotions to emerge in this empty field.

Just as in children's cartoons there is a wonderful strawberry rain, so in adult life there is systematic knowledge that gives love another chance to germinate!

After all, what is the whole complaint? The fact is that you were not given enough love. Do you know how to make the source unlimited? Share the love that is already tight inside you. Go on a date, and then into a relationship, with the intention of making her happy. There is love in you, so don’t be stingy! And your beloved woman will not resist responding to you with triple warmth.

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