How to check your wife for infidelity and not give away your suspicions?

08/17/2020 Zoryan Freidovich Psychology For many husbands, given the changeable behavior of their spouse, the question often arises about whether it is worth hiring surveillance for their wife. These doubts can be caused by a variety of events and will bring unpleasant consequences both for your loved one and for you.

Useful tips

If it is still important for you to know how to catch a boyfriend or husband cheating, proven recommendations will come in handy:
When your loved one returns home after being late at work, hug him and at that moment carefully sniff him. If he was with another woman, you will definitely smell someone else's scent on him. Pay special attention to his neck, chest and arms.

If a man has a beard or mustache, great. They also absorb odors remarkably well. Discreetly check your loved one's pockets, inspect his bag or purse. Refer to the need to wash things. Monitor changes in behavior. If your spouse begins to closely examine his things and is in a hurry to take a shower, then be wary. If the husband suddenly began to use words and expressions that are atypical for him, changed the timbre of his voice, intonation - these are signs that he often communicates with someone else, copying this person. Sometimes the husband himself talks about infidelity. If you cannot find evidence of infidelity, but suspicions remain, carefully bring your spouse into conversation. Unable to withstand remorse, he will tell a lot. If you find out about your husband's infidelity, you have a difficult decision to make. All situations are individual, so only you yourself will feel whether to forgive your unfaithful spouse or whether it is better to say goodbye to him. There is definitely no need to meet with your mistress - it can be unpleasant and will not lead to anything good. You cannot turn a blind eye to betrayal. Be sure to discuss the situation, break the dishes and express everything that has accumulated in your soul. If you are afraid that your spouse will decide to leave the family, calm down. Most likely, you will be better off without this “ballast”. But statistics say that the vast majority of cheaters are trying to save their family. Some choose to leave the relationship and then return.

Whether you need such a person is up to you to decide. Think about whether you are sure that it is worth forgiving. But even if you decide to save the marriage, value yourself. You can forgive only once. When the situation repeats itself or you do not see repentance in your husband, break off the relationship without pity. You will definitely meet someone who will love only you. Enjoy your free life, then happiness will not keep you waiting.

What to do after exposure

So you used ways to expose your wife for cheating, and you managed to catch her red-handed. At first there will be confusion, you will not know what to do. To do this, it won’t hurt to familiarize yourself with the recommendations of psychologists.

Figure it out

Having begun to suspect his wife of cheating without evidence, the man accuses her, which provokes a conflict, and a cooling occurs in the relationship. If a woman begins to pay attention to herself, maybe she really has taken up a new hobby. You have to find out everything first.

Give yourself time

When you are shocked by the thought of your wife cheating on you, the first thing you want to do is take revenge. Don’t give in to your emotions, perhaps you will still restore your relationship and save your family. Maybe you will understand that what happened is partly your fault.

Share the responsibility

Everything that happens in a marriage is the merit of both spouses. If it seems to you that only the wife is to blame, then think about what made her find someone else. Whether or not to forgive your spouse is up to you to decide.

Don't let these situations happen again

You love your significant other very much and have decided to forgive the betrayal. In order not to repeat the betrayal, find out what made her change, then you can prevent this from happening in the future. When you know the exact reasons, you want to save the marriage, learn to negotiate and find compromises.


What to do if a wife cheats on her husband with his friends and why she does it

Why wives cheat

In order for a wife to decide to cheat, the husband must ignore her for a long time. When a man does not pay attention to his other half, constantly disappears somewhere, does not communicate with her, does not give compliments, then the woman begins to be upset. To raise her own self-esteem and feel needed and loved, she may seek solace in the arms of others. The most common reasons for female infidelity:

Sexual dissatisfaction. A woman does not have enough sex or is not satisfied with its quality. Not enough emotion

If a husband does not pay attention to a woman, does not please her with attention and gifts, then she does not feel loved, she lacks positive emotions. Revenge. When her husband cheated on himself, the woman could not forgive him and decided to take revenge. Entertainment

Girls, like men, like to relax and can indulge in an affair. Self-affirmation. If a wife does not feel attractive, then she may try to increase her self-esteem and make sure that someone is attracted to her.

How to behave so as not to give away your suspicions

When a man does not trust his woman, believes that she has another, it is important not to do anything stupid, because this can destroy the family. Before you start surveillance, think about what you will do if you are convinced of adultery. Are you ready to lose a woman? Can you forgive her?

Assess suspicion

Make sure there are reasons not to trust your partner. Maybe your accusations of cheating are related to dissatisfaction in some other area of ​​the relationship.

be careful

If you have already decided to catch your spouse cheating on your own, then do it so that no one notices. When the other doormat catches you with her phone in your hands, you will not be able to prove anything and will be to blame.

Talk to her

You should first honestly tell your wife about your suspicions. Ask your spouse to show you her social media page or phone number. If she starts to evade, hide her phone, and abruptly close all tabs on the computer, it means she has something to hide.

Trust the experts

In order not to harm your family, you need to trust a professional. He can do everything unnoticed.


Why men cheat on their wives but don’t leave: the main reasons

Why did thoughts of infidelity arise?

unusual real nuances in her behavior may lead you to think about your significant other’s infidelity


The most common “deviations”:

Family is your personal fortress.

Even if it’s not necessary to immediately tell your friends and relatives about your problems.

Everything they can generate in response: sympathy, pity, a lot of negativity towards the suspect, advice of various kinds - you don’t need this unless you are going to revel in the role of the unfortunate victim.

Please note that having “snatched” a confession, you may be faced with the fact that you have to plunder your relationship with your significant other

. If such an outcome is undesirable for you, do not begin the interrogation.

Analyze yourself what caused the current problem. And, if you can, correct the situation in your favor.

It is possible that a man does not have the conditions at home to reveal his potential

, and the mistress is not only a comforter of the flesh, but also of the spirit. You will always have time to wave the “I know everything” transport.

How to bring it to clean water?

If a man suspects his companion of infidelity, he will certainly want to bring her to clean water. He will start thinking about how to get his wife to admit to cheating. However, first you should think about whether this needs to be done, whether the person is ready for this truth, and what he will do when he finds out everything. If the signs of female betrayal are obvious, the suspicions are not groundless, and the man is really ready to figure everything out, then you should definitely act. It will not be easy to expose your spouse, because she will have explanations for all the arguments.

There are several ways to bring your wife to clean water:

Prerequisites for betrayal or signs of problems in the family

The prerequisites for infidelity indicate that the most convenient conditions for adultery have arisen, but do not yet reliably confirm the very fact of the relationship on the side. If you do not intervene in the situation, betrayal is very likely.

Wife goes missing online

Your woman is clearly missing something in real life. This is something she searches for and finds on the Internet. Here she found a kindred spirit with whom she can discuss pressing problems.

On the Internet, your wife can find not only a friend, but also a male adviser who, unlike her husband, hears and understands her. And from virtual to real communication is just a stone's throw away.

She wants something new

Lately, she has often said that she lacks emotions in your relationship, expressions of love and passion, and new sensations. Perhaps these were her last requests to save your family.

Now she no longer wants this from you, since some other options have appeared: she often leaves home and meets with friends, stays late at work or while shopping. She found a replacement for your relationship and your love, and not necessarily a man. She doesn't want to be at home.

Moving away from your spouse

  • you noticed that your wife has stopped doing family things with you that you used to do together: joint shopping for the family, joint sports activities, etc.;
  • she no longer cares what you do, she has stopped controlling you and asking you for something, she does not share her affairs with you, and when asking questions she tries to shift the conversation to another topic;
  • you don’t have a heart-to-heart talk, even if she asks about your life, this no longer arouses her interest, she has secrets from you.

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Too obvious changes

  1. In appearance
    : from an ordinary housewife, your wife turns into a well-groomed woman who takes care of herself, her wardrobe changes, a dozen extra pounds are lost, a sexy hairstyle appears;
  2. In behavior
    : she goes to extremes - she is either very attentive to you, making amends for her offense, or shows an overly aggressive attitude towards her husband even in small things;
  3. In bed
    : the wife withdraws from intimacy, trying to fall asleep earlier or later, coming up with some problems, during sex she becomes more passive and constrained, or, which happens much less often, on the contrary, she shows unusual initiative and passion;
  4. In habits, preferences
    : if before your woman was a neat person and something lying out of place irritated her, now she hovers somewhere and simply doesn’t notice the mess; or vice versa, she has become an exemplary housewife, nothing irritates her. She changes her life schedule and gives up her favorite habits.

It is possible that your wife simply wants to interest you in this way, but there is even more reliable evidence.

How to make your wife cheat

Women are less likely to cheat than men. And it cannot be said that women are all white and fluffy, super faithful, and men are the worst. It’s just that a woman has much less time and opportunity to cheat than a man. A woman needs to maintain harmony and comfort in the house, do all household chores, and look after the children. In addition to all the household chores, there is also work. And there is not enough time for “left” adventures. A man must try very hard to make his wife cheat.

To make your wife cheat, it is enough to behave like this:

The wife is property, she is his only and will always be so and she will not go anywhere. You don’t have to pay attention to her in the form of gifts, nice little things or flowers; it’s still a waste of time. Leave all this far in the past, because she is yours and will not go anywhere.

Forget about memorable dates, such as her birthday, wedding anniversary and other events.

Or even the ideal option: invite your wife to go visit first, tell them to celebrate without him, when he finishes all his work, arrives, and then forget about it. And when his wife asks why he was gone for so long, the simple answer is that everything flew out of his head.

Tell your wife more often and constantly, suggesting that she has nowhere to go and get away from you. Having married you, she was incredibly lucky, and now her job is to “please” her husband in every possible way and not raise her voice. After all, no one needs her anymore. Repeat this every day.

Tell her that she is terribly fat, that she looks generally ugly and that no man will fall for her, and even women point fingers at her

And it is absolutely necessary to say: “Do you think anyone will pay any attention to you? Well, you're stupid"

Tell her that what she does is simply disgusting. Watching her favorite TV series or listening to her favorite music, say that how can she watch and listen to such nonsense. Reads a book that is interesting to her - “Well, this novel of yours is disgusting”

Basically, no matter what she does, show your disdain. Maybe she has problems at work or some joyful event, she wants to share with you, and you tell her: “I’m not interested in this, I’m tired, leave me alone.”

You can give a bunch more examples.

What to do if you find out about cheating

Cheating on a husband is a strong blow for a woman. The first reaction of a deceived spouse is unpredictable. A woman may become angry, scream, cry, or become completely indifferent to everything. However, after a while, the emotions subside, and the time comes to decide what to do next. Advice from psychologists will help you understand this situation.

Should you get a divorce?

The first desire of many women is to file for divorce and break off all relations with the deceiver. However, is it worth doing? Before you decide to break up, answer a few questions:

Is it worth saving a relationship at any cost?

So, you have decided that you do not want to get a divorce. Many women are frightened by the prospect of being alone. Ladies over 40 are especially afraid of loneliness. Some people don't want to leave their children without a father. If the spouse sincerely repents and wants to save the family, then the relationship can be improved.

Sometimes after cheating, a couple’s life takes on a different character. The spouses become closer to each other. However, some men do not want to stay in the family or continue to cheat even after vowing to remain faithful. Fear of loneliness makes a woman pretend that she doesn’t notice anything.

However, a life of constant deception will not bring anything good to either the spouse, the cheater, or their children. So is it worth maintaining a relationship with an unfaithful spouse at any cost? Scandals often arise in such families. A man will stop respecting and appreciating his wife. Blackmail, pleas and humiliation will only worsen the situation. Children in such families grow up in an atmosphere of negativity, become nervous, and often get sick.

No matter how scary and painful it is, it is necessary to break off such relationships. Children will be better off when their parents stop arguing.

Is it worth taking revenge?

Women often have a desire to take revenge on their husbands. “If he cheats on me, I will also constantly cheat on him” - this is what deceived spouses think. However, is it worth paying the deceiver in the same coin? Psychologists do not advise stooping to the level of an unfaithful husband. Your betrayal will give your spouse another reason to continue his love affairs.

A relationship with another man will not bring relief if you started it only for revenge. Usually, after retaliatory adultery, women feel nothing but disappointment and devastation. The husband's indifference can aggravate the wife's well-being. How will you feel if you tell your spouse about cheating and he remains indifferent?

Revenge on your husband is not the best solution even if he himself admitted to deception and sincerely repented. Of course, you can take revenge on your spouse in other ways. Some ladies smash their husbands' cars, cause trouble at work, try to quarrel between lovers, and scheme against their mistress. However, none of these methods will bring the desired result.

The husband does not want to leave the family, but continues to cheat

Some men cheat for years (more details in the article:). They admit to cheating, promise to end the relationship, but after some time they return to their mistress or find a new passion. What makes them do this? Let's consider the main reasons that encourage men to behave this way, and options for resolving the situation:

Cheating on pregnant wife

Unfortunately, some husbands begin to “go to the left” during their wife’s pregnancy. The main reasons for this phenomenon:

  • a man is afraid of responsibility and seeks consolation from other ladies;
  • the wife denies her husband sex.

As a rule, cheating stops after the birth of a child. A wise woman should not make categorical decisions during pregnancy. You need to think about the future baby. The wife has the opportunity to develop behavior tactics after the birth of the child.

Don't forget about your appearance. Sometimes pregnant women stop taking care of themselves. It is necessary to show the spouse that pregnancy does not spoil, but beautifies a woman. You cannot abuse your position and harass your loved one with whims. Help him feel important. Let him feel like a leader and protector in the family. The birth of a baby will put everything in its place.

Substantial evidence

Is there any evidence that clearly shows that your wife is cheating on you? There are such facts. For example, the most obvious fact will be if you catch your wife in bed with another man. Well, there’s no way for the wife to get away with this, saying that the plumber came to fix the pipe. After all, repairs are not done in bed! Other significant evidence may include:

  1. A check from the restaurant to pay the bill. It is unlikely that she went there herself. Moreover, you can see what was ordered to understand that not only the wife ate at this restaurant.
  2. Birth control pills, unless the spouses are no longer intimate.
  3. Intimate area care products and contraception.
  4. The presence of strange keys that were not there before. Perhaps these are the keys to her lover's house.
  5. The smell of cum from her underwear. Sometimes women don’t pay attention to how men’s sperm gets on their clothes, so if you notice a strange white spot, then there is a reason to suspect your wife of cheating.

Signs of an unfaithful spouse

Men often ask questions about how to detect their wife’s infidelity and bring it to light. In order to find out the truth, you need to observe your dearest wife for some time, and also use logic. Signs of adultery are conventionally divided into several groups: changes in appearance, mood, body language, sex life, as well as the appearance of new expensive things. Let's look at each of them:

  • Changes in appearance. When a woman falls in love, her appearance magically changes. This happens on an instinctive level: the female wants to attract the male and cleans her feathers. Your spouse may suddenly start wearing makeup more carefully than usual. The wardrobe suddenly changes: revealing dresses, stiletto heels, beautiful new lingerie. When you give a compliment about pleasant changes, your partner responds dryly and goes about his business, although before he would have been pleasantly embarrassed by the praise. An unpleasant feeling tells you that all this tinsel is not for you. In this case, the question of how to understand that the wife is cheating is no longer worth it.
  • Changes in mood. Previously, you could while away the evenings with walks and pleasant conversations, but now your spouse walks around gloomy if she is next to you? The behavior of a wife after her betrayal can be marked by just such alarm bells. Does she often hide her phone from you, go into another room to talk and come out happy, has she changed her passwords for social networks? This is how a wife behaves if she cheated.
  • Changes in sign language. Many men would like to test their significant other with a lie detector test. It is rare for anyone to have a polygraph freely available. But few people know how to test their wife for infidelity using sign language. If you have pinned your spouse to the wall with a question about infidelity, and all she does is look away and blink frequently - these are signs of female infidelity. Another characteristic feature of a person’s behavior when deceiving is the eyes lowered during a conversation - there is something to be ashamed of.
  • Changes in sex life. Anyone who is wondering how to find out if my wife is cheating on me, look for signs of infidelity in the marital bed. There are two types of behavior of women if they have a lover. Some seek to hide their sinful union through frequent intercourse with their legal spouse. Others, on the contrary, having had enough fun, are in no hurry to please their husband in bed and brush off sex with a headache or red days on the calendar. In both cases, the potential cuckold should be wary.

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We have analyzed the peculiarities of the behavior of harlot wives. These are just general tips on how to check whether your wife is cheating or not. But they can push for a more detailed investigation into the case of how to recognize female infidelity.

How to start a conversation?

One of the methods to bring your wife to clean water is an open conversation. Surely the wife will not want to admit that she has a lover, so a direct question will not help in solving the problem. Better start the conversation with these topics:

  1. There are some problems in the relationship between you. They are noticeable and interfere with your happiness. You are ready to solve all the problems, which cannot be done without the participation of your wife.
  2. Discuss the actions that your wife began to take to find out the reason for their occurrence.
  3. Say with confidence in your voice that you know the true reason for her behavior, you just want her to voice it herself.

Speak calmly and slowly. Don't try to convince your wife of anything or force her to do something. Try to maintain trust and goodwill among each other.

If your wife does not admit to cheating, do not try to accuse her of anything, especially if you do not have strong evidence of her betrayal. You can simply focus on the fact that you used to trust your wife, but now her strange behavior raises various suspicions, which she is not trying to destroy. Make your wife feel that she must prove her fidelity to you, as if she had not been faithful before.

Ways to catch your wife red-handed

Modern technologies make it possible to catch your girlfriend cheating very quickly. To do this, you need to navigate the world of modern detective stuff and know the necessary information about your spouse.

Hire a detective

To expose a girl for sure of treason, you should contact a specialist. A private investigator will be able to quietly follow the wife, and then present real evidence. You should contact a detective in two cases:

  • betrayal is obvious, but there is no evidence;
  • if you want a divorce and need documentary evidence.

The surveillance process can take some time and will be expensive - up to 100 thousand rubles. Please note that you will have to give the detective your wife's passport information.

Follow up personally

If you decide to catch your woman being unfaithful and personally verify the presence of a lover, then proceed with caution. Consider all the surveillance rules that are practiced in detective films

The first step is to buy clothes that you don't have. You cannot conduct surveillance in your own car. It is better if you follow the woman away from home. You need to follow her as quietly as possible, preferably on the other side of the street. It's good if you have an assistant.

Unexpectedly visiting your wife at work

If you visit your wife at work often, then without any problems you can unexpectedly visit her with a check. This will be relevant when the spouse is delayed. You can tell her that you have come to pick her up. If you rarely visit your wife at work, then you should come up with an important reason why you needed to come to her. Such an excuse could be forgotten keys to the apartment or a surprise. In any case, there must be a compelling reason.

View browser history, mail

The main method of catching your beloved wife in long-term infidelity is to study the information on her computer. You can read the email correspondence here. But if a woman does communicate via computer, she most likely deletes this information. You will need several programs that will find out what files she deleted:

  1. Password selection.
  2. Password recovery.
  3. Electronic database hacker.
  4. Recovering deleted information.


If a husband thinks that his wife is cheating on him at home while he is at work or on a business trip, then video surveillance can be installed. There are many models of miniature devices that cost little and support real-time video communication. When a girl cheats in her own home, it is easy to establish this fact. But if there is no evidence in the video, this does not mean that the spouse remains faithful, since you can meet your lover in a hotel or in a rented apartment.

If she has her own car, then she can use it to get to the meeting place or cheat directly in it.

Before you start filming, be prepared to be upset by what you see.

Listening devices

This technology is easier to install than a video camera. If you want to find out what your spouse is doing in your absence, then you can install wiretapping. In any case, she will talk to her friends or lover, so you will find out what is really going on. Be prepared that if your wife is faithful to you and discovers your action, she will be very unhappy.


View the most frequent calls and messages. Choose the right moment when you won't be caught.

You can expose your wife for cheating using a mobile phone. Installing special programs on your smartphone will allow you to read correspondence, listen to conversations and find out the location of your phone. You can also view photos and website browsing history. In order to install the program, you need to have access to your wife's phone. All data about sent and received messages and calls will be sent to your number. These programs are paid, so that they work correctly, you need to spend money.

Should we try to bring her to clean water?

Of course, you can try to force your wife to admit to cheating using one of 3 methods. But before you make the right decision, let's try to look at the situation from a different point of view

. If she got a man, it means you made mistakes. Your attractiveness to her is zero. In addition, it is important to consider that she respects and loves him more than you. Well, because... she can't tell you about it directly, she prefers to meet him in secret. On the one hand, she does not consider you as her man, and all that holds you together is a stamp in your passport. On the other hand, there is a man she wants to be with.

What happens if the fact of betrayal is revealed?

Having realized that she no longer has anything to hide from you, she will have a reason to leave. Of course, one can hope that having a child together will stop her. But as practice shows, this does not stop some women.

The main thing is not to strangle

The holidays are often remembered for drama in our personal lives. People have too much free time and they start to misbehave where they shouldn’t... This is how we find correspondence on VKontakte and other instant messengers, which are read with horror and anger “all night long.” Some men cry when they learn about betrayal, and some want to kill. If this happens to my client, then the first thing I do is make sure that she is not in danger, otherwise she will be strangled, you know...

When accurate evidence of betrayal appears, the advice to “deny everything” does not work; even Petrosyan is no longer funny. In real life, everything splits in half and the best thing you can do is to repent or at least pretend to repent and under no circumstances blame your husband for “it’s your own fault, but what did you want???” An intelligent woman will try to extinguish anger, not cause it.”

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What to do and not to do when you are caught red-handed is a topic for a separate conversation, today I want to talk about how it even happens that you are caught cheating?

The secret does not always become clear...

I am of the opinion that if you do everything right and think about how not to get caught red-handed, then it is impossible to catch you (well, unless you have a private detective following you). Even as a child, I had doubts that “everything secret becomes clear.” Again, men and women cheat in different ways, and I’m not talking about the fact that he has “just sex” and she has “real feelings” - this is stupidity. I'm talking about the fact that women are better at planning infidelity, and if a relationship has developed on the side, the woman thinks through everything in advance and that is why it is almost impossible to catch her.

They usually get caught on two things - the phone and being away from home (a man can reduce sexual activity and increase expenses if he has a second life; this rarely happens with women).

In itself, constantly sitting on the phone and active correspondence is already alarming. It often happens that both are on the phone and both look at it “with understanding.” Although tell me, if you don’t have a parallel man, are you just as active, texting everyone for hours and going to the toilet with your phone in your mouth?

I often think that a woman sometimes gets caught only because she wants to be caught.

Sometimes this happens unconsciously, I have encountered this with my clients. A woman is so exhausted by an affair on the side, she wants to solve something (either with this or with that, although the choice is not obvious, and it happens that both raise questions - I generally believe that a husband and a lover are almost always the same people, although, of course, it seems to you that they are very different) and allowing yourself to be caught, deliberately escalates the situation. Before this, you weren’t caught, but now you “accidentally forgot” to delete the correspondence, accidentally left your phone in plain sight - this, of course, also happens, and then it’s a pure nightmare. I’ll say right away that in order to pacify, show repentance, even if it’s false, and you’ll gain time.

Another version of mine, if you are caught cheating, you are just tired of hiding and you don’t care about your relationship with your husband/partner. The result you are counting on is a final break (I talked about it when I discussed why a woman would admit to cheating). It’s rare when a man forgives betrayal, even when he says that he has forgiven; I personally don’t know of such cases.

I wish you never have to cheat, and if you do, then never get caught! Do you agree with me that when someone is caught, someone wants to be caught? Have you encountered such a nightmare in your life or the lives of your friends?

How to properly respond to her betrayal

You need to understand what mistakes you made and change your behavior to a more attractive one. By showing her new facets of your personality, you will already have gone halfway. When she begins to see new attractive qualities in you, the image of her lover will begin to fade next to you. It is at this moment that she will think that she went left in vain, and this will push her to the right decision. In addition, you need to perform one of the most important actions - remove emotional resentment

to your missus.

Why is this necessary?

You will always remember that she did something bad to you. And even if you manage to restore the relationship and bring her back to the family, you will feel resentful. This resentment will eat you up from the inside

and constantly provoke new conflicts. Accordingly, you will no longer feel any harmony in the relationship. And living every day with the feeling that you love her, but cannot forgive her is unbearable. Often there is only one way to relieve a grudge against your wife - to find a mistress and take psychological revenge on her. Moreover, you can afford such revenge.

And I told you exactly how to do this in the free course for men “Right to Left.”

Many men are interested in the question of how to force their wives to confess if they have suspicions and any doubts. The reason for this is strange patterns of behavior that have not previously been observed in wives. If suddenly the wife decides to lose weight or spends a long time putting on makeup in front of the mirror, then the man may think that she is going to see her lover. However, not everything is so simple. Despite the fact that the men's site will consider methods of how to expose female infidelity, we will still start with the reasons that made a man doubt.

If you suddenly start to think that your wife is cheating on you, first ask yourself what reasons prompted you to think so.

  • The wife began to act aloof, as if you were strangers to each other.
  • She began to preen herself for a long time before leaving the house.
  • The wife began to stay late at work, often communicate with girlfriends, go to relatives, which, naturally, comes from her words.
  • The wife began to be very happy, although her husband did not do anything pleasant to her so that there would be a reason for joy. Or she closed herself off and began to avoid her husband, as if she was ashamed of something.
  • The wife stopped being frank with her husband and became more mysterious.

In other words, if the wife’s behavior suddenly changed, she had not previously observed what the man is now faced with, then this may lead him to bad thoughts. However, psychologists warn that what may seem to be quite possible may not be true. Women can behave in the same way, but there can be many reasons for such behavior:

  1. The wife could understand that her words were not heard by her husband, so she stopped communicating with him so as not to waste her energy and not get upset.
  2. The wife actually goes out with her friends and goes to visit relatives because she misses them.
  3. She may actually be staying late at work because an opportunity has arisen for a bonus or promotion.
  4. The wife could finally look at herself in the mirror and be horrified at how ugly she had become, after which she could start going to beauty salons and putting herself in order more thoroughly.
  5. The wife could simply be offended by her husband because of his words or actions. And for some women, resentment can last a very long time, which is why they behave a little aloof.

It may turn out that the wife has new interests. Everything in this life changes. After all, most likely, the man began to look at the world somehow differently and evaluate various situations. A woman could become acquainted with something that fascinated her so much that she seemed to forget about her husband.

However, if the wife really began to behave strangely, before the relationship was trusting, but now it has all disappeared somewhere, the woman is dodging any opportunity to spend time with her husband, then the doubts may turn out to be justified.

Until you have irrefutable evidence of infidelity on the part of your wife, do not attack her with reproaches and claims. Understand that you may be wrong. In order not to lead to further discord in relations, you need to choose the right approach to resolving the issue. You must have accurate evidence that your wife is cheating. Until then, you can't blame her for anything.

Where should I start? From the question: do you really want to know the truth? Understand that your suspicions may turn out to be true. Are you ready to find out about your wife's cheating? What are you going to do next if you find out the unpleasant truth? Are you prepared for the events that you will begin to face if you find out that your wife is cheating on you?

A person must first decide for himself why he needs to find out the truth about whether he is being cheated on or not. If he doesn't want to suffer, then perhaps he shouldn't find out anything. As they say, “ignorance is bliss.” As long as you don't know the truth, you feel happy. If you find out about the betrayal, you will put yourself in an idiotic position if you begin to suffer and cry. Also, your wife may already be ready to break up with you in order to go to her lover. What protects her from this step for now is the fact that you don’t know anything.

Of course, it may also turn out that your wife is not actually cheating on you. This will be good news. However, the very fact that you doubted it indicates that there is discord in your relationship. And instead of finding out whether your wife is cheating on you, you could focus your energy on restoring a loving relationship with her, and not on worsening the situation.

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